Dylan Mouse and Princess Chloe's Christmas TR - Days One, Two and Part of Three

The next morning we headed down to breakfast (we were late as either the alarm hadn’t gone off or I’d slept through it oops!) it was busy but we were seated no problem. The food was the same as we’d had when we stayed at Santa Fe and was really good!

When we got in to the park we headed straight to Fantasyland.

We had to make a quick stop, to see whether Chloe could try to pull the sword out the stone!


Next stop - Le Carrousel de Lancelot.



Afterwards we went on Peter Pan, Dumbo and made a small stop at the Rapunzel meet before going on It's a Small World.




Next we went on Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast! I think this attraction was the group favourite, every one of us loved it!

Afterwards I was in the queue to buy a 5 photo pass and there was only one person in front of me so I thought we’d just have enough time to get one as the Christmas Cavalcade was due to start in just under 10 minutes and we wanted to see it. However, the lovely person in front decided this wasn’t to be. After 5 minutes of listening to her discuss whether she wanted the photo or not with the CM I gave up and we rushed off to find Rachael, Jit and Dylan who had gone to have a look around the shop. We looked around and I couldn’t see them, we went to see if the pushchair was still there but I couldn’t see it so I thought they must have gone to the see the parade. We went over and got a space just as it was starting. I had a look around but I couldn’t find them. It turned out the space we were in was a great place to watch it!


















After, we looked around Main Street U.S.A. for them and in Discoveryland but we had no luck. We were going for dinner together that night anyway so I knew we’d see them later on.

Next we headed over to meet Jack and Sally! When we got there the queue was really short, only a couple of children were there. Jack spent about 5 minutes each with them and he was wonderful. He was really sweet with Chloe, they had a lovely chat about The Nightmare Before Christmas, and he understands what he did wrong now :rotfl2: I was sad that Sally wasn’t there but Chloe was just thrilled to meet Jack.







We went over to Phantom Manor as there wasn’t a queue.


When we got off, we decided to head for Big Thunder Mountain when Chloe did a little squeal, Sally was not with Jack at the meet and greet spot so we got back in the little queue. When it was Chloe’s turn Jack kept bowing to her and making Sally do it too as they were in the presence of a princess :lovestruc When Sally asked what her name was, Jack said “it’s Merida, look at her hair” Chloe was a little worried he'd got her wrong and told them she was Chloe :lmao: They were both so good with her, a real high of the trip.





We carried on to Big Thunder Mountain, the queue was 20 minutes and the FP ticket time was in 20 minutes time so we got the FP tickets and went on Pirates of the Carribean, which was a walk on. When we got back we were a couple minutes early but the CM didn't mind and let us on! As usual, we loved it!

We decided to head over to the Studios as Tower of Terror was calling!

When we got there I thought we’d try Rock n Roller Coaster as I thought Chloe would like it and she’s just about tall enough now. When we got there she was measured and she was above the line (literally by a cm or two!) so on we went! We both really loved it! Chloe was giggling so much afterwards when we got off we went straight back around for another go!

We went to look at the queue for Tower of Terror, it was huge, it stated a 25 minute wait but looking at the line it was obvious that it was much more than that. The FP time started in 80 minutes so we got the FP tickets and planned to head to Toy Story Playland and Crush if there was enough time.

We headed straight to RC Racer – the one ride she was desperate to get on last time, but she wasn’t tall enough. As we got there the CM just looked at her and said no! I said she was tall enough and he stood by the line and she was over it – it is the same height restriction as Rock n Roller Coaster but he just said no! I was really shocked and Chloe now had tears in her eyes, she was desperate to go on, I knew we had no chance so I may have said something that wasn’t very nice and we left. Chloe was working herself up, but all I could do is tell her we’d try again another day. It’s really hard to explain to a 6 year old that yes you’re tall enough but he’s not letting you on, even though you’ve just been on another ride with the same height restriction.

