Everybody Wants to be a WISH Cat (or dog, or goose, etc...) - October 2016 WISH Challenge

I'm still at the same precentage I was at last week of 20%. This week, life won. I'm struggling to balance my newly found social life with healthy eating and exercise. Last week Monday was Columbus Day, so I took the day off from work. Tuesday, I had a hair appointment and by the time that's done it's later in the evening and I get to thinking about what I have to cook and do for the remainder of the evening and then I get de-motivated. Wednesday was an impromptu happy hour that had me out til Midnight. Thursday, I was exhausted from the aforementioned night out (like I actually fell asleep at 7:30p that night). Friday, I celebrated my birthday with my BFF, Saturday was a hangover day....you get the picture!

I'm just frustrated because I want to do these things but I want to stay on track. And I am sooo not a morning person so I know that trying to get up earlier to work out is just a no-go. That's setting myself up for failure. I guess I'm just feeling like while I have the best intentions and motivations I don't ever really end up sticking with them. And I'm not really sure how to fix it.
What's your favorite breakfast to get your day off to a good healthy start?

What about your week? Do you start your week off with meal prep or anything special to keep yourself on track?

I make pancakes! 2 pancakes are only 150 calories and they're fluffy and delicious. I also meal prep. I make all my lunches for the week on Sunday so that all I have to do in the morning is grab and go. I also started prepping my dinners in advance so that all I have to do is worry about microwaving them.
Sometimes when life is too crazy you need to decompress!

How do you relax and recenter yourself?

Do you find that "me" time is necessary to reach your goal?

What can you do this weekend to take some time for yourself?

Watching sports is probably my best relaxation. Nothing better for me than a Saturday with nothing to do and sitting on the couch watching college football.


Had a pretty good weekend. Ended up having a good Saturday in St Louis and got some new clothes at the outlets. Sunday was an interesting day. I met up with @courtneybeth and her husband which was fun - it was great meeting them and hanging out before the race.

The race went well. The hills were a little much, but I thought I ran well and ended up finishing at 2:56:01. I was hoping to finish below 3:00:00, so I was happy with the time, although I really hit the wall at about mile 11.

After the race was a different story, I found my family and was walking out when things started getting really crazy. I couldn't see and wasn't feeling well. The next thing I know I was on a back board going to the medical tent! I passed out. I was so embarrassed. At the medical tent they couldn't find a vein to get fluids in me (they poked and missed 6 times - ouch), so it was off to the hospital in the ambulance! First ambulance ride for me - I can knock something else off the bucket list! I just felt bad for my family that was worried about me. After they found a vein at the hospital I was feeling much better and was able to leave after about an hour.

Not the ending I wanted for the first half marathon. Not sure where I went wrong - I ate and drank everything the same as I did for my warm up 2 weeks prior. I drank a ton the few days leading up to the race. I'm stumped. Oh well, at least I beat the time that I wanted.


What's your favorite breakfast to get your day off to a good healthy start?

What about your week? Do you start your week off with meal prep or anything special to keep yourself on track?

I usually go with a frozen egg white and turkey sausage sandwich. I love them! Depending on what brand, sometimes I'll take off the cheese, and I always eat it with 1/2 of the bread to save some carbs. On Fridays, I treat myself to an egg white delight from McDonald's - it's a good way to start the weekend.

I don't really do meal prep day - each morning I make my lunch and that's about it.
Checkin: 50% :)

This weekend was awesome. As @Dr Gunnie mentioned, we ran the RNR St Louis half marathon together and he did great. I was able to keep him in my line of sight for about the first 5K but realized that I needed to slow down since the entire course was... hills! And not just normal hills where they go up and down, but rather they kept going up and up and maybe if you're lucky you got a little bit of a decline. Coming from a flat area this race was a challenge but I managed my second-best time to date: 3:06:56! :D It was a great weekend all around and I am so so so happy that I got to enjoy it with a friend. (And sorry about the hospital trip - it was very hot/humid and it's possible you locked your knees after the race? The next one will be much easier!)

What's your favorite breakfast to get your day off to a good healthy start?

What about your week? Do you start your week off with meal prep or anything special to keep yourself on track?

My go-to breakfast is one of two things I can make: Cheerios and milk!

