(Final 8/12)The WILDEST Ride in the Wilderness!" Princess Half Marathon TR/Feb.2014

There is nothing like walking down Main Street for that first time of your trip. It's magical and excitement all rolled up in one huge emotional fest!!! I love early mornings too for the peace of it...

Great pic in front of the castle of the girls.

And beautiful rose pictures along with the ferry boat picture- love it!

Can't believe you forgot a journal? Come on jazz hands, I expected more out of uber planner!!! :)
STOP THE PRESSES! We interrupt this regularly long and rambly trip report to debate an entirely important subject!!!


So, I went looking for the scene in a movie where I thought I KNEW Jazz hands came from. Turns out, I was thinking Spirit Fingers??!!!

Bring It On- Spirit Fingers

To further confuse the issue, this is what Wikipedia has to say:
Jazz hands in performance dance is the extension of a performer's hands with palms toward the audience and fingers splayed. It is commonly associated with especially exuberant types of performance such as musicals, cheerleading, show choir, revue, and especially jazz dance shows. In cheerleading, the position with arms outstretched and fingers wiggling up and down is sometimes referred to as spirit fingers[1] or jazz fingers. Depending on the performance venue, both gestures can be associated with campiness.

The Urban Dictionary says this:
Jazz hands
The act of waving one's hands in the air in an erratic manner in response to an emotional song or situation. Similar to spirit fingers except that the entire hand and, occasionally, the arms, are utilized.

spirit fingers
Similar to "jazz hands," a cheer/dance movement of the fingers with palms out and fingers moving quickly back and forth. If done wrong it looks like a nervous wave of the hand. If done correctly, it draws attention to the dancer.

So which is it that I do?!?! These are important thoughts that I must categorize in my head. I mean, how can I cross the finish line doing it if I don't know if I'm doing Spirit Fingers or Jazz Hands?!?! :rotfl2:

I actually think it's a mixture of both? Spirit HANDS? Jazz FINGERS?!?!?




Life's little problems we must clear up...I busted out laughing at your plea to clear this issue up.

Hmmm...knowing how I crossed the finish line, I am not sure that my fingers could wiggle, even if I wanted them too! But you look like you had way much more energy that I...

So then I had to think, WWMD? Yes, WHAT WOULD MICKEY DO? In Mickey's cause I don't think he can wiggle those gloved fingers of his! So Mickey must Jazz Hand! Hence where this finish line RunDisney requirement comes from...

I think you are so awesome in completing the race it is both! Because you wanted to give a shout out to the Mouse but you also wanted to draw attention to yourself so that darn photographer would pay attention to you and get your photo not those around you!

Bottom line is that neither is WRONG...nor is the clenched fist I made inspired by Rocky!

But now that we know...Jazz Hands, Spirit Finger, Clinched Fists...which do we do!

Now the bigger question...WHICH SHOULD WE DO? Or better yet...lets make our own one...Jazz Fingers or Spirit Hands! Which one sounds better...and we need to practice!
I think you should prancersize across the finish line next time. Have you seen those videos? :rotfl2:
My daughter is a dancer and was a cheerleader . Therefore, I am familar with both Jazz Hands and Spirit Fingers. The truth is, you can't tell from this picture- one would need to witness the whole act of crossing the finish line.

I think to make things easier it should just be called Jazirit Hands.

Problem solved.
Love your empty park shots. We really need to get our butts out of bed early and do one of these early ADRS. One of these days :rotfl:

The shot with the ears and castle is great. I love the roses. so pretty :goodvibes
I think you should prancersize across the finish line next time. Have you seen those videos? :rotfl2:

Those are :lmao::lmao::lmao: but somehow I don't think I will have enough energy for that...

My daughter is a dancer and was a cheerleader . Therefore, I am familar with both Jazz Hands and Spirit Fingers. The truth is, you can't tell from this picture- one would need to witness the whole act of crossing the finish line.

I think to make things easier it should just be called Jazirit Hands.

Problem solved.

Way to solve the problem Nicole...our finish line move Jazirit Hands!
Just caught up, love the updates!

Where is that dog tag machine at DTD? I was actually looking for something to bring home to my pup (he's like my child, what can I say?) and I must not have seen that, because I would have gotten one!

Also, follow me on this math here....
1 margarita + 2 glasses of water = 1 glass of water without a margarita

(Disclaimer: I made this up as an excuse to drink margaritas...your results may vary ;))

Love those early morning MK pictures. A pre-opening Crystal Palace breakfast is definitely on my Disney bucket list!
So glad I could introduce you to a new term...JAZZ HANDS! I had no idea what they were till a few weeks ago when there was a post in a FB Disney running group where they were listing requirements to be in the group for fun...and one was no more clenched fists on the finish line...must do JAZZ HANDS. So from now on, its Jazz Hands!

What no journal and no coffee, not a great start to the day...glad you got both. I love the mornings to journal, I am a morning person just because that is ME time...I guess that is why I like to run then too.

