FastPass restrictions for split stays

Good. Hope that whatever issue those who reported problems had gets resolved quickly, and that it works for everyone as MS says it should. I don't want to find out I have a problem at 7 am on the day my 60 day window opens!
Hopefully between now and then we have a few more people able to test the system (once everything falls through the system). I would but don't have any points right now.
Having never used a leading reservation, I did not give this policy much thought; now I am concerned. A lot of people do make split stays because they can and want to, but sometimes you have no choice.
Spit stays is not a business problem Disney wants to/needs to solve. - it does not cost them anything.

The big problem was the leading reservations. You could book an entire week before your actual trip, get a 67 day fast pass window, and then not HAVE TO cancel that first reservation until what is it, 4 days out? That could be a very large number of rooms coming out of inventory then being put back into inventory on short notice, giving Disney little chance to rent them. Potential a big hit in $$$. This had to be solved, and they did.

Now, being an IT guy, my GUESS is that there was nothing in the system to support this new needed functionality (exempt DVC rooms from these restrictions), and the business did not see or think of the need - maybe they will add it, or maybe they won't. Really, if you have enough points, what is to stop you from making a leading reservation with DVC, then cancelling it outside of 31 days so points to not go into holding? If you have the points you could jump thru the exact same loophole!

Hopefully they will change this.

On a more positive note, I am doing 1 day at the All stars then moving to beach club the next day for my stay. My FP window opened yesterday for the first day. I was not able to make fast passes for the rest of my stay, although I "should have been able to", but I was able to make them for my day at the all stars. I was able to get one for FOP. I have never been able to get a FP for FOP on the first day of my trip, I always had to go out a few days. This morning when my second window opened, I was able to get another FOP one (canceled my first, changed park plans), and had the option for a slink dog one.
My point is fast passes do seem to be getting easier to get for FOP, Slink Dog, et all.

Just don't do a split stay when Galaxy's Edge opens!!!!!!

So are you saying that the leading reservation loophole is closed only for cash reservations?
We have a split stay booked this summer- 4 nights at POP with free dining, followed by 3 nights at BC with DVC points. I hope I still manage to get FPs for FOP and SDD!
Well as expected, this morning the 27th showed up as available for FP's. The reservations have now been cancelled (and of course MDE still shows I can get FP's those days, out of curiosity I will track that availability over the next 30 days). This just doesn't match other posts about availability being there early and even before the 60 day window. Oh well, I'll wait till 3/6 and possibly be on the phone for another 40 min.. At least my split stay is 5/2 so I'll only be a few hours late on getting FP's on days 60+6 and 60+7.
It just gets crazier...
A little more background. My DD going with us in May also has a 4 night (5 day) stay in early April with 5 days of FP booked.
We have 2 continuous stays in early May (not in the 60 day window yet)

1. Last night, about 12 hours after I had cancelled both test reservations on April 24-27 all 4 days disappeared as available to book FP's against. I had not booked any FP's as to not interfere with real guests plans at the 60 day mark, so I don't know if I would have lost any FP's. 1 point for IT.
2. At the same time, before my 60 day window, the first 7 days of the May trip showed up early. Minus 1 point for IT
3. The days that did show up spanned at least part of both stays of a split stay. Plus 1 point for IT
4. It did not cover the duration of both stays. Minus 1 point for IT
5. Feeling fortunate, I started to book FP's for the available days. Plus 1 point for me
6. Availability for my DD went away after I had booked 2 days in May (a total of 7 for her including the April stay) Best I can figure, she passed the 7 days with FP's without a reservation. Interesting the available at 60 days rule was missed, but the 7 days without a "valid" reservation rule kicked in. Kinda plus 1 for IT

I did not call MS, because it is hard to argue that I should be able to book 14 days because I have those nights booked, when they are actually booked outside the 60 day window.