During the week, we actually go grocery shopping and plan the meals for the week but tend to stick to a consistent schedule. Same breakfast, usually similar lunch. Dinner we know what we're having - and now that fall is finally here in So Cal we're going to start cooking in our place again.

It's raining today - actual rain! From the sky!
I was able to get a PR this morning at the Marine Corp Half! 2:56:07 was the official time. I got to run the first 5k with DS9 and see him finish and that was awesome.

That's amazing!!! Woohoo for you!!!

I am actually planning on getting to the gym on my next vacation. Not a lot, but I think it will be good for me. And since my BF loves to sleep in, I can get up, go there, do some crunches, push ups and other arm exercises and feel like I did something good for me, take a quick rinse and head to the pool! At least that is the plan!! I did this in California a few mornings when I went for a run and it was perfect. This time I am determined to make it a vacation habit.

Oh man-- you have my deepest admiration for working out on vacation! That's true dedication :)

It is just too hot to stand in one spot with people shoulder to shoulder or like this last trip practically on top of my daughter.

LOL! Yes, I can understand that completely!

The Party at my mom's did not got to well. My sister got in a fight with my brother of some views not quit political but close to it. My mom tried to stop it but they kept it up. They were both yelling/screaming at each other. Part of the issue is no matter what my sister thinks that she is always right and everyone has to follow her.

Oh no! I can sympathize-- I hate family functions with my in-laws during an election year!

Saturday was a fun day. My husband and I took the kids to a local "Farm". It is an apple farm but there really isn't a lot for the public to do with the apples. They do have hayrides, a huge 311 foot slide, 2 corn mazes and a huge playground. It was a lot of fun.

So glad Saturday could turn around your weekend a bit. That sounds like sooo much fall fun!!!

Sunday I was sick all day. I was very sick to my stomach. I am not sure if I picked up a virus or if my sugar was out of sorts from the chocolate covered strawberries

:( Feel better!

I make pancakes! 2 pancakes are only 150 calories and they're fluffy and delicious.

So funny you should mention this. I made pancakes yesterday and brought 2 leftovers to work for breakfast this morning-- and I was thinking, I should do this more often Haha! Great idea!

After the race was a different story, I found my family and was walking out when things started getting really crazy. I couldn't see and wasn't feeling well. The next thing I know I was on a back board going to the medical tent! I passed out. I was so embarrassed. At the medical tent they couldn't find a vein to get fluids in me (they poked and missed 6 times - ouch), so it was off to the hospital in the ambulance! First ambulance ride for me - I can knock something else off the bucket list! I just felt bad for my family that was worried about me. After they found a vein at the hospital I was feeling much better and was able to leave after about an hour.

Oh my goodness! So glad to hear that you are ok!

My go-to breakfast is one of two things I can make: Cheerios and milk!

LOL if its not broke..... :)
QOTD: My go to breakfast recently has been these Think Thin oatmeal cups. They are pre-portioned and I can make them in the microwave at work- so easy! They also keep me full so that's always a good thing!

I don't do weekly meal prep so much as monthly planning. I think I have mentioned on here before that we got a dry erase calendar for the kitchen and plan out monthly what we will be doing for dinner. On Sundays I look it over to make sure we have everything for the week. It certainly helps us not be lazy and just go out because we are planning ahead!


I had a pretty productive weekend. I went shopping for a few warm items for Italy. I don't fit into any of my winter clothes from when I was in college :sad2: I try not to feel too bad about that though - it was 5 years ago! It's going to be in the 50's over there most likely, so I will be in hog heaven! So I picked up a few sweaters for myself and DH. I even indulged and had Mexican Saturday night. But no drinks and only ate half of what was served. I was afraid that ruined my week, but alas I lost 1.7 lbs this week. Yay!!!
I am tracking both lunch and dinner separately so that means 62 times this month I need to avoid takeout! It will be interesting to see at the end of the month at me Dr check-in if it has made any difference on the scale. Snacking on poor choices is still somewhat of an issue but that will be a focus for a future month.

Have you thought about removing the snacks from the house so they're not a temptation? It's a trick I adopted when I was in deep weightloss mode. Now we don't even buy snacks!

