Facebook response from Pete Werner

This is my 3rd post, so yes, I am a newbie. In my 3 months or so of lurking and 2 posts, I have never once felt on the outside. I have enjoyed reading TRs and learning new info from all people (new and old...fiends and not). I think that some people on here are hilarious and very sarcastic.

I agree that over the past week or so the forum has gotten boring because people are afraid to be themselves, and a lot of the regulars who had a lot of good info are gone.

I don't care who is to blame (though after reading a lot I have my opinion). I hope that this will all pass and it will go back to being fun to read like it was when I first stumbled upon it.

Great words, and I for one hope you get your wish. Always remember, the stregth of any board is not from the handful who brought the greatest amount of knowlege, but from the ones who received that knowledge and then "pay it forward". be encouraged, you can be a part of the solution... get involved, help people with questions, have fun but not at someone else's expense. Here's a little :wizard: to help you get your wish :)
There did seem to be a gang mentality among certain members. God forbid somebody posted a .."talk me into..." thread. It was taken as an offensive putdown to campers. A couple misplaced words and ..BAM.. the trampling party was on. It would be hard to argue that these thread starters came away with a positive feeling. Others were scolded for not doing a search and I guess wasting "their" bandwidth? There was a mass uprising against somebody who didn't bring enough candy on Halloween??? Funny. It never offended me, but was not a group I wanted to tag along with. I tend to stick up for the little guy, don't need to be part of a group. I belong to a motorcycling forum where the debauchery is almost expected. But Disney? There is a time and place for most everything. Anyway, kungaloosh on the house, happy fishing, hope its not tooo cold where you are, and that somehow the void is filled in your lives.
Isn't the bottom line here that we are all supposed to be adults. I know that I don't like everything that is said and I'm sure other people feel that way also. So, you get the good with the bad. Isn't that what life is all about. I haven't had read the remarks that are in question, but if you don't like what was said, don't read it. There have been sarcastic remarks make by members and even some that I would say were condescending. However, who hasn't dealt with that in their everyday life. I, for one, tend to look at the world through rose colored glasses and I love WDW and The Fort. You would be hard pressed to hear me say anything negative about either one, but that's just me. People also tend to think that once they enter Disney property all worries, cares, responsibilities, etc. go away. I think that is the same with the boards. They only want to read the warm and fuzzy things. You have to take what people say sometimes with a grain of salt. Sometimes it's just their personalities and it's not meant to be offensive. They are just being who they are. So, anyway, that's just my two sense worth.
Everyone can have their opinion whether they like or dislike the "fun"post, think it was funny or not. Bottom line, the forum has rules about language, content, and forum rules which were not being followed for a looooooooooooong time. The Moderator even apologized he had not been moderating and for that it was a free for all.

You have to keep some what of a neutral ground to appeal to masses, you can't be crude, rude, and disrespectful. I for one keep wondering what forums people are reading on here stating nobody was rude. Everyone I have read over the past year, at least, would have some great helpful information but always had someone jump in with smarty pants and inappropariate comments. There are many helpful people on these boards but I refrained from posting because I didn't care to filter through all the useless banter to get what I was looking for. To clarify, I am by no means discrediting the folks on here who are great and more than willing to provide lots of great and helpful information. I think at times they have been overshadowed by the nonsense.

There I said it-lol!
Teamubr - Take that flame suit off!!!! I don't think anyone that is on this board now will flame you - as you can see there are alot of people who feel the same way you do. The Camping Boards have once again returned to a friendly "neighborhood" and I hope that no one feels that there isn't a question that can't be asked. Thanks to the Moderators and Webmasters that have brought these boards back to the way they use to be several years ago. There are still alot of old timers around that can help with questions.
Teamubr - Take that flame suit off!!!!

Whew! Thanks everyone. Nomex underware and a 3 layer fire suit gets hot after a while, even with all this sleet/snow we are getting.

It's sad that people were forced out and others chose to leave. I agree with thye other posts about the place being here before all the turmoil. I may not be the "expert" that some others are, but I've been to the Fort 3 times and I can seach the day lights out of a question.

A few months from now, this will all pass and the place will be back to the fun and friendly advice it is known for.

