"Even the Garbage Cans Have Flowers!"-A September 2016 Mother-Daughter TR!- NEW TR LINK 9/13!

Glad to hear you enjoyed your farewell to Wishes trip (I'm guessing the last Wishes was one of the lows, but such is life)

I am planning on writing the March 2017 TR in this same thread. But, should I start it after I finish my September 2016 TR, or should I mix in March updates along with the current TR? I am thinking of doing the first option; I don’t want to confuse you guys,
Of course I'll read along either way, but I think the first option. I'm an old man. I don't need things to get any more confusing. o_O
So glad you had a wonderful trip, how fun for you. I would start a new TR for your March trip, give it its own glory lol! I will be reading along for both.
I'm so happy you had a great time on your girls trip, you totoally deserved it!

I can TOTALLY relate to looking
Younger than you are... I'm 29 and people constantly tell me I look 16... which I don't mind usually, but as a nurse/future NP I want people to make me seriously ! On a side note... I didn't get carded when I ordered a drikk last weekend and I was butt hurt... so there's no winning! :smooth:

Enough ramblings from me... cannot wait to read
More about BOTH TRIPS!
So glad to here you had a great trip!! And I'm so glad you will do a TR for it! I would say finish the September TR first, but either way it doesn't matter to me since I'll still be reading along :goodvibes

Thank you!! Yay, so happy you'll be joining along :hug:

Darn! I wish we had had a minute to say hi! But I do know how fast those bus lines move. That was the night I ended up on a double bus so we might even have been on the same one. I was way in the back (entered through the back door) and squished in with about a hundred other people. I was right by the door though so I exited quickly that night and headed straight to my room. I paid for a regular room but they put me in the Calypso section building 1 which I thought was all preferred.

As for the TR question, I've never done two in the same thread at the same time but I have throw in PTR updates in a regular TR. I just make sure I label them as such at the top of the post and do two different sections in the Table of Contents. Currently I have two that I'm writing and this trip will make #3! I'm going to do a totally different post for the latest one just to keep them separate in my mind and make it easier for the readers. Just need to finish editing my Photo Pass pictures and think up a title.

I know, I was so sad that I didn't recognize you sooner! I think you got on the bus after us; we were on a single bus and were one of the last people on!! But I did get a double bus the next day leaving Epcot! That's so nice that they gave you a preferred room! The Calypso area is so cute :cutie:

I'm looking forward to checking out your new TR!! I think I'll keep this one in the same thread since it is shorter, but I will definitely write it separate from this one! That seems to be the consensus on here :) I also desperately need to update my Table of Contents, haha! :rotfl:

I'd finish this one then go into the next, but I'll be reading along either way :thumbsup2

Sounds good!! Thanks so much for reading girl :earboy2:

Welcome back! I'm so glad you had a nice trip with your girlfriends. I look forward to reading all about that one too.

Thank you so much!! So glad you'll be reading along :goodvibes

YAY for another TR! Hope you had a magical weekend in the World! :)

Thank you!! It was a magical time indeed :wizard:

I will follow along whatever you decide! Just let us all know! Can't wait to see that milkshake!!!!!

Thank you so much for staying along! I have decided to finish this TR first, then move onto March :thumbsup2 And oh yes, it was amazing and ginormous and what dreams are made of!!!

Glad to hear you enjoyed your farewell to Wishes trip (I'm guessing the last Wishes was one of the lows, but such is life)

Of course I'll read along either way, but I think the first option. I'm an old man. I don't need things to get any more confusing. o_O

Thank you!! And yes, the last Wishes was definitely sad :sad: But I'm intrigued to see how Happily Ever After will be!

Haha, sounds good :rotfl: I have decided to finish the September TR first, then move on to March. And don't worry, I think that I would get confused as well :laughing:

So glad you had a wonderful trip, how fun for you. I would start a new TR for your March trip, give it its own glory lol! I will be reading along for both.

Sounds good, thank for the input! And thank you so much for continuing to read along!! :goodvibes

I'm so happy you had a great time on your girls trip, you totoally deserved it!

I can TOTALLY relate to looking
Younger than you are... I'm 29 and people constantly tell me I look 16... which I don't mind usually, but as a nurse/future NP I want people to make me seriously ! On a side note... I didn't get carded when I ordered a drikk last weekend and I was butt hurt... so there's no winning! :smooth:

Enough ramblings from me... cannot wait to read
More about BOTH TRIPS!

