Flight of Passage question


Hockey Mom
Jan 17, 2010
How motion sick do people get on this ride?
I get very motion sick on Star Tours and Mission Space, is it worth it for me to attempt Flight of Passage?
I feel like the movement on FoP is more "swooping" while the movement on star tours is more jerking. I will never ride mission space orange again, don't recall having any major issues on Star Tours, but felt FoP to be easy on my body if that helps at all.
I get extremely sick on Star Tours (and the old Body Wars ride was even worse), even on Bonine/Dramamine (both versions). But I didn't want to miss out on FOP on our April trip, so I took Dramamine (the regular version) and to my delight I was completely fine after the ride! I loved it so much that I did the "refresh" thing until I scored us a 2nd set of FP+. The second time we rode it, I was bolder about "looking around" other areas of the screen instead of visually following the path of the banshee (as I did on my first ride), and I did get a *little* nauseous, but that feeling went away about 2 minutes after we left the ride. So if your motion sickness issues are similar to mine, you might try the "following the banshee's path with your eyes" trick and see if it works for you!

Oh, just for comparison's sake, I don't get sick on Soarin', but I do get mild nausea from Space Mountain, RNRR, and The Matterhorn (at Disneyland), and for some reason BTMRR makes me the sickest of all. I've never attempted on Mission:Space, though.

HTH! :)
I will not ride Star Tours (did years ago, very unpleasant) or Mission Space (small space not going to happen) .... period. The Simpsons ride at Universal was absolute torture years ago and will NEVER happen again. But, I wanted to experience FOP. It is different....a few things that helped me were that I didn't feel terribly closed in, your vehicle moves independently (as opposed to feeling like you are in a moving box) and air blows on you. I took bonine the morning of our FOP FP+. While riding, I made sure to breathe steadily. I also focused on distant points throughout the ride.....as I "flew" past one, I would pick another. Afterwards, I felt mildly carsick....which faded quickly with a Night Blossom and pineapple spring roll from Pongu Pongu.

While having to work at not getting too sick must mean that I couldn't appreciate the ride as much as someone who could just let go, it was worth it for me.

That said...I could totally understand not wanting to take a chance...everyone has different triggers and levels of reaction.
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My wife has motion sickness issues with Star Tours.....and FOP was just as bad for her.
The Simpsons ride at Universal was absolute torture years ago and will NEVER happen again.
Yes! Me too!!! I got so sick we had to leave the park. :(

While having to work at not getting too sick must mean that I couldn't appreciate the ride as much as someone who could just let go, it was worth it for me.

That said...I could totally understand not wanting to take a chance...everyone has different triggers and levels of reaction.

Well said. :)
I get motion sick on Star Tours and have absolutely no problem with FoP. I do take motion sickness medication every morning of our trip just to be safe though (I still get motion sick on Star Tours even with the medication). The only issue I had the very first time I rode FoP was at the very beginning of the ride after the "tunnel" part where you are first "in" Pandora I felt a bit disoriented. I started to panic a bit because I was afraid I was going to be motion sick but I told myself to just relax and took deep breaths. It also helps NOT to fight the ride, as soon as I "gave into" the ride and just pretended it was real the feeling of disorientation immediately went away and I was fine. It's my absolute favorite ride and I have had absolutely no problems with motion sickness at all on it.
How motion sick do people get on this ride?
I get very motion sick on Star Tours and Mission Space, is it worth it for me to attempt Flight of Passage?
My husband gets motion sickness on Star Tours too. But he did go on FOP because he said he had to at least try. But he won’t go on again.
I don't actually throw up on Star Tours but do get a little woozy. The first few times I rode FOP I was pretty uncomfortable but I think it was because the glasses were to big and I had to hold on to them to keep them on. They have fixed that and the last time I rode it I almost enjoyed it.
I get really sick on Star Tours and I know better than to try MS. I rode FoP on our recent trip and it was ok for me. There were a couple of times I had to closed my eyes because I was getting dizzy but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It felt like there was air blowing in my face most, if not all, of the ride, and I think that helped some. I rode it at the end of the night, that way if I got sick, it wouldn't ruin a whole day.
Yeah, my wife was glad she went on once, but she had the chance to go on again and said no thank you!

You can always close your eyes, and looking to the wall of people can ground you if you feel woozy. IMHO FOP is THAT GREAT of an attraction that even those on the fence need to try it once.
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How motion sick do people get on this ride?
I get very motion sick on Star Tours and Mission Space, is it worth it for me to attempt Flight of Passage?
I get sick on Star Tours and will not ride Mission Space because of the tight space but I did FOP and didn't have an issue. There is one "flying drop" on the screen and I felt it a little but I came off that ride feeling fine and truly enjoyed it. I will never ride Star Tours again. I can't explain why it makes me sick and FOP doesn't but that's honestly how it was.
I don’t ride Star tours or mission space but I have done Soarin with no problem. I took a chance and did FOP and I am so happy that I did it. It was amazing. I had no problems what so ever.
I am curious as to what motion sickness meds work best and does it make you drowsy?


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