Ever hear a character "speak"?

Originally posted by rscotty
.My old college girlfriend told me that when she was in Disneyland, she went up to Mickey and he said "Hello beautiful" to which she responded "I didn't know Mickey could talk". Mickey then responded "That's not all Mickey can do..."

This happened at Disneyland in 2000 ...

I was at grad nite and taking my picture with tigger near the hub where a DJ was playing Venga Boys - We Like To Party (the song that's now in Magic Mts. ads)...

"MS." Tigger was singing along to the song while taking the picture and in between photos she kept bouncing up and down :Pinkbounc

Either Ms.Tigger really liked the song or she was going crazy :yo-yo:
On our trip in 2002 we were at EPCOT and my wife and DD 1 1/2 at the time were posing with Goofy. I was taking the picture and my wife said it might work better if I took the lens cap off. She said Goofy was Laughing so loud at her comment.

We have also gotten kisses from Eyore and Piglett.

We were getting autographs for the kids shirts at MGM. Rafiki and Timon were signing. I let Rafiki use my back to sign. He got tickled, laughed then said something, then said whoops and put his hands up to his mouth. Then he started laughing again.
I haven't heard any characters talk.. in fact, it didn't even occur to me that you could here them talk even if they tried!

I am amazed at how they communicate, though. We were waiting our turn with Mickey, and in front of us was a couple and their grandkids. The man was taking a picture of the rest, but couldn't get the camera to work. The CM was telling them to move along, but Mickey stepped and 'told' the CM that they didn't have to go yet. After a moment, Mickey then suggested that the man let his wife give it a try. It was a riot.
Originally posted by rscotty
My old college girlfriend told me that when she was in Disneyland, she went up to Mickey and he said "Hello beautiful" to which she responded "I didn't know Mickey could talk". Mickey then responded "That's not all Mickey can do..."

Colleen was a real looker and I think Mickey was trying to pick her up.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Heard plenty of kisses, slurps, a couple grunts and uhuhs but what sticks out in my mind was the time I met Piglet at a CP breakfast. He came over to our table, I asked how he was doing and such, he gave me the thumbs up and all seemed well. As we're taking a picture together he makes what can only be described as a low guttural groan/ growl that sounded kind of like "bwah" if you can imagine it. It was just the weirdest thing, but I thought it was pretty funny.
I never heard them talk before, but we did see Piglet "sleeping" on the bench outside of 1900 park fare. We thought it was a big stuffed animal until we saw the bottoms of the feet! :(
We've had the usual slurping from Pluto and kissy noises from other characters, but my favorite is from a character not in a "full" costume. We ate at the Princess breakfast in Norway last year and when Jasmine, who my husband thought was pretty "impressive" came by our table. I told her he had been waiting his whole life to meet her (like the Cindy commercial)! She just looked at him, raised her eyebrows up and said, "Oh, sweetie, I don't think I've been alive your whole life!" Everyone in our section of the restaurant was cracking up! Of course, DH then had to get in the picture with our two daughters and Jasmine. That's the only character pic we have with him in it. I guess he doesn't think Minnie is hot!!
We met the Queen from Snow White 2 years ago, obviously as a face character she can speak but what she said cracked us up.

She told us to bow or curtsey befpre we could have our pictures taken then when I refused I had to leave.
My eldest DS had a snow white pin which she told him to take off as there was no way "that girl" was going to be in her photo.

Younger DS was wearing a Gryffindor hat from Harry Potter and the Queen spent ages discussing why he wanted to be a goody too shoes from Gryffindor when she was at Hogwarts she had been in Slytherin and they were the best.