:worship: 2 Teens out of bed and off to MK by 7:30 you are an amazing woman! But nothing beats a before park opening at CP! I simply love all the wonderful pictures you were able to take without other people in the pictures. I am in love with the rose and castle pictures....great eye to catch that picture!

I am so wearing a tiara next year at PHM...all day, every day! So much fun and you don't look out of place or crazy for doing it. Adding to my list, must get tiara!

Yes! You have to wear one! It was actually a LOT of fun because I knew exactly who was running even before the races. I would smile at other Princesses and got a couple thumbs up. :)

We did the same thing! Right handed... the band went on the right wrist. Eventually, I just learned to quickly scan the band and then finger....

Mine was just glitchy a few times and would give blue 2 or 3 times before finally deciding to work!

There is nothing like walking down Main Street for that first time of your trip. It's magical and excitement all rolled up in one huge emotional fest!!! I love early mornings too for the peace of it...

Great pic in front of the castle of the girls.

And beautiful rose pictures along with the ferry boat picture- love it!

Can't believe you forgot a journal? Come on jazz hands, I expected more out of uber planner!!! :)

Thanks! Yes, I was blown away that I forgot one. It's a part of my Disney-experience, spending the early mornings journaling. I ended up being glad I just purchased one, it was smaller than the ones I usually bring and handy to carry around with my coffee in the morning. :)

I think you should prancersize across the finish line next time. Have you seen those videos? :rotfl2:

Bwahahahaaaaa! :lmao:

My daughter is a dancer and was a cheerleader . Therefore, I am familar with both Jazz Hands and Spirit Fingers. The truth is, you can't tell from this picture- one would need to witness the whole act of crossing the finish line.

I think to make things easier it should just be called Jazirit Hands.

Problem solved.

That's it! Perfect! Now if I can just remember that word. Jazirit. Jazirit. Jazirit. I'm going to be LAUGHING so hard when I cross the finish line next year thinking about this, I know it! :thumbsup2

Love your empty park shots. We really need to get our butts out of bed early and do one of these early ADRS. One of these days :rotfl:

The shot with the ears and castle is great. I love the roses. so pretty :goodvibes


Great update! :)

Thank you! :goodvibes

Just caught up, love the updates!

Where is that dog tag machine at DTD? I was actually looking for something to bring home to my pup (he's like my child, what can I say?) and I must not have seen that, because I would have gotten one!

Also, follow me on this math here....
1 margarita + 2 glasses of water = 1 glass of water without a margarita

(Disclaimer: I made this up as an excuse to drink margaritas...your results may vary ;))

Love those early morning MK pictures. A pre-opening Crystal Palace breakfast is definitely on my Disney bucket list!

There are a few around DTD and I saw one...ugh, where did I see that other one??? Epcot? I'll have to ask Savannah. Anyway, one is WAY in the back of the Once Upon a Toy store and the one Savannah used this time was right inside the entrance of the store near the Carousel. I don't remember the name of it??? :scared: It was not to far after Goofy's candy co.
STOP THE PRESSES! We interrupt this regularly long and rambly trip report to debate an entirely important subject!!!


So, I went looking for the scene in a movie where I thought I KNEW Jazz hands came from. Turns out, I was thinking Spirit Fingers??!!!

Bring It On- Spirit Fingers

To further confuse the issue, this is what Wikipedia has to say:
Jazz hands in performance dance is the extension of a performer's hands with palms toward the audience and fingers splayed. It is commonly associated with especially exuberant types of performance such as musicals, cheerleading, show choir, revue, and especially jazz dance shows. In cheerleading, the position with arms outstretched and fingers wiggling up and down is sometimes referred to as spirit fingers[1] or jazz fingers. Depending on the performance venue, both gestures can be associated with campiness.

The Urban Dictionary says this:
Jazz hands
The act of waving one's hands in the air in an erratic manner in response to an emotional song or situation. Similar to spirit fingers except that the entire hand and, occasionally, the arms, are utilized.

spirit fingers
Similar to "jazz hands," a cheer/dance movement of the fingers with palms out and fingers moving quickly back and forth. If done wrong it looks like a nervous wave of the hand. If done correctly, it draws attention to the dancer.

So which is it that I do?!?! These are important thoughts that I must categorize in my head. I mean, how can I cross the finish line doing it if I don't know if I'm doing Spirit Fingers or Jazz Hands?!?! :rotfl2:

I actually think it's a mixture of both? Spirit HANDS? Jazz FINGERS?!?!?

Loving your report! I hope to run the race next year!

As a former cheerleader and spirit finger gal, I vote that your pose is Jazz Hands! :) Unless you truly wiggle each of your fingers really fast, then my vote would change. You can wave your jazz hands, but it's the finger wiggle that makes them different! :cheer2: :rotfl:
Loving your report! I hope to run the race next year!

