Extreme Makeover: TAGLIARCHY Edition

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Wallyb-- :hug: I'm so sorry to hear about Paul's mom. :hug: I hope that your Grandmother Fern will feel better soon.
:boat: I hope that you and Paul will have a great cruise. We loved doing the Christmas/holiday park stuff back on our trip (just after Thanksgiving 2007). We enjoyed Dollywood a while back when NC B. were newlyweds, but Dolly was not at the park on the day we went. Good luck on the weight loss.

I was up until 5am (well I fell asleep on the couch during 4 o'clock hour) trying to see if we got any snow, but I saw maybe a little bit of slush on the back porch. If we had the snow it must had happen while I dozed off. We at least got some rain.

Wallyb-- :hug: I'm so sorry to hear about Paul's mom. :hug: I hope that your Grandmother Fern will feel better soon.
:boat: I hope that you and Paul will have a great cruise. We loved doing the Christmas/holiday park stuff back on our trip (just after Thanksgiving 2007). We enjoyed Dollywood a while back when NC B. were newlyweds, but Dolly was not at the park on the day we went. Good luck on the weight loss.

I was up until 5am (well I fell asleep on the couch during 4 o'clock hour) trying to see if we got any snow, but I saw maybe a little bit of slush on the back porch. If we had the snow it must had happen while I dozed off. We at least got some rain.

Hey, thanks.
Paul was a bit estranged from his family - and while his mom's passing is very sad - one good thing did happen - he's getting back together with his 3 brother's and sister. This makes me very happy. My family are like the Waltons! So I never got "the distance". Grammy Fern is now coming home on Monday we just found out - And boy is she happy - especially to get regular food and no late night nurse poking and prodding.

Can't wait to see WDW decked out for the Holidays.
Just missed it on our last visit.
Hope we like the Cruise bit.

You can have some of our snow if you like - how much you want lady?
Wallyb-- you can keep the snow. I was hoping that Jessie would get to see it because she loves the idea of playing out in it until it is time for her to do her stuff.
Hello everyone! I hope it has been a good week. I am glad it is Friday.

We are having a mom's night out Saturday with my mom's group to celebrate my birthday. It should be fun.


Wally - I'm sorry to hear about Paul's mom:guilty: , but I'm happy to hear that he's speaking to some of his family again - that's great:) !!!! I'm also glad to hear that your Grandma is coming home - I'll keep her in my prayers!!!!

Belle - :wave2:

BB - Have fun when you go out Saturday!!!:cool1:

I'm off to get ready for work, and then head out into the frozen tundra :cold:
Have a good day!!! :wave:

I just realized that Sis will soon feel her baby's first kick (she is almost 16 weeks along) and maybe find out if baby is a princess: or pirate: .

We are suppose to have a winter storm tomorrow---and its NC Beast's turn to cover the Saturday daytime hours at his work. I'm hoping that we will only get rain and be warmer than predicted. I did like snow as a kid.
Good morning.

I'm still up because I made NC B. a hot breakfast and took the dog out before it started to rain hard. I hope that NC B. will have a safe drive home because the chane over to snow is suppose to occur about the time he is scheduled to come home.

BlueBayou-- have a great time tonight!
Tonight Kevin and I are going to a Chamber of Commerce dance. I'm really not in the mood because it's going to 0 degrees out tonight (I don't like being out in bitter cold). I'm sure the dance will be fun, I just wish it wasn't going to be so cold.

Belle - I hope the weather isn't to bad by you today. :wizard:

Well, I gotta go partially get ready for this dance, and then go to work
Have a good day today!! :wave:
It's currently -5 degrees here in the Chicago area :cold:
We are staying in ALL day today!!

Have a good day!! :wave:

We did not have much snow build-up on Saturday because the ground temp. was too warm, but the 1 or 2 Arctic blasts have us colder than normal.

NC Beast made some chili today in the slow cooker. :thumbsup2
Yesterday was an incredibly lazy day - it was awesome!!!! :thumbsup2

BB - 40 degrees would be a heat wave here :sunny:
Did you have a fun time Saturday night?