Its times like that that I wished we had a video camera. She spent ages with them and never slipped out of character once, the boys still talk about her.
We were at Donald's Breakfastosaurus and I guess I was pretty absorbed with eating my breakfast. So much so that when Pluto approached from behind and put his paws on my shoulders I let out a scream. He immediately leaned over and whispered into my ear "Sorry about that.":scared1:
I was in DL and inquiring about eating at Goofy's Kitchen in the DLH for lunch. At that time, in 2000 (i think), it was only open for Bfast and dinner, so we were about to leave because Breakfast was just ending, and they were closing for a few hours until it was dinner seating. Anyways, as me and my 2 kids were leaving, Donald was just finishing up his picture duties in the lobby, and came to us and TALKED. I guess he had a donald duck voice simulator or something that would manipulate what the person inside was saying, but it still freaked me out because I was so surprised! He asked why I wasnt eating there, and I told him because the restaurant was closed. It was really hard to understand, and he said some other things, but I didn't know what he was saying...I must have looked like a total moron, but I think part of it was the shock. It sounded like a robotic Donald duck...it was pretty weird, and I have never heard it again since we have been back.
My friend and I, both in our 20s, ran to take a pic with Baloo at MVMCP last year. It was downright COLD too. I wasn't thinking and hugged onto him so tight and said "ooooh, you're so warm!" I heard kinda like a Beavis and Butthead laugh coming out of him...haha.
I also have a great pic of Pluto in Fantasmic. He is so close to my camera, you can see eyes in his eye!
My daughter and I were posing with Pooh, waiting patiently for DH to take the picture. Something was wrong with the camera and my husband kept fooling with it and, all of a sudden, Pooh started to snore!
DD and I just started to crack up and DH had no idea what was going on!
I never heard a charcter talk but last year we went to DL and Me and my friend saw Jesse. So we waited in line to get our picture with her. While we patiently waited our turn, a spanish speaking family of about 50 (really I mean 50) came up and cut right in front of us when we were next to get our photo taken. They were about to walk up to her when I grabbed my friends arm and led the way to Jesse since it was OUR turn. I said to the family that the end of the line was behind us and about 15 other famililes but they just looked at me and had no idea what I had said. Jesse then looked at me and my friend and nodded her head no and pointed to the end of line. I was completely in shock. So the family of 50 continued on to her and took about a 100 pics with all of their kids. The family behind me told me that they saw the whole ordeal and told me what happened was unfair. I was aware of that and was extremly upset and there was not even a CM around. :mad:
I was at a special Beauty & the Beast dessert party years ago on the beach at the Yacht club. I was standing watching the movie on the big screen tv & Beast was nearby with two quite attractive looking young ladies that were working the party for Disney. He was chatting them up & I heard him say "So, what are you girls doing later?" Actually, I was a little bit upset because I thought that was totally not a cool thing for any of the numerous kids that were around to overhear. I was totally shocked :earseek: as I know there is some rule about fully costumed characters not talking. Glad that I haven't experienced this anymore. I am sure he could have gotten in quite a bit of trouble if I had told someone.
No, but I wished I did. I rode the teacups with the White Rabbit this past June, while my DDs were in another teacup with Tweedle Dee (or Tweedle Dum -- I forget). Anyway, I sat there babbling like a moron, just to break the silence. DH watched from another teacup and said I did not stop the whole time. Apparently I do not believe in uncomfortable silences!
Well ours was a face character who was allowed to talk but it was pretty funny. A good friend of mine from high school (in CA)was Prince Charming when we were in college. Another friend and I went to DL while we were home on break and her friend from out of state came with us. We had told him that we knew Prince Charming but he obviously thought we were pulling his leg. During the parade, the Cinderella float goes by and sure enough, there is our friend on the float! So, we both yelled his name really loud and waved. He turned toward us, gave us a huge smile and said, "Tricia, Julie, Hi!!! Oh my gosh, how are you...etc" waving like crazy as the float went by. Then as it was getting too far to say anything, he yelled, "I love you guys!" The little girl in front of us turned around and said, "You know Prince Charming???" Our friend was in total awe as a grown up and kept saying over and over, "I can't believe you were serious. You really know that guy!" It was so funny.


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