do you like dreaming ?

Not really. Most of my dreams I remember in the last few years haven't been nightmares but were unpleasant.
My dreams are like that too. There is theoretically this really epic version of Space Mountian that is amazing, but I never actually get to ride it. There is always a very elaborate and long pre-show and I never make it onto the actual ride no matter what.

OMG. I have Space Mountain near-Miss dreams, too. In fact, when I'm deep into planning a WDW vacation, the Disney Nightmares start. I mean, they're not scary or too horrible but I don't know what else to call them. A recurring thread in these dreams is not being able to ride Space Mountain. Like, that's all I want to do, but it's closed or it's down for refurb, or the best one-I walk all over and I can't find it. The few times I do get to ride, it's a completely different ride. One time it was swings that ran through a maze. And even though I *know* I'm at WDW, it doesn't look like WDW. It's some weird place.

But the most frequent dream is that something is stopping me from getting to the parks. Everyone else I'm traveling with is being lazy and making me too late to get there, or I have to walk there and it's just endless sidewalks. Or I can't find the hotel or I forgot where the room is.

Sigmund Freud would probably have had a field day with me.
You can. Have to learn how to be a lucid dreamer.
First time this happened to me I was almost 8yo. Was dreaming about sitting on the floor watching Saturday morning cartoons with a bowl of cereal in my hands when I realized I was dreaming and could make the cereal anything I wanted. Started eating my 'Scooby Doo' cereal.
I know we need to dream to consolidate memories and stuff. (Who else has seen that Star Trek: TNG episode?) But I definitely feel more rested when Iā€™m unaware of dreaming, and havenā€™t woken up in the middle of one.
Even though I've graduated college long ago, I occasionally have a very visually detailed dream of being at a new school... where I suddenly learn that I've been enrolled in a class that I've not been attending for days/weeks.

Just before impending doom in a nightmare, I used to mentally hit "stop" on a mental dream VCR, before time changed this escape mechanism to Cntrl-Alt-Delete on a dream keyboard.

Had rare dreams where something funny happens and I actually wake myself up chuckling. Brain, you so crazy!
another disneyland dream...this time on a hard pan desert....where the attraction was swimming pools....snowwhite was not open because they needed a third CM to operate for safety concerns and pincohono next door....well it was firestorm, just a shell of it self....way to much wood I guess.

and it was free admission because of first masked covid dream.


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