First Trip With My Princess TR - Complete!

Loving reading your TR!! Love the nighttime photos of the castle :) I went to DLRP a lot as a kid, now Anaheim is my park, this brings back lots of memories! Cant wait to read more!

Thank you :) I went a few times as a child, it's funny the memories that came back as I was walking around! Anaheim looks lovely, I'd love to go, I don't know if we ever will though :sad2:
I got up at 6am, woke Chloe and we went off to breakfast at 7am. Again it was really quiet when we got there but it was really busy when we left.



We got over to the park for 8am.


Chloe loved these, she asked if we could have square trees in our garden :rotfl:




We went on the carrousel, had three goes on Peter Pan and then went on Dumbo, which was more frightening than I thought, I don’t really like heights! :crazy2: Afterwards we walked round to have a go on Buzz and we ended up going on twice.







We headed over to the studios just before 10am. There were huge queues when we got there but they were just letting everyone in. I can’t believe how people run for Crush, it’s crazy! Chloe couldn’t understand it either, she just said “why are they all running? We can all have a go if we wait nicely” :rotfl2: It was really bad today with queue pushing, so many people were doing it while the CM stood and watched. There were a few families that weren't happy about this and we're making it clear to the CM at one point another one came over, the queue was moving along so I don't know what happened in the end.

We went straight to Crush in the end we queued for 30 minutes. We then went over to Tower of Terror at Chloe’s request :scared: The queue for this was 30 minutes so we got in line. It’s horrible! I bought the photo, I’d got the 5 photo pack for 35 euros yesterday morning after Buzz, so I paid 3 euros for the frame. I got it because while I look like I’m in pain Chloe is in bits giggling! Even now she keeps saying “Do you remember the ride when your face looked like this :eek:” I’m glad she’s amused!

We needed to get to the Disneyland Hotel for 11:30 for Chloe’s princess makeover so when we left the Tower of Terror gift shop I told her about her surprise :) She was so happy, she had the biggest grin :cheer2:
I now understand why Chloe handled our time in DLP differently to how I expected, she’s got slapped cheek. She had nasty cold a few days before we left and she was still a little ill when we were there. Apparently, she was contagious when we were there :sad2:

Since we got back she has this rash on her face and body that comes and goes and she needs nap every afternoon because she’s so tired which is really out of character, she’s alright apart from that though. I was surprised with how she was for the first three days so now it makes sense.

When I looked through our pictures, on some of them I just thought she was tired and pale because of that but now I know I can see she wasn’t well.

I’ll sort through some more pictures in a bit and carry on with the report :)
We picked up her things, she got changed and we went down. I have already put the makeover photos on here with the review but I’ll add them again because I love them!



















After the makeover I could see that Chloe was getting tired so decided to go over to Auberge to see if they could get us in any earlier than our reservation at 3pm. We got there at 1pm and they could fit us in straight away :yay:

As we were walking to our table we saw Aurora!! princess: Chloe squealed! As we walked past Aurora said “Hi princess, you look beautiful” :flower3:

Here, we had a lovely CM and an awful one. The man was so lovely with Chloe, really friendly and kept making her feel special purely by calling her princess! The lady was not so nice, she asked me what wine I wanted, when I said none she looked at me as if there was something wrong and checked that I definitely didn’t want any. I then asked her for a cola light, the look got worse :confused3

I’m not sure how that’s wrong, I didn’t want to have a bottle of wine when I’m on my own with Chloe and I’m sure drinking diet coke isn’t the most offensive thing in the world :lmao:

Later on when she gave us our dessert it was pretty much slammed down on the table and she grunted at us, clearly we weren’t in her good books! The man bought our starter and mains and as I already mentioned, he was fantastic.

I've read quite a few reviews that have said Auberge isn’t as good anymore, the food we had was wonderful, I loved it as much as I loved the food at Walt’s. However, I know that you used to get a few more things included and I suppose if we had experienced those I would feel a bit short changed with getting less for the same price.
I ordered the salmon tarte and scallops, Chloe ordered the burger main.






Just as our starters came, Suzy came over. She made a fuss over Chloe’s tiara and dress princess:


Next was Cinderella, it was funny to see Chloe’s reaction with her, she just stared :rotfl: Cinderella was really sweet and had a lovely chat about being a princess.


Then Snow White and her prince came over. Again, they were both really nice, they were asking what her favourite ride was (apparently all of them) when they came to sign her book Chloe told Snow White that she was on the cover, Snow White said “look you’re here too” and pointed at Aurora and Chloe gave her a huge smile, then when they had the photo the prince told her she looked beautiful and he got a crazy grin too :rotfl2:




Our mains came, Chloe was pretty full from her starter, and the bread that she helped herself to so she didn’t eat much. I really liked mine, the scallops were perfect.


When it came to the pudding Chloe ate hers except for the lolly, she didn’t like the idea of eating Cinderella :) I’m not really a dessert person so mine was fine.