Thanks girl!! :hug: Ahhh, your trip is coming up so soon! I really need to catch up on your PTR :blush:

I totally have that same problem! I work with kids providing ABA therapy to children with Autism, and when I tell people they sound so surprised that I have such a "serious" job! Haha, that's funny about you not being carded! True story... on my 21st birthday, the first drink I bought, I wasn't carded :rotfl: I was like, "Ummmm... please card me!!" I wanted SOMEBODY to know that I was finally legal, haha!

So glad you'll be staying along for the ride!! :banana:
Day 5: Part 3- “A Star Is Born!”

Hi guys! As I’m writing this update, I’m laying in bed watching Peter Pan :tink: The stomach flu hit me hard on Friday, so I’ve basically been in bed all weekend. I’ve been living off of Sprite, cinnamon toast, and applesauce! :cold: My sister was visiting this weekend, and we were supposed to go see Beauty and the Beast yesterday, but I sadly was not feeling up to it :sad: Fortunately, I am feeling much better now!!

I need to start posting TR updates more regularly, because I now have ANOTHER TR to start as well! I wasn’t planning on doing another full TR, but I have so much to tell you guys about the trip (I’ve basically been bursting at the seams). Plus, this was a trip of many firsts, so I wanted to properly review all of the new experiences we tried! I’ve decided to start the March 2017 TR after I finish this September TR. It just made more sense to me in my head, plus that is what all of you guys voted on, so it’s a done deal :thumbsup2


Anyways, on with the show!!

Where we last left off, Mom and I had just arrived at Disney’s Hollywood Studios! We had a lot to fit in before Fantasmic, but since DHS isn’t a huge park, we were confident that we’d be able to get on all our favorites! Plus, the parks were DEAD today. Mom and I were shocked at how much the crowds had changed once Labor Day passed! Moral of the story- the week after Labor Day is the time to go to WDW! We try not to tell TOO many people this though, in fear of ruining the secret and bringing in more crowds :laughing:

Our FP for Tower of Terror was open until 3:50 PM, so we decided to do an old favorite first!


The Great Movie Ride! DHS looks sooo different without the Mickey Sorcerer hat :scared1: Standby wait was for 20 minutes, so we jumped right in line!


In line right behind us was a young couple, probably about 20ish years old. Now, I’m not one who’s usually against PDA. Holding hands and an occasional kiss is adorable and perfectly appropriate for Disney! But, these two were literally sticking their tongues in each other’s mouths and nearly groping each other! You know, because nothing screams “romance” like a hot, crowded queue in WDW with children running about your feet :rolleyes2

I was actually quite impressed that they could keep up in line while making out :lmao: It’s always DHS that attracts the major-PDA couples for Mom and I; we had a similar experience in line for Toy Story Midway Mania last year! I think that this picture from Sci-Fi later in the day sums it all up perfectly:


Trying to block out the annoying couple, we moved along in the line! Even though the line was short and moved quickly, I took a lot of random pictures!


I was so pumped to see this costume from “Singin’ In The Rain!” RIP Debbie Reynolds :sad1: Last year, I was in my university’s production of “Singin’ In The Rain” as a Coconut Grove Girl, aka, one of these ladies:


It was so much fun and I have such fond memories of that show!! I got to learn how to tap dance, and it’s now become one of my favorite hobbies! I really need to start taking tap classes again now that I’m out of school…

Where were we? Oh yeah, Great Movie Ride! 10 minutes later, we’re on!!


Mom and I love the cheesiness of this ride. This has always been an old family favorite; I’ll be really sad if the rumors are true and Disney replaces it :sad2: We got the gangster scene! We always love clapping and cheering loudly when our tour guide defeats the villain!!

After riding the Great Movie Ride, we cashed in our FPs at Tower of Terror! I’m always nervous about riding this one; even though I’ve ridden in dozens of times, I always get a little pang in my stomach right before we go on.


Like always, we ride and my nerves instantly go away as soon as we’re on! I had a little bit of a pins-and-needles feeling in my hands right after, which is what happened last year too! Not sure if it’s the sudden drop or what, but it always goes away once I shake them out a few times.

Since we used our Tower of Terror FP at the last minute, it was now time to cash in our Rock n Roller Coaster FPs!



I loooove this ride. Mom loves it too, but she can only do it a few times before she gets a little dizzy. I could ride this baby ten times in a row!! It’s funny; Mom loves ToT, while I love RnRC! The song that we listened to this time was “Sweet Emotion.”

Since the standby line was only 20 minutes long, we decided to do RnRC one more time! The line was more like 10 minutes. I looooooove September!


