First Tomato!


<font color=darkorchid>Really, this year there's n
Jul 6, 2000
Just had a few slices from it. YUMMY!! We've got over 30 on the 7 or 8 plants outside. Only one other one is red at this point. I figure in a week or so we'll be having tomatoes morning, noon and night. But, wow, there's nothing like the first bite of one you've grown yourself. :D

Congrats on your first!:D They do taste so wonderful fresh off your own vines.
Congrats, Roberta! :) You're absolutely right, your own, home grown....major yummy!! Enjoy! :) :)
Welcome to the F&G, AllstartedbyaMouse! :)

I've started picking my "Early Girl" tomatoes this week, and have been stuffing myself with cherry tomatoes for a couple weeks now. :)
Yippee. I am helping my Dad with his garden. We live in Central New Jersey and he has been making his own soil from compost for 45 years. He is too ill to tend his garden, so I planted it, I weed it and I picked 50 cucumbers in two weeks and 6 tomatoes. I have only been getting one tomato a day for 14 days. Now I seem to be getting 2 per day. They are the best I have ever eaten. We had had BLT sandwiches twice this week already.
Michele in Central New Jersey helping her 84 year old Dad.
Home grown tomatoes are the best -- the only kind that I will eat. There is nothing like the taste.

If I could just keep the dog out of there, we'd have even more. I find him more and more figuring out a way to enjoy our harvest! I don't mind sharing but when he's making a meal out of all the ripe ones, there aren't many left to go around. :D


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