Do you look younger or older than your age?


Christmas Day 2017
Apr 29, 2009
So if you were to have someone guess your age, would they guess younger or older... I am just curious....

I look younger, when we have our grandson, most people think he is our son... and I got carded yesterday at Publix this is not the first time I have been carded, It happens all the time...... I started laughing, and was like no problem, the cashier was training, and the trainer said anyone who looks under 40 gets carded.... I really thought about hugging them both.... then they stood there and I could see them trying to figure out my exact age, so I told them my age which is now edging closer to 60 than 50, and the trainer said, Wow you look so much younger than my mom, and she just turned 50, whats your secret, I said I have good genes, and clean living... I made it to the car and busted out laughing... to funny..., This happens to quite alot... Honestly it truly is good gene's... my Dad is 80 and look like he is in his early 60's and my mom is 76, and looks like she is in her early 60's... on both sides of our family most people look much younger than they are... When I was younger I did not really think that it was a good thing, now... I think that it is a very good thing...
I'm 53 and people guess that I'm in my late 30s.

Also very good genes.

Mom is 75 and looks 60 and Dad is 77 and looks about 65.

When my DSis passed away, people were guessing (who didn't know me) that I was the youngest of my remaining sisters. I'm the oldest of 5 with one brother.
I look younger then I am which is a pain for buying alcohol or getting into pubs!
I'm 62 and most folks think I am about 50. Very little gray hair. My mom was only half gray at age 90, so I get that from her.
:confused3 I look younger, I guess, but not by a ton and these days, who’s to say what any age looks like? I’m in my early 50’s and people usually guess 45’ish but unless somebody is in particularly rough shape, most of us still look pretty good during these years.
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Man, I used to look younger, to the point I was once scrutinized by a security guard in a casino who did not believe my ID. That was a few years ago and I think I look about my age now. On a recent business trip there was an event in a piano bar, and we were told everyone will be carded. Yeah, not me. 😒
I find that most people who think they look younger than their age don’t really and are in denial.

My husband and I think we look our age. I don’t see anything particularly “young” about our appearances, but we both must look younger because people comment on it all the time.

Our oldest is 20 and people have thought DH was her boyfriend or husband for years (she looks older, he younger). He is often mistaken for a “newly graduated nurse” at work and people are always shocked when they find out he has over 20yrs experience and is running the department. He and DD work in the same hospital and no one believes he’s her father because they think they’re the same age.

I have worked at a university and was constantly mistaken for a student. Everyone I meet now assumes that I’m still “too young to have kids” or if I do they are pre-school aged.

My husband is attractive and fit, but to me he definitely still looks like he’s approaching 40. But I’ve also known him since we were teenagers, so I can see how he’s aged over the last few decades that maybe most people don’t notice immediately.
I think I look my age pretty much but people tell me on a regular basis that I do not. I think it's weird but I also attribute some of it to daily sunscreen on my face
I find that most people who think they look younger than their age don’t really and are in denial.
It’s really hard to guess ages after around age 35 I find.

Totally agree with this. I’ve been told I look a little younger than I actually am, but no one is going to be carding me any time soon.
Most people are surprised when they hear my age and that I have a daughter in her 20's. I think I look old.... :laughing: better than some people my age but still old. :rotfl:
I find that most people who think they look younger than their age don’t really and are in denial.
It’s really hard to guess ages after around age 35 I find.
I don’t think I look younger, but ppl always think I’m early 30s & I’m 40. I think most ppl who are saying they look younger are basing it on someone else’s assessment for them.


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