"Do Over!" Avalon and LizKitty Meet the Mouse! FINAL DAY POSTED: Update page 6

We leave one week from tomorrow! I am starting to panic a little over things left undone.

One thing I did accomplish-- I sat down with my piles of notes and figured out our tentative schedule for each day. I worked out a touring plan with approximate times to pick up FPs, etc. and spread out everything over our 5 days. Hopefully this way, we will just know what's next instead of our conversation deteriorating into "Whaddayou wanna do?" "I dunno, whaddayou wanna do?" etc. I am determined to remain flexible, though. If we just don't feel like doing something, so be it. We are going to relax and enjoy!

I had a dream last night-- it's a recurring one I get before trips, in which I can't get back to the airport on time for a return flight after a vacation. Something is always slowing me down, preventing me, and I end up in odd situations, knowing for sure that I don't have enough time to get to the airport and make my flight! Last night's dream was full of twists and weird and unrelated people showing up in the wrong places. For example, I knew we were coming back from our DL trip, and in my dream I even had the time of the flight right-- 6 p.m.-- but it was in the wrong town (in Wisconsin!) and with the wrong people (friends from Texas!) featuring. At the end of it, I was scooting along the parking lot in back of a strange high school on a toddler's wheeled scooting toy... :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: and thinking, "It's 5:30, there's no way I can make it 80 miles to the airport by 6:15!"
That's a commando's worst nightmare dream! LOL I nightmares are, unfortunately, too scary to even post but suffice to say night mares stink no matter what as they feel SO REAL at the time. Blech!

That video was really cute! My DD's have taken (community, not professional but STILL) dance for 3 yrs and couldn't do that. LOL

That was cool!

P.S. If you want to post your touring schedule I'd be happy to talk about it with you if ya want. I used Ridemax and what it came down to was pretty much common sense and some knowledge of the way crowds move. Reading the posts on here were extremely helpful. Especially Hydroguy, if that's right... it's been awhile since I actually researched touring.
That's a commando's worst nightmare dream! LOL I nightmares are, unfortunately, too scary to even post but suffice to say night mares stink no matter what as they feel SO REAL at the time. Blech!

That video was really cute! My DD's have taken (community, not professional but STILL) dance for 3 yrs and couldn't do that. LOL

That was cool!

P.S. If you want to post your touring schedule I'd be happy to talk about it with you if ya want. I used Ridemax and what it came down to was pretty much common sense and some knowledge of the way crowds move. Reading the posts on here were extremely helpful. Especially Hydroguy, if that's right... it's been awhile since I actually researched touring.

LOL I got my sister-in-law guffawing when I described that dream to her today at church. Especially the part where I imitated myself scooting along on the ride-on toy, checking my watch.

All 3 of my kids have done dance since they were little-- 4 years old for Liz, and the younger two girls both started at age 2. They're not dance fanatics, though; they've always wanted to take just one class a week and they enjoy being on stage for the recital every year. Liz has been in Jazz or Hip Hop the last 4 years; DD10 has been in Jazz, and DD6 is still taking the combo classes for little ones that are half ballet, half tap. I sort of wish DD10 had been more into it; she's really pretty good and could be wonderful if she wanted to put some effort into it. But I'm no stage mom, so if she's happy with once a week, that's fine. Certainly much less expensive than if she were taking 5-6 classes a week, like some of the girls in their studio.

Oh, that itinerary. Well, I tell ya, I put a lot of effort into it, and I think I've got it pretty well figured out. With Hydroguy's tips practically memorized, as well as tips off Ridemax and the Unofficial Guide, I couldn't just take a premade plan that Ridemax spit out for me.... oooohhhh, nooooo... gotta create my own, cause I'm special like that. :rotfl: Anyway, as much as I like playing with Ridemax, I got frustrated with stuff it spit out that made little sense to me. Like, it really didn't maximize FP collection and useage. I was fooling with the order for Fantasyland rides, planning to do it on a MM day, so I put the rides in on a non-MM day so Ridemax would show me the most efficient order, and I could compare it to one of the MM superthread itineraries. But every time I ran it, it had me doing Dumbo last with a 25 minute wait! Makes no sense. Everybody knows you do Dumbo right after PP. Or close, anyway-- PP, then maybe Matterhorn, teacups, Dumbo, Alice... or teacups, Dumbo, Matterhorn, Alice... something like that. Anyway, I know if you do it right you can do everything in FL easily during MM. Cause we did it before. Ridemax was telling me that the first hour wasn't enough time.

