Feeding a 1 yr old at WDW


Disney Addict
Aug 18, 1999
My dd is 13 mo and eating mostly table food, which is great at home, but it may be difficult in the World. We will be doing mostly counter service lunch and dinners. I would love to know what others have done to make sure that their children this age get some sort of nutrition. What did you feed them in the parks? What food did you bring that you couldn't live without? Any advice will be appreciated!:sunny:
My family was there in May with a 14mon. DD. She loves fruit, so we brougt those plastic fruit cups. Also brought some gerber graduate veggies and meat. She also love peanut butter sandwiches so we would make one and take it with us. We also brought some of the small serving vegetable with the pull top and just leave what wasn't eaten. I think they cost about .65 cents per can at the grocery. We also packed in our on juice boxes for her and my 4 yr. old DD. We chilled them with ice from ice machine in a ziploc and brought a small soft side cooler. If we didn't have the cooler we just stuck a few in her diaper bag. For the baby when her sippy was empty, we would just punch the hole with the straw and squirt the juice in her sippy. She would crush the boxes at that age. Hope this helps. Have a wonderful trip.
I second the little plastic tubs of fruit. We used apple sauce with our then-5mo at Disney, but of course your older child can handle more!

You'll be fine (and she'll be free!) at any buffets. There are plenty of great choices there. (Mac and cheese, etc.)

Be sure to bring a little spoon with you. We couldn't always find even plastic spoons at the counter service restaurants.
When my now 5 yr. old DS was 17 months, we'd stop at the quick food shops at Poly, CR, etc. & pick-up a container of yogurt, a banana & some juice.(By the way, we were staying at the YC, but would take the monorail from MK to get his "treats") He loved all three & it was all good for him! Also agree that you shouldn't have a problem at the buffets; between chicken nuggets, applesauce, mac & cheese, you should do fine.
If your kid will eat bagels, that's a good one too. Some times when we went to counter service, there wasn't alot for her to eat. She was 11 months, had had a taste of "real" food and was balking at baby food.

Someone had once suggested those mini-lenders bagels to me and they worked like a charm. Emily would chew on them, and they filled her up.
We just let the 11-13mo DD (3 have been at that age range at WDW)eat what we are eating.... I cut up hot dogs or burgers in small peices and they love frys.... Most of the counter service places have fruit and I just cut it up small. Some even offer green beans or mashed potatoes. Your child is free at buffets. At that age they can eat most foods. Mine had their first sucker at WDW and loved eating all the stuff everyone was.Have a great trip!:D
we did the world! We stayed DVC, but regardless of where you stay the things that I brought didn't need refridgeration. We flew and I had an extra suitcase that I packed food in, figuring that I could use it for gifts and stuff on the way home. I brought goldfish. Instead of the plastic fruit cups, I brought the little metal ones, figuring that they would hold up better travelling. I brought juice boxes and put them in my carry on inside a plastic ziploc. If you stay in a place with a microwave I would bring the Easy Mac macaroni & cheese. I also brought cheese & crackers, Gerber Graduates fruit snacks (which are awesome - they are not as chewy as the regular fruit snacks) and Gerber Graduates cereal bars. My ds also liked Pop Tarts. These are all things that you could bring into the park also for when they get hungry. He also ate everything that we ate too, hot dogs, fries and stuff. You'll do just fine, have fun ;)
I found no problem feeding my 8 month old last trip. SHe ate only table food at that point (she never liked baby food at all!) and I was thrilled!! It was sooo much easier than worrying about baby food.

She ate fresh fruit (there were lost of bananas & watermelon to be found), pasta/macaroni & cheese, breads, pancakes, waffles, cheese (even at a counter service, if they serve a cheese burgers or grilled cheese sandwiches, you can get a piece of plain cheese), yogurt, cooked veggies, grilled chicken (or even friend chicken - we;'d break open and pinch out pieces of tender meat)...like I said, we found it very easy, plenty of choices.

This trip my youngest will be 9 months -- and I'm hoping he's over baby food!

Good luck!
We've taken our oldest at 15months and the littlest at 17months.
They ate pretty much whatever we ate.. sometimes I would buy them a kids meal and sometimes not and give them a little off our own plates. They loved mac and cheese, fries, bits of hamburgers, etc.
The only thing I did do was make sure we had a sippy cup and milk. I would buy milk and keep it in our collasible cooler filled with ice. We also carried snacks and juice with us.


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