I agree with Larry and others, it's all of us, together, that will keep this place moving forward as a fun, knowledgable, informative place.

Well said Jim, before we know the only thing we will be talking about is how we survived the storm of 2011. :goodvibes

I think one of the misperceptions to new and old members is that just because someone has a low post count they are a "newbie"! This is so not the case. Many people on this board, including me and my husband, have been going to The Fort since it opened and camp there several times a year.

We have been on the disboards reading for years. Not until recent changes have we cared to participate in duscussions.
Same here. I have been to the Fort more than 40 times since 1988,and have lurked on the boards for 2 years. Up until now I didn't feel comfortable posting.

It is a kinder gentler board now.
Nomex underwear!:lmao:

As for your "flame proof" thread, no flaming here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the craziness that has gone on around here. Inadvertently, I think the link you posted about transportation, is a great example of what made the camping board go nutso. That was posted in the theme park strategies, and still got some not so friendly answers. I think no matter what forum you are on, people are going to be sarcastic or even rude (sometimes not even realizing it could be taken that way) While I'm not condoning it, I think it's human nature. I think us campers felt like we were being singled out as a rude group, while everyONE is responsible for their own actions. I stay here only because it is one of the nicer places to be, and I love the Fort! I also love NASCAR but those forums are BRUTAL!!!!

The saddest part for me is losing some of the great regulars who provided a lot of valuable info, only to find posts about people not going to the fort anymore because it's too expensive. :sad2: WHile I agree the costs have gotten high.......where is the love???! I've never considered a WDW vacation as a budget trip, and nothing can beat the fort!

BTW- I love racing, what do you race?
There are certain keywords I search for (for example, in the case of this thread, "Facebook") that bring to my RSS reader new threads from anywhere on the DIS (and other forums, for that matter) where those threads may be. Now, that's resulted in me sometimes finding myself reading threads in the UK forum, the DISabilities forum, the Budget Board, etc. And I occasionally find myself brought to threads that just happen to be in this forum. Having "traveled the whole DIS", there are only two boards where I have often seen the kind of thing that some of the complaints appear to be referring to - only two boards that have that cliquish, let's-everyone-pile-on-the-person-we-don't-like thing going. I think everyone could benefit from the "close knit", strongly-passionate members of each board aiming their "fun" strictly at each other, rather than at new and otherwise casual participants in that forum.
Nomex underwear!:lmao:

As for your "flame proof" thread, no flaming here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the craziness that has gone on around here. Inadvertently, I think the link you posted about transportation, is a great example of what made the camping board go nutso. That was posted in the theme park strategies, and still got some not so friendly answers. I think no matter what forum you are on, people are going to be sarcastic or even rude (sometimes not even realizing it could be taken that way) While I'm not condoning it, I think it's human nature. I think us campers felt like we were being singled out as a rude group, while everyONE is responsible for their own actions. I stay here only because it is one of the nicer places to be, and I love the Fort! I also love NASCAR but those forums are BRUTAL!!!!

The saddest part for me is losing some of the great regulars who provided a lot of valuable info, only to find posts about people not going to the fort anymore because it's too expensive. :sad2: WHile I agree the costs have gotten high.......where is the love???! I've never considered a WDW vacation as a budget trip, and nothing can beat the fort!

BTW- I love racing, what do you race?

:rolleyes1 Just read "your dis name" post, so where is the picture of the Stangs? popcorn::
Nomex underwear!:lmao:
It's required! Along with a minumum 2 layer fire suite. Thank goodness for Cool Shirts. (Ice water circulated through a T-shirt we wear under our fire suit.)

I also love NASCAR but those forums are BRUTAL!!!!
Boy, you can say that again!

The saddest part for me is losing some of the great regulars who provided a lot of valuable info,
That's the worst part of all this. I suspect some (hopefully many) will find a way back in here in a few months. I've been through this before on other forums. Things cool down and people that missed the place make it back.

BTW- I love racing, what do you race?
I race sports cars on road courses. We have a pair of Mustangs. They are full chassis race cars with Mustang bodies. Full race suspension. Almost nothing factory original- Roof, floor pan and firewall (due to rules). They are a blast. 1.5-2 G's in the corners. 140-145 mph depending on the track.

