Do men wear fanny packs?


Elliot’s MiMi
Jan 9, 2001
I am trying to convince my dad that he really should have one to carry his things in.
He is VERY leery about the whole thing.
I convinced him to buy one and at least pack it. If he needs it, it is there.
But it has me thinking... Are there many men that wear those things? My husband also refuses to wear one but he carries our back pack. Dad wont go for a back pack either..
What is it with them???

Help me to reassure him.. Any women who's husbands/fathers do or dont wear them?
Any men out there with an opinion?
Are there many men that wear those things?


Goorsch! I don't think so! Very few anyways!

What is it with them???


Wearing one of those I'm afraid would make me feel sick!!

Any men out there with an opinion?

You'll never see me wearing a fanny pack!
No Sir-eee! Uhyuck!
It would make me feel like I was a girlie-goof!!


But, different strokes for different folks!!
LOL Goofyposter!! :D

My husband wears one at theme parks but nowhere else.

If your dad's that leary, he can always go to a park the first day without one. Once he sees many other men with them, he just may change his mind. Disney sells them in many of the gift shops in the parks and at the hotel gift shops too, so he can pick one up anytime. :)
My hubby wears one to the parks but nowhere else. He is a 6 foot 200 lb. Harley rider and thinks they are very "sensible" for the parks. He holds, money, passes, room cards, snacks...Tons of men wear them!
BUT, he would NEVER wear flip flops to the pool...go figure...LOL

DH wears one in the parks too. We found a larger one that has places for two water bottles. It is big enough to hold everything we need for the day but not as bothersome as a backpack when riding the rides.
Dh,a large man, has worn one to the parks to hold snacks,sunglasses,and tickets, But he found it got in the way on the rides.
This last trip we found him a small size back pack,and he much perfered that. He even wears it when he takes the bus to work.

WE found it in the backpack section at Walmart on the hanging racks not the wall,about $10.
My hubby wears one too for all vacations!!! His main thing is that it would be harder to pick his pocket with a fanny pack. (Not that I'm sure it hasn't happened)
goofyposter your killing me..

I am a 31 year old guy that would not ever wear a fanny pack. However, I do a lot of hiking and have a NorthFace waistpack (really a large fanny pack but sounds better than a "Fanny"pack) that hold a water bottle, multiple compartments and sinch straps to hold it tight to your lower back. I wouldn't go to Disney without it. Sometimes I fasten it around the back of the stroller. When I go on rides I either turn it around in front of me or take it off and strap it around my feet.
And I still feel secure in my manhood when wearing it, it looks more like an adventure traveler thingy as opposed to a silly fanny pack with Mickey Mouse on it! I love the guy but you know what I mean.

My DH wears one all the time on vacation. He now wears them on "other" vacations as well. You will see LOTS of men wearing fanny packs in the parks.

MY DH is 6 foot 220 lbs and cannot be mistaken for anything but a MALE of our species. ;)
The only time I wear mine is to the parks. By wearing one, I don't have to worry about all anyathing falling out of my pockets.

My hubby does, and he first thought it was kinda cheesy, but he said " Who cares, I gotta tote my stuff around!" These people dont know me and will never see me again! " LOL

So , yea, he carries one and is totally fine with it.

A fanny pack worn on the hip so that it is not in the way on rides. Mine has a water bottle carrier for extra convenience. :smooth:
I got a manly looking dark green fanny pack for my fiance on our trip. He was leary but took it along anyways. We saw lots of men wearing them and my fiance loved his. He caled it a waist pack though. He wore it everyday and sometimes wore it across his chest. It was very convinient and kept his hands free and no sore back from backpacks. (he has a bad back)

Wear it, you won't regret it:)
Men! My DH would never been seen wearing shorts. But, on our first trip to WDW he felt so out of place in long pants, he bought a couple pair to wear while we were there. He liked them so much, that he's been hooked on shorts ever since. We went that same route with the waist pouch - now he has his own (black of course) that is strictly for WDW trips!
My DH wears one. Here's how I got him to. I wore it the first day, and every time he needed something, I was very slow. :D Now I don't have to wear one because he volunteers.
My DH will wear his in Orlando at the parks as will a lot of other "real men"....They are so handy if you have a big one to carry around stuff. We both wear them and would not want to carry any bag around ever..they are just so much more convenient....
I work in security at Epcot checking bags and I see more men wearing them than women. I did learn that the word Fanny is not such a nice word in other cultures so I go with the term "Belt Pack" which is more universal. Our European guests refer to them as their "Bum Bags"
I have noticed however that the hipper men wear them hidden under their shirt or turned to their back.
As far as looking "cool" at Disney, don't worry about it....look at all the wonderful Disney hats that people are running around in...

This has sparked a jokeful debate between Piglet203 and I. She ahs a Mickey Mouse fanny pack that she always brings with her on her visits to WDW, which is fine. I don't want to end any tradition that she has. However, when she asks me if I'll wear it at all when we go to WDW in May, I tell her that it is nearly impossible for me to wear one. I don't know what it is that makes me dislike them, but I won't wear it. They're tacky. But, Piglet203 makes a valid point that it's better to have a fanny pack and not have to bring a back-pack to the parks. So, when we go in May, she will wear her fanny pack, despite her fear that I am going to make fun of her a lot. I won't, I promise.

Mickey76 :)


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