We went on Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop, there was a 20 minute wait, which was one of the longest queue times we’d waited in. Chloe was really tired now, I was starting to worry that she wasn’t going to be able to go out for dinner tonight, she wanted to fit swimming in there too. As we were there we went over to Slinky and she got upset about going on as she didn’t want to go on a ‘baby ride’. I walked off to go over to Crush’s Coaster with her and she had a huge melt down, she was screaming and crying about wanting to go on Slinky! Sometimes you just can’t win! We went on, when we were let through they realised they’d counted wrong and there were no seats free, I went to go and queue for the next turn but the CM had asked a man and his daughter to move up! I said I didn’t mind waiting to go the next one but his wife and mother were on the seat in front so they got in with them. Finally, she was happy again!

We headed over to Crush and noticed Pluto was in the meet and greet space so we went to meet him. I can’t remember how many times we met Pluto this time, but thanks to how amazing he was last time, he is now Chloe’s favourite Disneyland character and we had to meet him at every opportunity!






Daisy was at the next meet and greet space so she went to meet her too.




The queue time for Crush was 30 minutes and I was worried about making it to Tower of Terror in time so I saw the Cars ride was only a 10 minute wait, in July we never saw it under 60 minutes so never got to go on it. When we were let through, again the numbers had been counted wrong and there were no cars left and we had to wait for the next turn. I really liked this one, it's much faster than it looks!

It was now time for Tower of Terror! I LOVE the Tower of Terror CMs! They're so funny! One of them called Chloe Merida because of her hair so he has a huge fan. We saw him another time when we were on it and he got the biggest smile from her :rotfl: I'm actually starting to really like this one.

I was hungry now, apparently Chloe doesn't need food when there are rides to go on! I thought it would be a good idea to grab some food from Earl of Sandwich and take it to the room. So we made our way out of the park.










I knew now that there was no chance of Chloe being able to stay awake for dinner so I thought it would be nice to get swimming today and then she can come back and have a snack and go to bed for the night. Chloe was happy with this, so that's what we did! The swimming pool was really nice, however, it was freezing! After about 45 minutes (and 300 goes down the slide for Chloe) we got out. She didn't want anything to eat so when we got back she went straight to bed.

Rachael, Jit and Dylan were back now, so we had a catch up about the day and then they got ready to go to Billy Bob's. I know they didn't rate this that much, I'll add more on this later on.

We didn't have a great nights sleep, Chloe decided to wake up and be silly for a bit which meant she was still a bit tired the next day.
We woke up the next morning on time :cool1:

On the way to breakfast, we saw Minnie Mouse so we stopped for photos.



Breakfast, as always, was great, I always have too much though!

Rachael, Jit and Dylan went to get something from their room so me and Chloe waited outside for them. It was really foggy this morning and had rained through the night but at least it was ok now. I’ve noticed on all of my photos it looks like it’s constantly wet, but it wasn’t like that at all!




My beautiful princess Merida


And beautiful Dylan too :lovestruc


We had got presents that we were going to ask Santa to give the kids as they don’t get one off him, but we didn’t know if we’d get round to seeing him now so we just let them have them. Dylan had a toy of Goofy as an elf and Chloe had an Aurora soft toy.


We went over to Buzz Lightyear first, we bought the 5 photo packages after the ride and Rachael and Jit bought their ride photo with one of theirs.

Little Buzz!


Next we went over to say hello to the dragon.




After, we went through to Fantasyland and had another go at pulling the sword from the stone!



We went on Snow White and then Pinocchio.



I saw in the shop they had the cuddly toys of Pinocchio and I’ve not seen them in the shops here so I grabbed to send to Santa! Also in the shop I saw the remote control Minnie Mouse scooters, Chloe wanted one last time but I couldn’t have got it back. She’s gone on and on about it since we last went so Nanny asked her if she would bring one back and said that she would send it to Santa for her. We had these sent to the hotel shop, it took ages as the machine decided to break but eventually we were on our way.


We decided to head to the studios next. We needed to meet Santa Goofy but the queue was long and it was almost time for him to go so there was no point us getting in the queue.



As we got to the Studios, guess who we saw?!



Big Kisses!