Let me add.....NASCAR forums are especially brutal when you're a Jimmie Johnson fan!! :laughing: My JJ signature pics have uh.....disappeared for 30 days:scared:
I think one of the misperceptions to new and old members is that just because someone has a low post count they are a "newbie"! This is so not the case. Many people on this board, including me and my husband, have been going to The Fort since it opened and camp there several times a year.

We have been on the disboards reading for years. Not until recent changes have we cared to participate in duscussions.

Ditto. :thumbsup2
Teamubr - Take that flame suit off!!!! I don't think anyone that is on this board now will flame you - as you can see there are alot of people who feel the same way you do. The Camping Boards have once again returned to a friendly "neighborhood" and I hope that no one feels that there isn't a question that can't be asked. Thanks to the Moderators and Webmasters that have brought these boards back to the way they use to be several years ago. There are still alot of old timers around that can help with questions.

I completely agree with this, I have not posted much at all on the boards recently but come pretty much exclusively to the Camping Forum daily to read. I used to post much more often but after a while felt like "what's the point?" I was not considered part of the clique and felt like my input was not wanted.

For all those that think the people with all the FW knowledge are gone, trust me, there are still many of us around who chose not to join in on all the "tomfoolery" and will give good information and answer questions.

I am also happy to see some new "faces" coming around to the Camping Forum.
where is the picture of the Stangs? popcorn::
Our web site is acting up, but if you are on Facebook, here is our team site. Unfortunately, we got so busy last season running 2 regions and getting the 2nd car, we didn't post too much. We're going to try to be better this season.

TeamUBR on Facebook

Isn't the bottom line here that we are all supposed to be adults. I know that I don't like everything that is said and I'm sure other people feel that way also. So, you get the good with the bad. Isn't that what life is all about. I haven't had read the remarks that are in question, but if you don't like what was said, don't read it. There have been sarcastic remarks make by members and even some that I would say were condescending. However, who hasn't dealt with that in their everyday life. I, for one, tend to look at the world through rose colored glasses and I love WDW and The Fort. You would be hard pressed to hear me say anything negative about either one, but that's just me. People also tend to think that once they enter Disney property all worries, cares, responsibilities, etc. go away. I think that is the same with the boards. They only want to read the warm and fuzzy things. You have to take what people say sometimes with a grain of salt. Sometimes it's just their personalities and it's not meant to be offensive. They are just being who they are. So, anyway, that's just my two sense worth.

Right on!
Isn't the bottom line here that we are all supposed to be adults. I know that I don't like everything that is said and I'm sure other people feel that way also. So, you get the good with the bad. Isn't that what life is all about. I haven't had read the remarks that are in question, but if you don't like what was said, don't read it. There have been sarcastic remarks make by members and even some that I would say were condescending. However, who hasn't dealt with that in their everyday life. I, for one, tend to look at the world through rose colored glasses and I love WDW and The Fort. You would be hard pressed to hear me say anything negative about either one, but that's just me. People also tend to think that once they enter Disney property all worries, cares, responsibilities, etc. go away. I think that is the same with the boards. They only want to read the warm and fuzzy things. You have to take what people say sometimes with a grain of salt. Sometimes it's just their personalities and it's not meant to be offensive. They are just being who they are. So, anyway, that's just my two sense worth.

I understand what you're saying however being an adult also means following rules and guidelines. The rules of the Disboards state "No sarcasm" so if you're going to use the boards then you have to accept the terms of use set forth by the owners of the board.

If you slip up and receive an overall "friendly reminder" about the rules, being an adult is also stepping up and saying "sorry, that wasn't my intent" not attacking the person reminding you or getting defensive.

JMO and no more or less important than anyone else's.
Not sure why everyone has to be so thin skinned. I have meet some of the banned fiends and have found them to be nothing but real.

I had a horrible thing happen last year and I have to tell you. All these bad fiends sent cards and letters. Some of them even drove to my house to deliver their heartfelt condolences. The ones that were too far away all sent messages everyday or so.

So all I can say is that the fiends are real people. Just don't understand why everyone is so thin skinned these days.


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