Belle - Chili sounds so perfect :goodvibes
I baked some brownies yesterday - it made the house smell great!!! :goodvibes

I gotta run and get ready for work
Have a good day today!! :wave:

Very chilly here in B-Town!
Stella's quick about her outside "business" and then right back in!

Very chilly here in B-Town!
Stella's quick about her outside "business" and then right back in!

I had NC Beast take Jessie out this morning so I'm not sure how long it took her.

:rotfl: I just got the I got to go outside now cry from her.

Wallyb-- :hug: . We enjoyed Dollywood a while back when NC B. were newlyweds, but Dolly was not at the park on the day we went.
You know my husband keeps talking like he wants to go to Dollywood the next time we visit his folks in TN.

Slo - Saturday was a lot of fun, but both girls are sick (Fever then ear infection for Lil and cold for E)- so my mind was on my husband having to deal with that. We ended up taking Lil to the kid's urgent care on Sunday to get an antibiotic.


Wally - I hear ya!!! It's been very cold around here too ::yes::

Belle - :wave2:

BB - I'm sorry to hear about the girls being sick :sick: I'll send tons of get well PD their way:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
**I'm glad you had a good time with your friends Saturday night:)

I gotta run
Have a good day everyone!! :wave:
Hey everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I know, I know, January is nearly over. I meant to come by on the 1st and all, but life it just has a way of getting in the way of quality DIS time.

It looks like Sophia and I will more than likely be taking a quick trip down to S.A. later this week. Friday is my younger sister's 40th birthday and last night my older sister asked if I could come down to celebrate. (Of course since I'm Sophia's source of nourishment she'd have to come, too.) We'd leave late Thursday afternoon and come back mid-morning on Friday, if we do this. It'll be a test to see if I can manage to get Ian dropped off at child care and get myself and Sophia to the airport and through security on my own. I've got it worked out in my head, so I think it's doable.

Let's see, what else is going on around here??? Sophia starts swimming lessons tomorrow. That means I've got to go dig out a swim suit for myself, too. :scared1: Ian is still totally into cars. And OF is still super busy at work these days. I guess that's the update from these here parts.

(Sorry, no time to check what I've missed the last few weeks. I hear a baby waking up...)
RRBB - It is good to hear an update from you. If it makes you feel better I traveled solo with the girls to Philly when they were 1 1/2 and 4. I still can't believe I did it. My DH was in DC on a business trip and I was able to spend a week in Delaware, where I grew up, with my best friend since age two and other really close friends. And the company picked up the cost of my DH's flight.

Speaking of my best friend, she has been telling me for years that I have to come to her daughter's Bat Mitzvah - well the date is almost here (Oct 18th) and it turns out to be the week the girls are off for fall break. This is normally our Disneyland trip time... but we may actually go to Delaware, spending time in DC or New York instead.

My question is... what is an appropriate Bat Mitzvah gift? I have no clue. The last one I went to was my best friend's younger sister's... and my mom was the one footing the bill for the gift - in 1980. Any suggestions would be extremely helpful.

Speaking of my best friend, she has been telling me for years that I have to come to her daughter's Bat Mitzvah - well the date is almost here (Oct 18th) and it turns out to be the week the girls are off for fall break. This is normally our Disneyland trip time... but we may actually go to Delaware, spending time in DC or New York instead.

My question is... what is an appropriate Bat Mitzvah gift? I have no clue. The last one I went to was my best friend's younger sister's... and my mom was the one footing the bill for the gift - in 1980. Any suggestions would be extremely helpful.


DC is great in October, but it can be tricky in the weather. The girls would have a ball at the various Smithosian museums. I have not been in DC since we moved to NC (10 years ago this week). NC B. and I used to go every month to a museum or walk around the park area at National (before it changed its name to Reagan...but, it may be closed or severely limited access with the latest security). I miss the museums, but not the higher costs. We may go this year on one of our trips north.
RRBB-- have a safe trip! I keep on hoping to make it down to TX to visit relatives.
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