Do parents really put their older kids in diapers for a trip to Disney world?


Earning My Ears
Oct 1, 2006
I'm preparing our family holiday to WDW and visiting several websites for this purpose. On some websites I read the advise to diaper older children, even if they are potty trained. I found this advise on several sites.

One mother writes "I have to agree with the diapers for children 7 or under. The lines are very long, and while you wait, it is a guarantee after waiting a long period of time and just before you get on a ride one of the little ones has to go".

Although I'm not considering to diaper my 5 and 8 y/o sons I'm wondering if parents really do this and if its advisable. I never did that. Once my kids were trained, that was it. And I've been to Disney with small children alot.The only time I came close to doing that was two years ago. We went a month before my daughter turned three. She miraculously trained herself a week before we left. Even though she'd been doing great for a week, I put her in diapers for the plane flight as it was early am and I just didn't want to take any chances. I think putting a six year old back in diapers to wait in a line is humiliating to the child (assuming the child has no physical reason to warrant it).
No way would I do that!

If the child is used to wearing regular underwear and they're fully potty trained, then that's how it's going to stay.

If the child is used to wearing pull-ups, then fine, put them in pull-ups.

Other than that, I would hope that parents take periodic potty breaks with their kids during the day, before getting in yet another line. :rolleyes:
My goodness-I have never heard of anyone on this board doing that, not that they admitted to anyway.
I have never heard anyone advise or even discuss that.
IMO it's a terrible idea. The way I see it, you would be telling your fully potty trained child to wet his/her pants just to avoid the inconvenience of finding a restroom.
I do understand puttting a child in pull-ups if they are in that "in between" stage of potty training.
Hi!! Welcome to the DIS!!

I have never heard of that before & find it hard to believe that someone would do that to older children (over 4 yo). Any website w/ info. like that, I would probably steer clear from. The DIS boards are all anyone needs for good WDW planning! :goodvibes
Personally I think there could be some psychological ramifications in putting a child in a diaper that has been trained for 3 years or so. I'm not making them go anywhere but on a toilet no matter how long we've been waiting in line. The ride can wait...and so can therapy.

Sounds like a crazy website and I cannot think of one person who does this.

The exception is recently trained children who may relapse to "not trained" and possibly bringing the diapers as backup.

I would avoid that website as well. Improper parenting advice does not equate to travel tips.
Unfortunately I can't post links but I found this advise on several (respected) US and UK websites. I was quite shocked. :scared1:

I received a private message from someone telling me that he had noticed this @ WDW. I've never been to WDW and I don't know about the changing areas. I don't think anyone would notice that a child is wearing a diaper or pull-ups.
My children are almost 4 and 6. I wouldn't put them in a diaper unless there was a medical need (and there isn't). We've never had an accident at Disney due to waiting in line.

Others do not have to notice what you are doing to your kids for it to be humiliating for them.
I have never heard of that either. We just take regular bathroom breaks for everyone and it has never been a problem.

I have 3 yr old twins & will likely spend half my time at WDW in line for or in the potty w/ them, but thats the name of the game when you're raising a child!

The idea of diapering a toilet trained child out of convenience is revolting!
I've never heard of that, and I've also never experienced bathroom lines that were a problem at Disney World. Granted, I've only been to Disney once in recent years, but I was pregnant and using the bathroom a LOT, and it wasn't an issue in the least. . . .
We just got back. My three year old son still wears pull ups at night. I put one on him during the plane trip and some days in the parks, but took extra clothes if needed. He still asked to go when needed and stayed dried. I think now that he would be fine with out them during the days since he didn't have any accidents while in the parks.

I wouldn't put them on my daughter who is six and totally trained for three years. That would be humiliating for her.

Use your best judgement. You know your children best.
I have seen posts that indicated they did this in the past, but personally I would not do that to my children. I have a ds5 and dd2 -- the dd2 has been potty trained since last January (just after her 2nd birthday). I have been to several amusement parks/zoos this spring/summer and it's never been an issue. We pretty much stop at every bathroom, but that's part of the game. She still ocassionally has nighttime accidents -- usually if she's really tired and for some reason didn't go before bed. I may use pull-ups at night even though we don't at home just for the benefit of the hotel bed.
The OP can't post links yet, so here are some of the ones he probably saw.

Here's one (you'll notice the questioner asks if it's done and the answer is no).
Here's another link on the same website answering the same question (again the answer is no).

Here is a website that has it as a hint.
My best guess is that someone saw a parent changing a child with special needs who was not toilet trained and didn't understand why the child was wearing a diaper or pull up. Many children with special needs like autism don't look like they have any special needs when you just see them for a few minutes. I can understand that someone from the UK seeing this might think it is something that Americans in general do, when that's not what they saw at all.

I have seen questions coming up on this board about putting pull ups on preschoolers who have recently or are not reliably toilet trained. That makes sense, but I can't imagine putting diapers on an older child who is toilet trained. I can't think of many 4, 5, 6 or 7 year olds who would agree to do it, and in the heat and humidity, having wet diapers is a good set up for diaper rash.
**pixiedust** said: I never did that. Once my kids were trained, that was it. And I've been to Disney with small children alot.The only time I came close to doing that was two years ago. We went a month before my daughter turned three. She miraculously trained herself a week before we left. Even though she'd been doing great for a week, I put her in diapers for the plane flight as it was early am and I just didn't want to take any chances. I think putting a six year old back in diapers to wait in a line is humiliating to the child (assuming the child has no physical reason to warrant it).

I agree here 100%....I would consider it if - and only if - the child was very newly trained. Anything else seems odd and humiliating to me!

If you have a newly trained child who wants to wear underwear but is likel to have an accident, you could consider a pull up under or over the underwear - to respect the child's wishes for underwear, but this way you're covered just in case of an "oops" moment.
I did put my girls in pull-ups at night for the sake of the hotel bed -- they don't normally wear them at home but have the occasionaly accident -- so we bring pull ups -- BUT -- if either one of them said they didn't want to wear one to bed I wouldn't make them

As for putting them in pulls ups in the park - are you kidding - no way - I sadly gave up our spot - very close to the front of the line at Soarin' to take my 4 year old to the bathroom. - sigh - BUT the CM did see us leaving the line and asked if anything was wrong and when I told him we had to leave and were looking for the nearest bathroom he said if we found him when we were done he would let us up the fastpass line --- and he did :sunny:
That is just plain creepy! How humiliating for a child that knows better.

I do advocate waiting until you are home to potty train if you have one on the verge, though.


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