Florida Holidays 2002 day 10 - Discovery Cove

Pete the DISney nut

Official NUTcase
May 5, 2001
AKA We think we have made another friend.

Sunday dawned - yes, again - hot and sunny and we were up and at em with the lark because today was the day when we go swimming with the dolphins. Ever since we have been booked for this holiday and we have known this was going to be something very special.

We were hyper with anticipation and excitement - so much so we hardly had any breakfast; this coupled with the fact that our bus to take us there was arriving at 8.30am only left us an hour and a half to get ready!!! :hehe

We got outside the hotel - where the buses come to pick up the people who are going to Universal/Seaworld etc - and a large bus turned up and the driver asked for people who were going to Seaworld. I went up and asked if he was the bus for Discovery Cove to which he said yes. At this time, a small minibus turned up and pulled up outside the hotel. We thought nothing of it. Obviously a bus to take people to another place. Huh, famous last words.

We paid the driver the money, got our tickets and boarded the bus. Only to get off the bus a few minutes later and board the minibus because it was a non-stop bus going directly to DC. Marvellous, we felt completely silly.

Anyhow, the bus set off and barely ten minutes or so later, we arrived at Discovery Cove and were met by our "host" - a charming man - who led us into the main entrance lobby.

Well, what a beautiful building. High, lofted ceilings and marble flooring and natural, subdued lighting. We were introduced to the receptionist and had our photos taken for our passes - and a complementary photo which we were told we could pick up when we were due to leave - which we had to wear for the day to show we were visitors for the day. From there we were met by some trainers who led us through the registration process and gave us our passes and then led us through the lobby and out again into the glorious sunshine and to the Cabana where our instruction session was to be before we got into the water with those magnificent beasties.

The time of our Dolphin swim was 9.55 in the Starfish Cabana - the time was just turned 9am so we had an hour wait - give or take a few minutes - so we decided to find our spot, get ready and please ourselves before the time came to go to the Cabana for an informal chat and introduction to the trainers who will be overseeing the time in the water with the dolphins.

But first we had to get our mask, snorkel and waterjackets. Because, we were reliably informed, the water will be cold. Well, these jackets are definitely not fashion statements - they come in two tone colours - yellow on the back and grey on the front - and they look positively hideous!!!

We were so pleased we had them, however, because the person who said the water was cold was lying. It was positively freezing - but it was to be expected seeing as how the dolphins swim in cold water anyway and they try as far as they can to keep everything as natural as possible, it did come as no surprise.

Anyway, from getting our equipment, we staked our place on the beach and Tracy began doing the SunGod bit again, I decided to go for a wander and find out what else DC has to offer.

Well, the information does say that up to 1000 people per day are allowed in at any one time and this is strictly adhered to but I have to say that the acreage DC covers meant that if I saw a hundred people for the whole day I will have been incredibly lucky - the size is deceptive and the way the park has been designed means you could, to all intents and purposes, be the only people in the park - the layout is that way designed.

It is paradise, too. There is hardly any noise at all, the greenery is impressive and above all, there are places dotted around where you can sit and laze if this is what you wish to do - you are left to your own devices and the only "timetable" as such you have to adhere to is you have to be at the instruction hut ten minutes before the time of your swim - it is that relaxed.

Besides the dolphin interaction, they have a coral reef where you can snorkel with fish and come face to face with Barracudas and Sharks - highly impressive; you will think you are actually in the same water as them, the plexiglass is that well hidden; there is a lazy river where you can snorkel around and simply swim; there is an aviary - which I missed, regrettably - but from what I have read is quite cool.

There is also nature walks as well - in short - there is so much to see and do you can easily spend a full day simply enjoying the peace and quiet.

When the time came, I went back to meet Tracy and we walked to the Starfish Cabana and met up with the trainers and we were told what we will be doing and watched a short video of Dolphins in their natural environment.

From there - there was a group of 30 or so people and we were given a letter - either A,B,C, or D - and this signified which group we will be in for the interaction. Tracy and I were in Group A with a family of 5 and our trainer for the interaction was Amanda.

