Faith, hope, trust, and Pixie Dust!

I am a sappy mom and every time a castmember did something special for dd, I had tears in my eyes. No one has ever treated dd so beautifully!

Here are a few things off the top of my head:

Hollywood and Vine- a worker brought the characters over to the table to entertain dd while I went to get our food at the buffet. At this character meal, the characters would first give ME a big hug before going up to dd. Dd enjoyed that just about as much as them hugging her!

The line to meet the princesses and fairies was just way too long for dd to wait in so I started to leave...explaining to dd that we would try later. A CM overheard and saw the GAC hanging around my neck. The CM took us directly to Cinderella! I had no idea where we were going until I opened a door and came face to face with Cinderella. I was shocked. :eek: :wizard: Dd did get to see the princesses and fairies after all.

Dd wanted to meet Stitch all week long but I had no clue where to find him. We had given up when we walked smack into the line to meet Stitch! Just as we were getting the pen out for his autograph, Stitch left for a break. :rotfl2: Dd had a huge meltdown the entire time he was gone. Stitch came back and walked directly to dd, giving her fresh cut flowers. :flower3: :worship: :sad1: I was bawling! How sweet! Dd was positively glowing from the interaction!

On the raft ride, dd refused to get out at the end of the ride. As I tried to talk her into getting out, the CM said it was fine--go again! This happened again so the CM ended up letting dd ride 3 times in a row. We were soaked! Dd was happy! :cheer2:

I have to say the one character who took the most time with dd and was the most friendly and caring to her was Donald Duck. :cloud9: I think we have a dozen pics with him!

Riding the train, dd got to be guest conductor. The Cm let her keep riding past our stop and another time around as she was grinning from ear to ear! :D

I had tears in my eyes as dd was interacting with Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore came up and gave me the biggest hug and then kissed me a few times on the cheek. :cool2: :rotfl: Awww.

Dd gave Buzz Lightyear a kiss and then walked over to give Woody a kiss...then told me she did that only so they "don't fight". In other words, she only wanted to give Buzz a kiss. :D :laughing:

The Light motors Action show was dd's favorite so I took her back on her birthday. This is one show I was unsure about as she is very sound sensitive but she loved the explosions! I told the CM the 2nd time that it was hard to direct dd's attention to the show until an explosion happened...she sat dd right up front for the 2nd show we attended. :cloud9: :cloud9:

This has nothing to do with a CM but when we went to the Whispering Canyon cafe, we stopped by the sandy area. While we rested, dd ran to the sand to talk to a little girl there. My mother called for her to talk off her boots--I quickly ran to help dd as she has never walked barefoot in sand. Before I got there, dd was already running across the sand without shoes on! And no meltdown! :hippie: Every time we have went to the beach, she couldn't stand sand on her feet and would meltdown. This is a huge first for her! We stayed over an hour just to let her play in the sand.

At Aniimal Kingdom, CMs in the parade stopped and talked to dd and wished her a happy birthday. Over and over I was shocked that they stopped to talk to her! :dance3:

A CM drew a huge Mickey with water and a broom just for dd's birthday. :) That made her feel so special. princess:

This has nothing to do with a CM either...we went to the campfire and outside movie. Dd loves kids and babies. Since I could keep an eye on her, I let her wander around and meet other kids. She ended up sitting with another family with 3 kids the whole time. I asked if it was ok and the mom said "they were blessed" that she picked them to sit with. :grouphug: Dd says this was her fave part of the trip.

How could I forget...when we went to the campfire at Widlerness Lodge, we had gotten lost. Walked forever until we finally found it. Well we were exhausted walking back and a CM came by. He offered us a ride back to the boat. Not only did we not have to walk back but he left...then came back by with dd's glowing magic wand that had been dropped by accident. So so sweet of him to do that!

