Do you think being left-handed is a lifestyle choice?

Okay, I am a leftie! A proud member of a mistreated minority! :thumbsup2 (Notice...that dude has his LEFT thumb up!!!)

All the days of my life I've been teased, chastized and attempted to conform to the Rightie World. I had a kind and caring :teacher: in grade school who understood my dilemma in life and cured me of that Leftie Hook when I write. Like others though, I still must face that stigma of ink smeared on my hand everytime I write. I never could play baseball/softball well and have felt shame for it my whole life. :guilty: But thanks to a loving and caring mother :angel: I learned to be proud of my Leftie life as she disclosed to me that she was a "closet leftie" having been forced to conform to the societal norm of the 1940s when she moved from a one room school house (where she was free to be herself) to the city (where the teacher reprimanded her repeatedly for her wrong doing.) :furious: I must admit that there have been times when I became a switch-hitter...using my right hand for my benefit. Ah, the best was when I was student teaching...I grew weary of changing the chalk to write Spanish verb endings in a different I used my left hand for the verb stem and the right for the verb endings. :sad2: The gasps could be heard from the students...well, at least one...the class troublemaker was shocked and never spoke to me after that day...I was a freak! I have since returned to my natural, dominant tendency...I am a leftie for life!
MickeyDee said:
I'm CONVINCED people make the choice to live the left-handed lifestyle. I mean, I accept and love everyone, but I don't approve of their choice. I'm just sayin'....


and I'm CONVINCED that either you are a nutjob or you're's just too hard to tell. :sad2:

For crying outloud, WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS WRONG WITH BEING LEFT HANDED?? Some of you people are making it seem like it's a crime!
jeez, I've read some pretty ridiculous stuff, but this thread just takes the cake.

I was born left handed, always have used my left hand. My parents were never so cruel as to force me to switch because we live in a predominantly right-handed world. I am proud to be different!!! :wave:

oh, and little mr happy man is waving with his left hand, see?
ooh, he's evil...he's going to burn in hell! shame on you mr. happy! :rotfl:
Mama Twinkles said:
Yes it's wrong! It's not natural. No definitive genetic evidence has ever been found for left-handedness. If you point out south-pawed animals, you are suggesting that baseball players, the most American of Americans, should be no better able to resist their impulses than animals. Furthermore, the word "sinister" means "left." The Hebrew bible is written from right to left, and so must you put on your pant legs from right to left. There are many ex-lefties, hands only slightly scarred by rulers, that can attest to your ability to change your sinister ways. It is an affront to those with a God complex, tantamount to defacing a revival tent with graffiti, to continue as you are. Hell is filled with unrepentant lefties. I say this out of love.

just wondering, do you live in a padded room with no windows?? :crazy:

"Hell is filled with unrepentant lefties."

Wow, so Greta Garbo and Marilyn Monroe are there and someday, Tom Cruise and Keanu Reeves will be too! Man, Hell sure isn't going to be boring!

"I say this out of love"

.....yeah, I don't know how anyone could mistake this for anything but's so sweet and sentimental!! :rotfl:
StormTigger said:
:lmao: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Loved this one so much, had to borrow it and add it to my signature!

Thanks Mama Twinkles - I really needed this laugh tonight! :hug:

You are so welcome! I am honored.
jimmiej said:
Well, here's what the Bible says about it...

IV John 18:26 Southpaws shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven.


ETA: Sorry, I couldn't help myself!

:rotfl2: Now THAT was funny!
I don't have a problem with left handed people. Some of my best friends are left handed. I didn't know when I first met them, and when I realized it, it did make me a little uncomfortable. But it's their choice and as long as they keep it behind closed doors, it's fine with me.

The only thing I have difficulty with is if a left hander were to marry another left hander. I don't think that's right. Marriage is reserved for right handed people. Now, if they were to call it a left handed civil union, I guess that's ok. Still not sure.

I did hear that Massachusetts did finally vote into law that left hander marriage is legal in that state.
All I can say is :lmao:

Hope y'all don't mind a right handed gal lurking over here a bit. Just way too much fun over here to be missed :thumbsup2
Mickeysaver: just remember, your LEFT hand makes an "L" when you put up your forefinger and stick out your thumb. :thumbsup2

Now, where on earth did you get the idea for this thread? :rolleyes1

My poor father, having been an elementary school student in the 1930's, was forced to learn to write with his right hand, even though he knew in his heart he was left handed. He managed okay, but hated school as a result. And now he does write with his right hand quite well, but uses his left hand for everything else--bowling, golfing, holding a hammer, etc. And he has passed on his left-handed gene to me.

