DVC Point Calculator v3.4 available


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 1999
Version 3.4 of my DVC Point Calculator is now available. It's a Microsoft Excel workbook that works on both PCs and Apple computers.

Click here to visit my new website to learn more about the DVC Point Calculator and download the file for your use.

Note: this is my first attempt at constructing a web site, so please be gentle with me. ;)

lisareniff said:
Thanks Lew! A happy mac user looking forward to trying it out!

I received a message from a Mac user who wrote that he had a problem expanding the zip file. If you also have a problem, please PM me with your email address and I'll send you an uncompressed file as an email attachment.
Lew said:

I received a message from a Mac user who wrote that he had a problem expanding the zip file. If you also have a problem, please PM me with your email address and I'll send you an uncompressed file as an email attachment.

I was able to extract and open it in excel just fine. I'll have try it out in a day or two when I have some time. Thanks so much.
If you haven't downloaded DVC Point Calculator v3.4, I would suggest you wait until v4.0 is available. It should be on the website by the end of November.

Among other enhancements, there will be a provision for purchasing resale contracts with banked and/or borrowed points. Also, if you're a long-time member, you no longer need to enter all of your data since you joined in order to bring your status up to date...you can just enter your current point status and you're good to go.

There will also be a provision for transferring points, and a total of five DVC Point Calculator worksheets to handle your points at different resorts or different use years.

I'll post an announcement here when v4.0 is available.


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