Dd loved the attention from all of the CMs at WDW. The child never once puffed out her chest or even recognized she had a chest until a birthday button was placed there. All week she pushed out her little chest at every worker so they would speak to her. :) princess: :goodvibes

Dd slept so well and even napped on our trip which is unusual for her. So I was able to rest up for the next day at WDW! We had so many magical moments this past week! Can't wait to go through the pictures. :thumbsup2
Y'all...these stories are so awesome!!!

Keep em coming!! :)

Disney is such a magical place. :hug:

Thank you for sharing all of your stories!
O.k. I'm Bawling!!! Thanks Maroo for sending me here!:hug: I have so many stories i could but I will just start with one which was requested by Maroo. So here goes.

On our third day of our wish trip, Really oursecond full day there, Braeton was having a really rough time. he had gotten sick right before we left for our trip and was having a tough time shaking it. his sensory was in high gear also so it was a little rough.
That a.m. my husband had to go to dialysis so it was just me and the 2 boys. We were at MK and decided to see Mickeys house. now i wasn't going to try seeing Mickey in the Judges tent because I had read of the long lines and we had several character meals lined up with Mickey.

So we are in front of the house and a CM walks up to me. I can't remember his name but He was so nice! May I help YOU?
I asked "Do I need to go another way with the wheelchair or is it all compatible??"
He says, Would ya'll like to see Mickey??

Well Of Course! And he says Follow me. Then he takes us down a route blocked off and over to the Judges tent. I originally wasn't going to do this since I had read the lines were long and we had several Character meals with Mickey planned.
The CM ask us to wait a min. and goes over to a door and starts whispering.
He brings us PAST everybody and pulls us over to the side. So another man in a w/chair and some others were actually in the front of the line and another CM comes out. The man ask "Can that family go in my place? They are on a WISH trip! She says "That is who I'm after!" She bends over and hugs Braeton and High 5's Tyler. I hear somebody had a WISH???

Now I hadn't said anything to them. We were wearing our Texas Wishing Well Buttons though. She says Did you wish to come to Disney World???

And Tyler answers. "He wanted to see Mickey and Pooh bear."

Well have you seen them? She asks. "

Uh Huh I hugged Pooh bear yesterday and mumble mumble mumble." B was starting to get shy.

"He saw Pooh at CP yesterday and Mickey waved to him at the parade." I said.

Well ........ she called the cms name here wants to give you a special surpise and I think I can help him out.

So we thanked the guy CM and followed the lady CM.

The man started clapping and I heard People asking who?? and the CM looks over and says "this child is on a WISH trip and his wish is to see Mickey! We are going to let them have extra time!!"
The whole line started applauding and cheering and I started bawling!!

We rolled in the room and Braeton didn't have aclue what was going on. The look on his face was awesome!!
We stayed in there for a LONG time. i kept trying to leave and Mickey kept motioning us to stay. he even went over to the handler and they were whispering and then told me that Mickey wanted to make this extra special for Braeton and it wasn't hurting anything to just let the boys enjoy this. He danced with the boys. Rolled Braetons chair around! Teased them with the Mickey ears etc... It was wonderfull! At one point Mickey did the I Love You sign at Tyler and then pointed and shrugged at Braeton and Tyler said "I love you too" and then said "Thank you for seeing my brother he really loves you and this trip is his wish trip so you made his wish come true." i think Mickey got a little overwhelmed at that!! Both CMs and photopass looked away and wiped at their eyes. When we went to leave Mickey came over to me and pointed at the boys and to me and then his heart and then gave me a big thumbs up!. He then leaned over and gave me the biggest hug ever and patted me on the back. As we were leaving Mickey walked us to the door, hugged us all again and pointed at us rubbed his eyes and crossed his hands over his heart!! It was so SPECIAL!!! We've never forgotten it!!

Now you made me cry - again! :) That is so special!! :)

Thank you for coming over here to share your story! Feel free to return anytime and share more awesome stories! I am trying to keep this thread bumped - shamlessly plugging for more happy pixie dust stories! So feel free to add some anytime!!! :)

I am so glad you found this thread! It is a diamond in the rough, isn't it!!!!! I just LOVE it! :love:
I have been reading the rest of the storys in this thread and at first was pushing the multi quote button, but then soon realized that everyone of them created that response reaction.
They are all beautifull. I have several more stories I hope to share one day.
And to whomever posted about Disney being a Therapy for our children and us. I heartilly agree. Now if we could just get our insurance to agree to pay for that!!!;)
Ok...first of all...I have been on these boards WAY too long to have missed this thread!