Thanks for your encouragement, Mel! It's so fun and addicting to talk "shop" with everybody here. :woohoo:
You know, I bought that RideMax and I have yet to use it. :rolleyes: I've played around with it, but I think it was a waste of money for me. I just don't see myself following it. :confused3

So how are your nerves?? Besides the crazy dreams that is. LOL We leave in a week from today and I am in constant panic mode over what needs to be done, will our old minivan make it, and trying like mad to keep everyone well!!! LOL
I agree about the ridemax having some issues and I, too, made my own way in the end but I had fun with it for something to fill my dis-needs before I found the boards. LOL

I understand, too, about the dance and I can totally relate. We cannot afford 5-6 days a week at the studio and my girls also did the once a week with a recital thing... They're in soccer now and because the reason I want them in exercise stuff is for exercise then the soccer fits the bill nicely with more aerobics for less money!

You guys are gonna have a great time!
You know, I bought that RideMax and I have yet to use it. :rolleyes: I've played around with it, but I think it was a waste of money for me. I just don't see myself following it. :confused3

So how are your nerves?? Besides the crazy dreams that is. LOL We leave in a week from today and I am in constant panic mode over what needs to be done, will our old minivan make it, and trying like mad to keep everyone well!!! LOL

I know, I've enjoyed playing around with Ridemax, but when I've printed out itineraries there's always so much editing I'd have to do for our particular situation that I just end up writing my own. What I really liked best about it was the tips, and that it was an instant source for refurbs, park hours, etc.

My nerves, surprisingly, are good, at least today. I'm starting to write lists, though. :eek: You know-- backs of envelopes in my purse, random lists everywhere of things I'm trying to remember I need to do.

Meanwhile, I'm pretty calm, and trying to get things in place for my Kindergarten class this week (Teddy Bear picnic on Friday) so that I don't seem so Disney obsessed that I ignore my students! :rotfl:

Can't believe I'll be there this time next week. :cool1:
I'm so happy for you that your do-over trip is finally coming up, and I can't wait to hear more.
We leave in 36 hours. My dining table is a mess. I have not ordered groceries. I packed some clothes, but that's it.

Ok, this was NOT the time to get addicted to the Twilight series. My daughter got the first book from a friend, and I picked it up to make sure it was all right for her to read. (I think it's a little much for age 13, especially books 3 and 4). I ripped through the entire thing this week, and I am currently halfway through the last book. I'm hardly able to put it down. On the one hand, it's quite juvenile fiction; on the other hand, it's like brain candy. I will have to finish it before we get on the plane, because I refuse to take a hardback with me in my already heavy carry on. :lmao:

On the other hand, it's distracted me from feeling anxious about the trip. I'm pretty much calm and like, "This will be cool and fun." :hippie:

That's all for now. I have to go find out what happens to Bella.
We leave in 36 hours. My dining table is a mess. I have not ordered groceries. I packed some clothes, but that's it.

Ok, this was NOT the time to get addicted to the Twilight series. My daughter got the first book from a friend, and I picked it up to make sure it was all right for her to read. (I think it's a little much for age 13, especially books 3 and 4). I ripped through the entire thing this week, and I am currently halfway through the last book. I'm hardly able to put it down. On the one hand, it's quite juvenile fiction; on the other hand, it's like brain candy. I will have to finish it before we get on the plane, because I refuse to take a hardback with me in my already heavy carry on. :lmao:

On the other hand, it's distracted me from feeling anxious about the trip. I'm pretty much calm and like, "This will be cool and fun." :hippie:

That's all for now. I have to go find out what happens to Bella.