The grumpy CM came over to see if I wanted a coffee and then came back with the bill, I asked her how long it would be until Aurora came over, she told me that she had already been and wasn’t coming back! I said that I thought we saw 3 princesses, 1 prince and the mice and she just said that she’d already been! I wasn't impressed so decided we might as well sit and wait as I could see Perla was coming over soon.
This was my favourite part of the whole trip! Perla made a huge fuss of Chloe all dressed up, she spent ages playing and cuddling her :hug: Then the music came on to let you know that Snow White and her prince were going to be dancing and she took Chloe down to the dance floor. I had to have a crazy rummage through my bag to find my camcorder and ran after them! They danced together for a minute and then when they came out the pair of them were laughing at the big feather on the prince's hat! They danced together next to them, there were quite a few children gathering around but Perla just danced with Chloe. I got all teary, Chloe was so happy, I’ll never forget that look on her face! When the song finished, there was a crowd right by them but Perla just put her arm out and made her way through all of the children and took Chloe back to our table. She stayed for another couple of minutes and played, then signed her book. Chloe was thrilled because she wrote ‘To the beautiful princess Chloe, love from Perla' :cloud9: Just amazing! I think I said thank you a million times and I genuinely meant it, I’ll always remember that fantastic CM.














As we sat down we could see that Aurora was coming by us! She was fantastic with Chloe, telling her that Flora obviously wanted Chloe to wear the pink dress so Merryweather had her wear a blue one princess: She stayed with Chloe for about another 5 minutes talking about princes and Philip’s horse Samson :) Then they were talking about the castle and Chloe said she hadn’t been because she was scared of the dragon, Aurora assured her that she would be ok as she’s alright now, although she might try and blow fire sometimes!


After this we left, Chloe was really tired so I thought it would be best to go to the room and chill out for a bit and have an early night. She wasn’t very happy but she changed her mind when I said we could play a few games of UNO :)

When we got back, we played cards then went over to the shop to get some postcards, Chloe got some sweets and a goofy hat, she ended up falling asleep at around 5pm, she woke just after 9pm for about an hour and then went back to sleep for the night. I was gutted that we’d lost so much of the day but we could only do what she could cope with. I packed what I could so that I'd have less to do the next night and went off to bed too!

What amazing interaction at Auberge! I do love that restaurant, even though I didn't like the food this time (we had lamb last time and it was delicious). Such priceless memories for Chloe (and you!)

Love Chloe's makeover photos, it was her photos that got me so excited about getting Rosebug's makeover booked! And a girl after my own heart - princess dress and converse!! So very cool!

How on earth did I miss this TR :confused3???

Absolutely fantastic - it reminds me of when I first took my DD to DLP, when she loved dressing up as a Princess :cloud9:. Santa Fe - tick, mum and daughter trip - tick, little Princess - tick. Love love love it :wizard:!!
What amazing interaction at Auberge! I do love that restaurant, even though I didn't like the food this time (we had lamb last time and it was delicious). Such priceless memories for Chloe (and you!)

Love Chloe's makeover photos, it was her photos that got me so excited about getting Rosebug's makeover booked! And a girl after my own heart - princess dress and converse!! So very cool!


Thank you :) I liked the food there but I like fishy stuff so I was a little bit in heaven :rotfl: I really loved it at Auberge, really looking forward to going back!

Thank you about the photos, I think I loved it just as much as she did :lmao: it is just such an amazing experience for them, I had said it was going to be a one off thing but I'm already thinking about doing it again in November!! I just think it was worth every penny to see her feel the way she did, like a real princess!

Those converse were barely off her! I think she wore sandals once or twice. She was adamant with the princess dress, it was pink so it matched them! :rotfl2:
How on earth did I miss this TR :confused3???

Absolutely fantastic - it reminds me of when I first took my DD to DLP, when she loved dressing up as a Princess :cloud9:. Santa Fe - tick, mum and daughter trip - tick, little Princess - tick. Love love love it :wizard:!!

Thank you! It's lovely to know someone else has had a similar experience, I was young when I had Chloe so my friends have only just started having children, I think it's difficult to explain how much it meant to us, they just have to listen to me rambling on again and again :rotfl: Although I have managed to rope one of my friends, her partner and their son who will be 19 months when we go to come along with us in November so that should be good :)
Absolutely wonderful!!!! ive not been on the boards for a long time but ive read through all your TR and i can honestly say that the pics youve took are the most clearest ones ive ever seen at DLP ...fantastic quality! have a beautiful daughter whoose dreams have come true ....god bless you both ......
Absolutely wonderful!!!! ive not been on the boards for a long time but ive read through all your TR and i can honestly say that the pics youve took are the most clearest ones ive ever seen at DLP ...fantastic quality! have a beautiful daughter whoose dreams have come true ....god bless you both ......

Thank you very much!!
Your welcome ,just lovely to see mummy and her daughter enjoying a special time together .......hope you get back soon .....
A dream is a wish said:
It was such a special time, I'll remember it all forever! Can't wait to go back for the christmas celebrations in November :)

You will love the Christmas that is magical!
We somehow managed to sleep through the alarms and woke up just after 7am. Chloe got herself into a state because she didn’t want to go to breakfast as she knew we wouldn’t be in the park until late. In the end I said we could just get ready, take some snacks and go over to the park and we’d just grab lunch early, which she was happy about. I noticed today that she had a lot more energy, so was hopeful that the long sleep had done her some good and we could have a fun day together!





