Do you like your neighbors?


DIS Veteran
Feb 27, 2015
Visiting our friends (they just moved into their new home) and they said the neighbors behind them were rude and never say hello or anything. I am blessed to have really great neighbors on both sides (no one lives behind us - golf course) We often have nice chats over the fence and have been invited to their homes for drinks. Other friends of ours had such awful neighbors that they had to move. (a multi-generational family around 11 people and 7 cars) What's your neighbor situation?
My immediate neighbors are the say hello and occasionally chat for a few minutes type.

I’m friends with a neighbor across the street and down a few houses.
Depends. We're had great ones. Quiet ones. Ones that we like to call the cops on..... Always depends.

My favorite neighbor just retired and moved to Western Md. 😭
Yeah. We're actually really good friends with 4 or 5 families in our cul-de-sac and spend a lot of weekends hanging out with them. The rest of the families (there's about 12 houses on our street), we're casually friendly with (e.g. say hi whenever we're out and exchange pleasantries).
Our neighbors are pretty good. I like the ones on one side better than the ones on the other, but we don't really "hang out" with either. We're friendly as neighbors, but not friends.

With the ones we like better, we'll mow each other's lawns when the other is on vacation, pick up mail, borrow stuff, chat over the fence if we're both out, but we don't hang out and socialize really. We don't really do that with the other neighbors, but I think they're pretty good friends (vacation together, etc) with the neighbors on the OTHER side, so I'm sure we're their less favorite neighbors too... and I'm OK with that.
We are very good friends with the neighbors whose backyard abuts ours. Mark, the husband, cuts our grass for us and in the winter he and his son shovel our snow-they've done this since my uncle became ill and then passed away.

The neighbors on either side are 'say hi and comment about the weather' on the right side and don't speak at all on the left side. The ones on the left keep to themselves, except the guy sits out back and smokes pot most nights, which floats up and into my bedroom window so I sort of resent him from afar.
The neighbors on my street are great. The 🤬😡😠🤬😠😡 behind me are awful. They are political extremists with flags flying...including the huge obscenity laden one that they hung directly in our line of view after my other neighbor complained to the city codes department for other reasons. I had to explain to my 9 year old why she had to see the F bomb every time she goes outside.

Sadly the elevation of their house is higher than our fence so we are building a structure out back lol.
We used to be really close to the ones on the left side of us but they moved across town (we are still close with them and spend holidays together but it’s not the same as them being right next door) and then we are close to the ones next to that house. The rest of the neighbors we will say hi and wave to but nothing outside of that.
Great neighbors on both sides. One family brings in our mail and feeds the dog when we're out of town. They discovered water from a leaky pipe that would have caused major damage by the time we got home so they shut off the water and spent hours cleaning up with a wet vac.
I live in a college town so some of my neighbors are students. So far, it hasn't been bad. We've had the hockey team next door, the football team across the street, and a sorority also across the street; all of these had 6 residents it them. The sorority was my daughter's house (although she didn't live there) so they were pretty respectful. The teams? I was really worried, but they were OK. Both would warn us of big parties, and have their "guests" gone by midnight. Nice thing about the teams; if they get out of hand, you don't call the cops, you call the coach. MUCH bigger fear factor!

Right now, it's pretty residential on our side of the street; the two houses on either side of us have families in them and own the properties. We are all pretty friendly; chat when we see each other, sometimes share drinks or a cookout, watch over properties when we're on vacation, share pet feeding, etc. There is an older couple on the other side of the street, 2 houses down, who also is part of the "neighborhood." Currently the three houses directly across the street have students in residence, but it's the beginning of the semester so we haven't met any of them yet. In general, the students seem to be friendly and responsible, but part of that is because the rental properties owners made a point of meeting the neighbors and giving us contact info if things get out of hand. So far, we've only had a couple of issues (although one involved strange cars stopping on the street at all hours of the day and night, with a resident running out and handing off something to the people in the cars- the cops handled that one!). I like the neighborhood, we are within 5 minutes walk of downtown, and we're not looking to move anytime soon.
The one behind us, not so much. Older lady, her grown kids don't take care of the yard, hedges etc

The one to the left of us..not at all. They moved the property line 3 feet over on our side, and we have to have it surveyed to get them to move it

The ones to the right are a younger couple with 2 kids. They have been very nice and friendly, but are planning on moving to FL very soon
I talk to a group of my neighbors. We all have one thing in common so that's a big topic...the crackheads that live next to me. They are horrible!!!! I just had to call again to report them to the township for not cutting their backyard. We have a 4 ft. fence dividing our yards and the grass is just about to the top of the fence. The weeks have now spread around the fence and into my yard. They are literally crackheads.
I live on a street with 16 homes. We often go out to eat in groups of 2 to 4 homes worth. The street has a party each July 4th, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Christmas Morning, New Years night, etc. Each party is always hosted at the same home(not the same home for all the parties). Even when a family moved out and a new family moved in, the new people took over the hosting duty that had traditionally been done at their home.

We pull out our chairs and sit out on the driveway almost every evening. Sometimes it is just 2-3 homes out there, sometimes as many as 6. Sometimes for just an hour or so, sometimes well past midnight.

I feel extremely lucky that my kids grew up on this street. There were about 10-20 kids for each of their age groups on the street throughout their childhood. The kids remain close even as they all have left for college.
I drew a box around my old house where I use to live and where I have to live now temporarily. I have 34 other households now in the space that was all just farmland at my previous location.

No bad neighbors. We're all pretty much the same, mostly either divorced dads or widowed older women who have to work until they die. Some kids down the street, I saw them out in my yard tearing apart the snowball flowers on the bush in the corner. Brought back the memories of my own kids loving that snowball bush I had at the house. Kids are riding bikes, people walk the neighborhood, it's all weird to me, LOL. I spent 17 years waving hi to my neighbors naked and they waved back far enough away they had no idea I was naked (not really, but that would be the situation if I did run out to the yard naked.)

This living so close to everyone is driving me crazy. They're all quiet neighbors though.


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