For me, the conclusion is, the system was not adequately tested before it was deployed. I expect several updates over the next few weeks correcting the issues. Until all that is settled, we will continue to wonder what the real rules are or will be.
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I am 100% in favor of closing all those loopholes, however counting consecutive reservations as separate hurts also honest people. Hopefully DVC reservations will be exempted, but cash guests as well may like split stays, why punish them to close a loophole? Disney could just cancel all FP+ made at 60+ days when a leading reservation is cancelled.
This is a good example to keep in mind when asking for changes on the reservation system to block walking. They may cause damage to everyone else.
As someone who like and schedule split stays I'm mildly annoyed, but I can adapt and react. Last year I rode FoP 6 times in two days, only 1 FP+ scheduled in advance, the rest obtained with refreshing availability. But I'm a solo traveler, families are certainly impacted more.
Fingers crossed Disney IT can get this right. Anyone with a split stay fastpass window approaching? Will be good to monitor.
I just called MS on one of our upcoming reservations yesterday and they told me that FP for the split stay can be made at 60, just like before, that MDE will recognize the split stay at 60, just like before for both reservations. They said that the new change in regard to splits only applies to hotel stays, not DVC. Hoping, that is the case because we have done splits for a number of years because we enjoy experiencing two different resorts in one vaca!::yes::
I just called MS on one of our upcoming reservations yesterday and they told me that FP for the split stay can be made at 60, just like before, that MDE will recognize the split stay at 60, just like before for both reservations. They said that the new change in regard to splits only applies to hotel stays, not DVC. Hoping, that is the case because we have done splits for a number of years because we enjoy experiencing two different resorts in one vaca!::yes::

Unfortunately many posters have called/ chatted/ emailed and been told the opposite. Myself included. Several other threads have screen shots of these conflicting conversations. So, like anything else Disney does, it’s a wealth of inconsistent information. I’ve been told it will be one booking window for the whole split stay, then that it won’t. I get a different answer every time I ask as are others. It’s inconsistent and no one knows for sure which is correct. Some who are booking FP are saying they can only book for one part of their stay, and they are staying DVC on points. I’m planning on not being able to and then I can only be pleasantly surprised.
Unfortunately many posters have called/ chatted/ emailed and been told the opposite. Myself included. Several other threads have screen shots of these conflicting conversations. So, like anything else Disney does, it’s a wealth of inconsistent information. I’ve been told it will be one booking window for the whole split stay, then that it won’t. I get a different answer every time I ask as are others. It’s inconsistent and no one knows for sure which is correct. Some who are booking FP are saying they can only book for one part of their stay, and they are staying DVC on points. I’m planning on not being able to and then I can only be pleasantly surprised.
Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Like every other major change that comes from Disney, there's a lot of confusion and consternation. IMO, Disney will not come out and make a public statement regarding the change because to do so would be to admit that they ignored a glaring loophole for years. Like GLFPs and CPFPs, the programming will be quietly changed and those loopholes closed. Disney leaks the changes to some trusted bloggers and the word gets out but no one knows the true impact until the system is tested.
I hope they keep the split stay for DVC point reservations. I can see how these are different than cash due to the cancellation policies. And it's nice to have a benefit that cash paying members don't.

I would expect the FPs on DVC reservations to be cancelled if the reservation is cancelled however.
Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Like every other major change that comes from Disney, there's a lot of confusion and consternation. IMO, Disney will not come out and make a public statement regarding the change because to do so would be to admit that they ignored a glaring loophole for years. Like GLFPs and CPFPs, the programming will be quietly changed and those loopholes closed. Disney leaks the changes to some trusted bloggers and the word gets out but no one knows the true impact until the system is tested.

That's the plan! I've had very good luck getting FP at 30 days out, one day at a time, for offsite stays even for headliner attractions so I'm just not going to get too worked up over the uncertainty. Even at 60+ there are no guarantees.

I just hope it helps others to plan accordingly knowing that there is a lot of confusion and inconsistency. I know some people are being told one thing and some are being told another, so my advice overall is like anything else they roll out at Disney, don't clutch too tightly to whatever one CM says because it's not always accurate.

Overall if these changes close the loopholes and ultimately make it better for the majority of guests then I welcome them. Yes, my split stay is affected, and I was a little concerned at first but going forward I won't book cash split stays or cash/DVC split stays because I'm not usually in a predicament where I have to do that. For DVC split stays (assuming they are also subject to the multiple booking windows) I will either avoid them or plan accordingly.
But the reason people cancel cash room at 5 days out, is because there is no penalty . If DVC cancels a few days away, the points go into holding. I have no numbers but I would think the number of DVC cancelling splits stays just for FP would be rather small if any.

Most trips, we like to do split stays, stay at MK resort for a few days and Epcot resort for a few days.
I am 100% in favor of closing all those loopholes, however counting consecutive reservations as separate hurts also honest people. Hopefully DVC reservations will be exempted, but cash guests as well may like split stays, why punish them to close a loophole? Disney could just cancel all FP+ made at 60+ days when a leading reservation is cancelled...........