We were led to the water's edge and there we were introduced to our dolphin. Well, what can I say about seeing one of God's beautiful creatures up close other than WOW!!! They are so majestic, awesome, and down right amazing creatures to behold.

Our dolphin's name was Hutch and he was a male dolphin 4 ½ years old, and weighed 600lb - and a fact I did not know until the trainer told us all - from his dorsal fin downwards to the back fins is all muscle - the powerhouse of the dolphin.

You have seen the films of dolphins swimming alongside boats, etc - well, this is actually true. Dolphins are naturally playful animals and it is this the trainers use to get them to do the tricks we have seen them do - they make everything around the dolphins into a game.

Also, we were told that DC has 33 North Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins altogether - 8 of which are used at any one time and if one gets bored, they let him away to rest/play whatever and bring another one in so none of them get tired of whatthey are doing.

Also, if one decides not to "play" any more - the trainers do the same - everything they do revolves purely around the dolphins' wellbeing.

Anyway, introductions out of the way, it was time to get into the water and let Hutch introduce himself to us and us to him.

This involved us hunkering down in the water and letting Hutch come up to us and let us stroke him. Boy, oh boy oh boy - that was such an experience alone, actually coming face to face with a real life dolphin was something I will never, ever forget for as long as I live. But there was better to come.

Once the introductions were out of the way, it got down to the serious business. The interaction itself.

I mentioned earlier - there was two groups, Tracy and I and a family of five - and the trainer (Amanda) decided Tracy and I would have our swim first. Ladies went first - much to Tracy's chagrin. And who said Chivalry was dead.

The family of five stayed with one trainer while Tracy and I swam out into the centre of the lagoon with Amanda and treaded water while Hutch swam up to us. We were shown how to send him away to the other members, how to get him to spin in the water, how to get him to splash us - immense fun for him (we placed our hands in front of his dorsal fin and tickled him!!) - and we also got to feed him in the water which was so cool!!!

Then came the moment of truth - the tow back to the side so the other family could spend some time in the deep water with Hutch.

Tracy was asked to go first which she was unsure of but Amanda explained with great detail exactly what would happen and what we had to do.

Tracy placed one hand on Hutch's dorsal fin and the other on his pectoral fin - the fin on his side - and was told to hang on as Hutch took off at speed and carried her effortlessly to the side where the other trainer was. She stood up and waved at me and it was my turn.

Tracy and I were both nervous when this came around as we had no preconceptions of what it would actually feel like. Well, you wouldn't, would you? I mean, it's not like you can experience anything like this unless you had actually done it so we had nothing to measure it against. When Tracy stood up and was grinning from ear to ear - with tears in her eyes (and not from the salt water) - it was my turn.

Hutch swam back and was given some fish from Amanda (obviously so he wouldn't think I was lunch!!LOL) and I was told to place my right hand on the dorsal fin and my left hand on the pectoral fin (as Tracy was told to) and Hutch was given the signal and we were off.

Well, ya bugs, it was just like I was flying through the water. I have never felt power like it before in my life - it was so amazing and so overwhelming I felt like I was out the water, he was that STRONG. It was truly something else and once Hutch had gone away I had to give Tracy a hug as the emotion was that high in me, tears came to my eyes. As I looked at Tracy, she was exactly the same as me. Thankfully, the trainer stayed away until we regained some composure.

I had read in the books that it would get you like this but to actually experience this for yourselves, you have no idea the emotions get that high and hit you so hard. We had actually been in the water with these gorgeous animals and had been towed to shore by them.

It was not over yet. Once we had finished, the trainer came over and got us to intereact some more with him and it was then, we noticed the video cameramen in the water with us - the whole thing was being filmed so we said to each other then we will buy the video. We also saw the cameramen around the sides of the lagoon taking photos so we decided to have a look at the photos too to decide which ones we will buy.

We got Hutch to sing, to take fish from my hands with me face in the water - another amazing experience which I could see so clearly thanks to the mask I was wearing, and once the other group had been towed to the safety of the bank where we could stand, we got Hutch and his "girlfriend" to spin and do jumps - with us barely feet away from them. Such an amazing experience and definitely one you will want to repeat.

