First Hummingbird!!


Jul 9, 2003
:bounce: I could not believe that today while sitting at my computer, I looked out the window in front of me and a hummer was at the (empty) feeder. Now mind you....I've had feeders up for 4 years all over my yard and have NEVER gotten one to come. I've planted every red flower I could and even tied long red streamers to the bottom of the feeders. NO LUCK!! So, this year I gave up around June. The feeders have been dried up and empty for some time!! AND THERE SHE WAS!! FINALLY!! I ran outside and grabbed the feeder to clean & fill it...but of course she's long gone! Do I have ANY chance that she'll come back??
Sorry for my rambling....I'm just soooo excited to finally have seen one after soooo many years of trying!!!!

Thanks for listening!!!
Welcome to the Flower & Garden board, Bacrd! :)

No wonder you're excited, it's a treat to see a hummer, and you've waited a l o n g time! :)

You've probably read all kinds of info on hummingbirds, but you never know when you might hit on a new idea or tip to lure them back. Here's some suggestions from :)

Attracting Hummingbirds :)

I hope she comes back, and brings her friends!
Thanks for that link. I think I will try a tick or two they suggested. Please accept my appologies if my post sounded rather "lame". I was just so excited...and my co-workers just kinda looked at me like I was crazy! DH thought I was a little "looney", too, for calling him at work...but it made him laugh!!
I've spent the last few months on the cruise boards....obsessing about our upcoming trip.....I had no idea a whole other world existed on here for almost any subject. THANKS!! These boards are GREAT!!!
I get just as excited when I see a hummingbird. I've been trying to attract them for 2 years now and have seen them only a couple of times. My dh caught one that flew into one of the rooms at work and I was angry at him for not bringing it home :p


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