While in the pre-show, I noticed that one of the guys from Aerosmith looked oddly familiar. See that guy on the right side in the blue shirt? His name is Tom Hamilton (I googled it ::yes::). The whole line, I was trying to figure out how he looked familiar…

This time while we rode, we got the “Love in an Elevator/Walk This Way” music loop! This is by far my favorite out of all of the choices; it’s just so catchy! As always, it was a wonderful ride :rockband:

We browsed the dump shop, and decided to buy a little souvenir for my dad:


A Rock N Roller Coaster t-shirt!! My dad is a huge music fan (especially rock), so we knew he would get good use out of this shirt. I loved how there was a Minnie Mouse head made out of guitar picks at the check-out counter! ::MinnieMo


Since we were leaving in 2 days, we couldn’t send it back to the room. So, we sent it to the front of the park to pick up, and off we went! Of course, we had to take a few shots of our rocker poses!



Keeping up with our thrill-seeking afternoon, we then decided to take one more spin on Tower of Terror!


With a wait time like this, how could one resist? :earboy2:


The detail on this ride is astounding! We are huge Twilight Zone lovers in my house, so we always can find something new in the queue (hey, that rhymed!)

It was in the ToT line that I FINALLY realized who Tom Hamilton reminded me of. Does anyone on the DIS watch Sister Wives on TLC???


Not my proudest moment admitting this, but it is one of Mom and I’s guilty pleasures (we could probably watch TLC 24/7, but my dad would never allow it ;)) Anyway, Tom Hamilton looks exactly like the main guy on the show, Kody Brown!



I think that the resemblance is uncanny!! Mom sort of agreed, but wasn’t too convinced. Does anyone else think so? No? Okay, moving on :rolleyes1

After our trip through the Twilight Zone, it was time to go for something a little bit more slow paced. Even though this is a kid’s ride, it makes Mom and I crazy competitive and sends us into a MANIA!!

But, that will be saved for the next update :)

Coming up Next- Day 5: Part 4- “Ride like the Wind, Bullseye!”

Like always, we ride and my nerves instantly go away as soon as we’re on! I had a little bit of a pins-and-needles feeling in my hands right after, which is what happened last year too! Not sure if it’s the sudden drop or what, but it always goes away once I shake them out a few times.
Tower of Terror is the only ride in WDW that I have never done, and probably never will. I just don't like the feeling of big, straight drops. The pins and needles happened to me years ago on Splash Mountain. I think on that one, I got so nervous about the drop since you go up the big hill sooo slooow, I got a bit stressed and then once I got down the drop I had that tingling in my hands. I just didn't like the feeling. Rock'n Roller Coaster and Expedition Everest are just at the limit for me. They have drops, but it happens so fast I don't get too stressed about it.
Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well! :(

Woah, you guys were really doing well with rides and all the low wait times! Sounds like a blast!
Wow, such low crowds at HS how nice for you two. I think the picture heading towards ToT is the least amount of people I have ever seen in that area! I can't handle Rockin but I do love ToT. Poor Andi my daughter, she has to ride RRC by herself :rockband:.
I just read through the whole report! Love reading about your trip. It sounds like so much fun, and makes me wish my parents were Disney lovers like myself. I can't wait to hear about the rest of this trip AND your girl's trip. We're going on our next trip in May, so reading trip reports is keeping me going until then!
In line right behind us was a young couple, probably about 20ish years old. Now, I’m not one who’s usually against PDA. Holding hands and an occasional kiss is adorable and perfectly appropriate for Disney! But, these two were literally sticking their tongues in each other’s mouths and nearly groping each other! You know, because nothing screams “romance” like a hot, crowded queue in WDW with children running about your feet :rolleyes2

:crazy2: Gross teenager will make out anywhere! (I'm in my mid 20's not so I can call 20ish years old people teenagers). :laughing:

We got the gangster scene! We always love clapping and cheering loudly when our tour guide defeats the villain!!

We always get the gangster scene!

It was in the ToT line that I FINALLY realized who Tom Hamilton reminded me of. Does anyone on the DIS watch Sister Wives on TLC???

Yes I've seen it :rotfl:

Not my proudest moment admitting this, but it is one of Mom and I’s guilty pleasures (we could probably watch TLC 24/7, but my dad would never allow it ;)) Anyway, Tom Hamilton looks exactly like the main guy on the show, Kody Brown!

