"Fake" service animal owners now face jail time in FL (from Pete's solo show)

If a guest suffers from anxiety and has a doctors letter indicating a dog is required -would Disney have to allow them and
No doctor letter needed. All a guest needs to do is slap a service animal vest on the dog. That's it. No questions asked. That's what the law allows.
We live in a decent sized condominium community, of which my wife happens to be the President. There is a similar issue here. No dogs are allowed, but a resident advised that they required a dog because of a medical condition -they presented a letter from their physician and that was all they needed. I don't believe this is a trained "service" animal, I believe the owners condition doesn't require that ...just that they need a dog.

So technically, every person in this community could have a dog assuming their doctor writes a letter for say a condition like anxiety. The attorneys for the association are looking into it, but I'm thinking there is nothing the association can do. So what happens to owners with severe allergies -are they forced to leave? It's an interesting issue from any angle.

If a guest suffers from anxiety and has a doctors letter indicating a dog is required -would Disney have to allow them and the dog in the park? Just curious.....

Sounds like this person has an emotional support animal. Emotional support animals are not protected by the ADA but many cities and housing authorities have seperate laws that allow for emotional support animals. Case in point in NYC all you need to have a dog in a building that doesn't allow dogs is a letter from a doctor/psychiatrist that you need an ESA. There are laws about how many ESA one can claim and the apartment complex can say that you have to use the service elevator, or make sure a dog is with in city laws to have one. From my understanding a pitbull can not serve as an ESA in building that prohibit them but they could be a service dog. Now an ESA does not have the right to enter everywhere like a service animal does. They also don't have to perform a task for the owner.
I don't know enough about service animals but don't they have a retirement age? I don't know where I heard that before so I invite anyone to correct me. But I would say that as soon as a service animal becomes incontinent - either through illness or age, it is now a health risk and should be retired (as a service animal, not as a pet).


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