Lauren's quote after her trip..."I love Disney is the only place on Earth where I don't feel disabled." Now, that my why we are going back!
Thank you, Disney!

thats what my wife says to,:) its the main reason we bought dvc
On our DD's (pdd-nos) first trip in June of 2007, we were there for her 4th birthday. She wanted to ride Winnie the Pooh, but we couldn't get fast passes, because my ds had just gotten some that he didn't realize were for hours later. The line was over an hour wait and I knew she couldn't do that either, so I told her we'd try later. This resulted in an instant meltdown. A CM came over to us and asked me if everything was okay. I told her what happened with the fast passes and told her we'd be back later. She noticed DD was wearing a birthday button. DD was starting to calm down a little and the CM told us to wait a minute and she'd be right back. She came back with another CM who asked us to follow her. She took us in through the exit and let DD right onto the ride, telling her to enjoy the rest of her birthday. When we got off the ride, she gave DD a magical moments certificate.

I also found their supervisor later on in the day. I filled out 'compliment' cards (not sure what you call them) for both CM's, as I had gotten their names at the time :)
This is from my journal from Michaela's wish trip in 2006. (Michaela is also known as Mickey.) I will never forget this moment.
"We stopped at a gift shop and started talking to one of the cast members there about meeting characters. He told us to go to the Beauty and the Beast Show and ask if we could meet the Prince, Belle and Gaston after the show. He said there is no other way to meet the Prince and Gaston but backstage. When we tried to watch the show the other day we were at MGM, Mickey got scared when the Beast roared and had to leave, so we weren't too sure about this plan. But we are glad we tried. We asked about meeting the characters when we got to the show and even though it was actually too late to set the meeting up, a couple of cast members went above and beyond the call of duty and pulled it off for us. Mickey was a little scared but sat through the whole show and really liked it. We were ushered up to the front row before the final dance scene so we'd be close when the show was over. When the cast member gave the approval, we went around the corner toward the backstage and there stood Belle and the Prince in all their finery with arms open wide and huge smiles on their faces. (Gaston was standing off to the side in perfect character acting like this was all beneath him.) Mickey just ran with her arms open to Belle and the Prince and gave them huge hugs. It was a priceless moment, one of those things that only happens in Disney. We spent just a very few minutes with them getting pictures and autographs then had to let them prepare for the next show. It was truly a magical moment."

And another moment from our trip in 2007:
"Then we split up so Mickey could go meet some princesses and Brad and Michael could go be pirates on the Caribbean. Mickey met Cinderella – again- and spent quite a bit of time with her. Cinderella gave her a kiss but it didn’t leave a lip print so she tried again. The 2nd one left a bit of a mark on her cheek, so Mickey was happy. We met Dopey for the first time and had a lot of fun playing with him. Mickey was a little bummed that Snow White wasn’t in the room with Dopey so we went back later to meet her. When Mickey walked up to Snow White, she told Mickey that she had been talking to Cinderella and had heard about Mickey wanting a kiss that left a mark. So she gave Mickey a kiss on her cheek and one in her autograph book so she has one to keep."

Gawsh! It's an awfully good thing I had my box of tissues next to the computer! I think I about used the whole dang box!
Anyways, I've already posted most of my magic moments... but after the first week of August I hope to have some more to post!
This trip will be fun and I'm so looking forward to it!
Not only will my kids have a blast, I'm sure....but this time it's MY birthday(Well, my birthday month, but I couldn't go ON my b-day...alas). :-)
The first time I took my dd to DLR, she had just turned 4 and was couple months out of her last chemo treatment, so she was a bald little beauty with just a little fuzz (ala Captain Picard from Star Trek). Her grandparents, my sister, and I were taking her to DLR to celebrate her finishing her chemo. The first thing we do when we get there is head over to the PFF to meet the princesses, whichever 3 that were currently there.