Warm Bath, Walk, Meditation track, Yoga, Swim, call a friend, get my nails done. I like shopping too! :)

All of those sound fun, especially the shopping :D

I was able to get a PR this morning at the Marine Corp Half! 2:56:07 was the official time. I got to run the first 5k with DS9 and see him finish and that was awesome.

2:56?! Damn girl - you're a speedster! Great Proof of Time for Disney races!

I am not much of a parade person. I do like to see them at least once though. It is just too hot to stand in one spot with people shoulder to shoulder or like this last trip practically on top of my daughter. This lady kept leaning over my daughter to get a better picture. :furious: I do like the Festival of Fantasy though if i had to pick.

I'm not a parade person either. I like to skip them and ride the rides instead :)

I'm just frustrated because I want to do these things but I want to stay on track. And I am sooo not a morning person so I know that trying to get up earlier to work out is just a no-go. That's setting myself up for failure. I guess I'm just feeling like while I have the best intentions and motivations I don't ever really end up sticking with them. And I'm not really sure how to fix it.

This is me. So me. You're not alone.

The race went well. The hills were a little much, but I thought I ran well and ended up finishing at 2:56:01. I was hoping to finish below 3:00:00, so I was happy with the time, although I really hit the wall at about mile 11.

I talked with my running group and they felt the same. After running through Compton Heights they felt like they were just tired and wanted to finish.
October 17 - Question of the Day

It's just another Manic Monday! The beginning of a new week! So let's talk about how we start our days or our weeks.

" First, to make the magic begin, you wiggle your nose, and you tickle your chin. Now close your eyes, and cross your heart...


...and presto! - breakfast, à la carte!"



What's your favorite breakfast to get your day off to a good healthy start?

What about your week? Do you start your week off with meal prep or anything special to keep yourself on track?

*Busy Monday over here! I'll be back later to chat and catch up with everyone! I'll also be posting progress probably around noon today so friendly reminder if you haven't posted yet :)

My prep is usually done Sunday
Breakfast one of the following
oatmeal with fruit
egg white omelette

or dinner leftovers! Haha, I had left over roast chicken with few chopped tomatoes on the go Sunday.
QOTD -- I am not much of a breakfast person. I never have been. There is a lot that I can't eat or I do not like that you would consider breakfast foods. I will eat cereal every now and then but I am not milk person so I avoid it a lot. Plus the cereal I like it the sugary kind. I do like Cheerios but only if I add sugar. So best if I just avoid them. About a year ago I finally pin pointed what was making me feel sick. Eggs! I love eggs and I was eating an egg and cheese sandwich just about every day. I have not had eggs in the past year. So lately I have been eating toast. 2 slices of toast with smart balance butter with the added omega-3. I do add some cinnamon sugar but it is only like a teaspoon. Just enough to give it some flavor. If we have fruit in the house I will eat that in the morning. Sometimes I just skip breakfast all together and eat lunch at like 11:30 or 12.

I am horrible at meal prep. Sundays is the day I make a big meal. Something that we will have left overs with. When dinner is over we split what is left into lunch size portions and that is what I eat for lunch during the week. It is easy just to grab and go. Dinners the rest of the week are up to my husband. We right down before shopping on the weekend what we are going to have so we can buy what we need. Some weeks we just don't make what is planned and eat out too much. This is something we are working on.
There was a guy with a cooler of free beer right around there - I really should of grabbed one. Maybe my body was just pissed that I didn't and decided to punish me later?

My favorite was the jello-shot guy that gave out the plastic containers at the top of a steep hill and you had to try to not slip on the trash as you ran over the crest. Melted jello and plastic lids are not easy to run on!
Checking in at 50% achieved.

QOTD: Usually I have oatmeal or scrambled eggs. Quick and easy and I feel good about it!

Sorry I haven't checked in since last Thursday or so! Life happens! Trying to catch up on everyones posts now!
Hi everyone! I hope it isn't too late to join this month.

