Do parents really put their older kids in diapers for a trip to Disney world?

I know this thread is old but I have to comment.

Yes, I totally believe that people would do this. For convenience. I have a friend who was a 5yo daughter. She just told me that she just found out that whenever the kid stays at her MIL's house, she'll put the kid in diapers. Why? Because she wants the kid to go potty when she wants her to go and if she needs to go in between (especially if she needs to go at night), she has the diaper. The 5yo complained to her mom that she is no baby anymore and doesn't want to wear diapers but grandma always puts them on her. Similar story from another friend who is a daycare teacher. There are parents who put their fully potty trained kids in diapers when they pick them up and don't return home right away (e.g. go shopping, etc.). Just because they don't want to stop to go potty. So yes, there are people who'd put diapers on their kids just for convenience.
We just got back. My three year old son still wears pull ups at night. I put one on him during the plane trip and some days in the parks, but took extra clothes if needed. He still asked to go when needed and stayed dried. I think now that he would be fine with out them during the days since he didn't have any accidents while in the parks.

I wouldn't put them on my daughter who is six and totally trained for three years. That would be humiliating for her.

Use your best judgement. You know your children best.
This was what I was going to post that I could see doing this for plane rides or other longer activities if the child is still wearing them at night and is likely to fall asleep.
Nope. My 3 year old at the time did end up having an accident on the bus. He ended up peeing all over me while i holding him. It was my fault for not waking him up before we left the park to go to the bathroom. He woke up on the bus in pain because he had to go. a few minutes later he couldn't hold it. Just released it and went back to sleep lol. We are going this year and he is 5. I still will not even consider the diaper thing.
I know this thread is old but I have to comment.

Yes, I totally believe that people would do this. For convenience. I have a friend who was a 5yo daughter. She just told me that she just found out that whenever the kid stays at her MIL's house, she'll put the kid in diapers. Why? Because she wants the kid to go potty when she wants her to go and if she needs to go in between (especially if she needs to go at night), she has the diaper. The 5yo complained to her mom that she is no baby anymore and doesn't want to wear diapers but grandma always puts them on her. Similar story from another friend who is a daycare teacher. There are parents who put their fully potty trained kids in diapers when they pick them up and don't return home right away (e.g. go shopping, etc.). Just because they don't want to stop to go potty. So yes, there are people who'd put diapers on their kids just for convenience.

I would be seriously ticked at my mother in law. A 5 year old shouldn't even need someone to take them to the bathroom when at home. They shouldn't even need any assistance at that age under normal circumstances (ie not sick). Unbelievable.
When we took my son the week he turned three, he had been fully potty trained for 8 months and yes, I had him wear pull ups that week, especially on the (20+ hour) car ride down there. But he was two, turning three and still had an accident from time to time. But seven? Uh... how cruel.
I can't imagine a child would want to. Our one trip was 2-3 months after my newly trained 3 year old became fully without diapers. He ended up with a stomach bug so we had to get pull ups from the baby are as he went through all of the extras in the backpack. He cried the whole way back to the room saying I'm not a baby!
My two granddaughters (7 & 5) once trained have never been put in diapers to go to the parks (it's how I know where every restroom in every park is), we can't pass a restroom without visiting.

The older of my granddaughters is developmentally disabled - she has Downs - and never have we put her in diapers in the parks once she had trained. We felt it would be too confusing for her - now it's ok now it's not type of thing.
She does wear nighttime pull ups because once asleep the need to empty her bladder does not wake her yet.
I had to put on my own diaper just in case I lost my faculties reading the subject of this post. :D No. The only thing I would ever do is have a newly potty trained kid wear a pull-up - or at the very least bring pull-ups along. DS was 4 and was potty trained for a while, but he someone developed a fear of automatically flushing toilets last time we were at Disney. He ended up having an accident. So, it's not a bad idea to have some spares, but I would say that you can easily avoid this issue by avoiding the lines (touring plans, fast pass, child swap) and taking regular potty breaks.
We HAD to for my oldest who was 3.5. He was wicked constipated for 4 out of the 5 days we where down there so we had to give him some miralax.... poor guy once it came it came. However before that no he is very good at telling us before it becomes an issue anywhere thankfully.
Absolutely ridiculous if there is a long line take your child before you get in line and again after the ride thats it unless that child is recently potty trained or medically needing it that in my opinion is just plain laziness
I didn't even put diapers on my 2.5 Yr old recently trained one! I found restrooms to be plenty and very clean and I would use the parent room if the lines were long. But truly the only time I found lines was during the Christmas party fireworks and I just went to a further restroom and that was fine. My children would not even accept to have one or do anything in it they would find it uncomfortable and probably gross ahahha
This is the best age to bring a child to Disney. At this age, children know what to expect when they go to Disney and they're excited. They may have had friends that have gone or they've seen commercials on television.
As far as i can tell there are some sites especially overseas that give bad advice as a whole.. just read the das section for example .... they have made some of the rules we hate.
Zombie children might never be potty-trained, they definitely would regress!

If they are already potty-trained, purposefully putting them in diapers and making them relieve themselves using said diapers in a line, in public, is a form of psychological and physical abuse, IMHO


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