Well vacation is the place for guilty pleasure shows and trash tv sooo :rolleyes1

I think that the resemblance is uncanny!! Mom sort of agreed, but wasn’t too convinced. Does anyone else think so? No? Okay, moving on :rolleyes1

They do look alike. Not exactly, but I see it.
It was in the ToT line that I FINALLY realized who Tom Hamilton reminded me of. Does anyone on the DIS watch Sister Wives on TLC???

Yes! I see it! I watch too much TLC too. I work the night shift and it's the only channel I can guarantee has something on during my 1am lunch break :cool2:
The stomach flu hit me hard on Friday,

Oh no! Glad you are feeling better, that is definitely NOT fun

I have so much to tell you guys about the trip (I’ve basically been bursting at the seams)

Ahhh can't wait! This'll be me...


nothing screams “romance” like a hot, crowded queue in WDW with children running about your feet

Ewwwww. I agree, a peck? Sure. Slightly elongated kiss in front of castle for obligatory photo op? Have at it! But that's it... save it for the room peeps

Does anyone on the DIS watch Sister Wives on TLC??

Guilty - let's not even get started woth the embarrassment that is me watching "mama June" and "counting on" lol! ... and I totally see the resemblance !
I'm glad you and your friends had such a nice trip. I'm looking forward to reading about it!

I would love to be able to go to WDW right after Labor Day, but we start school (teacher) in mid-August, so it's usually Fall Break trips for me. We were just there for a four day weekend in January and it was insanely crowded. With the temps in the 80's, I guess the locals came out in full force.

I love the Great Movie Ride and will really miss it. We just got the cowboy scene our last trip and it's been so long since the last time we had it.

I'm not a big Tower of Terror fan. I go on it every chance I get, but I really don't see the attraction with it. I think I enjoy the theme and detailing more than the actual ride.

I used to be a TLC addict. I watched everything on that channel. Than the Gosselins disappointed me. Than the Roloffs. Than the Duggars. I had to make a clean break. Confession: I have watched a few episodes of Outdaughtered and find them adorable. I hope the fame and money doesn't ruin them like so many others.
After riding the Great Movie Ride, we cashed in our FPs at Tower of Terror! I’m always nervous about riding this one; even though I’ve ridden in dozens of times, I always get a little pang in my stomach right before we go on.


Like always, we ride and my nerves instantly go away as soon as we’re on! I had a little bit of a pins-and-needles feeling in my hands right after, which is what happened last year too! Not sure if it’s the sudden drop or what, but it always goes away once I shake them out a few times.
Every time I get on I ask myself why I ride this because getting stuck on an elevator is literally one of my biggest fears, but I still continue to ride it.

It was in the ToT line that I FINALLY realized who Tom Hamilton reminded me of. Does anyone on the DIS watch Sister Wives on TLC???


Not my proudest moment admitting this, but it is one of Mom and I’s guilty pleasures (we could probably watch TLC 24/7, but my dad would never allow it ;)) Anyway, Tom Hamilton looks exactly like the main guy on the show, Kody Brown!


I love Sister Wives! I follow them all on twitter. :rotfl2:He does kind of look like the dad though. It's the hair!
OMG!!! I used to watch Sister Wives! But DH hates it. So, I can only watch when he is traveling or working late. But I totally know who you are talking about.

Sounded like a great day to hit some rides! WE have yet to do either ToT or RrC. I am hoping my girls will be up for both on our next trip. #fingerscrossed
Okay, my stupid quote feature is refusing to work once again so I have to remember what I wanted to comment on :scratchin Let's do the important stuff first: love the shirt you got your dad. He's obviously a man of good taste because rock music is the ONLY music worth listening to :D says this old woman who doesn't think much that's come out after the early 90's is good AT ALL! As for Tom Hamilton looking like Cody whatever his name is..........I guess I see it. And I have watched Sister Wives and find it a bit intriguing lol. However again, Tom Hamilton = greatness, Cody whatever = weirdness :crazy: But both entertain!

Sounds like you had the absolute best time on your girls trip and I can't wait to hear about it! DH and I just returned last night from a quick trip and saw Wishes for the final time, watched right from the middle of Main St. It was sadder than I thought and I'm so glad I saw it again.