Really enjoying your trip report! Your daughter has the most gorgeous hair I have ever seen, its beautiful! Is it hard to look after? :lovestruc

All these reports make me so excited for our trip in les than 2 weeks...eeek! :cool1:
Really enjoying your trip report! Your daughter has the most gorgeous hair I have ever seen, its beautiful! Is it hard to look after? :lovestruc

All these reports make me so excited for our trip in les than 2 weeks...eeek! :cool1:

Thank you. It's not too bad to look after, but I'm used to it. The only bad thing is that it's usually huge and a little knotty in the morning.

I'm so jealous! I want too go back again now!
Then out came Donald!




Chip and Dale came out not long after, Dylan had met them yesterday so I took Chloe to say hello!



We went to have a look at the wait time for Tower of Terror but it was a while so we got a FP instead.

We decided to go over to Toy Story Playland so that Dylan could go on Slinky and we could try RC Racer again.

As we got there we saw Woody and decided to join the crowd. He was really nice, a family in front told their son to tell him it was his birthday so he wrote him a little happy birthday note in his autograph book! He was also the only one who went out of their way with Dylan, by bending down and sitting him on his knee.





Funnily enough, this time when we went to RC Racer she was allowed on as she is tall enough! She really liked it, but I knew she would.
We decided to split now as we were going to Tower of Terror and then the princess lunch.

As always, Chloe thought Tower of Terror was amazing!

As we were leaving we just managed to see the Stars n Cars parade.









In the morning I’d told her she could have her face painted just before we went to lunch at Auberge, so on the way out of the Studios she had it done. Her one was supposed to have violet in it but the woman asked her if she wanted the violet or if she wanted it to match her dress princess: She chose the blue to match her dress!






We got to Auberge, it was really busy, we had to wait for people to come out to get a table – was about 15 minutes in the end.

Not long after we were seated Perla came over.



Followed by Suzy, who made a big fuss of Chloe!



It was quiet for a bit then, we ordered a meals and chilled out a little. I had the salmon tartare as I loved it so much last time and the veal. Chloe had the burger again. Chloe wasn't impressed with her starter, I tried it and the closest thing I can compare it to was tuna mayo except it was salmon and obviously wasn't with mayo :rotfl: she did eat some of it with some bread so it obviously wasn't too awful, she was just hoping for parma ham and melon balls again! My food was good, the veal was a little fatty though, but overall I really liked it.

The music started and out of nowhere Suzy came to take Chloe to dance :love:


They had a dance together and when the princesses came out, Belle came over and took Chloe off Suzy and danced with her princess: I was too busy faffing with my camera that I never managed to get a decent photo :sad2:

Then they watched Aurora and Phillip dance together.


Afterwards, Belle asked Chloe to show her to her table :cheer2:


She was really sweet and had a nice chat about being a princess with Chloe, she was a big hit – as you can see!






Not too long later, Aurora and Phillip came over. It was the same Aurora we met in July. I don’t know why but I was really shocked when Phillip spoke with an English accent! They were with us a little while, talking about the film. Phillip asked Chloe if she had to get up early to put her beautiful make up on, she just gave him a huge grin! Aurora decided that it was the fairies that had done it as it was pink and blue! Aurora asked her who her favourite princess was and Chloe told her it was her and showed Aurora and Phillip her new doll….. They signed her book and Phillip wrote her a lovely little message.

Another great update.

I would love to try auberge again but think we will wait till DD is a bit older and can actually interact herself as me and DH feel silly talking to them like we are kids ha ha x
Another great update.

I would love to try auberge again but think we will wait till DD is a bit older and can actually interact herself as me and DH feel silly talking to them like we are kids ha ha x

I really like it there, to me it's worth the money but she's princess crazy. I know what you mean, when they were talking to me I did feel daft :rotfl: it's just lovely to see her with them as she really loves them. I'm going to finish off Auberge now :)
You can see she’s very impressed with her starter :rotfl2:


Clearly even more impressed with mine :lmao:


We finished our starters and were waiting for our mains when the music came on again so we went to watch the dancing again. This time when we were there Cinderella took her off me and took her to the front to watch the dancing :love:





When the dancing had finished, Cinderella asked Chloe to take her to our table. I had a very happy little girl!