We got to the park just after 8am. We went straight over to Discoveryland for Orbitron as we hadn’t been on that yet. Afterwards we went on Buzz, as it was a walk on we ended up going on four times! I bought the final photo, it wasn't a great one but Chloe wanted one just to show people that she’d been on it :)

We then went back over to the castle as it was a beautiful morning and I wanted to take some more photos!





After this we went through to Fantasyland.





We wondered around and ended up going on Peter Pan twice, Dumbo and the Tea Cups.









By now Chloe was starting to feel a little hungry so we sat down while she had a drink and a snack. I noticed that the maze was now open so when she had finished we went in :)












It was now 9:40am so we decided to join the queue for IASW. There were a few people in the queue already but we were on a boat in no time.



It was really nice, Chloe kept pointing out all of the different things that she recognised :cutie:

When we got off we headed straight for Pinnochio. There wasn’t a huge queue here so we were on in about 15 minutes. This is one of the very few films that she hasn’t seen, the film frightened me when I was little so I’ve avoided watching it :rotfl: I explained it to her as we went round, I have said since we got back that I’d get the DVD for her, writing this just reminded me, I’ll pop on amazon in a bit!

Next we went to the Snow White ride, think we queued for about 15 minutes here too, she loved this ride!

It was now coming up to 11am, we decided to go to POTC next. We went on it three times as it was a walk on.

Next we visited Skull Rock and Captain Hook’s Pirate Ship.






Then we went over to see what the queue was like for BTM.


It was 70 minutes - no thank you!

Chloe said she wanted to have a burger now so we decided to find somewhere to eat. We ended up back in Discoveryland at Café Hyperion. Chloe had the children’s cheeseburger, fries and ice cream with Fanta. I had the adult’s cheeseburger, fries and magnum with diet coke. It came to just under 20 euros. I know it’s expensive, but the portions are huge!




The food was really good, I’d eat here again. We managed to find a seat with no difficulty too.

After we had eaten we went on Star Tours as the wait time was only 20 minutes. I wasn’t really fussed about it and neither was Chloe.

Now Chloe wanted to go to the Studios to go on TOT.

As we left Discoveryland we saw the the train was out and Donald and Daisy were meeting everyone. We went to the crowd for Donald, it was crazy but the CM was brilliant. Anyone pushing was being told off and had to wait. We couldn’t get near him and after a few minutes it was time for him to go. The CM said “one last photo, quick everyone get in!” so a load of children squeezed up and had a photo. Just as they were finishing this man was shoving children out of the way and waving an autograph book in Donald’s face. The CM politely told him that it was finished and to come back later, he ignored her and carried on shoving his book in Donald’s face so the CM shouted at him and told him to leave :yay:

We decided to carry on to the Studios and get back for 3:15pm (I think!) for the next train to meet them. We skipped along Main Street behind the train on our way out of the park :rotfl:


As we got into the Studios we saw Chip and Dale. We got the crowd to meet Dale, Chloe waited nicely but was pushed out of the way again and again. The CM said “last photo” when they were with a family and Chloe started crying. The CM started to guide Dale away but he stopped and had a photo with Chloe. There wasn’t time to sign her book but I really appreciated him stopping for the photo.


The wait time for TOT was apparently 30 minutes, we actually waited 70 :headache: However, Chloe didn’t mind, she was busy playing with a bottle :rotfl2:





Again, Chloe giggled her whole way through it and I was terrified! We needed to go over to the other park for the train soon so we decided to go over early and wait for the train.

On the way out of the Studios we saw Goofy, Chip and Dale meeting people and they weren’t huge crowds around them! We went straight to Goofy :lovestruc



Then over to Chip.


Then Dale.


They were all friendly and had a little bit of a play with the children as there were only a few waiting.

Chloe was saying that she was a little bit hungry now so we shared a hot dog from Casey’s while we waited as we were going to BBWWS later and didn’t need a huge meal. Just as we were finishing the music came on!



As the train was stopping we went over to the area that Donald and Daisy go to. Yet again some people were disgusting but the CM was putting them in their place. There was a disabled man with his family, we were at the front by Donald and the CM said to us and the other people near us that Donald just needs to meet a family first then we’ll all have our turn. Absolutely no problem, you could see how excited his children were to meet Donald. However, some utterly vile people thought it was acceptable to climb over the side of his wheelchair to get to Donald who was standing in front of them playing with the children :furious: thankfully the CM dealt with them, she was fuming and told them all to leave!

Afterwards Chloe got to meet him :)


Then we went over to Daisy. As Chloe was waiting nicely she was picked by Daisy after a couple of minutes. Just as we were coming away from there it was time for the characters to leave.


We hadn’t looked in the castle yet so decided to look around while we waited for the next train to meet some more characters. First stop...


Initially, she was nervous but after a few minutes she was confident enough
to go a bit closer and eventually have a photo :lmao:





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