Doreen's Fresh Start & Success Story! (Welcome Friends!)

Hi, Doreen! Well, hopefully you are home at a reasonable hour and the deliberations were interesting and fruitful. Not sure how I'd do on a criminal jury. That and family/divorce law are the two areas I always swore I'd never practice.

Sorry DH had to drive to Pittsburgh and back in one day. DH's family is out there and he has done that (5+ hours in each direction). We will be making that trip next week to celebrate Christmas with his family and bring our furbaby home. I hope your DH had great music to listen to on that very long, boring stretch of PA turnpike! :teeth:

Have a great day, kiddo! :hug:
I'm back to my routine, which isn't feeling very routine after a week away from the office. I'm still catching up on email and voicemail.

The scale is up to 162. My goal has always been to weigh less than my husband and he weighed in at 161 this morning. I have some definite incentive to behave today! I winked at him and told him he's in charge of creating an intensive "exercise program" for the both of us <wink, wink>. He's such a sweetie and reassured me that he loves me.

My eating has been out of control over the past week. Looking back, I think a big cause was the stress and being out of my routine. Change really affects me hard and last week was chock-full of new experiences and stresses that were new. Just for the record, I'm happy I did the jury duty thing but I am so so glad it is over!

Today, it's back to business. I've taken my meds. I've started pushing water. I've brought healthy food to work. I did NOT get my light therapy in this morning but I spent lots of time yesterday in the sunshine. I'll have to get up a bit earlier tomorrow to fit in my morning dose of light. The kitchen is filled with healthy foods and I've got several options to make for dinner tonight.

Doe is back and ready to be healthy and drop a pound or two in the process!
:sunny: day, chasin' the clouds away
Find my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street

Singing that song always reminds me of how I yearn for a simpler life, a simpler and more uncomplicated time, when life was filled with more smiles and less stress. I'm getting the urge to pitch things at home, to unclutter and simplify. Anyone got a spare dumpster laying around???

I'm slowly getting back to my routine, although it's still feeling a bit strange. I still didn't get any light therapy in this week - this must be a priority for tomorrow.

Last evening we ran to the mall to get something for DS' English class. I have learned, yet again, that coming home late, making dinner and then eating at 9 PM when I'm starving does NOT make for thoughtful food decisions. On the upside, I avoided overt sugar yesterday, except for my sweetened yogurt in the morning. It was tough but I know it will get easier.

The scale was up a pound, to 163. This is breaking my heart to see, but not enough to keep me away from food in the late PM, which is the time of day when I'm weakest. No wonder I'm yearning for simpler days.

I'll do all my usual stuff today - take meds, drink water, eat sensibly, avoid overt sugars (except for my yogurt). These things don't even require much thought. My true goal is to make dinner and eat by 7 PM tonight. I'll bake chicken breasts covered with cream of chicken soup, make some long grain wild rice and find a non-starchy veggie to make. That's my goal for the day.

Moving step by step through the day......
Last evening I had zero energy so I did nothing. Everyone fended for themselves for dinner - I had oatmeal with a tablespoon of overt brown sugar. That was it, though - no drinks, no sweets, no junk!

This morning I was determined to get my light therapy in. I managed to get 10 minutes in before I left the house. We'll see if it helps to improve my energy level over the next few days.

It will be another routine day. We're expecting snow starting mid-morning and then changing to sleet / freezing rain later in the day. I'm hoping the drive home will only involve 1-3 inches of snow and no ice. Cross your fingers!

I've got all my food with me again today. I haven't spent any $$ on food at work this week! It really saves a lot of $$ when I bring stuff from home.

I almost forgot - the scale was steady at 161 this morning! YAY!!

I'm ready to take on the day!
I've started a journal on another site and I post there daily. I only make it here every few days.

I'm glad the scale is heading back in a good direction for you. I have too much fear to go near mine. My clothes are all tight (even my fat clothes). I'm really watching what I eat, but no exercise to speak of...

I've been stuck on jury duty several times and usually I have to stay longer than the service requirement. We have to do two weeks but if you get seated for a case on your last day, you have to stay. I've always had to stay. DH and I are joking that just as soon as I get a teaching job, I'll be called up again and there are very few excuses that get you out of service. I was on federal duty two years ago, though, and I never did have to go in. They contact you in the morning if you are needed.

Keep your sunny attitude sounds like the light box is making a difference. I sure could use one, we've been in fog for over a week now.

Have a very Merry Christmas and nice winter break.

-Laurie :cat:
Happy Holidays Doe!

Hope you have a good holiday and hope the scale keeps going in the downward way for you!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Merry Christmas Doe!

I wish you and your family a blessed holiday season filled with love and laughter. :grouphug: Hope to "see" you here soon! :goodvibes


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