Agree! Why don't they just cancel every FP+ reservation made on the day the 60 day window opened for the cancelled night no matter which day those FP+ were for. That seems fair and should be easy to program.
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I’m just checking back in concerning my experiment. The 48 hours for part A has passed with no emails about canceling FPs. The FPs are still there even though the leading reservation was cancelled.

I have cancelled the reservations covered in part B. The FPs are still there. I will now watch another 48hours to see if those FPs drop.

To recap:
  • I was able to book FPs across a split stay.
  • I was able to book FPs at 60+1 day even after the leading reservation was modified to a later date.
  • FPs made with a leading reservation were not cancelled even 48+ hours later.
24+ hours after canceling room reservations and the FPs are still in MDE. No email reminding me to book a room or lose them. The saga continues...
Which would have been great advice if they had implemented this change more than 11 months prior to the opening of Galaxy's Edge. It's way too late for anyone with a DVC reservation around Christmas/New Years - many (most?) resorts are booked solid.

Now we get to hope...that the rules change back for DVC split stays before October or that a continuous stay opens up at 7 months in OKW or SSR.

11 months from now is Jan, 2020. I suspect Galaxy's Edge will be open less than 2 months, and still PACKED. Pandora is open 2 years come May, and FOP can still have lines of 3+ hours, and fast passes hard to come by( but do seem to be getting easier). Your point is well taken, but I would still advise against a split stay in January. Also I am going first week of December, I had a wait list for split stay. I cancelled it for this very reason. (doubt any would have come thru anyway)

So are you saying that the leading reservation loophole is closed only for cash reservations?
Not saying that at all. I am saying that I think split stays are, in a way, leading reservations, and think that the same restrictions will apply. Why can't a DVC member book 2 7 days stays, then cancel the first after making fast passes? That is exactly what a leading cash reservation is. Granted its harder, you have to have enough points, probably be behind your banking window.

I do not understand how it works fully yet, all I can offer is that I have an upcoming split stay. the night of 4/26 at the all stars, then 4/27 - 4/30 at beach club villas (with points). 60 days out from the 27th, I could only make fast passes for the 27th and 28th (the days associated with my 1 night at the all stars), I had to wait another day to get fast passes for my BCV stay.

My positive is that there was FOP and Slink Dog FPs available on 60 days out, and a little later in the day than the opening time for booking, so FPs for those rides do seem to be more available. In the past, I have had to get FOP like 5 days into my trip so it was really 65 days out.
I am saying that I think split stays are, in a way, leading reservations, and think that the same restrictions will apply. Why can't a DVC member book 2 7 days stays, then cancel the first after making fast passes? That is exactly what a leading cash reservation is. Granted its harder, you have to have enough points, probably be behind your banking window.

The way I understand is in order to keep those FP made at 60 days, you have to cancel less than 30 days out right? Well if a DVC ressie with points did that, those points would go into holding. You don't lose them but just harder to use.

I'm on the side that DVC split stays should be treated as one ressie.
What if some members of the group have a split stay and others do not. This is our current situation for Thanksgiving. Some members of our party have all their nights together but two people are doing a split stay. All reservations are DVC reservations on points. Everyone is linked in MDE. Would the group with the single stay be able to book FPs for those with the split stay for the entire trip?
Isn't it ironic that this board had a sticky thread for years on how to use disposable rooms to take advantage of the FP booking window?

And now, as is usually the case with these types of crackdowns, people who legitimately book split stays will probably be more negatively impacted than the people who were actually breaking the rules to skirt the FP booking windows.
Why can't a DVC member book 2 7 days stays, then cancel the first after making fast passes?
If you cancel your the first half of your DVC split stay between 60 and 30 days out your FPs (should) go away. Moreover, you have to have clever/lucky enough to have your vacation/use year line up so you can bank... otherwise you will likely be unable to use the points. And if you cancel less than 30 days out your DVC points go into holding jail where they almost always go to die.

Another reason for a DVC split stay exemption is that split stays have become a way of life now that 'everyone' books at their home resort at 11 months and then hopes to swap at 7 months. It isn't like it used to be when you could just pull together points from different resorts for a long stay at one of them. At best you end up with two separate reservations that cover identical villas - one booked with home resort points and the other booked at 7 months.

If you cancel a cash reservation you get currency useful anywhere. That just isn't true for DVC.


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