Dog Experts, Is There Such Thing As "Doggie Pimples"?


Always Disney Dreaming!
Aug 20, 1999
That is what our vet told us in April during Daisy's annual checkup. Daisy is 7 year old poodle/terrier mix. She has had a lump on her back for about 4 years. It grows just slightly every year but not much. I guess it is a bit smaller than a dime right now but it was about the size of a pencil eraser when I first noticed it years ago.. Now she has another one (allot smaller) above her right eye. I want to believe my vet but of course my first thought is cancer. If I take her in again for him to check will the vet think I am crazy. Can dogs really get pimples that last for several years? I know I may be considered strange by some but I love Daisy (and my kitty Simba too) like she was my own baby so I worry.
First of all, your vet is a dog expert (medically at least). The people here are not.

Those aren't that similar to people pimples. The vet just used that term because that's what most people understand. He probably thinks it's a cyst.

If you're worried about it, you should ask him/her to remove it and analyze it the next time your pup gets a dental cleaning.

Dogs and cats both do get acne, BTW.
Second thought... I just noticed your dog is 7. If your vet isn't suggesting dental cleanings by this time, he/she is neglecting a major system and the #1 disease of older dogs (your dog is a senior now). I wouldn't worry about him/her thinking you're crazy. But since you're concerned about that, you might want to call asking if they do dental cleanings, then mention that you want the mass removed and analyzed "while they're at it." You should also be getting annual bloodwork starting around 7 years old. Make SURE you get it before anesthesia.
I know my vet is the real "expert. " I go to an established practice but the vet himself was new in the office. I was mostly concerned because she has developed another cyst above her eye since April. The vet did tell me(in April) not to get concerned unless the cysts grow allot in a short period of time. The vets there have been checking it regularly at each check up but haven't yet seem the new one. The next time she goes in for routine cleaning etc. I will have him look again and ask if he or she feels I should have them analyzed. I am a worrying type unfortunately. Thank you so much DocRafiki.:(
I wouldn't worry if they've had a good eye on it and aren't worried. Those smaller dogs get cysts SO commonly when they get older. She'll probably have >10 of them before too long :) You're doing right by having the same people look at her each visit.

Oh, and another thought about the dental stuff... I shouldn't have made it sound like the vet is incompetent if they aren't doing the cleanings. In a lot of clinics, preventative care like that is supposed to be discussed by techs. If you have bad techs or the management hasn't put an educational system in place, it looks bad on the vet. But, sometimes they don't have control over that... been there!


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