OMG That is SO funny!!! :lmao:

You hit it on the head there... I don't think it's appropriate for teens at ALL, especially the first book. But yep... ridiculously tasty brain candy. Mmm.. melty chocolate (said like Home Simpson)

Those books are the only thing that has kept me of the dis for any length of time since I got home from my trip! :rolleyes1



BTW... it's only deadlines that get me motivated to do anything (packing in the next 36 hrs for instance).. lol I love it when somebody is coming over and they're due in like 2 hours. OMG I can get this house cleaned up like a bat outta hell when I have to! :rotfl2:

Deadlines...gotta love 'em. Hey, are you going to meet up with Beth and Wendylady??
LOL well, I swore I was going to be well rested for this trip, but I've been staying up to read. At least last night it was only 11 when I quit. I thought the first book was ok, it was when things started getting rather steamy by the third book I got a little anxious. I spent some time already talking to Liz about the nature of real love, difference between fantasy/reality, etc.

I just ordered groceries. Albertsons was fine last time, but this time I was so frustrated with their website. Where the heck is the cereal? I can't find any cereal or breakfast items on their shopping categories at all, and the search function turns up nothing. So I went with Safeway, which requires a $50 minimum. I ended up with $15 of expensive chocolate which will come home with me in the suitcase! (well, some of it, anyway;)) And Safeway had a free delivery code for first orders, so I used that.

Today it's Target for last minute stuff, Liz has a haircut scheduled, I think I'll ask DH to take DD6 to her soccer game, and I should try to get my nails done at some point. I have acrylics since my own nails are splintery and lame, and I'm in need of a fill. I need to check off my various lists and finish packing, all except my makeup and stuff which I'll have to pack last minute.

I would love to meet up with Beth and everybody, but their mini meet is the evening of the day we fly out. I'm hoping to run into random people with LGMMHs. There are 6 DISers staying at HoJo during the time I'm there!

Busy, busy, busy. But still relatively relaxed about it all. Now if I can make myself sleep tonight!
I would love to meet up with Beth and everybody, but their mini meet is the evening of the day we fly out. I'm hoping to run into random people with LGMMHs. There are 6 DISers staying at HoJo during the time I'm there!

Busy, busy, busy. But still relatively relaxed about it all. Now if I can make myself sleep tonight!
I would have loved for you to have joined us for the mini meet! :) Maybe we'll still bump into each other. I hope so!!
In any case, have a wonderful time!!! :wizard:
I see what you're saying about the steamy but as far as I was concerned I had already decided that my DDs weren't reading it so I wasn't thinking about appropriate for kids anymore. What I don't understand is why teachers and other think it's appropriate... :confused3

To me, part of the message in the first book was, "I love and need you more than life or anything else in the world" which I think is unhealthy. Also, "My boyfriend could kill me at any minute but I still love him.. it gives him that 'dangerous' feel that I so think is cool/sexy"

No way.

I know it's all debatable but that's how I felt. I am not popular with my views on Beauty and The Beast either (Basically, if you love a grumpy man with a hot temper who is mean to everybody.. if you love him GOOD ENOUGH he will change.) Not so much.

There are so many girls out there (myself included at that age) who do not have access to a healthy situation at home that they can look to when comparing reality to fantasy. All they have are the books that they and their friends are reading to guide them as to how to behave..I think messages like those above are irresponsible ESPECIALLY for "young adults"

And since when is an 11 year old a young adult? LOL I realize kids mature at different times but ELEVEN? The teacher had that book for her class to read and I just think that's pushing it. Sure it's a fine book and nobody should censor and all that but I think there are SO many books that are great for an 11/12 or "tween" range .. doesn't seem all that necessary (for schools) to push them into teen reading too soon. But.... that's just me.

I also realize it's a parents decision/responsibility to read and monitor books but not all do. You know what I mean? I dunno.

I had a harsh time when I was "maturing" because i had no guidance. I'm touchy about it.

Enough of that stuff!! Sorry for my long windedness!!!!

P.S. I also hope you get to meet up with some LGMH folks! There are so many of my "friends" -DISERS that are going to be there this month!
Can definitely see what you're saying, Mel! I like to see girls portrayed as strong, not weak and helpless. We need to be so careful not to sexualize our kids too early. Bratz dolls were never allowed at my house.
I *think* I'm packed. Except for the makeup and stuff I'll need to get ready in the morning.

Liz got a haircut, I got my nails done, we went to Target for some last minute stuff, and I even got a new blouse to wear for our dinner at Napa Rose.