Anyway, an hour had passed and Tracy and I's time had come to leave the lagoon and we were free to do as we please, much to our chagrin. Well, all good things do come to an end. But not straight away. Oh no, immediately after the swim we were taken back to the Starfish Cabana and were shown the photos that were taken by the photographers - and boy were they good!!! The ones we bought were of Tracy kissing Hutch on the underside of his jaw, me shaking Hutch by the flipper ( I am six feet four and was standing on the shelf where the second part of the interaction took place, Hutch was in the deep water and he towered over me!), both of us in the water giving Hutch a cuddle and, along with the complementary one taken as we walked in makes four - which are now framed and hanging on our living room wall at home - pride of place.

We also decided to buy the video that was taken of our interaction as well as another permanent reminder and this is gradually getting worn out by watching it that much!!! They were more expensive than the normal photos but with it being such a special day, we decided to hang the cost and splurge.

A good thing that we were told was that we can go back in future years and should we decide to buy more photos, they are kept on a database and can be ordered from them at a date in the future. Which we may well decide to in the future.

We lazed by the side of the lagoon - reminiscing of our time with Hutch and talking non-stop about the time spent in the water until my stomach told me it was time to eat. Part of the Discovery Cove package includes lunch so we headed towards the Laguna Grill - a self-service restaurant which has a wide selection of food - and it is quite tasty to boot.

Tracy and I went in to the restaurant and loaded our trays up witrh food - they know who has had the meal by scanning your ID pass through the till - and we sat in the shade and ate while watching the milling throng (sic) pass us by - there still seemed to be hardly anyone there, which makes it so unique for an attraction venue.

The food dispensed with, we headed back towards our place by the lagoon to let our food digest.

Tracy spent most of the afternoon soaking up some more rays whilst I decided to capture some of what DC had to offer on the Camcorder - this actually took me a good hour which gives some indication of the size of the park.

I was actually able to watch other families have their interactions - such is the layout of the park: very openplan. Another one of the many "aahh" factors was something I was able to capture on camcorder - I was lucky enough to watch two trainers play ball with some dolphins and, thanks to the zoom facility, I was able to get right up close and watch them.

Further around on my wander I was lucky enough to stand in the water barely three feet away from a basking dolphin and this, too, was captured on film.

I have gone on some in this particular Trip Report, I know - more than normal - but the whole experience is one that you simply have to do. You can spend the full day there - which I cannot recommend enough - and quite literally spend a day in an island paradise.

When the time came for us to leave - a hurried departure, because we forgot all about the time - we got the bus back to the hotel and decided to stay in the hotel and order in on room service.

A large pizza and garlic breads later, thoroughly stuffed, we turned the telly on and lazed in bed watching Toon Disney (no change there then) and reminisced about the best day we have ever spent in Florida and thinking about our new friend Hutch.

Coming soon - AK and where do they get them from???
Thanks for the brilliant report of Discovery Cove :D We hope to do this next year.

Thank you for this report. We have booked a trip to discovery cove for our trip and It is reassuring to read you had such a great time.
Couple of questions
I have read on other sites that the video was not worth the money as there is not much of your individual party on it.
What did you think? As the whole thing is so expensive anyway is it just nit picking?
Do the wetsuits help you stay afloat when you are treading water? We can all swim but me and my DS are not super confident out of our depth.
What a wonderful day, can't wait to try this out, i have to admit that reading you experience brought tears to my eyes!!!

Great report, Pete!!!!!!!!!

We found DC to be the absolute highlight of our November 2000 trip, too.

The girls ( DW and DD ) did the dolphin experience, I managed to get a great spot to video the whole thing, unforgettable!!

Yeah, the photos ain't cheap...but how often do you get to swim with dolphins so it's "Hang the expense!!" for a day at DC.

Top report, keep 'em coming!

Your report was so good it reminded me of our swim on June 19th this year (it seems so long ago!).
Like you I also had to get the video. Didn't know about the photo database but glad I do now!!
Will try and write my report soon!!
Claire :D
great report...brings back many happy memories of our DC experience in Nov 2000....making me want to go back!:D


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