Dream Fastpass


Disney Crazy!!!!<br><font color=magenta>Once you'v
Jun 1, 2003
DH saw a guy at AK today who won a dream fastpass. Here's a pic!
Is it a fastpass for all rides and attractions at that park that day?

Did you ask how he got it?

It looks amazing - I really want one - make that four :teeth:
Oh, so this Dream Fastpass allows one usage at each of the fastpass attractions on that particular day. (I notice that the Kilimanjaro coupon, right center, had already been consumed).

When a person is chosen, does everyone in his party/family get one too?

Disney hints:
How cool! I hope that means they get to keep the fast pass - I'd frame one on my wall at work if I could.... ahhhh - dreaming of going back to Disney!
How Awesome!! Thanks for the picture...I wondered what they looked like...very cool indeed!
I wasn't there when DH saw him but he said the guy had it on a lanyard around his neck and his girlfriend/wife didn't have one. I'm pretty sure that it's only one fp per ride, you don't get to go over and over again.
Michelina said:
I wasn't there when DH saw him but he said the guy had it on a lanyard around his neck and his girlfriend/wife didn't have one. I'm pretty sure that it's only one fp per ride, you don't get to go over and over again.

Everyone in the party should've gotten one and if they did they prolly had them stored away in a pocket or whatnot. It entitles the user to each attraction admission once for that day at whatever time they prefer from what I understand from cm's. They are completely chosen at random by other cm's so there's no way of telling ahead of time.
thrillriderbb said:
Everyone in the party should've gotten one and if they did they prolly had them stored away in a pocket or whatnot.

That is not neseccarily true. If they are issuing 20 Passes at say the exit of Everest (just a scenario) there is the potential that not everyone in the party will get one. If say I am numnber 20 but my husband is 21 he will not get one because there were only 20. Another scenario where the whole family might not have one would be if I was on a ride with my sister and my husband went elsewhere with my son because he is not tall enough, the prize location was at the ride I was on... I would have it, but my hubby would not. Does that make sense, there is the possibility that the entire family was not there when the prize was given away.

The pass itself is for the date specified, at the park it was issued and it for one entrance into each of the rides listed on the ticket. And yes, you get to keep the center portion of the pass as a souviner.
That is not neseccarily true. If they are issuing 20 Passes at say the exit of Everest (just a scenario) there is the potential that not everyone in the party will get one

WE WON A DREAM FASTPASS AT EPCOT ON MONDAY! And yes, everybody in each party got one - they did not split up parties. We were in line for Test Track and they took about 5 -6 families/parties in the 1st room. It was very clear they were not splitting families or counting heads. There were not as many families as usual in the room and there were 5 Disney employees! I jokingly said to the attendant- maybe we won a dream, and we did! It was VERY exciting to win. There were 6 tags along the side to give to the attendant at identified Fastpass lanes. Ironically, most of those rides were a walk-on or 5 minute wait but it was fun to use them! My son also won a dream- cotton candy taster at the Magic Kingdom on Friday September 29th- right before MNSSHP.
It is so good to hear that they dont split the parties up. That would have made the magical moment, unmagical. Anywho - is there a specific time on these fastpasses that you have to use them or can you use them at any time during that day?

These must be the "GOLDEN" fastpasses that were discussed awhile back.
jultomzach said:
That is not neseccarily true. If they are issuing 20 Passes at say the exit of Everest (just a scenario) there is the potential that not everyone in the party will get one

WE WON A DREAM FASTPASS AT EPCOT ON MONDAY! And yes, everybody in each party got one - they did not split up parties. We were in line for Test Track and they took about 5 -6 families/parties in the 1st room. It was very clear they were not splitting families or counting heads. There were not as many families as usual in the room and there were 5 Disney employees! I jokingly said to the attendant- maybe we won a dream, and we did! It was VERY exciting to win. There were 6 tags along the side to give to the attendant at identified Fastpass lanes. Ironically, most of those rides were a walk-on or 5 minute wait but it was fun to use them! My son also won a dream- cotton candy taster at the Magic Kingdom on Friday September 29th- right before MNSSHP.

I'm interested in what that was like- it sounds like fun :)
We just got back this afternoon... The previous poster is right, they gave them to families, not to random numbers of people.

And they were giving them out like water! I saw tons of people all over the parks with them this week... and nto to be a downer, but they were pretty useless! For the most part, the lines were so short that there was very little difference between Fastpass holders and standby.

Oh, and these passes are only good for ONE Fastpass ride at each Fastpass attraction... I met a family in the "holding room" for Soarin' who was given these and it happened to be the little boy's birthday. I gve him a pin that he was admiring as a birthday gift and when we were on the ride waiting to go up they gave me several of the "nubs" from their Dream Fastpasses because they had already been on them without the Fastpass! (I didn't even bother to try to use the "nubs" which they were breaking off when the holder went on that ride.)
My son ( 6 year old boy) was approached by a CM with a small bag of cotton candy. She told him that Mickey Mouse needed information from guests about the cotton candy. Would he taste it and tell her what he thought? Well after all the conversations about not taking candy from strangers, my son said "no, I am not allowed to take candy from strangers!" But I assured him that if I was with him, then it would be okay. My son was also reluctant to talk to her as he is initially shy. He received a Magical Moment certificate and later talked about how fun it was! He was approached coming out of the tent in Toontown.


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