I am Kristin, and I am brand-new to the boards. I am 33 and a full-time high school teacher and mom to 2 (6 year old DD and 4 year old DS). My husband and I have been married for almost ten years. In our free-time, we love spending time together and planning our next Disney trip (a nine day trip coming up in June). We went last summer, and honestly, although my weight didn't affect my ability to get around the parks, I was embarrassed to see myself in the pictures. My goal is to lose 39 lbs.(bringing me to 140) before we go on our trip in June, so that I can proudly frame and display my photos of my favorite people in our favorite place (and so I can be healthier overall, of course). Additionally, my husband was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, so we are working as a family to gain some healthier habits.

For October, my goal is to lose 4 lbs. I will do this through watching what I eat (I am using an app called iTrackBites which is similar to Weight Watchers) and through trying to increase my exercise. I look forward to getting to know you all and wish you the best of luck!!
I have a feeling the next 2 holiday's are going to fun.

:hug: - families are just so much fun sometimes aren't they o_O

What's your favorite breakfast to get your day off to a good healthy start?

What about your week? Do you start your week off with meal prep or anything special to keep yourself on track?

Most weekday mornings I have eggs of some kind - but also throw a batch of pancakes in there as well! I am not good at prepping for the week - I keep wanting to get better at this but it just doesn't seem to happen.

I'm struggling to balance my newly found social life with healthy eating and exercise. Last week Monday was Columbus Day

This is a struggle - but it has been your birthday so maybe things will settle a little - hope you find that groove as some fun socialising is just what you need at the moment. I don't think you told us your actual birthday so ... :bday: hope you enjoyed it :D

And I am sooo not a morning person so I know that trying to get up earlier to work out is just a no-go. That's setting myself up for failure.

I have never been a morning person, never! But this year I decided to try paddling and walking a few mornings with friends before work. It took me a few weeks of setting my alarm and going to bed a bit earlier to start to reset my rhythm and I have been able to do it (not in the cold/dark winter months though) and I actually really enjoy that time now. It helps to have friends to meet for a little socialisation and accountability - knowing someone is waiting for you helps to guilt you out of bed when you are laying there wondering if you could stay in bed haha.

After the race was a different story, I found my family and was walking out when things started getting really crazy. I couldn't see and wasn't feeling well. The next thing I know I was on a back board going to the medical tent! I passed out. I was so embarrassed. At the medical tent they couldn't find a vein to get fluids in me (they poked and missed 6 times - ouch), so it was off to the hospital in the ambulance! First ambulance ride for me - I can knock something else off the bucket list! I just felt bad for my family that was worried about me. After they found a vein at the hospital I was feeling much better and was able to leave after about an hour.

That would be scary! Glad that it was all good in the end :-) Congrats on finishing and your time :banana:.

I managed my second-best time to date: 3:06:56! :D It was a great weekend all around and I am so so so happy that I got to enjoy it with a friend

:banana: way to go!

I lost 1.7 lbs this week. Yay!!!

:cheer2: Yeah great work.

Have you thought about removing the snacks from the house so they're not a temptation? It's a trick I adopted when I was in deep weightloss mode. Now we don't even buy snacks!

I think I am going to try that - some days I am not too bad but then others I kind of mindlessly reach for it.
Hello all,

Ok I had my first slip of the month today - I totally caved and had maccas for lunch but I kept it to a cheeseburger, fries and coke zero usually I would have had a bigger burger. Then this afternoon I was feeling a bit blah - this escalated to on the drive home some weird random pains and sensations which kicks off my anxiety - I managed to hold it together and made it home - laid on the couch for a while - well into when I should have started dinner as it is dancing night for DD - I laid there thinking about dinner and honestly I contemplated takeout again! But for some reason - I just couldn't decide what to have nor did I have the energy to drive to get it (usually neither of these things would have worried me!) - so I decided to take her to dancing and have a late dinner when I picked her up - so I pushed through and we just finished chicken soft tacos. So an up and down day - I am a little disappointed but overall - I am ok with it I could have derailed even further but I didn't and tomorrow is another day and back on track.
Hello all,

Ok I had my first slip of the month today - I totally caved and had maccas for lunch but I kept it to a cheeseburger, fries and coke zero usually I would have had a bigger burger. Then this afternoon I was feeling a bit blah - this escalated to on the drive home some weird random pains and sensations which kicks off my anxiety - I managed to hold it together and made it home - laid on the couch for a while - well into when I should have started dinner as it is dancing night for DD - I laid there thinking about dinner and honestly I contemplated takeout again! But for some reason - I just couldn't decide what to have nor did I have the energy to drive to get it (usually neither of these things would have worried me!) - so I decided to take her to dancing and have a late dinner when I picked her up - so I pushed through and we just finished chicken soft tacos. So an up and down day - I am a little disappointed but overall - I am ok with it I could have derailed even further but I didn't and tomorrow is another day and back on track.

