Do people actually enjoy these attractions?

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Tiki room - I like it, DH can't stand it and will wait outside
Country Bears - never been, I picture it as Chuck E. Cheese characters. Willing to give it a try though.
Hall of Presidents - Yes, nice show in air conditioning
Carousel of Progress - Absolutely, but for nostalgia reasons
Captain EO - NO, NO, NO
Journey with Figment - Cute every time
Ellen's Energy - very long ride and get boring after awhile
Living with the Land - Yes
Circle of Life - NO
movies in the World showcase - NO
I MISS the Country Bears from DL and am super excited to see them again. We love the tiki room too.
BUT... some of these attractions are really questionable. Do people actually enjoy them for what they are, or do they just do it for tradition or sentimentality??
Would kids enjoy them?

I'm thinking about:
Tiki room
Country Bears
Hall of Presidents
Carousel of Progress
Captain EO
Journey with Figment
Ellen's Energy
Living with the Land
Circle of Life
movies in the World showcase

We did not do EO or Circle of Life last time, but for all the other Epcot ones every kud in my group ages 2-14 enjoyed them! I even mentioned dropping Ellen from future trips & they objected!

I gotno complaints about hall of presidents, buti think they just enjoyed the A/C break, not the attraction itself. Others we haven't done in ages & can't remember.
If you are at the parks for seven days like we do, why would you not experience everything. Captain EO is the only attraction on your list we skip. Saw it in the 80's when it first came out and wasn't impressed. We love all of the other rides and attractions because that is what WDW is all about except for Stitch. As a matter of fact, the first ride we go on is It's a Small World. Call it tradition but my wife and I love that ride.
if no one did those attractions then they wouldn't be there anymore.

for me personally...
Tiki room: not a must but typically i do it and i do truly enjoy it.
Country Bears: i grew up only seeing the xmas version. once i saw the regular version i hated it especially the blood on the saddle song. that was in 2006 and i have not watched it since. i regally wish they'd bring back the xmas version so i'd watch it when i go during the holiday season.
Hall of Presidents: not a must but i do it sometimes and do enjoy it.
Carousel of Progress: this is an absolute must for me and my family!!!! its one of our all time favorites. generally we do it at least twice per trip.
Captain EO: another must do for my family although it looks like it will be closed for star wars previews when i go next month :(
Journey with Figment: another absolute must!!! i love figment so much i have a tattoo of him.
Ellen's Energy: not a must. i really like the cheesy preshow and its nice on a hot day when you're tired and just want a break but if we don't have a lot of time to kill we skip it.
Living with the Land: absolute must!!! we have a farm and my dad grows veggies so we've always found it to be interesting.
Circle of Life: did it once. no need to do it again.
movies in the World showcase: my parents like the movies but i'm not a big fan. i've seen them a few times so i don't need to see them anymore.
Captain EO is a favorite of my 10 yo DD! It is actually how I introduced her to Michael Jackson and the music of the 80's. My kids like the play area at the end of Figment. DH likes the play area in COP. :rolleyes:Living with the Land is usually interesting. The others we skip more often than not.
Here you go.....

Tiki room - Yes, every visit. Our whole family really enjoys this one!
Country Bears - Some visits yes, others no. If we are waiting for a FP time and are near, we will go on in.
Hall of Presidents - Same as Country Bears. Or, if I need a nap.
Carousel of Progress - We do this one every single visit. Its our 13 year old's favorite attraction in all of WDW! I usually sleep through it so I don't mind as I can catch some zzzzs.
Captain EO - Never
Journey with Figment - Every trip. We just like it.
Ellen's Energy - Haven't done this one for 5 years or so.
Living with the Land - Every trip. I like seeing what they are growing.
Circle of Life - Never
movies in the World showcase - We like the France movie as you can sit down and the music is really nice. We probably watch the Canada and China movie every other trip.
Tiki room - yes. We always see this, mostly for the nostalgia.
Country Bears - yes. Corny but fun
Hall of Presidents - yes If you have any interest in American history. Young kids will likely be bored
Carousel of Progress - YES Its a must do for us. Has a song that will stick with you almost as much as IASW.
Captain EO- NO!!! Outdated is the kindest thing I can say about this
Journey with Figment - yes Kids like it. Some adults, too
Ellen's Energy - yes We like it, but its length (45 min) means a potty break is mandatory before you enter. Once the ride starts, you CANNOT leave until it is over.
Living with the Land- yes. A must to for us every time.
Circle of Life - no. Too heavy handed and preachy.
movies in the World showcase - yes. France has seats and the movie is beautiful. China and Canada are standing, circle vision.