Now I have to drink some warm milk and try to sleep!:lmao: Yeah, right. Well, a girl can hope.

Thank you all for listening to me; I will try to do updates from the park. This crazy DIS boards place has been a lifesaver and an obsession; now all the help and support I've received from you guys will go toward making this a fabulous trip!

BTW, we are both feeling fit as a fiddle! :banana: :woohoo: :cool1:

We're off to see the Wizard! Well, ok, the Sorcerer's Apprentice!

*skippity skippity skip* :dance3:
I Hope You


And Your Little One


Have a VERY Magical Trip ! ! !

Ok, this was NOT the time to get addicted to the Twilight series. My daughter got the first book from a friend, and I picked it up to make sure it was all right for her to read. (I think it's a little much for age 13, especially books 3 and 4). I ripped through the entire thing this week, and I am currently halfway through the last book. I'm hardly able to put it down. On the one hand, it's quite juvenile fiction; on the other hand, it's like brain candy. I will have to finish it before we get on the plane, because I refuse to take a hardback with me in my already heavy carry on. :lmao:

On the other hand, it's distracted me from feeling anxious about the trip. I'm pretty much calm and like, "This will be cool and fun." :hippie:

That's all for now. I have to go find out what happens to Bella.

HAHA When IS a good time to get addicted to Twilight?

Twilight definitely ruined my life for a good three weeks! I locked myself in my room and read non stop. Stephanie Myers definitely has a way of drawing your into her story and making you forget everything else!!

I can completely understand where you are coming from with the "appropriateness" of the books, however being a Jr High teacher I can't control what students take out and what they read. I don't think that I would let my tween read the last two books, but in the same sense Edward if very strict with his I want to wait till I'm married deal. And yes, they do sleep together before but to be fair, Vampire's don't sleep so to me it was more of a "I'm here to protect you because I love you." I could go on and on about the books, but that's not what this forum is for! LOL

That's my two cents.

I have loved reading your Pre TR and can't wait to hear about the fun adventures you and LizKitty had!!!

Twas the night before the big trip, and I couldn't sleep.
What did I expect, I could just count sheep?

It didn't work. I was awake at 1:30, and at 3 I got up to have some milk and read for a bit. I dozed for another hour or two before getting in the shower at 5:30 a.m. We woke Liz up at 6 and forced some breakfast down. The last minute toiletries were packed away. DH and DDs 6 and 10 got ready for church-- they were going to drop us off at the airport and head to church in Tacoma, where my parents live. We managed to get out the door at 8 a.m., which was just right-- that's the time we usually leave for school, anyway.


At the airport, Liz was cautiously optimistic. I think she really thought that it was her destiny to get sick on big trips. The last one had been such a big disappointment. But she was upbeat and happy as we settled in for our flight and cracked open our Stephanie Meyer books.


The flight, amazingly, was about 1/3 empty! I haven't been on a less-than-full flight for years. We had the row to ourselves. As a further bonus, everybody checked in early and boarded right away, so we were actually able to take off 15 minutes early! Again, a first. With that, and with favorable winds, we landed at SNA a half-hour ahead of schedule. And the magic held. Our bags were one of the first off. We grabbed them, trundled out to the Super Shuttle island, and the shuttle was there and ready to go within 5 minutes. We were the last dropped off of about 5 groups, but still, we were at HoJo an hour before I'd expected to be there.:banana: It was only 2 p.m. and our room wasn't ready. BUT, we'd gotten the 7th floor room we requested, so I was happy! We had them hold our luggage and we headed for the parks, basically doing a two-step all the way.

The weather was perfect. Not too hot, light breeze. We walked down Harbor and turned into the shuttle entrance, and there were the security tables:


Liz was practically skipping by now, so we headed through security and started looking for a short line at the ticket booths. Unfortunately, they were all LONG! I dragged her all over the Esplanade, first checking one line, then another. Then I looked over at Guest Services and remembered reading here (thanks, DISboards!) that you could also pick up your GAT tickets at GS. So I ambled over there and only had to wait for one person ahead of me. The first glitch: they couldn't find record of my tickets. :scared1: I kept calm while she called the supervisor. The supervisor looked too, and then calmly told me, "Hang on, we'll call." Liz was starting to look panicky and I was staying calm for her sake. A few moments later, she came back and said that they'd found them; the dates for our vacation had mistakenly been entered as last May, when I bought the tickets, and that's why they hadn't been showing up. Disaster averted. Our tickets were printed out and we were on our way!

