"Five Mickey bars hit you like two glasses of wine!" a Jan 2019 adults-only TR *COMPLETED* 6/25

Did you tell him to get used to the opposite?
Well he's already used to the opposite since that's how I normally run the ship hahaha

I see what you did there. ;)
I'm glad someone caught it!

As in... 2020?
Yep. We are hitting Disneyland and Disneyland Paris this year so we couldn't fit in another WDW trip. It's really a first world problem hahaha

Huh! That's in Pecos Bill's?
Yeah! I didn't know until he pointed it out.

That's $4,000 more than I'm really willing to spend.

My 30 days is just a few weeks away
Better get that order ready!

despite Jon not being pantsless.
Alas, we figured CMs would frown on that.

Maybe she's animatronic?
That's what I was thinking....or they just took Mickey's voice controller and gave it to her.

I love your train station photos. And you and Merida really could be sisters- cute pics!
Thank you! I love meeting Merida. Those photos always end up my favorite :D

We have an extensive collection of cards lying around our house, but haven't yet graduated to carrying around a binder for playing in the parks
I was super impressed by the kiddos (and some adultos) with the binders. After this trip I think I have 15 cards? I'm not even sure where I put them...

I had no idea about this one. Where-ish is it??
Okay I didn't take a photo so this description is going to be fuzzy, but it's up a ramp into an upper seating area (which was roped off when we were there) in a glass display case. I'm sure if you ask a CM they can point you to it!
What a fun, eventful day y'all were having! I love all your photos of and around the train station. The shot through the design of the fencing around the station is one of my favorite shots that everyone has but never gets old.

Omg, I cannot imagine coming back to Disney and having to deal with FP+ when you were so used to it being paper FPs prior. I would've been just as annoyed because tbh paper FPs are still far better. I've worked at Disneyland and even with MaxPass, they are a blessing over there and I'm gonna miss them when I go back to WDW.

Your pics with Merida and by the castle are so sweet. Y'all truly look like you were having a great day both just being at MK with friends and getting to walk down memory lane with some former CMs.
Well he's already used to the opposite since that's how I normally run the ship hahaha


Yep. We are hitting Disneyland and Disneyland Paris this year so we couldn't fit in another WDW trip. It's really a first world problem hahaha

Isn't that old world problems?

Yeah! I didn't know until he pointed it out.

Okay! Now I gotta look for it!

Better get that order ready!


Alas, we figured CMs would frown on that.

Why? They have a mural of a pantsless prince right there, so.... how could they complain?

That's what I was thinking....or they just took Mickey's voice controller and gave it to her.

Now we’re still newbies at this whole boat thing, but 30 minutes seemed a little excessive.
30 minutes does seem excessive!

Okay maybe I went a little all aboard on train photos but how often do you just have free access for photos like these with no one in them?
These pictures are lovely!

I love BTMRR. Even though it isn’t terribly thrilling, it’s such a fun ride. It’s one of the Disney rides that has the most re-ride appeal for me.
I love BTMRR, especially at night!

All was delicious as usual and when we were done eating we had fun showing P&A around and taking a few more photos.
Your lunch looks delish!

Then it was off to the People Mover to have our persons moved. We got to see the Tron construction AND the lights were on in Space Mountain. Talk about a double whammy! (Wow I just re-read that and 13 year old Ann would be appalled that she never grew out of being suck a dork).
Geekiness and dorkiness are always essential! "Normal" people are VERY boring!
Okay I'm here. Better late than never. Lol . All caught up now. I previously read your other reports and followed this trip on INSTA.

Y'all are off to a great start....minus the sickness. But so glad you got over that so quickly!

Yeah are completely precious! Came wait to read more
Love the photos from the Merida meet and greet. Especially your shirt!

I completely understand about wanting to be in the present and enjoy the time with your friends versus recording everything on your phone. Sometimes, it's much more important to just be in the moment!
Love the photos from the Merida meet and greet. Especially your shirt!

I completely understand about wanting to be in the present and enjoy the time with your friends versus recording everything on your phone. Sometimes, it's much more important to just be in the moment!
Yeah it's definitely a fine line to walk!
Jon discovered the cool moving picture contraptions in the waiting room.
I remember looking at hose about 10 years ago...and I don't think I've been up there since! Nice to hear they are still around.

