Face mask policy & children with autism

Universal never gave me that type of response nor did I report that they said “of course we’ll accommodate”. Other posters on these boards are also confirming and giving additional detail as to what Universals policy is.
from what I have read and been reported that I have seen they will accommodate in the park but you need a mask to ride the rides. one video I have seen a family was turned away from a ride when child about 7or8 didn't have a mask and from what family said it was because child didn't have a mask. if that is true how do you explain to a child they cant ride but others can
Sounds like possibly 3 points of concern:
  1. Mask requirement to enter the park
  2. Mask requirement in queues/on rides
  3. Mask requirement around resorts
Does anyone know if Universal has a rule and exception at their hotels? Or maybe they don’t have a rule at hotels since those are third-party operated.
It may keep you a little cooler but defeats part of the purpose of having the mask on by blowing what comes through your mask around.
:confused3 I'm not sure I understand how a fan worn around my neck and blowing at my face would blow my mask-filtered droplets around? I think it's great idea, and I'm heading to Amazon to see what's available. But then, I'm not viditing any theme parks in the foreseeable future.

That’s a LOT more options than I’ve heard anyone else was told. I’m not saying it’s incorrect, but I don’t necessarily trust what a phone CM says that hasn’t been officially announced by WDW. Situations are changing too quickly
Yes, I was happy to hear it, since the masks are a deal breaker for the autistic kiddo. He gave me his name and number to call back directly if need be, but definitely said things might change fast after opening. This was this morning btw, 6/5.
Hi, lanejudy.

I don't know if this will help, but here what Universal is doing now.

Mask requirement to enter the par

Another requirement for entry is a face covering, which is required for all guests two and up.

Mask requirement in queues/on rides.

These must be worn at all times, including on the rides. Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure

Mask requirement around resorts

I haven't found anything about resorts, yet.

Sounds like possibly 3 points of concern:
  1. Mask requirement to enter the park
  2. Mask requirement in queues/on rides
  3. Mask requirement around resorts
Does anyone know if Universal has a rule and exception at their hotels? Or maybe they don’t have a rule at hotels since those are third-party operated.
It would be awesome if those who can show maybe a blood test from doctor showing immunity would be exempt.

There are a couple problems with that. First and foremost, we don't actually know that having the antibodies means you don't have and cannot spread the virus, nor does it mean you can't get it again. That's what happens sometimes with some viruses, but there are a number of cases where people appear to have gotten it twice. Did they never get rid of it and have just continued to have it, even though we thought they were "cured"? Did they catch a different strain we don't know of yet? Did they have a false-positive test at some point in there, or a false-negative one? No one is sure yet. So until people are sure, it would be reckless to assume that people could show a blood test and prove that they're immune. Second, there are a LOT of issues with test accuracy at this point, for both antibody- and active-virus-testing, particularly false negatives. Some estimates are up to about 45% of negatives are incorrect - that's horrifying! Until or unless we get a much better test, we can't responsibly say that someone showing they are negative or have had it already is not a risk to anyone else. Third, we're still not sure how long after a person had the virus, they stop shedding the virus. We have a guess based on some other diseases but we don't actually know. We don't know if a person can start re-shedding after a time when the virus "reactivates", the same way some people seem to be getting sick again or having long-lasting physical symptoms well after what we would expect to be the virus's duration. So how long ago did a person have it? What is the cut-off for when they shouldn't need to wear a mask anymore? And can people even get blood tests to prove it? Where I live, getting blood testing is virtually impossible unless you already had serious, hospitalization-worthy symptoms. Getting a nasal swab is easy, but that only tells me (maybe) if I currently have the virus; I can't find out if I've already had it.

