Double stroller ??


Jul 11, 2000
My children will be almost 4 and 7 when we go to WDW in March. Should I invest in a double stroller? A jogging stroller or like 2 cheapies and tape them together?? Help Mom is stuck here
If you won't use the stroller when you get back home, just rent one as you need it in Disney.
My kids were 3 1/2 and 6 in Jan 2001. We only rented a double stroller once at Epcot. They wanted to walk the rest of the time.

If you are going to buy one DO NOT buy the jogging stroller as they don't fold up to get on the buses, train ride, trams, etc.
Josie you are my hero! LOL this is the second post of mine you have answered today!
Thanks! I have been searching the jogging strollers! LOL
My girls are 4 & 6 and other than a long day at Epcot my 6yo dosen't really use a stroller anymore. YMMV of course!

Have you considered bringing one for your youngest and renting as needed for the older child? This works well for us as either girl can take a ride if/when tired but we don't have the hassle of a double. Depending on where you are staying you will have to deal with on/off the bus and trams and that can be difficult. If you already have a lightweight stroller with some storage that folds rather easily that would be ideal. If you do decide to purchase I would avoid the jogger, to hard on the bus and to difficult to manuver in a crowd.
Have a fun trip.
We took a double stroller down to Disney in Sept with my daughter who (at the time) was 3mos and my son who wasn't quite 3. If you have an infant, I'd say take your own stroller. If you don't, just rent one there as you need it. We plan on returning in May and I'm not going to carry my own down there. It was a big hassle getting on and off the buses with it (though the boats weren't a problem). If you want to take your own, I'd say take umbrella strollers with the clips that make them into a double stroller. Easier to manuever on transportation.

I think we'll just be bringing 1 of our strollers with us in Jan. for our kids, ages 5 and 3, neither really likes to sit in the stroller, but we figured we'd bring one, and then rent one if needed for the our older child.
We have a 3 1/2 year old and an 18 month old, and 3 different types of double strollers:
The Double Jogging Stroller;
The Double Cosco Regular Stroller, and
A Double Umbrella Stroller

For theme park type places we usually take the regular Cosco one because it has plenty of storage room, great sun protection tops, and the seats recline for naps and necessary diaper changes.

We reserve the jogging one for outdoor "on the grass" or "bumpy path" type places (boardwalks too!) because it has liitle storage and hard to fold up and carry around. Great for long walks at home, etc.

I love the umbrella for quick trips into mall, etc, but again no storage really and not as comfy for staying in for long periods of time! Very light and easy to carry around, folds up almost as small as the single. I got it at Buy Buy Baby.

It's funny, we had the same three single stollers before number 2 was born, and now # 3 is on the way.......I dread investing in 3 more!! (but I can't seem to just choose one!)

I think we are going to bring are regular double with us in Feb, even though it is big and a little bulky, we loved having it at Sesame Place and Hershey Park this past summer!

Good luck!
I second the suggestion of renting a double stroller in the parks. We were there in January, and ended up renting a double stroller, even though we just had one child! The price difference wasn't that much, and at nap-time, we just made a little pillow for him with sweatshirts, and he napped in the stroller, while we continued to enjoy the parks!

So, even if you don't think there will be many times that BOTH kids will want to be in the stroller at the same time, the added space of the double stroller will make it more comfortable for whichever child is using it! (The ones they rent at the parks don't have a divider between the two seats the way most double strollers do.)

Just my 2 cents!
We have 2 DD's (ages 4 & 8) When we went we took a single umbrella stroller for day to day use @ DW. BUT....when we planned those loooonnnnggg days at the parks, we rented a double stroller. They are wonderful! My 8 yr old climbed in it many times! It was also a great way to carry our backpack when we didn't want to lug it on our backs.

I agree with the others. I wouldn't invest in a double stroller if you are only planning on using it during your DW trip. Rent one instead.
rented one in each park and my kids are 5 and 8.. they either sat side by side or one in front of the other..( my 8 yr old is about 90 ;lbs and the 5 yr old is 40 ) it worked out fine for us.. and i didn't have to hear about how tired they were.. also the 8 yr old didn't ride all the time..
Our experience And as someone else mentioned YMMV

We had a 2.5 yo, a 5 yo, and an 8 yo last trip. We rented a double stroller. For 2.5 you figured out early that he could walk when he wanted and ride when he wanted. The 2 older ones would switch as the wanted/needed. The benefit for us was that when it was time for eh 2.5 yo to nap, he would just lay down on top of our backpack and snooze. It also provided space for us to put our 8 liters of water that we took in each day.

36 more days til WDW!!!!!!!
My kids are 7 and 5 and we brought our own sit/stand stroller. This worked very well for us. We were able to fold it up, so we could bring it on the buses, WDW train, etc. My 5 year old used the front part and my 7 year old sat (or stood) on the back when she felt tired.


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