Do you like your neighbors?

Currently we have mostly amazing neighbors. We live in what I can only describe as a country subdivision. It was a 200+ acre farm that years ago was divided up into 5+ acre lots. So everyone has at least 5 acres, but some bought 2 lots so there are 20 houses out there on a private road. We built out there about 8 years ago and I love it. about 3 years after we moved out there a family bought a lot and built a log cabin out there. She is now my bestie and her youngest is the same age as my oldest. Out of the 20 houses, there are 5 5th graders (3 boys, 2 girls) 3 2nd graders, all boys, and some younger kids. So both of my kids have kids their own age out here. An older couple bought the house across from us and I love them so much. They have kind of taken in my kids like extra grandkids which is so amazing bc they don't have actual grandparents. On the negative side tho, across the way is a family that can only be described as a little methy. Apparently the parents of the ppl who liver there now own the property but they live in Florida. Their son and his family currently live in this tiny 1 bedroom house that used to be the caretakers house when there was a farm. The son is probably mid 30's. Is ALWAYS drunk. Always. They have 3 kids. Oldest is 14 and lives in the cellar under the house. And when I say cellar, I mean the kind with the 2 flap doors that close over it like in the Wizard of Oz, but its under the house with the doors on the outside. The girls are 10 (ish) and maybe 3. The oldest has a diff dad than the girls. So he is treated much diff than they are. Mom isn't allowed to have a job or her own phone, but the 10 yr old girl has a phone. There a lots of things going on over there. Besides always having a beer in his hand and smelling like a brewery, Dad also has sores all over like meth users often do. They have tons of cars coming in and out all the time, which leads most of to think he's probably selling something there. DFS has been there a couple of times that I know of. Also watched dad beat the heck out of a dog once. I feel so bad for the kids. The 10 yr old comes over to our house sometimes and I don't think she's got much guidance. Any way, I love everyone else but that house.

We used to live in town where we "shared" a driveway with the neighbors. But it was just a single car width wide. We lived on a corner lot, so put some gravel in the back yard to make our own place to park since the other house always had ppl in the driveway. Then their friends would park there blocking us in and say "well it's a shared driveway" No. No it's not. It's our back yard, get out. Also they had a chow that spent it's entire life on a 5 foot chain tied to their carport. Never brushed bathed or walked. Most of the time had ants in it's food and no water. I checked on him all the time, poor dog. Eventually we ended up putting a fence right down the property line which was in the middle of the shared driveway because we were tired of being blocked in by their cars and tired of arguing and calling the cops so we could leave in the morning. I stole the dog when we moved out to the country and when I took him he had sores under his collar from it being too tight, sores from his fur being so matted it was constantly pulling and no fur on his ears from where flies were biting him. I do not feel a bit bad for taking that dog. Not even a little.
Love our neighbors! We live in Miami, but in a small subdivision that is kind of secluded, but very near everything. Our street is only one block long, so we know most of the 12 families at least casually. We are very friendly with one next-door neighbor and the neighbor directly across the street, and also friendly with the neighbor diagonally across the street and the other next-door neighbor. Everybody watches out for everybody else and we all get along well.
My neighbors to either side are cool. We live on a lake and I fish with the one quite a bit. The other guy is friendly. He had a big back to school party a few weeks ago that got pretty loud, but he had everything wrapped up at a decent time and was really cool about it. Every other neighbor I've met has been really friendly.

There is one neighbor across the lake that apparently doesn't understand that people work during the week and throws parties at all hours. They also don't understand how to talk and instead scream at one another. The sound carries across the lake and right into our bedroom.

I've lived there for less than a year and have already called in multiple noise complaints as have other neighbors. Apparently they were fined by the HOA recently, so hopefully that got their attention.
Visiting our friends (they just moved into their new home) and they said the neighbors behind them were rude and never say hello or anything. I am blessed to have really great neighbors on both sides (no one lives behind us - golf course) We often have nice chats over the fence and have been invited to their homes for drinks. Other friends of ours had such awful neighbors that they had to move. (a multi-generational family around 11 people and 7 cars) What's your neighbor situation?

We don't know any of them (above, below, next door or across the walkway). I'm good with that.
We're friendly with most of our neighbors. Some in a "chat over the fence" way and some in a "drinks around the firepit" way. There's only one neighbor that we don't get along with and frankly no one in the neighborhood likes them much. They're just very fussy and noisy/judgmental and the wife in particular thinks of herself as "above" the likes of most of the rest of us.
It is sad to say our neighbors in our apartments have been way better than our neighbors living in a houses. It's been bliss living in an apartment again.
We just have one neighbor and he is more of a backyard neighbor. Our house is on a corner and there is a church on the other side of us. Our backyard neighbor is a nice guy - he is about 20 years older than us. We have invited him over when we have had get togethers. I always take him a big tin of homemade cookies at Christmas.
I don't really know them for the most part, which is just fine with me, so, yeah, I like them.
Same. I require very little from neighbours and in turn I have very little to contribute. Let's just all be quiet, polite, thoughtful of one another and not do anything super-annoying. Let's also be tolerant of the fact that people need to "live" and not everything that may bug us is actually unacceptable behavior. The occasional chat over the back fence is fine and I'll always say hello if I run into anybody in the parkade or the front courtyard. :goodvibes We've lived here for six years and so far, so good.
All my neighbors, so far, are great. Except the people across from me and next door to them but even they fit in with the rest of us, everyone has lived here longer than we have so we are all very neighborly and helpful to each other. We have a new build going up to the right of us so hopefully whoever buys it turns out to be a good neighbor. It's a corner lot and instead of building facing the same direction as us(south), it's facing east and not centered on the property at all so their back slider/patio look right onto our back yard/patio.
I don't know my neighbors and don't really care to. I'm sure they are nice people but I just don't have the time to carry on a friendship.
My immediate neighbors are the say hello and occasionally chat for a few minutes type.

I’m friends with a neighbor across the street and down a few houses.

Same pattern - casual chats with those on either side (plus a few others) and one across and down a few houses I actually hang out with.

It was more tight-knit when we first moved here. There were a lot of little kids, the moms were home, and we did a lot more as a group. But the kids have grown up, several of the houses have turned over, and it's a different dynamic now.
Its a mix of personalities, including my own(LOL), but it's a great neighborhood ...I have NO complaints!
Maybe they can become my favorite neighbor,,that's where I live, lol!
NO....come to yuma...we have all kinds of neighbors on different levels of friendlness....we actually had a 100% friendly neighoborhood....then the single lady moved out....and frantic landlords moved in a young man who does not belong in our hood. we have happy hour, meals, folks who water our yard this summer....the most beautiful yard in the hood and many streets also...share citrus and when I am bed ridden with my chemo...they offer to help my we are lucky to have a good street.


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