DW update -- Radiation Schedule is Set

Steve H.

Aug 18, 1999
Nicole went into the radiation oncology center yesterday for her meeting with the Doctor and today to get "marked up".

They're going to do 22 treatments of radiation, starting next Thursday. That will mean that her last treatment will be June 16th (four days before she leaves for her training trip). She's a little disappointed that it isn't a little less treatments (she was hoping more for 15, or three weeks), but at least the end is in sight. :):)

So, starting Thursday, she has a standing 7:15am appointment to get "zapped" (the place opens at like 6:30am! :o :eek: ).

Thanks, once again, for the continued prayers and good thoughts. :)
Sounds like the end is for sure in sight! This is still great news. Continued best wishes you you and your family.
I hope the treatments go by swiftly and soon this will seem like a distant memory!!
I think the light at the end of the tunnel is finally in sight!
I'm so glad the end of treatments is in sight for you. I'll keep you both in my thoughts, and I'm sending prayers for smooth treatments.


I'm keeping your entire family in my prayers. May this be the final step in ridding her of cancer, forever!
You said the right thing though Steve - THE END IS NEAR AND SHE HAS ALMOST MADE IT!!!!!! What a party you need to have (or at least a great dinner) on June 16!!!!!

Good luck Nicole!!
I am so glad that the end of this ordeal is in site. Please keep us updated :)
A suggestion...

A co worker whose mother went through radiation for Breast Cancer was told by Dana Farber to purchase an Aloe plant and this helped soothe the burn.

You may want to consider buying one - just in case.

Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers, Steve. Such a rough road, but thankfully almost at the end of it. Here's hoping that the time from now until June 16th passes by swiftly for Nicole :)
Continued prayers for Nicole and for Cameron and you. If you guys are feeling up to it, we'd love to have you drop by for our picnic on May 25th. If Nicole isn't feeling up to it, I understand. I hope that the time until mid-June goes quickly for Nicole.
Thanks for the update Steve. I've been wondering what was happening. I hope that things go really well for Nichole over the nest few weeks. It will soon be all done, and the cancer will be gone. I'll continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Glad to hear things are moving forward. How many areas are being treated? I had two areas treated.The first 1/2 was the mantle (throat, chest, under arms.) Second set of treatments were abdominal...with just minimal nausea.
I asked my oncology nurse why I wasn't getting burned like the women being treated for breast cancer and her reply was you won't get the burn.....it's a different 'animal'.
After my very last treatment I sobbed like a baby ( I think partly due to relief it was over) I actually told them they saved my life! and got hugs from everyone.
Nicole you'll do great! It takes longer to undress for the treatments than the actual treatment.
Keep us updated and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask........10 years cancer free!!
Continued good thoughts for Nicole, Steve. :)
Wishing all the very best for Nicole and your family, Steve. Glad to hear the end is in sight.:D
Wishing Nicole and you all the best as you go through this. She and you all will remain in my prayers
Nicole remains in my prayers, Steve. I pray that the radiation will go extremely well and that she will not suffer side effects. {{{HUGS}}} for you all.
Hopefully your wife gets thru the radiation treatments quickly without much discomfort, Steve.:D


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