We stopped at the Floral Mickey and snagged the Photopass photographer straight away. She obligingly took our picture (not yet available ;) ) and we headed through the right-hand tunnel. The very first thing to greet our eyes was this:


Micky, Minnie, Pluto and the band came out just in time to welcome us! It was like a good omen.

It was good to have that first afternoon to look around, explore. We strolled up Main street, pointing and enjoying. Liz said that an ice-cream cone sounded really good right now, so we ducked into Gibson Girls and got a chocolate-dipped waffle cone apiece. Then we plopped down on the curb in the shade outside. It was 2:45, and people were already starting to claim curb spots for the 3:30 parade. That was definitely on our agenda, as we both missed the parade last time, so we just enjoyed our ice-cream and people-watched, and waited.


Before long, all the curb spots were gone, and when the parade finally started and got around to us, we realized what a good spot we had!




After that wonderful experience, we hopped to our feet and proceeded on through Adventureland, enjoying the sights and sounds, and dodging the strollers. The crowds were pretty busy, as you can see by the wait times board:


We cruised on over to Haunted Mansion Holiday, which was surrounded. Wow, the decorations are incredible! We picked up FPs for later. On the way there, we saw Jack and Sally out by ROA! There was a huge line, so we just admired from afar. They looked great and seemed to be really enjoying their interaction with the NBC fans lined up!



Then we went back to Town Square to see the Flag retreat ceremony. I didn't take any pictures, but it was nice. We enjoyed the band. I got another opportunity to embarress my daughter ;) When they ask you to join them in the National Anthem and God Bless America, I sang along fairly audibly and clearly, although not many others were doing so. I'm a born and raised German Lutheran, and we sing in public-- not spectacularly, but reasonably on-tune and without embarressment; but Liz is half her father's English/Scottish reticent child, and she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. :rotfl:

After that, we went on the Disneyland Railroad, which we enjoyed very much. Great way to get a relaxed overview of the parks, while enjoying the sun.

While strolling back towards the castle, we angled right to take a picture:


Then as I looked over toward Snow White's wishing well, I saw a tall, stand up collar. It was the evil Queen! She was restraining herself from mauling a small child (actually she was trying to not scare the cute little girl while still remaining in character- that toddler definitely looked suspicious!) then she commanded Liz, "Follow me," and strode through the side door into the castle. She paused and we got a picture:


Liz thought that was pretty cool.

By this time it was nearly 6 p.m., so we went over to Cafe Orleans and checked in for our 6 p.m. PS's. We asked for an outside table, and they were pretty busy, but still we were seated within 5 minutes. They gave us a table just outside the patio doors, and our server was with us 3 minutes later.


We had great service. We ordered and had our food by 6:20. I decided I had to try the Monte Cristo (Crisco), and Liz wanted to try it too. So we shared that plus a basket of the delicious Pommes Frites (fries with garlic, parmesan and herbs on them):



So, my take on the Monte Crisco? I liked it, and so did Liz. However, we got it while it was still quite hot and fresh, and we both dug in immediately. Hot, with the cheese melting slightly, it was really good and tasty. As has been noted before though, it is very rich. Liz ate one triangle, I ate most of two, and that was enough. My philosophy is you should only eat enough to enjoy it, not to stuff yourselves because you don't want to "waste" it. I can see, however, that it would not be very good if it was not very hot and fresh. It kind of congeals after awhile, and while it still tasted good, I had had enough. The fries were delicious, too! And we enjoyed the sweet red grapes that came with the sandwich.

As we sat there eating, the sun set and the sky got pink and dusky pretty quickly. The overhead lanterns came on, and it was really beautiful where we sat, overlooking the ROA in the warm and fragrant air. We could hear the hoot of the riverboat. Liz looked blissfull.

Afterward, we saw that Pirates was basically walk-on. That is my favorite ride, so it was great that it was our first one, not counting the DLRR. It was wonderful!


