Fireworks Shaming

Pink Partridge

DIS Veteran
Oct 3, 2016
Our neighborhood message boards have been going nuts with people saying if you are lighting fireworks, you are a terrible person. That we should ask the people on our street if it is ok to set off fireworks, to make sure their pets are ok with it.

At one point, someone wrote "Lady, your damn dog barks 24 hours a day and disturbs our neighborhood every single day of the year. You obviously don't care about your dog any other time." It got over 100 likes.

Also, at some point, a woman mentioned about PTSD and soldiers. A soldier that said to wear headphones and blast some music for one night. A few people were angry that he solved his own problem.

But the chatter is mainly focused on animals. So many people wanting others to stop traditions because of pets.

Anything like this happening in your neighborhood?
I hate fireworks in the neighborhood. If only it was one night. It goes on around here for days. There are plenty professional displays to watch. I personally know of someone whose house burned down because of an errant firework. So yes, if you ask me, I’d like them to stop.

my cat isn’t a fan, but he’s not the main reason I dislike them.

Also, I am not on any neighborhood message board so I don’t know about that.
No. It scares our dog and keeps me awake sometimes, but I wouldn't ask neighbors not to celebrate.

Several cities in the Miami area have canceled fireworks because of the building collapse in Surfside, but others are going ahead.
Yes. Same here. There's a lady near here who owns a horse farm and apparently the horses are terrified of fireworks (not to mention some pets and veterans). Anyway, she gets on the town facebook pages and asks people to keep it to the 4th at least... and there's a group of people who are all 'you can't tell us what to do!' And announcing things like "I bought $1000 worth of fireworks from another state and I'm planning to shoot them all off by the horse farm. Come and join the fun!" And "please keep your kids and pets quiet this morning. Some of us were up all night setting off fireworks.' (They're being jerks on purpose. The horse farm has been here much longer than any of the subdivisions.)

Anyway, i'm in the middle. Technically, almost all amateur fireworks (except some sparklers and other 'little' smokemaker things) are illegal here, so the people setting them off are breaking the law. I've never heard of anyone ACTUALLY getting into trouble for it though. But, it'd be one thing if it was July 4th only (or maybe the 3rd and 4th). I'm not planning to report anybody, but it gets tiresome when it goes on every night for weeks (which it does). Also, one of our neighbors shot off one a few years ago which went sideways instead of up and landed/exploded on our garage roof. I was not amused about that.
Last year, we had someone do a 20 minute show which closed the pool for 6 hours the next day b/c they had to clean all the crap out of the pool.

In good news, that experience caused this person to coordinate with the neighborhood and the pool, and now we have a time for his show and a tarp on the pool and everyone is gonna gather in 2 minutes to see it.

Win/win. And yes, this also means we just have 1 day of them at one person's expense:)...
Honestly, I hate home fireworks. And as another person said, if people would keep it to one night, I think we could all deal with it. I also think they shouldn't be allowed to be done in neighborhoods where the houses are close together--we had one land on a neighbors roof and burn a huge hole through the roof one year. You live on a few acres; go for it. Plenty of parks and rec areas provide professional fireworks. Plus, they are actually illegal here but it doesn't stop people from driving down south, buying the big ones, and coming back here and annoying everyone for a week. I really just don't get it.

As for the animals, yeah, it's bad. I've got a dog right now who acts like she doesn't even hear them (thank God), but I've had previous dogs that go berserk. Again, one night, it's fine. But we are now up to night three and they go on until 2AM. I also participate in a Lost and Found Pet Page group on Facebook. They are the ones posting the warnings. Last year, the area "lost" 5 dogs due to fireworks. I know, I know, when you know they scare your dog LOCK THE DOG UP. We had a woman last night lose her new dog (under a year old) due to fireworks. Bedroom window was open, dog freaked, and bounded out the window right through the screen. She had no clue he was terrified of them; now she knows.
Eh! Just get a cop friend to drive through! we had lots of them before the cops, fire trucks and ambulances showed up, now its been silent (and nope, it wasnt a firework related injury)
Honestly, I hate home fireworks. And as another person said, if people would keep it to one night, I think we could all deal with it. I also think they shouldn't be allowed to be done in neighborhoods where the houses are close together--we had one land on a neighbors roof and burn a huge hole through the roof one year. You live on a few acres; go for it. Plenty of parks and rec areas provide professional fireworks. Plus, they are actually illegal here but it doesn't stop people from driving down south, buying the big ones, and coming back here and annoying everyone for a week. I really just don't get it.

As for the animals, yeah, it's bad. I've got a dog right now who acts like she doesn't even hear them (thank God), but I've had previous dogs that go berserk. Again, one night, it's fine. But we are now up to night three and they go on until 2AM. I also participate in a Lost and Found Pet Page group on Facebook. They are the ones posting the warnings. Last year, the area "lost" 5 dogs due to fireworks. I know, I know, when you know they scare your dog LOCK THE DOG UP. We had a woman last night lose her new dog (under a year old) due to fireworks. Bedroom window was open, dog freaked, and bounded out the window right through the screen. She had no clue he was terrified of them; now she knows.
The other night when someone a street over started with them, my cat was beside himself. He never seemed that disturbed by them before this. He kept darting from room to room trying to figure out where the sound came from. I believe if someone would have opened the door he might have darted out. I put him in the basement, but initially it was a bit crazy.
At one point, someone wrote "Lady, your damn dog barks 24 hours a day and disturbs our neighborhood every single day of the year. You obviously don't care about your dog any other time." It got over 100 likes.

I have the perfect meme about this but it’s not DIS friendly and I’m too lazy to paint over the dirty words.

It pretty much said: “Your yappy little ——-barks all year and TODAY you want quiet?”
My dog hates fireworks, my oldest was terrified of them when she was little, but I would never expect the neighborhood to stop celebrating by shooting some off. I wouldn't even mind the illegal ones, I just wish they'd keep it to the first few days in July instead of the whole month of June and July.
We've had over a week of fireworks 24 hours a day. It's tacky and rude, but there are lots of rude neighbors these days. Many of the people complaining about others being "rude" to their pets let their animals run free and don't pick up their animals ****, so it's more than a little hypocritical. Loud car/motorcycle vulgar music, not shoveling walks, throwing garbage in others' yards, stealing bikes and porch furniture and Amazon seems to be the norm these days.

Veterans and others with PTSD - for sure a sad situation. I don't get the lure of the private fireworks that are just window-rattling noise. I'll just be glad when the "season" is over.

Edited for word filter bypass
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Where I live(city wise) it is illegal except for the sparklers.

When I lived in a house,it was on a cul de sac and the houses were close together. So fireworks not a good idea. We had one man child who set them off even before a holiday like in March and we had to squash that real quick.
They are illegal in my neighborhood, but people still shoot them off for about 4 days. I don't like them because of the noise and they keep me up past my bedtime. DD 15 hates the noise, too but the dog isn't bothered in the least.
Really disliked it when we had a dog. It would be tolerable if it was 1 night, but it seems to start 3 days before and goes for a day or 2 after. Poor doggies have a hard time with it.

(BTW, I also dislike the overuse of "shaming." :) Not all criticism is shaming.)
“Shaming” shaming.
Tsk, tsk.
Wait - now Im a shaming shaming shamer. Where does it end?


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