Expect the Unexpected: A 2021 PTR- finally updated and planning our next trip!

Omg even from the pictures you’ve posted, I can tell he’s becoming a different baby! He looks so alert now! I can’t wait to see what your trip looks like with him. You’ve selected a great first ride, and I totally vote for The Wave because I think it’s great.
Ugh! I hope they get that straightened out soon. That is the worst.

Me too. I'm so tired of having to call so many people about it and getting the run-around. I'm certainly not the first person to have a baby! It shouldn't be so difficult.

We had a set of penquins that were super contrasty and my girls would just stare at them. I used to say they were there first friends.

Aww so cute 🥰 🥰
Well... I've been to Disney by car and by plane when DME didn't exist. So not to have it? I've done it before and it's not a big deal to not have it again. And maybe it'll be even faster with Brightline. We'll see! Either way... just don't really care.
As for EMH...
I usually didn't take advantage of evening EMH, instead preferring to do mornings. But the more popular/widely known it got, it seemed more and more people were saying to avoid that park. So now, with all parks opening 30 minutes early for resort guests... it takes that factor off the table.

So... I guess I'm fine with both changes.

Good points on both. I think the most upsetting to me is that it's harder to justify the perks of staying on-property when there are so many more affordable options off property. The extras made it easier to justify to myself !

That's a lot! You got everyone to agree on things? :faint:

Eh for the most part lol. His one sister is upset that we aren't going to stay with her but she lived with his mom and when we went down there in September and stayed there it was clear that his mom did all the cleaning so that was definitely not an option lol

Not okay Courtey's work!

DS used to be a busy body and had to see everything. I always had to hold him facing out. If not he would bend his back as far as it would to see things behind him. If we were out and while he was at daycare, the only thing that put him to sleep was looking outside. I am not sure why but he would gaze outside for like 15 minutes and then just fall asleep. Daycare had to move his crib to be by one of the windows or he would never sleep.

He is so nosy! So funny that looking outside put your son to sleep! I wonder if that would work for Robert lol.
Omg even from the pictures you’ve posted, I can tell he’s becoming a different baby! He looks so alert now!

He's so alert these days! It's crazy. Everyone told me it goes really fast and I'm here to say they weren't lying lol.

You’ve selected a great first ride, and I totally vote for The Wave because I think it’s great.

I think we will try the Wave. They have a totally different lunch and dinner menu which I found weird lol so I think we're gonna go for dinner!
Good points on both. I think the most upsetting to me is that it's harder to justify the perks of staying on-property when there are so many more affordable options off property. The extras made it easier to justify to myself !
I get that. But I do love being in the bubble and not having to drive.
Eh for the most part lol. His one sister is upset that we aren't going to stay with her but she lived with his mom and when we went down there in September and stayed there it was clear that his mom did all the cleaning so that was definitely not an option lol
No it sure isn’t!
So over the last week, I got my first dose of the COVID vaccine!


And I even got a sticker for it. I get my second dose right before we're leaving for Florida. I know this is a personal decision for everyone and originally I said I was going to wait longer before getting it but after a lot of research and deliberation, I decided it was the best choice for me.

Robert is 7 weeks old now!

I was debating booking the Capture the Magic sessions that Disney is now offering. Basically you pay $50 to have a private photographer for 20 minutes. Or they tell you you can have a longer session by booking 2 back-to-back for $100. However, as I was thinking about it, I thought about getting my own photographer to take family pictures for us. There's a FB groups called Ear for Each Other to support laid-off CMs from the parks and I was thinking I'd rather support them. So I've contacted a few photographers from there to try to set something up!

In December 2019, my sister and I had breakfast at Topolino's Terrace on only their second day open. It was amazing so when Mike and I booked our trip in September 2020, I booked another reservation. However, with COVID, all the restaurants had smaller menus and they had taken off the delicious steak I had for breakfast so I cancelled the reservation out of spite lol.

This week, I saw that it was added back to the menu! But of course, now there are no reservations on the mornings I want. So I set up a Touring Plans finder alert and hopefully I can get one before our trip!

The third day of our trip is Saturday, February 20th and we have a park pass for Hollywood Studios.

In September, I managed to score boarding group 5 but it was on the day of the glitch when it didn't register most people were in the parks so I could only book it for Mike because the app insisted I wasn't there.