Okay maybe I went a little all aboard on train photos but how often do you just have free access for photos like these with no one in them?
As disappointed as I would be about the train being down, being able to take pictures like this is a nice experience too.

I love BTMRR. Even though it isn’t terribly thrilling, it’s such a fun ride. It’s one of the Disney rides that has the most re-ride appeal for me.
That's my favourite ride. Way back when I was 9 on my first trip to WDW, I was terrified of roller coasters because of a bad experience at a different theme park. I got up my courage, rode BTMRR and loved it. That memory has always stuck with me.

We got to see the Tron construction AND the lights were on in Space Mountain. Talk about a double whammy!
Well, I guess you are not the only geek around here, because that sounds pretty exciting to me! I have seen so many TRs with the Space Mountain lights on pictures, but I have never seen it myself!

When it was my turn Merida touched my hair and said we could be sisters! (wait….isn’t that what she told the emotionless child ahead of me?) But it’s okay because I showed her my shirt and she had an appropriate reaction.

Very fun! Nice shirt and great meet. I have to confess that Merida is my favourite princess (yes, Dads are allowed to have favourite princesses!). Partly because I lived in Scotland for a year in my 20s but also I enjoyed her movie.
Nice to hear they are still around.
And the 'movies' are surprisingly long!

I got up my courage, rode BTMRR and loved it. That memory has always stuck with me.
That's an awesome memory. I'm glad you got up your courage!

I have seen so many TRs with the Space Mountain lights on pictures, but I have never seen it myself!
It's sooo cool. I try to watch wait times on the app to see when Space goes down then hop on the PeopleMover, but this one was complete coincidence!

I have to confess that Merida is my favourite princess (yes, Dads are allowed to have favourite princesses!). Partly because I lived in Scotland for a year in my 20s but also I enjoyed her movie.
She's tied for first for me. I love her story and I also love Scotland. We got to visit for the first time last fall and it was amazing. How cool that you got to live there for a year!
After the photo stop, we took a Forbidden Journey around Hogwarts. This ride is still probably my favorite ride on the planet, from any theme park. Hate me for it but it’s one heck of a ride. It’s thrilling, it’s immersive, it’s got great technology. It’s just amazing.

My mom and I LOVE Love Love that ride :love:

It also gave us one of my all-time favorite photos from our trip in 2015. Clearly my kids didn't like it as much :P


[I truly adore this outfit so you’re gonna see a lot of it, folks]

You look super wizarding! Love the outfit :goodvibes

Once off at King’s Cross we turned the corner and entered Diagon Alley. I think I prefer Diagon Alley to Hogsmeade as far as ambiance.

I agree. I love the area but I love the ride at Hogsmeade more.

We finished off by sharing a the May Contain Nuts sundae, which consisted of peanut butter ice cream, peanut brittle, peanut butter cups, chocolate peanut butter pie, peanut butter sauce, and Reese’s pieces.

[I appreciated the delicate hints of peanut here. Very subtle.]


You may have a budding career as a dining report writer :bitelip:

When it was my turn Merida touched my hair and said we could be sisters! (wait….isn’t that what she told the emotionless child ahead of me?) But it’s okay because I showed her my shirt and she had an appropriate reaction.

Great photos! You two really could be sisters ::yes::
It also gave us one of my all-time favorite photos from our trip in 2015.
WAIT hooooold on there's a ride photo???

You look super wizarding! Love the outfit :goodvibes
Thanks! I wear it at home, too. I love it so much!

Great photos! You two really could be sisters
Hahaha yes we could!

And since you have a love of Butterbeer and cupcakes, you should check this recipe. I made them for when the last movie card out and they are delicious!
Alright those look delightful. I'll definitely have to try them out!
thanks for the hint about sorcerers of the kingdom. Didn't know it existed. This is why I love the DIS!
thanks for the hint about sorcerers of the kingdom. Didn't know it existed. This is why I love the DIS!
It was fun! I can see the appeal, especially for people who like collecting things. Plus it's one of the few things you can get at WDW for free :P


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