The whole time in line which was about 45 min. wait, she kept saying how she was going to show the princesses her beautiful hair. When we got closer to the front of the line she decides to pull off her bandana to get ready for the princesses. She was very proud of her fuzz. So we get to the front of the line and the CM that was working the front kneels down and starts talking to my dd. Normally she is shy with strangers, but she starts talking to the CM about how excited she is to meet the princesses. The CM asks my dd who her favorite princess is and my dd says Princess Aurora.

Then the CM lets us go, and first my dd meets Belle who immediately pulls her to sit on her lap on the floor and hugs her, I was tearing up I must admit. Then we met Cinderella, and then Jasmine. After we met Jasmine, another CM stops us and tells us if we go wait by the big shield by the stage Princess Aurora will come and meet my dd. My eyes got so round in surprise and I choked out a heartfelt thank you to the CM. So we go down the steps to shield, wait for a couple of minutes, before another CM comes around and tells to follow her around the shield. Behind the shield is a velvet rope hanging over a doorway, and the CM tells us the both Princess Aurora and Princess Snow White are waiting for my dd and the only thing they would like is the big hug for each of them. Then the CM draws back the curtain, and there they were sitting on this beautiful terrence/bench with columns on each side with flowers wrapped around it. My dd runs to Princess Aurora and gives her the biggest hug. Then she hugged Snow White was well. I was completely in tears the entire time while I was taking picture after picture. The princess spent about 10 minutes with her, just talking, and they even showed her a special secret princess handshake with a kiss. The entire time Princess Aurora held my dd on her lap.
I couldn't believe it, it was all so surreal in a way. We weren't expecting anything when we had gone to PFF, we were just on a family vacation, not expecting any special treatment whatsoever. I'll never forget that experience, the magic that is Disney is a wonderful thing.
Oh how sweet!!!!!!!!

I just love Disney! They GET it! I don't know how...but they GET IT!

Your DD deserved it! And I hope you find some of that magic on your Wish Trip, too!!
I just found this thread. I have only read a few of the posts, but I'm crying happy tears!

Our special moment happened on our last trip to DLR in Sept. 2008. Our son was using a wheelchair for the first time versus the stroller he had recently outgrown. While walking along in front of TSMM we were telling our other kids that we were all really tired and didn't think we could wait in a 30-45 minute line right then. A CM overheard us and said, "I know everyone's tired, why don't you try this other line?" She led us over to the single rider line and had the other CMs get us on the ride together in less than 10 minutes.

We have been to Disneyland several times with our kids and they are always wonderful, but this time was just a little bit more special because someone went out of their way to make sure we were having a Magical Time!

We LOVE Disney!!!
A little boy maybe 8 years old has CP and he cannot set up and it is obvious he is disabled. He waited like everyone else in line for Grizzly Rapids at DCA. There is a gate for the disabled that sent him to a special line. Nobody stared at him but I was like a wet rat and got some looks, lol.

I let a party of 4 go ahead of me because the raft had 4 people and I thought it was fair for me to wait for another boat and fill that one. That is how I ended up in the same raft as the little boy, his littler sister and his parents. I explained loading to them and about disabled guest services. I boarded the raft first then the sister then dad who stood there until he realized he was to take the boy. Mom joined us and the four of them sat to my right.

Mom put his legs on her lap then held his head up so he could see everything. The little girl was scared as the belt was way too loose. The little boy had the time of his life and you could see this silent child laughing and smiling and being elated by the ride. I gave the sister who was shivering from the cold my lap towel and a celebration button.

Yep I saw a uncommunicative little boy set up and giggle and wriggle and laugh and smile as best he could despite his limitations. I helped the little girl out of the raft then I got out. I got the McClaren stroller and brought it to the raft since the CM did not do that. That kid was still perked up and happy from his ride.

