~*~ Dream ~*~ Believe ~*~ Achieve ~*~ (Comments Welcome)

Yesterday I decided to commit to drinking less coffee, cut back on Diet Pepsi and drink more water to make sure I’m well hydrated for the races next weekend. I even ordered Nuun from Amazon to help keep my electrolytes up. I’ve upped the water and managed to resist the Diet Pepsi, but I just can’t cut back on the coffee.
Yesterday I decided to commit to drinking less coffee, cut back on Diet Pepsi and drink more water to make sure I’m well hydrated for the races next weekend. I even ordered Nuun from Amazon to help keep my electrolytes up. I’ve upped the water and managed to resist the Diet Pepsi, but I just can’t cut back on the coffee.

I have the same thing - I keep saying I'm going to cut back on my coffee, and then I don't. It's tough. But great job cutting back on the Diet Pepsi!
I’m a Diet Pepsi failure. I’ve trained my DH too well. I asked him to pick up a Diet Pepsi at Publix. He came home two 8 packs because they were BOGO and a better deal. At least they are the mini bottles and I can put one at a time in the fridge.
04/09/18 - 04/15/18

As I write this I'm watching coverage of the Boston Marathon!

Lost a whopping .2 pounds this week, but a loss is a loss!

This week's training has left my leg muscles very sore. Looking forward to this week's taper and taking it easy.​
Monday - Rest Day

Tuesday -
  • 6 mi @ EB 12:20 + Strides
  • Splits: 12:01, 11:52, 12:02, 11:50, 11:51, 10:36
Wednesday -
  • 4.5 miles @ EA 13:11
  • Splits: 12:10, 12:09, 12:08, 12:11, 12:07
Thursday - Tempo run today and it was awesome. Weather was perfect. It was nice and cool and no humidity (well, to me it didn't feel humid!). I have my fingers and toes crossed for similar weather for the SWDS half.
  • 1 mile WU / 5.5 miles @ 10:41 / 1 mile CD
  • Splits: 12:04 / 10:19, 10:14, 10:06, 10:11, 10:14, 10:20 / 11:15
Friday - Rest Day

Saturday - Early morning soccer got in the way of running. We had to be out the door by 6:40 so we could get our Starbucks fix before the hour drive to the game. This meant moving my run to later in the day. I mapped out a run that would give me as much shade as possible. There was no getting out of being in the blazing sun for the last 1.5 miles. The last mile was much too fast, but I wanted out of the sun!!! Temp was in the high 80's but dew point was 39 so at least it wasn't humid. I also do not suggest eating Thai green curry for lunch then running 3.5 hours later. Holy heartburn on this run LOL!!!
  • 6 mi @ EB 12:20
  • Splits: 11:56, 11:48, 11:56, 12:05, 12:02, 11:04
Sunday - I woke up and did not want to run today. Not at all. I wanted to pull the blanket over my head and go back to sleep. Temp & dew point were within a degree of each other. That means almost 100% humidity. I dragged myself outside and was sopping wet by the end of mile 2.
  • 5 mi @ EB 12:20
  • 11:50, 11:37, 11:48, 11:39, 11:47
Just your friendly reminder to H Y D R A T E ! :)

The weekend runs can be the most difficult for me to get up and out on, I know that feeling. Glad to hear you did that Sunday run though.
What flavor of Nuun did you get? I ran out and need to grab some more. My favorite flavor is Cherry Lime.
I love your new profile picture btw!
Just your friendly reminder to H Y D R A T E ! :)

The weekend runs can be the most difficult for me to get up and out on, I know that feeling. Glad to hear you did that Sunday run though.
What flavor of Nuun did you get? I ran out and need to grab some more. My favorite flavor is Cherry Lime.
I love your new profile picture btw!

I bought Strawberry Lemonade & Cherry Lime at Target. Amazon sells it too so I ordered a 4 pack that had orange, citrus, lime and berry. Lime is my least favorite so I’m trying to get rid of that first. I like the strawberry lemonade and berry the most.
I think I’m gonna puke. I just registered myself for Dopey.

Congrats, awesome!

Don't you have the Garmin 645? Try using current lap pace. In my opinion, it's the best method for assessing pace at any certain time. If you input workouts through the Garmin Connect interface, then you can have pace zones for certain workouts (I do that for anything faster than HM Tempo). I'd highly recommend changing the watch to the higher level accuracy as well (1-sec recording). These two things will make for a more accurate experience.

In your opinion, is Garmin 645 the best at this time? I've been resisting getting into electronics, but I've decided it's time.... Garmin, Apple Watch, or something else? Thanks!
In your opinion, is Garmin 645 the best at this time? I've been resisting getting into electronics, but I've decided it's time.... Garmin, Apple Watch, or something else? Thanks!

Garmin is definitely king in GPS endurance watches. I highly recommend them. As for which one is right for you would depend on what you plan on doing with it? Programming workouts, receive texts, triathlon, advanced analytics, tracking splits, etc. Once you decide what you want in a watch it helps narrow which specific Garmin is best for your use.
Travel agents still have discounted Disney resorts?? Do tell!

They do, but I can’t list mine as they are a direct competitor to the owner of these boards.

Congrats, awesome!

In your opinion, is Garmin 645 the best at this time? I've been resisting getting into electronics, but I've decided it's time.... Garmin, Apple Watch, or something else? Thanks!

