February 2021 W.I.S.H. - Being your own Fabulous Self

Thanks for the recommendations-The Last Czar sounds like something I would enjoy!
Our town got 22 inches of snow. I thought we would have been able to go to school today because the roads weren’t bad. But I don’t think all the schools were cleared yet or maybe the bus stops. So we were virtual today. My first day teaching on a Google Meet from home since October. I was definitely a little rusty and so were the kids. But it was fun. And they were excited to see me and tell me about their snow days since I haven’t seen them since Friday.
I’m thankful for my warm house and that everyone I know kept power during the snow storm.
I’m thankful for the wonderful neighborhood community we live in. But was heartwarming to see everyone outside working together to clear driveways and sidewalks (socially distanced and/or masked).
I’m thankful most of my class participated in online schooling Monday & Wednesday. We were completely off on Tuesday and today we are back in school.
I’m thankful for the fun family time we had together (my sons first drive in significantly snowy weather, family movie & game nights, and lots of laughter)
I am thankful to have the 2 trees in the back yard taken out and that the neighbors went in half with us. One tree was one the property line to our neighbor to the left and the other is on the line to the house behind us. Both trees dropped a significant amount of limbs in the wind storm and ice/snow storms in November and December. They needed to go. Neither one was easy to get too and we had 3 places say they would not do it because it was too dangerous. The place that did it was able to get a machine in the backyard. Thankfully the ground is frozen. Our yard it still a mess and I am sure a lot of the grass is gone but hopefully we will not have big ruts. Not that we have a lot of snow but enough that we can't tell how bad it is.
Thankful I could be off the roads during the snowy weather! I enjoyed sitting by the fireplace with a good book and watching the snowfall. But thankful for a beautiful, sunny day today and to be able to walk outside-I have a 1 mile route mapped out for when I can’t walk on the rail trail.
I'm thankful that I only have one more day of school this week.:woohoo:

I'm thankful that my students are more compliant with mask-wearing than many other classes. I have a couple students who are notorious for letting the masks slip off of their noses, but they now sit waaaaay in the back of the room, and they aren't as bad as they used to be. I continually see other students in the building who never wear the mask over their noses or even their faces for that matter. I don't know if it is my constant vigilance and reminders or if I just got lucky with this group of kids.😷

I'm thankful that I have good size windows in my new classroom so that there is always ventilation even though my room is freezing.:cold: My old classroom is across the hall, and the rooms on that side of the building only open a few inches.

I am very thankful for my family's and my health and well-being in the midst of a pandemic.:flower1:

I'm thankful that I have all of you...:grouphug:
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I'm thankful today for a lovely surprise:

I got home from work a little after 1:00 to find that DH had already started dinner in the crock pot - beef stew...and he'd even bought fresh Italian bread to go with it! The house smelled amazing, dinner was yummy, and I didn't have to do a thing.
I'm thankful that DS2 was at our house today for some of his online classes. I'm thankful that I was home for lunch during part of his voice lesson and got to hear him sing. So amazing! He has a recital coming up and his accompanist instead of asking for money asked him to record some songs for her church. Very nice!

I'm thankful that tomorrow is Friday!!!
I am thankful that my family and friends have been healthy and that we have a vaccine so that soon enough I will be able to see them.

My mom got her 1 dose yesterday. It will still be awhile before I can see her though. I am not sure when my group will start getting the vaccine. We are last in line. Though our governor was able to talk with the makers and was able to increase how many doses we get starting in March I think. So there is hope that it will be sooner rather then later.
Busy days!

Good job on that mental health day Summer--- always a good choice when needed!

Woo hoo for me... I've been snacking much healthier, I gave my oldest a mental health morning with me actually- transitions are going on currently & while it's tough now I'm hoping that time was helpful for her. Woo hoo... even tho my girls are older and often at odds, they showed me today that they still have each others back - that's a win.

Thankful... so thankful for a volunteer opportunity that allowed me to get the 1st dose vaccine yesterday... my husband ended up needing to get his for work on Wed so this is all unexpected and awesome. I just had soreness and chills last night. DH didn't feel great, fever and aches yesterday and so far today--- but hey, it is working! Thankful, thankful, thankful!

Have a great Friday all! I think I'm just going to regroup and get food restocked for the wkend. Maybe we'll work on a yard project? Definitely need to do some paper work housekeeping + get our littles Valentines hoop la ready for next week 🥰
The wee went pretty good. I got 60 + on the treadmill each day and I kept my calories to under 1200. I am only down .2 this week but that is a start.