We ended up standing in a very long line at guest relations with most other people in the park only to find out they can fix it at the ride entrance. So here's my tip! If you have an issue with getting your whole party in your boarding group, skip guest relations and go to the CM with the ipad at Rise of the Resistance. Since I was pregnant, I could only partake in the preshows up until the ride itself so I'm excited to actually get the full experience this time.

This is the point I had to exit last time!


I also really liked Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway and I'm pretty sure the baby can actually ride it so I can't wait to bring him on.


I still haven't tried Ronto Roasters or Docking Bay 7 so I'd like to do that this day. I also want to get back to Beaches and Cream because it's been forever and I found ADRs for 3 pm and 7:15 pm.

Oiriginally, I grabbed the one for 3 pm because there were none available after park closing. Then I found the 7:15 one and started thinking we may not spend that long in the park so I'm undecided about which to keep. If we are staying at Pop, we could always leave the park earlier and then take the Skyliner back over to the Beach Club later so I think I'm leaning towards the 7:15 reservation!
So over the last week, I got my first dose of the COVID vaccine!
Good for you!
Not just a little envious. :)
I get my second dose right before we're leaving for Florida.
Well, that's good timing. :)
Is that Robert??? (Or just a stock photo?)
There's a FB groups called Ear for Each Other to support laid-off CMs from the parks and I was thinking I'd rather support them. So I've contacted a few photographers from there to try to set something up!
I like this plan much better. ::yes::
they had taken off the delicious steak I had for breakfast so I cancelled the reservation out of spite lol.
This week, I saw that it was added back to the menu! But of course, now there are no reservations on the mornings I want. So I set up a Touring Plans finder alert and hopefully I can get one before our trip!
Of course it was added back. :sad2:
Hope you get back in!
So here's my tip! If you have an issue with getting your whole party in your boarding group, skip guest relations and go to the CM with the ipad at Rise of the Resistance.
Good tip! Thanks!
This is the point I had to exit last time!
So... where did you go??
I also want to get back to Beaches and Cream because it's been forever and I found ADRs for 3 pm and 7:15 pm.
Perfect. I don't know anyone who's had two Kitchen Sinks in one day.

I'm currently arguing with payroll at my job. Since I had a c-section, I get 8 weeks of disability but the hospital allows me to be out for 12 weeks and get paid using my time. Because of this, I saved up all my time during my pregnancy to make sure I had 12 weeks of time to get paid while I was out. Well, someone at payroll is not doing their job because I haven't gotten paid since I was out and disability is giving me $160 a week :eek: :eek: :eek:
I am trying to wrap my head around this.......you don't get maternity leave???? In Canada, we have 12 months paid at 55% of your salary through our federal Employment Insurance program. If you work in an unionized environment, most top up to 100% of salary for the first three months. I hope this gets straightened out soon and you get paid!
Robert keeps getting bigger and this week, he feels like a totally different baby. He's so much more awake and alert and interested in things around him. He fixates on the tv and is always looking around everywhere. Because of this, he's having a harder time falling asleep because he's so easily distracted. I'm excited about this for our trip since I'm hoping it means he'll be at least a little interested in some of the rides but also nervous about the sleep issues but we have a month still so hopefully that will get better.
He is so big already! I think he looks so much like his proud papa!
And I even got a sticker for it. I get my second dose right before we're leaving for Florida. I know this is a personal decision for everyone and originally I said I was going to wait longer before getting it but after a lot of research and deliberation, I decided it was the best choice for me.
Yay!!! Great news! I am firmly in the pro vaccine camp.
There's a FB groups called Ear for Each Other to support laid-off CMs from the parks and I was thinking I'd rather support them. So I've contacted a few photographers from there to try to set something up!
I love that!
And I even got a sticker for it. I get my second dose right before we're leaving for Florida. I know this is a personal decision for everyone and originally I said I was going to wait longer before getting it but after a lot of research and deliberation, I decided it was the best choice for me.
Glad to hear you got your shot, I know you aren't back at work yet, but it will be a nice sense of reassurance when you do.

Since I was pregnant, I could only partake in the preshows up until the ride itself so I'm excited to actually get the full experience this time.
OH!! That is exciting! I love having something new to look forward to for the upcoming trip. And that is a big one, even though you did half.
Jealous you got the vaccine! Rumor at work (I technically work in a Medical School) is that we will be able to sign up “soon” and high risk folks have already gotten it!