I certainly don't mind PDA most of the time but I hear you on it being too much! Over the weekend there was this couple standing in a doorway in the Morocco pavilion basically licking each others' faces :crazy2: They were NOT in their 20's, either lol! It went on for the entire 10 minutes we stood there watching the Morocco band. I didn't watch the couple for 10 minutes :laughing: but I kept glancing over because I thought they HAD to move on!
Tower of Terror is the only ride in WDW that I have never done, and probably never will. I just don't like the feeling of big, straight drops. The pins and needles happened to me years ago on Splash Mountain. I think on that one, I got so nervous about the drop since you go up the big hill sooo slooow, I got a bit stressed and then once I got down the drop I had that tingling in my hands. I just didn't like the feeling. Rock'n Roller Coaster and Expedition Everest are just at the limit for me. They have drops, but it happens so fast I don't get too stressed about it.

I'm thinking that the pins and needles for me was from stress also!! That, or holding onto the lap bar too tight :rotfl2:

That is very true about Everest and RnRC; they are so fast that by the time you've registered that it's scary, the ride is almost done! The suspense and build-up (especially on Tower of Terror) is really scary, so I can definitely understand you. The first time I rode Splash Mountain, I was 6 years old and TERRIFIED! Luckily, I grew out of it, because it's now my favorite ride in WDW :goodvibes

Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well! :(

Woah, you guys were really doing well with rides and all the low wait times! Sounds like a blast!

Awww, thanks! Fortunately it was only a 24-hour bug and I'm feeling better now!!

Haha, my Mom and I get so commando when wait times are low!! We literally run from ride to ride and try to see how much we can get done! Our full Magic Kingdom day in 2015, I think that we managed to get every single ride done except for Carousel of Progress-but that was because it broke down on us! Oh, and except for Stitch too, but that was by choice :rotfl:

Wow, such low crowds at HS how nice for you two. I think the picture heading towards ToT is the least amount of people I have ever seen in that area! I can't handle Rockin but I do love ToT. Poor Andi my daughter, she has to ride RRC by herself :rockband:.

DHS was absolutely dead! It was amazing to see the park that empty; it doesn't happen too often anymore!

You and my mom would get along very well! You two can ride ToT while Andi and I ride RnRC :thumbsup2

I just read through the whole report! Love reading about your trip. It sounds like so much fun, and makes me wish my parents were Disney lovers like myself. I can't wait to hear about the rest of this trip AND your girl's trip. We're going on our next trip in May, so reading trip reports is keeping me going until then!

:welcome: and thank you so much for joining along!! It is awesome to have a Disney-loving Mom like myself!! My dad used to be a Disney-lover too but has toned down a bit; he was the one who was booking all of the trips when I was a little girl! Hopefully we can get him to WDW soon to relive the magic :tink:

So exciting about your trip in May :earboy2: May is a great time to go to WDW; the weather is beautiful and sunny (in my experience) and you're there during F&G too!!

:crazy2: Gross teenager will make out anywhere! (I'm in my mid 20's not so I can call 20ish years old people teenagers). :laughing:

We always get the gangster scene!

Yes I've seen it :rotfl:

Well vacation is the place for guilty pleasure shows and trash tv sooo :rolleyes1

They do look alike. Not exactly, but I see it.

Hahahah, those youngins thinking they can go making out everywhere... :lmao:

We got the Cowboy scene once, last year! As we got off the ride, Mom turned to me and was like, "Did they change this ride?" :rotfl:She didn't know that there were two tracks!

TLC and Trash TV in general is my favorite...Give me all the Lifetime Movies and TLC!!

Yes! I see it! I watch too much TLC too. I work the night shift and it's the only channel I can guarantee has something on during my 1am lunch break :cool2:

Haha, thank you for agreeing!! :rotfl: TLC is such a guilty pleasure..I'm actually watching "My 600 lb Life" :eek:

Oh no! Glad you are feeling better, that is definitely NOT fun

Ahhh can't wait! This'll be me...

View attachment 227960

Ewwwww. I agree, a peck? Sure. Slightly elongated kiss in front of castle for obligatory photo op? Have at it! But that's it... save it for the room peeps

Guilty - let's not even get started woth the embarrassment that is me watching "mama June" and "counting on" lol! ... and I totally see the resemblance !

Hey girl! Yeah....those 24 hours were not fun, but I made it through and we're all good now! :banana:

OMG...let me list all of the TLC shows I watch regularly (some as reruns on Youtube)... Say Yes to the Dress, Toddlers and Tiaras, Jon and Kate + 8, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, My 600 Lb Life, Sister Wives, My Strange Addiction, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.. Ok, I am ashamed now :blush: :rotfl:

I'm glad you and your friends had such a nice trip. I'm looking forward to reading about it!