Cinderella was fantastic too, she was really sweet and gentle with her. When we were going in July, Chloe made Cinderella a bracelet with her name on but we forgot to take it to Auberge with us last time so I made sure we had it this time. Chloe was so happy when she put it on. You can just about see it in the picture. Later, when we were leaving, we walked past Cinderella and she said goodbye and thanked Chloe for the bracelet so she very pleased with herself :hyper:


As we had seen them all, we finished our meals and left, not before Chloe showed me her best Merida impression!



I am a little nervous about going to Auberge again, we've had 2 really good experiences there, I'm worried next time we go it might not live up to it.

Looking at the time, I saw that we might just make it to see Santa so we headed over to Frontierland.
Hello! Hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas!

Now that things are a little quieter I've got some time to carry on with the TR.

When we got to the Santa meet, I saw one of the lovely CMs from our last trip standing by the entrance so I asked her if there was still time to get in the queue, she said there was but the wait time was around 45 minutes. In the end we queued for about an hour and for half of that the queue never moved.

Chloe loves Pluto so Chloe had to have a photo :cutie:



I think the queue area is really pretty.







The elves were so funny, running around being naughty! They made the queue time much more bearable! All the children loved them.



She was only with Santa briefly but he was very nice and she was so happy! My photos weren’t very good so on the last day I bought the one that the photographer took when I chose the ones to use with the 5 photo pack.








It was then time to meet up with Rachael, Jit and Dylan by the Kodak shop, ready for the tree lighting ceremony.

We ended up having a good spot because we were there a little early. I really enjoyed it, Chloe was starting to feel worn out but as we were at the front she got to sit on the kirb in front of me and still see it and she loved it too.







When it finished we headed over to find a space to watch Dreams. It seemed quite busy so we didn’t get the best spot but we were able to see it.

My camera isn’t great so I only took a couple and just enjoyed watching it.

I love it, it’s so magical pixiedust:

We had a reservation at Café Mickey so after Dreams had finished we went straight there. This time, we decided that instead of having the three courses, we’d use the vouchers at their face value. Rachael had a pizza, Jit had the caesar salad and the fish and chips and I had the Italian burger. We all ordered a couple of drinks each by the end. I can’t remember what Dylan had but we ordered him one of the children’s mains I think. I’m pretty sure Chloe had the Pizza and ice cream, it’s been so long and I can’t tell from the photos! I’d promised her a cocktail during our trip so she had it here, Fairly sure it was called Alice’s drink me. I was disappointed that considering the cost she didn’t get it in a special cup, she was looking forwards to having another glowing Tink, instead she had it in a normal glass. In the end, the meal only cost a couple of euros extra on top of our vouchers.



First we met Mickey :)


Then Pinocchio, who was really sweet with Dylan :lovestruc







Next, we met a very playful Tigger :hyper:




oh wow, thanks for sharing these photos. I doubt we'll ever go to princesses lunch as my princes love Buzz way more :rotfl: but those plates... oh my.. my face expression would be worse than your girl's :lmao:
oh wow, thanks for sharing these photos. I doubt we'll ever go to princesses lunch as my princes love Buzz way more :rotfl: but those plates... oh my.. my face expression would be worse than your girl's :lmao:

:rotfl2: She wasn't impressed at all, think she just wanted the melon balls like last time. She did eat a bit of her main and all of her dessert. I love that salmon starter though!

I'm gutted about CCO, I think there should be a Toy Story character meal, I'd love that!

Just realised I haven't put the rest of the CM pictures on or the Dreams ones so I'll do those now:)
Next in CM we got to meet Chloe’s favourite, Pluto :love:






Finally we met Minnie :cutie:





Just before we left, Chloe joined the conga going around the room for the second time :rotfl: I got dragged up the first time but got away with it this time :cool1:


It was then time to leave :( we had to get back to pack all of our things and get ready for our last day :sad:

The few pictures I forgot to add from Dreams, camera wasn't good so I gave up after 2 minutes of trying to get any decent photos!


Pulling faces while we waited...





Great Tr your dd is such a princess, love the row of dresses. Dd has 3 or 4 for our next trip and will also wear them come rain or shine :) Brilliant pics thanks for sharing :yay:


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