As a former cheerleader and spirit finger gal, I vote that your pose is Jazz Hands! :) Unless you truly wiggle each of your fingers really fast, then my vote would change. You can wave your jazz hands, but it's the finger wiggle that makes them different! :cheer2: :rotfl:

Ah-ha! Input from a professional! :lmao: Yes, I believe they were Jazz Hands for this race, but I have decided that I might just do Jazz Hands AND Spirit Fingers BOTH (Ahem...Jazirit hands) next year! :rotfl2:

I'm fairly certain after all this that I won't be able to cross the finish line without doing something with my hands and LAUGHING the whole time now! :rotfl:
Ah-ha! Input from a professional! :lmao: Yes, I believe they were Jazz Hands for this race, but I have decided that I might just do Jazz Hands AND Spirit Fingers BOTH (Ahem...Jazirit hands) next year! :rotfl2:

I'm fairly certain after all this that I won't be able to cross the finish line without doing something with my hands and LAUGHING the whole time now! :rotfl:

Now, you realize a bunch of us are going to cross the finish line trying for Jazirit hands and instead people will be wondering why all these ladies are having seizures........... because that's what it will end up looking like....
Now, you realize a bunch of us are going to cross the finish line trying for Jazirit hands and instead people will be wondering why all these ladies are having seizures........... because that's what it will end up looking like....

Acutally, much like the time I attempted my new NY Ballet Work out video and my dog tried to attack me because of the weird movements I was making.
Now, you realize a bunch of us are going to cross the finish line trying for Jazirit hands and instead people will be wondering why all these ladies are having seizures........... because that's what it will end up looking like....

Acutally, much like the time I attempted my new NY Ballet Work out video and my dog tried to attack me because of the weird movements I was making.

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: ::yes:: :lmao: :rotfl2:

and it's true...I wasn't TRYING when I did it...ok, that's a lie, I did know that I didn't want to put my arms above my head, first b/c I was dripping in sweat, but b/c I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and just don't think it's very flattering, so I planned to just put my arms up a bit...

but now I'll TRY to do Jazirit hands and probably have a crazygoofball smile on my face and end up looking like a moron!
Ok, sorry...fantastic weather, a 5K that Rey ran with me, parades & petsitting took over my weekend! Now it's sleeting and I'm home for the day (wild weather!) so let us carry on!

Oh wait, wanna see a pic of me and Rey yesterday? He ran his first 5K with me and did so well! I'm apparently a slave-driver though(who knew?!!), he's a bit sore today!


We had just arrived at Crystal Palace and I took a million shots before even checking in. Snuck in one more before walking up to check in!



We received our buzzer and walked the other direction to take more photos! No one had gone in yet, I think it was 8am or a little before at this point. I love the bridge on the left side of CP. The flowering trees were gorgeous!

Savannah took a picture of me...Ok, I'm going to be brutally honest here...I realized after the first shot on Main Street that I shouldn't have JUST worn a tank top under my t-shirt and that a bra probably would have been in order. :rolleyes2 So, I stood awkwardly to make up for my lack of support. Yep, now you are all going to look at my ****s. Go ahead! :lmao:



The girls found this crazy flowery thing...anybody know what it is??? I was ordered to photograph it.


We moseyed back to the restaurant and our buzzer went off.

It's really nice to be the first people in, our breakfast was pretty quiet and peaceful for the first 30 minutes or so! I LOVE this breakfast, I'm not sure if I've said that before, but I cannot go to MK the first morning without eating here...and I wait between trips, drooling, for the puffed french toast and mickey waffles. I don't normally eat this type of food or this much (yes, the first TWO plates are mine!), so it's a real treat for me...and I was carb loading! Gimmie a break!



I did eat those strawberries! I'll admit, in the past I just put them on the plate to make the photo look better.


Eleanor's (we teased her a bit about going to Disney World and getting a bagel of all things. LOL)

Pooh and friends started to come around! Eleanor's first character meet (EVER) ended up being Eeyore! Savannah's fav.

Too funny when he put his ear over her head!


Pooh was next!




Unfortunately, they all disappeared after this and we realized we would have to wait through the parade and another "round" to see Piglet & Tigger. We're sort of used to this and sometimes we stay, sometimes we don't. The girls weren't interested in waiting, they really wanted to hit some rides after that long "waiting day" the previous day, so we decided to head out to rope drop. I think if Rey had been there, he would have insisted we wait for Piglet! :rolleyes2

Out the door and towards the castle we went! It had drizzled a bit but had stopped while we had breakfast. YAY! Is there anything better than walking through that castle first thing in the morning?!?!? I just love it! :lovestruc


Up next...why I love rope drop!

Great update!

Congrats on the 5k. Looks like you two had a great time! Love how festive you are!!!!

As always, beautiful pictures!!!

Eleanor looks so happy with Eeyore!
The area around Crystal Palace is gorgeous and you captured it so well :goodvibes

I like Eleanor and Savannah's matching tops. so cute :cutie:

looks like Eleanor really liked Pooh the best. She had a huge smile on her face hugging him :goodvibes

You and Rey looked cute all done up for St Patty's Day :thumbsup2


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