Finally TR for Chubbs' Magical 1st Birthday Trip :D


Aug 18, 2012
Well I can't believe it's been 4 months since our trip and I've only just found chance to sit down and do a TR, I hope you won't mind it being quite late!

Day 1 - Thursday 14th February, Valentine's Day :love:

We started with a very early morning bus from Swindon to London Victoria, left Swindon at 2.30am!!!! All worth it though when we finally stepped out of the taxi at London St Pancras and checked in for our Eurostar train straight to the magic! Jacob was pretty excited by all the people and things going on as well as all the mickey mouse things he kept spotting, but I think me and Daddy were even more excited to be going for his birthday! :banana:

After a very exciting train ride we finally arrived at Disneyland!!!! Until this point the fact I had upgraded our hotel from Santa Fe to the SL was a complete secret from both Daddy and Uncle Daryl! As we headed to drop our bags at the Disney Express desk I revealed the surprise and they were both very excited at the news!

We headed straight from the station to Disneyland Park and Jacob's face kept lighting up at all the wonderful mickey mouse things he could see! We strolled through the park, we were all quite tired by this point and thought we'd have an easy first afternoon in Disney, and headed straight for Meet Mickey Mouse. Jacob was absolutely delighted to see the mouse himself until he tried to pick him up :worried: he was fine unless the characters tried to grab him at which point he began to scream rather a lot (a theme that continued throughout our stay)! We got some pictures with the main mouse and headed back to Main Street with the intention of watching the Valentine's Cavalcade but the weather saw it cancelled and we decided not to wait for the next one but instead to go and get unpacked and settled in ready for dinner!

After unpacking and getting freshened up a bit we settled on having dinner in the hotel restaurant to save ourselves any more walking, it had been a very long day by this point! Eventually after a lovely dinner at the Hunter's Grill in the SL we headed for bed excited to be up bright and early the next day to really enjoy the parks!

Day 2 to follow, along with some pictures if I can remember how to do it!
Hope it's not too boring for everyone! xxx
A lovely start. Well done keeping the upgrade of hotel a surprise :thumbsup2

And, it's never too late for a trip report ;)
Have to agree with Julie, all TRs are much appreciated and its sooo hard to find time between life and little ones.
Fab 1st day, can really feel your excitement and anticipation, :-)
Looking forward to the next bit and some pics! Try photobucket, think its the easiest although I find it very confusing.


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