Most of these are reserved (for us) for the afternoons or evenings when we're finished with the headliners, FPs are gone, or other standby lines are long. The longer attractions are a great way to escape the heat and relax in air-conditioning.
Having small children in your party (and knowing the lyrics to the musical shows) helps a lot in upping the fun-factor. Also, be CAUTIOUS to doing these attractions on marathon days (arriving at rope drop and leaving after the kiss goodnight), I have fallen asleep during many of these shows (ESPECIALLY the non musical ones) when needing to get off my feet and get in a quick rest.

With the exception of Journey with Figment and Living with the Land (which I do consider "rides" more than shows and these have a higher priority on my "must-do" list than the others) all of these attractions are pretty much no-wait (just arrive in the holding area until the next show). The musical ones are obviously my favorite (Tiki Room, Country Bears), the ones with musical numbers are next (Carousel of Progress, Captain Eo), and the strictly educational ones are low but I still do them if I have time, but if not, I'm not devastated that I missed 'em (Hall of Presidents, Ellen's Energy Adventure, Circle of Life, movies in the World Showcase - and personally, the France movie is my favorite and the one I've seen the most).

Also why all the hate for Captain EO? My boyfriend (who is 8 years younger than me, has NEVER seen any of the Star Wars episodes IV - VI and was born and raised on Honey I Shrunk the Audience isn't a fan of it either). Is it a generational thing? The special effects are dated but the music is awesome and you can't deny the villain is spine tingling creepy)!
The country bears is my favorite show in all of Disney. And to answer your next question, no, it doesn't bother me one bit that it's not popular.
Tiki room MUST do.
Country Bears not a fan
Hall of Presidents good downtime/out of the sun break
Carousel of Progress nap time for DH( he gets tired pushing my wheelchair)
Captain EO meh. was never a fan even as a kid.
Journey with Figment skip it
Ellen's Energy another good one to get some rest in out of the sun
Living with the Land one of our favorites believe it or not
Circle of Life if the wait isn't too long, good for a short break
movies in the World showcase oh hell yes. especially Canada.

most of these work well to take a breather of some sort. Tiki is all about nostalgia especially now that they went back to the original script. Hall of Presidents is edumacational. CoP is all about the dog for us. and all of the movies are must dos
Do people actually enjoy them for what they are, or do they just do it for tradition or sentimentality??
Would kids enjoy them?

I'm thinking about:
Tiki room
Country Bears
Hall of Presidents
Carousel of Progress
Captain EO
Journey with Figment
Ellen's Energy
Living with the Land
Circle of Life
movies in the World showcase

I think most of these are tradition/nostalgia for a lot of people. That doesn't mean a first timer can't enjoy them, but it's less likely. I think kids are still likely to really like Figment, but you are likely not to care for it. Adults are likely to enjoy Living with the Land and Hall of Presidents. I've never done Carousel of Progress but I'm determined to fit it in this time.
I enjoy all the attractions listed. Certainly don't see all of them every time. I will go on any except Stitch. Absolutely horrible and a waste of space and time. the worst part is that most people know that so it doesn't even work as a people eater when things are busy.

the best thing to do is see them for yourself, try to have fun with it and decide if you liked it or not.
Tiki room -YES
Country Bears -NOT REALLY
Hall of Presidents -YES
Carousel of Progress -YES
Journey with Figment -NO
Ellen's Energy -YES (BUT IT'S TOO LONG)
Circle of Life -NOT REALLY
movies in the World showcase -YES
Tiki room YES
Country Bears once was enough
Hall of Presidents YES
Carousel of Progress YES
Captain EO not again. needs to be replaced
Journey with Figment Old version YES New version OK
Ellen's Energy YES
Living with the Land YES
Circle of Life YES
movies in the World showcase once in awhile
Disney relies a lot of their stuff on nostalgia so yes I think quite a few of these have many visitors. For us it would be about 3 or 4 of them, like COP or Tiki. Personally I love living with the land nostalgia or not.
Country Bears - never been, I picture it as Chuck E. Cheese characters. Willing to give it a try though.

As an old Showbiz Pizza employee it's the Rock-a-Fire explosion with much better animatronics (10 years plus BEFORE Showbiz) and uh... country music!. The show is campy but fun (think original muppet show style humor).
It's probably not a good sign that a majority of that list is Epcot Attractions.

Epcot's "original" attractions had a different purpose and they just don't fly in today's world of having information and entertainment literally at your fingertips.

The "classic" Disney attractions are fun for a first time ... I have skipped them on my last two trips to MK since I had a toddler with me and we just didn't find time for those "shows" ... but I definitely want him to experience them at least once! I think he'll enjoy them (while he is young still).
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