Do You Consider Yourself a Feminist?

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Now that sounds worse than dying in childbirth.

To me too. It's just a very difficult decision to take them off life support since they're young, were healthy prior and you have a traumatized family left to care for a newborn and potentially more children. The whole situation is horrible.
Okay, we have one personal story.
I almost died while pregnant. I had preeclampsia and hellp syndrome. My kidneys and liver started shutting down, my platelets dropped to dangerous levels. I was lucky because I happened to have a doctors appointment the day things really started going down the drain, so I was caught with time to avoid really bad consequences although I did end up with an emergency c-section. I have been advised that another pregnancy will likely kill me. As it was I had my daughter early and she ended up in the nicu. There is no modern medical cure of pre-eclampsia. The doctors monitor and balance the risk to the mother with the viability of the baby. Magnesium somewhat helps but not always. Baby aspirin is thought to help prevent it happening a second time, but again not always effective.
Okay, we have one personal story.
Three just on the one page I quoted this from.
You didn't promise to forsake all others? You didn't pledge your troth? You didn't promise to care for one another in sickness and in health? You didn't promise 'til death do us part?
Every couple's vows are different. It is absolutely great that most vows have moved away from, " and wife".
If you trust Google, only 750 per year.
Then three DISers personally knowing (of) a woman who died in childbirth, and a fourth with serious complications is stunning. And should more than satisfy any skepticism.
What is it called when men talk about women as a group in a negative way? Does it even have a name? lol

I don't think people realize how often this happens in the United States. My pregnancy before my last I started getting very sick, I thought it was just long lasting morning sickness. My doctor went on vacation when I started getting really sick and nervous. Turns out my fetus had died about four weeks earlier at the 4 month mark (I found out at the 5 month mark) I had placenta previa so it would not abort itself. I had to have a D&E (late abortion) to remove it. Who even knows what would have happened to me if I didn't have insurance.

Edit to add, I can just imagine living in some state where they are looking at miscarriages to see if the women caused anything to happen. OMG what a nightmare.
So scary. I’m glad you’re okay.

I had a D&C two weeks ago to remove the embryo that had died six weeks prior. That’s how long it took before I could get appropriate care, even though I had been seeking it the whole time.
What I'm looking for is how frequent this issue is -- who wins? Difficult pregnancy or modern medicine? Your friend did live ... a win for modern medicine.
I told you according to CDC numbers. You responded back with "pfft that's not many" (paraphrasing) I mean nothing is going to satisfy you. I don't even think you understand what I was even trying to converse about, you let your own preconceived notions to interact with the question you were asking in regards to my comment which is why I said no worries on going back and forth and that part still stands I'm not interested anymore in trying to explain any further than I already have what I mentioned so we'll let it go at least between you and I and move on.
I know multiple people who have died of AIDS and overdoes ... not sure whether they were opiods or not.

40 years ago is kinda the edge of "modern medicine", but she did live -- backing up my hypothesis that women don't die in childbirth on a regular basis.

Except maternal mortality rates in the US have increased since the "antiquated medicine" on the late 1970s. A women is more likely to die from pregnancy in the US today than 40 years ago, especially minorities.
Except maternal mortality rates in the US have increased since the "antiquated medicine" on the late 1970s. A women is more likely to die from pregnancy in the US today than 40 years ago, especially minorities.
A minority woman is even more likely. Look what happened to Serena Williams who had the money to buy the best care anywhere. Still when she had complications she was ignored and told she was just confused from pain medicine. She developed issues with blood clots and could have died.
This law regulates a procedure and that is as far as I'm going to go on the subject on this board.

I can respect your opinion on why you see yourself as a feminist. Maybe you should try to show the same respect to those who don't see themselves as one.

No, it doesnt regulate a procedures. It regulates who can have the procedure.
The regulations are not around the qualifications of those providing the procedure, or any other health or safety related matter.
The law is only based on peoples beliefs, which given that there is meant to be a separation of church and state are irrelevant.
Here's another policy ... the so called "gag rule." Anti-choice celebrate every time the gag rule gets re-established, however multiple studies show that it actually increases rates of abortion. When the rule is in place, women in Africa are up to three times more likely to have an abortion. So if you support someone who enacts the gag rule, you are directly increasing the abortion rate - or "getting behind killing it" as you put it.

It’s pro life, not anti choice. I know it’s hard for pro choice to accept they are actually pro death and want to gloss it over.

So do you care to address the comment itself that the gag rule you likely support leads a woman to be 3x more likely to abort? That doesn't sound very pro-life to me, so you're right, I have a hard time calling it that.

Why does no one who likely agrees with and celebrated the re-institution of the gag rule want to address the issue that this decision that they fully support directly results in a greater number of abortions? You say you don't want there to be abortions and that it's wrong but then you support a policy that increases abortions? That doesn't make any sense.

Still waiting to hear from dish rag or LuvsJack how you can reconcile a "pro-life" stance with supporting a policy that increases abortions ..... ???
The maternal mortality rate,average, for all 50 states is about 22 per 100,000 births. The highest of any developed nation on the globe.

Oddly, the state with the highest maternal mortality rate is Georgia with 46 per 100,000 births.

Texas and Georgia have higher maternal mortality rates than some 3rd world countries.
Anyone here from Alabama? If so, you probably know the name Terri Collins. I spent time in her home a few weeks ago and all this was discussed. She and I do NOT agree on the issue. :(
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When you are talking about someone who had unprotected sex and just doesn't want this child she created, I am sorry, but why am I supposed to be concerned with her hardship?

Be cause so often those in the supposed pro life group dont want sex education in schools, they dont want birth control.readily and easily available, including the morning after pill.
Then after the baby is born they arent intrested any sort of financial or other support to help them survive (including regulating workplaces)

Really it comes down to-if you believe abortions are wrong, then don't have one. But it isnt any of your business if I do.
Still waiting to hear from dish rag or LuvsJack how you can reconcile a "pro-life" stance with supporting a policy that increases abortions ..... ???

Because it's not about decreasing the total number of abortions. It's about controlling women and punishing them and making them "take responsibility" for their actions.

No woman wants to believe they could ever have an unwanted pregancy, so women in that situation must have done something "wrong", otherwise it could happen to anyone, including themselves.
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