It’s a matter of preference. It’s like running shoes. There’s no one size fits all solution. I did not like the Apple Watch for running at all, but some people love it.
I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but my pre workout hydration was always a diet coke or two. Based on some conversations with dopeybadger, I decided to give up caffeine (my idea, he just said don't caffeinate for training runs). Based on the timing, I told myself I was giving it up for Lent. Felt pretty lethargic for a few days but now after 8 weeks of training with no caffeine I don't miss it at all. I'll have a bit in my GU goo during my HM in two weeks and it should give me a nice boost.
This is the very last week of my DB plan and I’m sort of sad it’s over, but at the same time excited to see how I perform in Sunday’s half. Plans are in the works for a new training plan :yay:

Still working out expo & race logistics with DH. He bought ChEar Squad even though I told him he doesn’t need it. It makes him feel better to know that he can arrive at the finish line around 4:30am and have his reserved seating. He probably could have found seating in the regular bleachers, but whatever. It makes him happy and this is the first time I’ll have someone at the finish line waiting for me at a Disney race (#soccerparents).

The race nerves have started a little today. I know I can complete 13.1 miles. I did it twice during this training cycle in addition to an 11 mile and a 12 mile run.
I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but my pre workout hydration was always a diet coke or two. Based on some conversations with dopeybadger, I decided to give up caffeine (my idea, he just said don't caffeinate for training runs). Based on the timing, I told myself I was giving it up for Lent. Felt pretty lethargic for a few days but now after 8 weeks of training with no caffeine I don't miss it at all. I'll have a bit in my GU goo during my HM in two weeks and it should give me a nice boost.

I love coffee so that can never completely go away! I might shrivel up and die without it LOL! I have not had a Diet Pepsi in two days.
Race Thoughts and Planning

*** If anyone wants to track me I am bib 22817 https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-SWDS-2018#/tracker ***​

Thursday - I am driving over to the expo to pick up my Challenge bib, grab DH's ChEar Squad stuff & take a look around at the merchandise. There's not much I saw from the merchandise preview that I'm desperate to buy. I'll probably pick up a magnet, a Star Wars Sweaty Band and look for a long sleeve tech top. The only thing on my shopping list from the other expo vendors are more Sweaty Bands. I live in these things and they usually have a Buy 3 Get 1 Free deal at the expo. I'll pack my suitcase and food/water.

Friday - Pack the toiletries & make sure DD is all set for Saturday's soccer game that I'll be missing. I'm checking in at the Swan & Dolphin for the weekend. I asked for a 12pm check-in. If my room isn't ready I will leave my bags with bell services and head over to Epcot, pick up my Minnie Mouse Passholder car magnet, check out the Pandora charms and make a loop around World Showcase before heading back to the resort. I have an early reservation at Spice Road Table for dinner so after I unpack and get my race stuff ready for Saturday morning I'll walk back over to Epcot. I will take melatonin around 7pm and read for a little while. Lights out at 8pm!

Saturday - Alarm wake up call for 3am to be on the bus around 3:30. I decided on a black Darth Vader tank top with a black Lululemon skirt. I'll eat my banana and cereal bar right before I get in the corral. Goal for this race is to goof off and do as little running as possible. I plan on taking ALL the photos. I estimate this should take me 2-2.5 hours depending on photo lines. After the race I'll take the bus back to the Swolphin, shower and walk to Hollywood Studios for a Starbucks coffee and window shopping. I'm not planning on any rides. Haven't decided where to eat lunch yet. I don't want a big meal so it might just be back to Epcot for snacks from the Flower & Garden booths. There is a DIS meet up at Hurricane Hannah's at the Beach Club at 2pm that I plan on going to. I have an early reservation for dinner at Il Mulino. After dinner, I'll prep all my stuff for the morning, take melatonin at 7pm, read and then lights out at 8pm.

Sunday - I will be setting my alarm for 2:30am so I can be on the bus by 3am. Originally I had planned to wear a white Stormtrooper tank top and a white Lululemon skirt. I decided against the skirt since I have not run more than 7.5 miles in one. Instead I will wear the pair of black capris that I wore on my 13 miler just under two weeks ago. I am in corral D for the half and I want to be at the very front or as close to it as possible. I'm trying to PR in this race and the less people I have to weave around at the start the better! At 4am I will eat my banana & cereal bar and do a small warm up with some strides to keep my muscles from tightening up. I'll eat a honey stinger waffle around 5am. I'm hoping to be across the starting line between 5:40-5:45am. Goal is to finish in less than 2:20. My current PR is 2:28 something.

I had my last training run this morning and my quad muscle was twingy. I foam rolled and took some ibuprofen and it's feeling good. Now it's time to relax, trust my training, thank my coach (@DopeyBadger) and go out there and kill that course!​
At 4am I will eat my banana & cereal bar and do a small warm up with some strides to keep my muscles from tightening up. I'll eat a honey stinger waffle around 5am. I'm hoping to be across the starting line between 5:40-5:45am.

Only thing to add is to try and aim the WU to be between 60-15 min of the start. So if you estimate a 5:40 am start, then try your best for a WU between 4:40-5:25 am. Sometimes it's feasible and sometimes it isn't. If it isn't feasible to hit that timeframe, then you'll probably be better off just skipping it since it'll be so much sooner than race start that it's effect will be negated.
So exciting to read your weekend plans and I can't wait for the post trip report. Have great races and a fun time!


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