I would love to be able to go to WDW right after Labor Day, but we start school (teacher) in mid-August, so it's usually Fall Break trips for me. We were just there for a four day weekend in January and it was insanely crowded. With the temps in the 80's, I guess the locals came out in full force.

I love the Great Movie Ride and will really miss it. We just got the cowboy scene our last trip and it's been so long since the last time we had it.

I'm not a big Tower of Terror fan. I go on it every chance I get, but I really don't see the attraction with it. I think I enjoy the theme and detailing more than the actual ride.

I used to be a TLC addict. I watched everything on that channel. Than the Gosselins disappointed me. Than the Roloffs. Than the Duggars. I had to make a clean break. Confession: I have watched a few episodes of Outdaughtered and find them adorable. I hope the fame and money doesn't ruin them like so many others.

Thank you!! Ahhh, it stinks that school gets in the way of September trips. Fall is an awesome time to go though too! That's interesting about January; usually, late January's crowds are extremely low!

I agree about Great Movie Ride! I know that some people have their opinions about it but I love it and don't want it to leave :sad: And the theming of ToT definitely does out-do the ride itself; I think if the ride had different theming, it wouldn't be NEARLY as popular!

Mom and I LOVE Outdaughtered!! The Mom seems so chill and relaxed, even though she has so many kids! All of the girls are just so adorable :cutie: I used to love Jon and Kate Plus 8 in the earlier seasons, but Jon and Kate became way too intense for me and I got annoyed so I had to stop. I tried watching some of the newer episodes, but stopped because the sextuplets are older now and have attitudes that aren't cute anymore :rolleyes1

Every time I get on I ask myself why I ride this because getting stuck on an elevator is literally one of my biggest fears, but I still continue to ride it.

I love Sister Wives! I follow them all on twitter. :rotfl2:He does kind of look like the dad though. It's the hair!

Haha, wow, way to face your fears head on!! I'm impressed! :rotfl:

It is definitely the hair!! Kody totally creeps me out, but Tom Hamilton seems cool enough!!

OMG!!! I used to watch Sister Wives! But DH hates it. So, I can only watch when he is traveling or working late. But I totally know who you are talking about.

Sounded like a great day to hit some rides! WE have yet to do either ToT or RrC. I am hoping my girls will be up for both on our next trip. #fingerscrossed

Sister Wives is the type of show that you love to hate on, right?! :thumbsup2 It's like watching a train wreck, you can't look away!!

Ooo, I hope the girls take the risk!! True story: Mom forced me on Tower of Terror at 8 years old. I was totally fine in line, but once we sat down, I lost it. She looked at me and said, "Too bad!" and locked me in! And guess what? After the ride was done, I said I wanted to do it again! :rotfl2:

Okay, my stupid quote feature is refusing to work once again so I have to remember what I wanted to comment on :scratchin Let's do the important stuff first: love the shirt you got your dad. He's obviously a man of good taste because rock music is the ONLY music worth listening to :D says this old woman who doesn't think much that's come out after the early 90's is good AT ALL! As for Tom Hamilton looking like Cody whatever his name is..........I guess I see it. And I have watched Sister Wives and find it a bit intriguing lol. However again, Tom Hamilton = greatness, Cody whatever = weirdness :crazy: But both entertain!

Sounds like you had the absolute best time on your girls trip and I can't wait to hear about it! DH and I just returned last night from a quick trip and saw Wishes for the final time, watched right from the middle of Main St. It was sadder than I thought and I'm so glad I saw it again.

I certainly don't mind PDA most of the time but I hear you on it being too much! Over the weekend there was this couple standing in a doorway in the Morocco pavilion basically licking each others' faces :crazy2: They were NOT in their 20's, either lol! It went on for the entire 10 minutes we stood there watching the Morocco band. I didn't watch the couple for 10 minutes :laughing: but I kept glancing over because I thought they HAD to move on!

Hi Ariane!! I hope you had a great time on your trip!! :goodvibes

My Dad loves the shirt too and agrees with you; he loves rock, especially Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd! I love rock too, but I'm definitely more into the soft rock genre, like Fleetwood Mac and Seals and Crofts! I totally agree; Aerosmith is awesome and Sister Wives is just plain odd :rotfl2:

I had a great time on my girl's trip!! I was also super sad to see Wishes go; the waterworks definitely came out :sad:

Haha, the Morocco pavilion is the most random place to make out too!! Like, it's not even that romantic?! I could maybe see like, on the beach at the Poly or GF for something? :rotfl: My boyfriend is so anti-PDA, when we go to WDW someday, it's going to be a struggle to even get him to wear matching t-shirts!!
All caught up again. I watch Sister Wives too and I agree that there is a resemblance. Back to you pizzafari incident.... I would have made a bigger deal. Especially since he pushed away your ID. I'm 29 and look 12. I don't get mad when people ID me but I do get annoyed when they question the validity of it lol
All caught up again. I watch Sister Wives too and I agree that there is a resemblance. Back to you pizzafari incident.... I would have made a bigger deal. Especially since he pushed away your ID. I'm 29 and look 12. I don't get mad when people ID me but I do get annoyed when they question the validity of it lol

Haha, yay! I'm glad that I'm not the only one who sees a resemblance :) And yeah, in hindsight I realize that I probably should have put up a stink about it. It IS Disney, and I have a way higher standard of CM behavior than I do for other places. I guess that I was just so surprised in the moment, I didn't really think about making a bigger deal. And I totally agree about questioning the validity of the ID; I'm pretty sure WDW would be the last place that someone would want to drink underage!Security is everywhere and I feel like they'd be on you in a hot second :lmao:
Day 5: Part 4- “Ride Like the Wind, Bullseye!”

Hi friends!! Where we last left off, Mom and I had just had a thrill-seeking afternoon, riding ToT and RnRC two times each in the span of 45 minutes! We definitely needed some healthy competition to slow things down :ssst: So, off to Toy Story Midway Mania we went!!


It was 5:00 on the dot when we got there, and it was a 20 minute standby wait. Since our dinner ADR was for 5:35, it was a perfect opportunity to sneak a ride in! I am sooo glad that they built a third track on here; a 20-minute standby wait for TSMM was practically unheard of before! Although it is still fun waiting in the queue with all of the awesome life-size toys!

It was even less than 20 minutes; by the time we got to the front, we had only waited 8 minutes :woohoo: We got the “Aliens” car, and off we went!

Who won??




It was getting really close for awhile, but then I nailed a few really high-point targets, which stressed my mom out. During our last round, she turned to look and my score, and yelled, “Oh, shoot!” Well, not exactly that word, but you get the point :laughing: She may be the Buzz champion, but both times we’ve been on TSMM, I’ve beaten her! She still managed to rub it in that she had higher accuracy than me, however!

It was 5:20 when we got out of the ride, so we knew that we had to hoof it over to Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater for our ADR. But it was a bit difficult, when you have this entertaining guy in front of you!


He walked over to me right away, fanned his face, and kissed my hand :love: The army men always have so much character; I guess they have to overcompensate for not having faces :rotfl: I made sure to send this picture to Tom, since he loves the Army Men and Toy Story in general!

Finally, we made it to our destination!!


YAY!! This is probably the millionth time I’ve said this, but Sci-Fi is my favorite restaurant at WDW. The food is right up my alley, the ambiance is amazing, and the CM's there are always so cute and funny. We were given a pager to wait, which is what we’ve come to expect since the restaurant is so popular. Since it was a beautiful night, we sat on the curb outside to people-watch while we waited!

While we were waiting, we saw a cute little family come up to a snack cart, looking pretty frazzled. The dad said to the vendor, “We leave tomorrow and we have 45 snack credits left to use up!” :eek: Like what?! They probably went home with a whole extra carry-on filled with candy and snacks :rotfl2:

15 minutes later, our pager went off and we sat down!


We were nice and close to the screen too!


Our waitress was an adorable older lady who was the sweetest thing! Since we had a special dessert ADR for later tonight, we didn’t order any milkshakes to drink. I got a Vanilla Coke, and Mom got just a regular Coke.

Of course, we had to enjoy the silly commercials as we waited!! We sent lots of pictures to my dad of trailers like, “The 50 Foot Woman” and “The Amazing Colossal Man!” Mom always cracks up when he stabs the doctor with the giant hypodermic needle :lmao:

This one is my personal favorite:


It reminds me of that scene in Grease where they’re at the drive-in :cutie:

Our food took a little bit to arrive, but the time goes by quick when you’re watching all of the fun movie trailers! “The Horror of Party Beach” is another classic- I Googled the movie on my phone just for fun while we waited, and saw that it got a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes :laughing:

Finally, our food came! We hadn’t really eaten a full meal all day, so we were starving! I got the Spicy Buffalo Popcorn Chicken with onion rings, while Mom ordered the Sci-Fi Angus Burger with fries. I didn’t take pictures of our food because of the dark lighting, plus it’s what you would expect of Sci-Fi! The food here is always great; nothing too exotic and something on the menu for everyone. Plus the atmosphere always make this restaurant a no-brainer!