And finally, and this to me is one of the more important but more controversial issues: if people see others not wearing masks, they will believe they don't need to wear one. Humans are social creatures and tend to model behavior after those we see around us. If people see that there is a rule and "no one is following it" (or even a large number of people aren't following it), they will come to the conclusion that the rule is unimportant and isn't being enforced. Even if the reason that those people are not wearing masks is that they have shown a blood test result meeting particular standards from within a particular time, if I walk into MK and see a whole bunch of people not wearing masks, I'm not putting mine on either until or unless I'm required to. And if a CM tells me I need to put mine on, my first response would be "but none of them are wearing them!" Either the rules need to apply to everyone, or they won't be followed by anyone. There can maybe be some exceptions, but they need to be clearly-defined, clearly-applied, and very limited in their scope so that other park-goers will not come to the conclusion that the rule doesn't matter.
As I am dealing with this in our everyday life. Our trip is in October.
I have my 9 year old wearing a mask in Walmart for about 10 mins... then during a meltdown he throws the mask or tries to tear it. His dad keeps telling him you have to wear this when we are out or you cant be out. Im not sure how much he gets it. His pediatrician says its going to take 30-60 days for him to form a habit... then good luck ever taking them off in the future when your out. I am going to keep trying and hopefully in September i will not have to reschedule. Even if there were wristbands allowing him not to wear one I cant put his or his big brothers health in jeopardy. ( his big brother is in cancer remission)
Hi there- I’ve been trying to find the answer to this question but I’m coming up short. Does anyone with knowledge of the Disney cast members’ union contract negotiations know how long the mask requirements were requested by the union? Is it indefinite? Until a vaccine is available? Until this fall? Until 2021? Until the contract is up...which is when?? Can this specific line item about the masks be up for negotiation at any time or is it a specific date for revisiting it?I feel like if we better understood the answer to this question we might be able to plan our vacations armed with more concrete knowledge, regardless of how any of us feel about the masks. Thanks so much for any insight or info!!
Hi there- I’ve been trying to find the answer to this question but I’m coming up short. Does anyone with knowledge of the Disney cast members’ union contract negotiations know how long the mask requirements were requested by the union? Is it indefinite? Until a vaccine is available? Until this fall? Until 2021? Until the contract is up...which is when?? Can this specific line item about the masks be up for negotiation at any time or is it a specific date for revisiting it?I feel like if we better understood the answer to this question we might be able to plan our vacations armed with more concrete knowledge, regardless of how any of us feel about the masks. Thanks so much for any insight or info!!
I am not sure but I think there was something about a Vaccine treatment for it. It might ( probably was) have been 3 hand information I got it from so take what you would like from it
I don’t know that it has been clarified with regards to “how long.” It is part of the return-to-work requirements made ny the union. Since at this point the vast majority of workers are not yet back on the job and only DS has opened, i suspect it could be a while.
:confused3 I'm not sure I understand how a fan worn around my neck and blowing at my face would blow my mask-filtered droplets around? I think it's great idea, and I'm heading to Amazon to see what's available. But then, I'm not viditing any theme parks in the foreseeable future.


It is potentially an issue because blowing air will accelerate anything that gets through your mask in a very specific direction. It also increased your risk a little by blowing air into your face. One of the potential entry points for the coronavirus into the body are your eyes.
It is potentially an issue because blowing air will accelerate anything that gets through your mask in a very specific direction. It also increased your risk a little by blowing air into your face. One of the potential entry points for the coronavirus into the body are your eyes.
If you are this concerned I would also worry about roller coster ( some makes do not stay on) or just a strong wind blowing. I pointed out a fain so people can have options and do what they think is best.
Since this thread is specifically about autistic children wearing masks, I want to encourage all of my fellow parents and caregivers to keep trying.

My 5 year old DS wore his mask, without touching it and without complaining, for an entire 30-minute dance recital and an even longer doctors appointment this week. This is a child who could barely stand two seconds of it in early Spring. Granted, he was inside and not really moving around, but it gives me hope he can do it at Disney someday. Still not planning a trip in 2020. He actually puts his neurotypical twin sister to shame - she complains more about it.

Keep trying, have patience and grace for everyone in your family. Work on it in slow increments and back off when the child isn’t handling it well.
It is potentially an issue because blowing air will accelerate anything that gets through your mask in a very specific direction. It also increased your risk a little by blowing air into your face. One of the potential entry points for the coronavirus into the body are your eyes.
I ended up with this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R1TZM8M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 fan. I wear it on a shortened strap, so that it blows upward and toward me. My mouth a bit, but mainly at my nose. Any droplets from me blow right back at my mask-protected lower face. And I wear glasses.

I still have trouble breathing in masks, but not as bad.
It would be awesome if those who can show maybe a blood test from doctor showing immunity would be exempt.
I would pay for a daily test to show he’s virus free. I could care less if other visitors make comments or give us “looks” for not wearing a mask. We’re use to other people “Looks” when he stems from enjoyment in Disney. I care more about his happiness than how strangers feel.
Use of face masks is part of the "return-to-work" agreement between WDW and the union workers. It is unknown right now if there was a specified end to that requirement. Presumably the union would need to lift that before any change in policy is made, regardless of outside recommendations.


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