I loved Docking Bay 7, so I would probably do that and then keep the later beaches and cream and take advantage of the skyliner like you mentioned. I’ve never been to beaches and cream, it’s on my list for next trip!
I’m so glad you got your vaccine! I read all the pages from Pfizer before I got mine and I did feel very comfortable with it!
I will be very interested in how it goes taking Robert to Disney! It will be so different for you two and exciting.
I haven’t experienced Mickey’s railway yet and have tried to not watch spoilers so definitely excited about it.
Good for you!
Not just a little envious. :)

I hope everyone will have access to the vaccine sooner rather than later!

Well, that's good timing. :)

I know, I kept hemming and hawing over my decision but once I realized I had to do it or I wouldn't be able to get the second dose before our trip, then I'd be going back to work shortly after our trip, I knew it was time to just bite the bullet and do it.

Is that Robert??? (Or just a stock photo?)

That's Robert! 🥰 🥰

Of course it was added back. :sad2:
Hope you get back in!

:confused3:confused3 So annoying! I hope so too- if not, we'll just have to plan another trip!

So... where did you go??

A CM escorted me to the exit lol

Perfect. I don't know anyone who's had two Kitchen Sinks in one day.

Definitely sounds like diabetes in a day.
I am trying to wrap my head around this.......you don't get maternity leave???? In Canada, we have 12 months paid at 55% of your salary through our federal Employment Insurance program. If you work in an unionized environment, most top up to 100% of salary for the first three months. I hope this gets straightened out soon and you get paid!

Maternity leave in this country is so sad. You have to file for disability which gives you 6 weeks for a vaginal birth and 8 weeks for a c-section. I'm not sure how they calculate disability payments but they were paying me something like $160 a week which is clearly not enough to survive on. My job allows you to use your sick, personal, vacation and holiday time to get paid while you're out so I saved up 12 weeks of time to ensure I'd get paid at my regular rate while I was out. New York has something new in the last few years called Paid Family Leave which gives you extra time out that you can use until your baby turns 1. The way they introduced it the amount of time you get and the amount of pay you get went up each year. So Mike had to file for it in 2020 and he gets 10 weeks at 60% of his pay and I filed for it in 2021 after my disability was exhausted so I get 12 weeks and I'm not really sure what the percentage of pay is.

The whole system is crazy and I'm lucky my job will let me be out 12 weeks paid. I know women who had to go back to work weeks after having their babies and I just can't imagine!

He is so big already! I think he looks so much like his proud papa!

He is so big already- I don't want him to keep growing!

Yay!!! Great news! I am firmly in the pro vaccine camp.

I don't know why I had such a hard time with this one because I am pro-vaccination for everything else too. I think it's because it's new and with being pregnant/breastfeeding, everything made me more nervous!
Glad to hear you got your shot, I know you aren't back at work yet, but it will be a nice sense of reassurance when you do.

That's ultimately why I decided to do it now. I knew I'd have to go back to work shortly after our trip and I'd be devastated if I delayed getting the vaccine and brought it home to the baby.

OH!! That is exciting! I love having something new to look forward to for the upcoming trip. And that is a big one, even though you did half.

I know! I can't wait to experience the rest of it.
Jealous you got the vaccine! Rumor at work (I technically work in a Medical School) is that we will be able to sign up “soon” and high risk folks have already gotten it!

I hope you can get it soon!

I loved Docking Bay 7, so I would probably do that and then keep the later beaches and cream and take advantage of the skyliner like you mentioned. I’ve never been to beaches and cream, it’s on my list for next trip!

What did you eat from Docking Bay 7? We really liked Beaches and Cream but I think the last time we were there was 2016 or 2017 so I can't wait to go back.
I’m so glad you got your vaccine! I read all the pages from Pfizer before I got mine and I did feel very comfortable with it!

I did a lot of research on it and I felt comfortable also!

I will be very interested in how it goes taking Robert to Disney! It will be so different for you two and exciting.

It's definitely going to be a very different trip. I'm a little nervous about it but I also can't wait to bring him. We've started taking him out of the house to get used to being in public with him lol and seeing how he is.

I haven’t experienced Mickey’s railway yet and have tried to not watch spoilers so definitely excited about it.

It's really cute! I still miss the Great Movie Ride but I enjoyed it much more than I originally thought I would.
I'm glad you got your vaccine! I'm sure it's a relief- especially with travelling and eventually going back to work.

That would be great to get some photos done! And such a good idea to do it with an ex CM to help support them!


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