I think you should be proud of getting over your lapse!! I think it is @pjlla who keeps repeating the quote of not letting perfect stand in the way of good? So, don't focus on what you had for lunch, but instead on what you had for dinner!

Quick check in here. I had a lousy day yesterday, a very demanding day at work while I was having a nasty migraine. I was supposed to do one of my exercise DVDs in the evening and just could not face it. And then at 8:30pm I was thinking how I made the commitment at the beginning of the month and how much I want to try for the best result possible. So, I started my 30 minute DVD at 8:45pm despite my headache. And you know what happened? My head did not bother me while I was exercising. It did not make it worse, if it had an effect at all, it made it slightly better! And even though I felt tired and without energy before, I actually got through the exercises like on any normal day. And I felt so proud afterwards. However, I am glad that I am not tracking weight this month as I am up two pounds from yesterday. I really cannot tell you what is going on there. It seems like I am stuck at my current weigh and just cannot get below. More annoyed than depressed about it. I do enjoy feeling strong and more trained and that makes me happy. I just wish that it would help with the fat melting away, too!

Today I had a yoga workout at work, so that covers my exercise for the day. Which is good as tonight I am going into town after work and meet a friend to finally see Finding Dory! It has only been out two weeks here in Germany and I already felt very left behind as most other countries had it out for such a long time!
What's your favorite breakfast to get your day off to a good healthy start?

What about your week? Do you start your week off with meal prep or anything special to keep yourself on track?

My favorite healthy breakfast is a bar of some kind, usually Kashi, and a glass of milk. I like that it easy to eat when I am getting everyone else ready for the day. Having things that are quick and easy are key for me otherwise I would wait until I am starving and make bad choices.

I don't do anything special to keep on track at the beginning of the week, I have to take things one day at a time or I get overwhelmed :)
The race went well. The hills were a little much, but I thought I ran well and ended up finishing at 2:56:01. I was hoping to finish below 3:00:00, so I was happy with the time, although I really hit the wall at about mile 11.
Congrats on your first half! I am sorry it ended with a trip to the hospital. Mile 11 is where things always get tough for me, you figure you're so close to the end it should be motivation but instead it just gets extra tough.

Coming from a flat area this race was a challenge but I managed my second-best time to date: 3:06:56!
I know all about training in a flat area, at every hill during a race I think I have no way to train for this (I guess I could go run some parking garages if I really wanted too). I just got the email less than 4 weeks until Vegas baby!!

Ok I had my first slip of the month today
Don't beat yourself up too much it happens to us all. Most of the time when I do something like that I will throw the whole day out the window. So it's awesome you got back on track after a bad lunch!

Hi everyone! I hope it isn't too late to join this month.

I am Kristin, and I am brand-new to the boards. I am 33 and a full-time high school teacher and mom to 2 (6 year old DD and 4 year old DS). My husband and I have been married for almost ten years. In our free-time, we love spending time together and planning our next Disney trip (a nine day trip coming up in June). We went last summer, and honestly, although my weight didn't affect my ability to get around the parks, I was embarrassed to see myself in the pictures. My goal is to lose 39 lbs.(bringing me to 140) before we go on our trip in June, so that I can proudly frame and display my photos of my favorite people in our favorite place (and so I can be healthier overall, of course). Additionally, my husband was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, so we are working as a family to gain some healthier habits.

For October, my goal is to lose 4 lbs. I will do this through watching what I eat (I am using an app called iTrackBites which is similar to Weight Watchers) and through trying to increase my exercise. I look forward to getting to know you all and wish you the best of luck!!

Welcome! I hope you find this group to be as motivating as I have. And I can relate to the pictures I have felt like that many times. I am just now ok with having my picture taken after years of hiding myself.


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