As we were finishing up our meal, our sweet waitress came to refill our waters. We got to talking, and she asked if we were celebrating anything special on the trip. When I told her that I was celebrating my college graduation, she got SO excited! She said, “Wow! Your future’s so bright, it’s hurting my eyes.” :cloud9:

When she gave us the check, she also gave me a celebration cupcake :hyper: Seriously, this lady rocked. I'm so bummed; I completely blanked and forgot to take down her name!


She also gave me a "parking violation" on the receipt and a Sci-Fi Driver's License, both of which hang up on my Disney bulletin board in my room to this day :)


*Edited- (OMG, I just realized that I can see our CM's name on our receipt! I am such a bonehead :rotfl: Marsha, thank you so much for such a magical experience at Sci-Fi!!)

Our CM interaction just further proved how much we love Sci-Fi! It’s one of those meals where we have to do it every trip; it just doesn’t feel like Disney if we don’t get over to Sci-Fi!

We were stuffed, so we thanked our wonderful waitress and made our way out and into the park! We knew that we needed to rest our tummies before doing any any rides, and Tatooine Traders instantly caught our eye.

My boyfriend Tom is a huge Star Wars fan, so I knew that something from here would be a perfect souvenir for him! This cool t-shirt is right up his alley, so I went ahead and bought it!


When I gave it to him a week after we got home, he was excited but didn’t seem over-the-top about it. I insisted that he wear it while we ran errands later that day, and he got not one, not two, but FOUR compliments on it that day!! Of course, the girlfriend’s always right :thumbsup2 He gets at least one compliment on the shirt every time he wears it!

After buying Tom's t-shirt, we moseyed on over to Muppet Courtyard for a classic: MuppetVision 3-D!


We love this 3-D movie! Although it’s dated, we would be sad if they got rid of it. The Muppets are so funny and this movie is just plain silly! My favorite is Sam Eagle :rotfl: “It’s a glorious, three-hour finale!”

Haley’s fiancee, Ryan, loves the Muppets, so we searched the gift shop afterwards for a souvenir. Sadly, we don’t have much luck with the store and didn’t really find anything that we liked enough to buy him!

We had about 45 minutes until Fantasmic, so Mom and I decided to walk through One Man’s Dream!


:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc

The movie wasn’t playing today, but it was still so cool to see all of the statues and replicas. I always marvel at the replica of Tokyo DisneySea. If I’m ever in Japan, that would be the first place I’d visit!

We decided to start making our way towards Sunset Boulevard so that we could get a good spot for Fantasmic! Plus, the shopping in this area of the park is prime, so we figured we’d shop our way down the street and into Fantasmic. Because #girlthings


We browsed through Beverly Sunset, which is easily the coolest store in Hollywood Studios! We weren’t planning on getting anything, but then I saw this..


What?? Another mystery pin?! I managed to convince Mom to buy it for me, since I had not seen this pin anywhere else on property! I was starting to break my one-a-day rule, but pin collecting was starting to become addicting ::yes:: And I got…


Tramp! I was pretty happy with Tramp; the ones I wanted most were Lady, Marie, or the Cheshire Cat. But, I was happy that I didn’t get Dodger, since I’ve never seen Oliver and Company before! Fun fact: When I was four years old, I was OBSESSED with Lady and the Tramp. We had a book on tape of Lady and the Tramp that we listened to all the time in the car, and I literally memorized that thing cover to cover. We have a video of me reciting the entire, 20-minute tape by memory along with me turning the pages of the book. I guess it was a good introduction to acting and script memorizing :) My mom always says that if the Ellen Degeneres Show existed back then, she would have sent her that video!

After the adrenaline rush induced by mystery pin-opening, we decided to finally head towards Fantasmic!


Ooooooo, Scary Tower of Terror photo!!

We were thirsty from our salty food at Sci-Fi, so we got a blue Powerade from Sunset Ranch Market. Both Mom and I were excited, because we had just seen Fantasmic for the first time in 13 years back in 2015, and it had rekindled our love of it! It was 8:20 by now, so we only had about 10 minutes before the show started. Would we find a good spot?? Would both of us stay awake?? (Hint: one answer is yes and one answer is no :sad2:)

And just for funsies, here's a picture of Mom and I from Rock n Roller Coaster earlier that day!! Notice the fellow Disney fans behind us? :earboy2:


Coming Up Next- Day 5: Part 5- “Some People are Worth Melting For!”

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