It was actually starting to get chilly, and Liz was getting goosebumps. We still had the fireworks, and the park was open until midnight. So we decided to go back to HoJo for a minute to check in and get our sweatshirts.

They wangled us a fabulous 7th floor room, 1713. It had a great view! Also, our groceries had been delivered, and they had very kindly delivered them to our room for us, and put the cold stuff in the refrigerator! Those fridges are small. They are the 2 cubic foot, square kind, whereas GCH were bigger, dorm sized. I could not have fit a gallon of milk in there. As it was, we had a half gallon each of milk and juice, lying on their sides. Plus cheese sticks, yogurt and however much bottled water could be crammed in, too.

We went back to the parks nestled snugly in our sweatshirts, against the cool evening breeze. Then we hit some more rides!

A friend of mine went in August and won dream fastpasses on their very last day. She only used a couple of tabs on them, and she gave them to Liz and I to use up-- 4 sets of almost complete dream FPs! So we were able to use those occasionally throughout the trip. If you're trying to figure out where I got FPs from when I didn't mention collecting them, that's where. So we were able to ride Space and Indy that first night with no wait! :thumbsup2

First we rode Space. That is Liz's favorite ride, with the possible exception of Screamin'. We rode Space at least 11 times that I know for sure during this trip-- sometimes twice in a row, sometimes 3 times a day. Never got tired of it! Then the Matterhorn had only a 10 minute wait, so we did that for the first time for both of us. It was ok, but bumpy. As we were pulling back in, Liz was a little too far forward when it jerked suddenly and she bumped her lip on the restraint bar. It swelled up pretty quickly, but not enough to be really obvious, and it didn't bother her much. (ah, the differences between a toddler and a 13 y.o.! One requires 10 minutes of cuddling and soothing... the other one shakes off your concerned hands and says, "I'm FINE, Mom, geez." :rotfl: )

Then Liz wanted popcorn, and it was a little after 9 p.m. We bought some popcorn and headed over to find a spot for fireworks, on an increasingly crammed Main Street. We were pretty hemmed in, but we had a good view. We had to stand on tiptoes to see the castle and Matterhorn effects. The winds were obviously up a little, because the fireworks were drifting slightly to the west, and Tink didn't fly. Too bad, I love Tink! But I'm glad we saw the fireworks that night, because they were scheduled for Monday but were canceled because of the high winds.

We headed over to Indy and used our FPs to bypass the 40 minute wait. Oh, I love Indy! The attention to detail is sooo incredible! Really fun.

It was nearing 10:30 and we were getting pretty tired, after a long day. So we went and used our HMH FPs and rode for the first time. Liz was entranced. She loved the movie (I found it disturbing) and she loved the HM. She didn't get to see the original when we were there before, so she had no comparison, but that didn't matter-- she's Jack Skellington's biggest fan, so of course she dragged me on it whenever possible. I have to say, that I kind of got to like it after awhile.


Liz was very quickly enamored of all the Jack paraphernalia at Le Bat en Rouge in NOS. She got a huge hat (pictures later) fingerless gloves with bones on them that many kids looked at enviously-- and she wore them the entire rest of the trip, despite the heat! And also a Jack bandana that she also wore constantly, pirate-style, during the day when her head got too hot.

Whew! What a first day! Liz was practically skipping. She kept saying, "Wow, we got really lucky, everything has been just perfect!" We were so tired after HMH, so we strolled slowly back to the hotel. HoJo has such comfortable beds! I usually have a tough time sleeping in different places, but I just conked right out.

All in all, a perfect first day. :thumbsup2

That's all for now, I think I'll have to do this a bit at a time!

It all sounds so wonderful!! Thanks for sharing. Love the pictures. Looking forward to more.
What a great start!! (cept for the ticket thing.. if that's as bad as it ever gets you guys are GOLDEN!)

I so love the idea of "roaming" on your first night. What a great feeling that must have been. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

Fantastic pic of Liz and the Wicked Queen! I remember a few years ago being at DL and thinking "ohh brother, character pictures" but then when Hook came up to me I reverted back to an 8 yr old like... INSTANTLY... that DL can really do weird things to a person ;-)

I'm so jealous of your Pomme Frites and monte cristo meal. THat is a DEFINITE must for us next time. Looked great!


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