This weekend we only have grocery shopping tomorrow morning. We go at 7:30am before anyone really gets there. Then Sunday we will watch the Super Bowl. We usually have wings that we get somewhere but this time we are going to make the at home in the Air Fryer (the best Christmas gift this year). I will still get my treadmill time in but I will let the food slip a bit this day.
I did my second sauna yesterday and can sure feel the difference it makes. I woke up hard this morning... I was in a deep, deep state of sleep and my mind started to wake up before my body did. It was this weird sensation of plugging things in bit-by-bit until my mind could actually make my body move. I think the deep sleep was partly due to the sauna.

I feel like I "should" do something tomorrow, as in go somewhere. I haven't done the country loop drive in over a month, so maybe that'll be it, with a stop for a walk along the way if it isn't raining too much. Sunday I'll watch the Super Bowl even tho I have no interest in either team, it just feels like a community type of thing to do. I got some little smokies and crescent dough to make some pigs-in-a-blanket.

I'm really enjoying my current book "The Salt Path" and will probably finish it over the weekend... that'll make me on-track for reading a book a month altho I still feel behind as I have a big stack of books queued up.

I had to switch up my trip to the ocean a bit. The chief Engineer on my core team decided to make a trip back to India starting that week, so I'm only going to take Thurs/Fri off and will go to Long Beach then. Then I'll take a long weekend early in March and will do at least an overnight in Port Townsend. Not mad about this at all.
How did the week go for you? What are your plans for the weekend?

My week went slooooowwwly. Dh and I both agreed that yesterday should have been Friday.

Then lo and behold, it was for me! - I got a text just before bed last night that the twin's dad got today off, so they didn't need me. I used the extra time to have a lazy morning catching up on some TV I'd taped, then when things opened, I took my vacuum into the shop (since it all of a sudden decided not to have power the other day) and picked up a few groceries so I won't have to go on Super Bowl weekend. :cheer2: Now I've got one bathroom cleaned, and one load of laundry in as a head start on the weekend chores.

I'll probably do the usual on Saturday - finish chores and prep the week's schoolwork.

I'm not sure about Sunday. I'm not really a football fan, so I'll probably put one of the puppy or kitten bowl shows on the upstairs TV while DH watches the game downstairs. He's planning to make wings, so I got some coleslaw mix to go with them, and will make stuffed mushrooms.

I will kind of miss the Super Bowl party we usually go to, though. - Even though I don't care about the game itself, the commercials are fun, and the food is always fabulous! (I agree with relaxing diets for the day.)
Got out for a walk again today-a little warmer and sunny. Zoomed with friends and worked in the office for an hour. Filled a trash bag and a bag of books for Goodwill.
We are football fans so will watch the game Sunday. Tomorrow I will make a turkey Queso dip for Sunday-it tastes better the next day. I got the recipe from DrizzleMeSkinny.com but will probably have a few extras we don’t normally eat. It will just be the two of us, so I don’t want too much leftover!
I'm thankful today for a lovely surprise:

I got home from work a little after 1:00 to find that DH had already started dinner in the crock pot - beef stew...and he'd even bought fresh Italian bread to go with it! The house smelled amazing, dinner was yummy, and I didn't have to do a thing.
That’s a wonderful surprise! Now that we don’t eat out on Fridays someone else cooking is the next best thing!
This was an odd week. Although it was nice to be home for the majority, it felt like a long week. I had trouble sticking to healthy eating, and because I had severe knee pain, I didn't walk enough on the treadmill. It felt like there were many obstacles the last two days. My para was out, and my old para who is usually available in a pinch was also out. There is already a staffing shortage with zero volunteers because of the pandemic, so I felt stretched very thin. There was nobody to cover bathroom breaks. I only had time to eat a banana all day, and I didn't drink enough water.

I miss being able to use proximity as a disciplinary measure...standing near a misbehaving student and giving them "the look" was my best move. Half the time, I didn't even need to speak. I find it very difficult to deal with students while keeping a safe distance. I don't like to raise my voice, but it happens more than I would like. Their behavior would be a lot better if they were able to work together cooperatively and play with each other. I'm asking the impossible of these little social butterflies. I have to constantly separate them to keep them safe. They are terrible at walking in line because of the need to socially distance, and until recently, everything took place in the classroom. Now they walk throughout the building to get to specials, but they get way too close to each other and children in other lines. I prefer to not have the specialists in my classroom, but traveling around the building is NOT safe.

I'm just glad this week is over.

DD and I will be watching tv in a different room from my DH. The only sport she and I enjoy watching is hockey. I also miss super bowl parties for the socializing, cocktails, and food.


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