Fantasmic! For Kids


Oct 15, 2001
I need some input from parents of little ones ?????
I have DS 10, DS 5, and DD 2 1/2 (or will be in June)
and need help in deciding on Fantasmic. I have heard
mixed reviews that it may be too much for the 2yr ?

If anyone out there can help I would greatly appreciate
it !!!!!
We went to Fantasmic with our 3 kids last June, ages 8, 4, and 21 months at that time, and they were all fine. The almost 2 year old hated traditional fireworks, but he was o.k. with Fantasmic. I think he actually enjoyed part of it; I distracted him a little bit at the more intense moments. I was a little wary of taking them, but it's outside, in an ampitheatre with lots of people sitting around, so I think that helps.

Note, with young children, I'd highly recommend the Fantasmic Dinner Deal if they're still offering that so that you don't have to get there so early to get a seat.

Have a great time....we'll be there in June again and expect we'll be at Fanstasmic again as well!
My DD4 first saw it when she was a month shy of 2 and has always LOVED it. I think the deciding factor isn't age, though, it's your childs temperment about things like this. If he/she's never been skittish about things like that, I'd say go for it! If you've had incidents in the past, maybe wait a while.
Can anyone tell me how long the show lasts? That would also be a deciding factor for long our 3 yr.old and 22 month old could sit and wait for the show, and then watch it.

Thanks in advance for any help!
It's a one hour show. My 4 year old Daughter was terrified of the bad guys!

We waited about 45 minutes, had popcorn, sodas, and enjoyed the cool evening while the crowd did the "wave". It was a fun night.
My DD saw Fantasmic for the first time when she was 2 1/2. She really enjoyed it, particullary the ending. There were "scarey" portions but she was easily assured that the good guy always wins. My DS was 6 mos and slept through it.

We returned when my DD was 4 and DS was 2. My DD was telling the people around us about the show and remembering things I hadn't. Both my children enjoyed it. I think as long as your there to comfort them if they get scared and they see you having a good time they will have no problem.
My son at 3 and 4 years was VERY afraid of any dark rides (ie Haunted Mansion, Snow White, etc.). I was afraid he wouldn't like Fantasmic and was prepared to leave with him if necessary. Well, he ended up LOVING the show!! There were several parts in the show that I thought would be too intense for him and I kept watching his reaction but he was so into the story and the whole good versus evil aspect that he did just fine. His response after the show - that was the BEST show ever!!

Obviously each child is different and there are a lot of loud noises, dark/scary parts, villains, flames/fire, and some fireworks at the end, all of which can be scary to young children so you definitely want to take this into consideration. If you think they can handle it, then by all means, go for it! Fantasmic is FANTASTIC!!!
The only thing I'd like to add to this post is that Fantasmic was very LOUD!! I was not prepared for just how loud it was. My 5 y.o. covered her ears for some of the more intense parts. She did enjoy the show, however......

We just went to Fantasmic in November with our kids, DS8, DD5, and DD2 1/2. Our DD5 is afraid of everything, but she loved Fantasmic.

When my DD was 2 she LOVED it!! My DD is a fearless little beastie though so I think you would need to decide how your child would react. Is your 2 year old scared of loud noises, darkness, or scary things? If your child gets terribly frightened by these things I wouldn't do it. My friends son is 4 now & still hates loud noises etc. so they avoid Fantasmic. It completely depends on the individual child.
Its a one hour show?? I thought I read in a couple of places that its only about 25 mins? What's correct?
I don't think it is a one hour show...I would say it's more like 25 minutes. If it is an hour it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm almost positive it's more around 25 minutes or so though. Now if you count getting there early enough for a good seat we could get into the hour. =)
I went with my family in November, DH, DS -9 & DS-6. My 6 year old was so looking forward to seeing the show and I planned on recording the whole thing for him to watch at home. We arrived about an hour before the show and were seated in the Scar section half way down. Much to my disappointment (and I'm sure her parents) the child sitting behind us became very loud and fidgety about 10 minutes before the show. I would guess she was maybe two. Her parents tried to settle her down and the whole time I was thinking about how ruined my video was going to be and our enjoyment of Fantasmic. But I would like to commend them for taking her out shortly after the show began because she wouldn't watch. Made for a very enjoyable show for those around and I'm sure for the rest of her family that stayed. That kind of consideration is very much appreciated by all.
Originally posted by pajamommy
Its a one hour show?? I thought I read in a couple of places that its only about 25 mins? What's correct?

According to Steve Soares' website, Fantasmic is a 25 minute show. (But that doesn't include the time you spend waiting in the amphitheater to ensure a good seat! LOL!)

Here's the link to Steve's site (has times for all of the various live entertainment venues at WDW):
You're right - it's about a 25 minute show. sorry about that. You do need to budget about an hour before the show, & it takes a while to exit!
Thanks for the info, everyone! It just feels like a one hour show with all the waiting before, lol!!
My 4-yr old DD was very scared of all the villains. They are intense, with alot of flames, noise, water jets, etc. I would say that you should see how your child reacts to villains in the movies and other rides or shows.
Someone mentioned the "Fantasmic Dinner Deal". Does anyone know if this still exists, and if so, what is it?
i did fantasmic april. it was about 45 mins. when you see it in peak season it takes a long time to exit. you have to wait an hour to get in, i recommend getting ther early! the best seats are in the middle of the theatre :)

i think it will be fine unless your children dont like fireworks

btw it is a great show! :) :)


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