The magic of Disney lies in the hearts of CMs.
The Joy of Disney is the magic I see every time I go to a park. Today I saw so much magic and saw a little boy happy as can be.
My mom has Alzheimer's disease and she's 87 years old when we went for the first time with her to Disney World. She uses a walker at home, but for travelling we need do a wheelchair. Well, I decorated her wheelchair arms with small posters hanging down from them with a picture of the park we attended each day and it stated that my mom was a first timer. Well, a cast member noticed it.

We were going to the Buzz Lightyear ride in MK with our fastpasses and the CM who took our fastpasses noticed my mom's sign. She asked us if we had a minute to spare. I said sure. Anyway, she left for about 5 minutes and when she returned all I can say is WOW! She had a first timer pin for my mom that we put on her immediately. Then the CM presented us with three yellow vouchers. One voucher was giving us a free ice cream for our whole party which we enjoyed on The Liberty Queen paddleboat ride, later. The other, two vouchers gave us automatic fastpasses for two, other attractions. Finally, we were able to ride the Buzz Lightyear ride twice in a row. I told my mom how special it was to do this and I said it was all because of her being there for the first time. Well, I haven't seen a smile so grand from her in a very long time. It made my day and hers.

I carried the same thought through every voucher we used that day at MK. My mom felt she had accomplished something good and worthwhile for us and it made her feel like a million bucks.

Later in the week (on our last day) we were eating in the food court of the POP Century resort when a CM there came up to our table and started talking to us about our visit. We got into a good conversation about it all and she then pulled out of her pocket Tinkerbell pins for us all. She continued to tell us that these pins were not available for sale as a souvenir; they were special pins. I told her we will cherish them. It was a wonderful way to end our trip there.

Yeah for Disney World!
What a great thread. I recently got back from my first trip having to use a wheelchair. We actually made the mistake of bringing a transport chair, not thinking I would need it as much as I did. I must say I was amazed at how kind most people were. We were a party of 6 & were not used to getting around with the chair so we were ackward & clumsy, but people were considerate, patient and helpful. Honestly, I cann't even narrow it down to any one incident. Also, I would like to say how much more sympathatic I am to all who are permantly in a chair. I don't want to be negative so I will say no more. Just :hug: to all who experience WDW that way.
Later in the week (on our last day) we were eating in the food court of the POP Century resort when a CM there came up to our table and started talking to us about our visit. We got into a good conversation about it all and she then pulled out of her pocket Tinkerbell pins for us all. She continued to tell us that these pins were not available for sale as a souvenir; they were special pins. I told her we will cherish them. It was a wonderful way to end our trip there.

Yeah for Disney World!
I love it when someone finds this thread and posts another story.
Every story in here is special.

We've also gotten one of those Tinkerbelle pins from a CM (or I should say DD got one of those pins). the story we were told that went along with the pin was that it was not supposed to be traded; it was meant to be saved until someone needed or could use some special magic and it was to be given.
I have many stories. Some posted on others threads, don't want to repeat. Might tho because I love reading this thread. I'll share my Tinkerbell pin story now. My son who uses a wheelchair "won" the two pin set. A tomorrowland CM noticed our family's Mickey Mouse Club t-shirts with our names. He quizzed my son on original MMC trivia. Didn't know he was a Disney nerd! He gave him the mission to find someone worthy to give the second pin to. It had to be someone doing something magical for someone else. My son looked for a week for that special person. In AK, a little girl saw me struggling with the door and his wheelchair at the bat enclosure. She came running over and held the door without any parent prompting. She was very sweet and sincere. My son asked if she liked Tinkerbell, she did. Her parents then showed. The little girl, Emily I think, was soooo excited when he gave her the pin for being a special person. We chatted, took pictures. We met up again later. The parents said this was so typical of their daughter and was that it was so special that she was "rewarded" for her kind nature - though she didn't need it. She just always was looking for ways to help people. My son said that lots of times parents will shout to their kids "go help that kid with the wheelchair" - it bothers him. He said he could tell this little girl had a kind heart.


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