Divorce 202: How to Survive WDW with exDH


Fantasy and reality often overlap - Walt Disney
Jul 9, 2004
Yes, you read that right! No, you don't need glasses. exDH and I are taking the kids to visit the mouse!



This will be the tale of our upcoming trip and how it came to be, including lessons on survival with exDH in tow!

Fasten your seatbelts! It's going to be a bumpy ride!
This PTR has absolutely NO prerequisites. Reading my TR in progress (link below) is recommended, but optional. (I know, shameless plug!)

Course Materials:

Love of Disney

Desire to visit Disney

popcorn:: , :drinking1: mickeybar or refreshment of choice (Dole Whips allowed but must be shared with OP)

Sense of Humor! :upsidedow
a mouse! LOL!

OK, OK. exDH and I have been divorced over a year. He has asked many times for us to both bring the kids to Disney on vacation. I have brought the kids with my family, but honestly wasn't sure how I would feel vacationing with exDH.

One day I wondered over the AP section of disneyworld.com and saw the prices of hotels for the beginning of Sept. I was happily surprised, but since we just came back from a 19 day trip in April/May, I knew there was no way my parents would be able to come.

In speaking with exDH I threw out a proposal, if you will. He was interested and the trip slowly progressed.

The original dates we looked at were Sept 1 - 13, returning the day before DD's birthday, however this wouldn't work with exDH's work schedule. The new dates are Aug 24 - Sept 7.

We will be celebrating both DD and DS's birthdays while we are there.

Coming Up - Lesson 2: Getting to Know You!
It's neat that you and your ex can vacation together - that's really nice for the kids and I'm sure they appreciate it!

A nice long trip - sounds great to me! Can't wait to hear more! popcorn::
Here we are:

Danielle (me), 29 - Planner of the trip, photographer of the group. I tend to not be in many pictures since I am always behind the lens (and prefer it that way). I do try to get one picture of me/day just to prove that I was actually on the trip and those are usually with DD and DS - wouldn't want a picture any other way! This will be my 30-something trip to WDW. I've been visiting the world since I was 2 1/2 years. I love the villains, Johnny Depp, err Cpt. Jack, POTC, HM, and sorely miss Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.

exDH, 33 - His first trip to WDW was in 2001 with my family and his last was our honeymoon in 2006. His first vacation with DD and DS; he is looking forward to seeing their reactions. exDH enjoys the thrill rides - SM, Splash, MS, RNR, etc. He has never met the Yeti, but I expect him to on this trip.

DD, 2 1/2 - She will be 3 one week after our return from WDW. She is my little princess and quite a girlie girl. Aurora is her world and if she could have her way it WDW would be renamed "Aurora's World". The castle doesn't belong to Cinderella, btw, but, you guessed it, Aurora! This will be her 4th trip. She loves the carousel, tea cups, IASW, Kilamanjaro Safari, and Beauty and the Beast show. Everything she went on she loved!

DS, 1 1/2 - He will be 2 at the end of Oct. He's my pirate, also getting into mischief, but he has such an adorable expression you want to hug and cuddle him all the time, even when he is doing something he shouldn't. Pinocchio, Handy Manny, and Donald Duck rank in his top 3. He does enjoy giving the princesses kisses, however. He is quite a flirt! Just like his sister, he loved every attraction and show. His favorites would be tea cups, Pooh, POTC, and Muppets - he even wore the glasses for part of the time! This will be his 3rd trip to the world.

Coming Up - Lesson 3: Where to Stay
I am interested in seeing how this unfolds.

I am too! :rotfl2:

It's neat that you and your ex can vacation together - that's really nice for the kids and I'm sure they appreciate it!

A nice long trip - sounds great to me! Can't wait to hear more! popcorn::

I'll be honest and tell you that I'm a bit nervous about spending 13 days with him. The most time we have spent together is about 8 hours - kids birthday parties, things like that. This will sure be a test! In the end, it is about the kids and the kids being happy. I wouldn't stay together "for the sake of the kids" hence I why we divorced, but I do try to be as friendly as possible.

Of course, he does things that make me bonkers and :rolleyes: but I probably do the same.
I'm in!

I cant wait to hear this..... as a person that has been divorced less than a year too.... still friendly, but no kids.

I wish you luck!
I'm in! Catching up on your TR right now as well, can't wait to hear all about your upcoming trip! :goodvibes
popcorn:: WOW, There is no way that I could do that. When I started planning our November trip my exDW asked me "Would you like me to come with you to help with the kids?" I very politely said ummmm, no, I think that I can handle it, I have done it before. I just could not figure out if she really wanted to go with us or she thought that I could not handle the kids by myself for 10 days at WDW. I am thinking she thought the second option.:rotfl:
I'm in!

I cant wait to hear this..... as a person that has been divorced less than a year too.... still friendly, but no kids.

I wish you luck!

Thank you! I need luck! Where abouts in NJ are you?

Can't wait to

Thanks for joining in!

I'm in! Catching up on your TR right now as well, can't wait to hear all about your upcoming trip! :goodvibes

Great! :goodvibes

Looking forward to reading more!!! Good luck planning!

Thank you! I will have another update very soon!

popcorn:: can't wait to read about this adventure!! popcorn::

An adventure it is! And people think Adventures by Disney is exciting ... :rotfl:

popcorn:: WOW, There is no way that I could do that. When I started planning our November trip my exDW asked me "Would you like me to come with you to help with the kids?" I very politely said ummmm, no, I think that I can handle it, I have done it before. I just could not figure out if she really wanted to go with us or she thought that I could not handle the kids by myself for 10 days at WDW. I am thinking she thought the second option.:rotfl:

LOL! :rotfl2: Well, I am having second thoughts, but the money is invested so I can't turn back, and most of all I will not disappoint the kids
I've been lurking on your TR, but I have to come out of hiding for this one! It should be a really interesting ride! :rotfl:
This is too good to pass up. I can't wait to hear about it and see all the incredible pictures. All jokes aside, I think that it is a great that you are able to be friendly for the kids. I wish you the best for your trip.
was thrown together for weeks with ex when our daughter was in a car wreck. i suggest:
have clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and boundaries discussed with him beforehand.
have an agreed upon "escape" or time-out procedure in case you need a break from each other.
remember, above all, why it is that you are doing this.
good luck and God bless to both of you for doing this for your kids :)


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