So I'm proud to say yes, I'm left handed and choose to stay that way. And BTW--we lefties like to recruit... :lmao: So watch yourself.
RickinNYC said:
I don't have a problem with left handed people. Some of my best friends are left handed. I didn't know when I first met them, and when I realized it, it did make me a little uncomfortable. But it's their choice and as long as they keep it behind closed doors, it's fine with me.

The only thing I have difficulty with is if a left hander were to marry another left hander. I don't think that's right. Marriage is reserved for right handed people. Now, if they were to call it a left handed civil union, I guess that's ok. Still not sure.

I did hear that Massachusetts did finally vote into law that left hander marriage is legal in that state.

Ohhh puh-lease, Rick. Learn some tolerance. :rolleyes:
RickinNYC said:
I don't have a problem with left handed people. Some of my best friends are left handed. I didn't know when I first met them, and when I realized it, it did make me a little uncomfortable. But it's their choice and as long as they keep it behind closed doors, it's fine with me.

The only thing I have difficulty with is if a left hander were to marry another left hander. I don't think that's right. Marriage is reserved for right handed people. Now, if they were to call it a left handed civil union, I guess that's ok. Still not sure.

I did hear that Massachusetts did finally vote into law that left hander marriage is legal in that state.

Left handed people will be going to h-e- double hockey stick. I don't associate myself with "that lifestyle". Come on now, we all know it's completely wrong to be left handed. I will pray for you. :sunny:

For those of you living life in the slow lane, the above post was said in jest.
I just wanted to say that even though I am right handed, I was born that way. I don't believe it is a choice. Because as much as I "choose" to, I have never been able to cut, write, etc. with my left hand.

I couldn't even imagine what you lefties have to go through! But I am a big supporter. Guess you could call me a "CRHP". I believe that there should be stores in every city where you could purchase everything from left handed scissor's to left handed baseball mitts, etc. When will the discrimination end!!!?? :lmao:

Someday in this great country righties and lefties will be able to walk hand in hand (right or left) without having to look over their shoulder!! This is my great hope and wish!
RickinNYC said:
The only thing I have difficulty with is if a left hander were to marry another left hander. I don't think that's right. Marriage is reserved for right handed people.
I agree. It's a slippery slope. If you let left-handers marry, next thing you know they'll ask to marry a chicken. And even if that chicken had two right wings, and you know I favor the right wing, that just wouldn't be right. I love chicks (the legs, the breasts, pullets, roasters, capons, whatever), but that doesn't mean I should be allowed to marry one!
RickinNYC said:
I don't have a problem with left handed people. But it's their choice and as long as they keep it behind closed doors, it's fine with me.

Sorry, sometimes it comes out. DH is big on those PDL's (Public Display of Left-handedness) :teeth: We were having dinner at WDW and I noticed people actually staring when he would bump into my right arm with his left arm as he was eating. :lmao:

Definitely NOT a choice. Further, we've tried to let our kids know that we love them whichever way they are. So far it looks like all of them are right-handed like me, but we'd love them and hope society would accept them even if they we left-handed. :sunny:
Mama Twinkles said:
I agree. It's a slippery slope. If you let left-handers marry, next thing you know they'll ask to marry a chicken. And even if that chicken had two right wings, and you know I favor the right wing, that just wouldn't be right. I love chicks (the legs, the breasts, pullets, roasters, capons, whatever), but that doesn't mean I should be allowed to marry one!

Oohh--YOU PEOPLE always come up with the "marry a chicken" argument. :furious:
(Honestly, I think you're secretly harboring some chicken fantasies yourself.)
Mama Twinkles said:
If you let left-handers marry, next thing you know they'll ask to marry a chicken.

Lefty DH married me, and I'm definitely a chicken. Still won't go on TOT. :lmao:
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body...

And the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body...

Doesn't it stand to reason that only left handed people are in their right minds? :confused3
hiwaygal said:
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body...

And the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body...

Doesn't it stand to reason that only left handed people are in their right minds? :confused3

Hey now--don't associate my leftiness with the right! :rotfl:


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