Food and Wine? Sounds Divine! An October TR - 12/2 A PTR Link!

Hi!!! Been a lurker here on ur trip report! I hope u guys had an awesome time! Gna check out which booths u guys tried, DH and I are going in 17 days. Feel better!:)
I can't believe you're back already, trips just go by too fast! I'm glad you guys had a great time, can't wait to hear all about it :) sorry you're sick, hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear that you are sick. It was great to see you guys even if it was only briefly. I wish you had more time to hang out and enjoy!
Welcome back!
Glad to hear that you had a good time and looking forward to your trip report, but sorry that you are sick now. :hug:
Hope you guys had a great trip, I know we did! It's too bad that we didn't run into each other during the week, but such is life. Looking forward to your TR!
Welcome home!

I'm glad you had a good time! Hopefully this sick thing didn't start until you got home... :faint:
Welcome home!! I can't believe you're back...trips go way too fast! Hope you feel better soon and can't wait to hear all about your vacation. I hope it had lots more ups than downs!!! :goodvibes
Hope you're feeling better! Glad you had a good trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it!
Catching up and subbing in.

Hope you feel better soon.

That was an amazing themed party you had for Calvin.
The last few days have been rotten. A thick head cold, followed by chest congestion but now that's all cleared up and all that's left is a very gross, annoying cough but i'm feeling better. DS has a small cough and sneeze but nothing terrible, thank goodness. DM is still sick (she got sick while we were there) poor thing.

But let's get the first day started shall we?!
Friday October 4, 2013 – Leaving for LA

The plan today was to drop off DH at work, so that DM, DS and I could pick him up on our way to LA. I woke up at 6:15am, took a shower, made coffee, woke the baby up, and packed him into the car and drove DH at 7am. Got back from that around 8 and got to packing all the last minute things that I didn’t pack the night before. Usually, I feel rushed the morning of, but by 10:30am, I was standing in my living room thinking, “Am I actually done?!” I had nothing to do, which is rare. The kitchen was cleaned, the cat had plenty of food and water, doors and windows were locked and shut, every thing was already packed in the car. Dang I’m good! ;) I was supposed to pick up DM at around 12:45pm and then drive down to pick up DH, but instead went over around 11am to have lunch and re-configure the car. Let me just explain this right now. We always have a problem of too small a car, too many suitcases. However, my DB was on his way over to DM’s to say goodbye to us and I figured he could help me with that. Thank the good Lord above that he did. I would have never figured this configuration out myself!

I had literally no idea that my backseat could fold down, but he did. So that’s DH’s long duffle/roller-bag sticking out the trunk, along with the stroller behind the driver seat, with the additional car seat on top of the roller. Another side note. If anyone understands how HARD it is to put a car seat into a car, you’ll understand why the additional car seat is imperative. This is so that we don’t have to unhook the car seat that’s already hooked up in the car, so all we have to do when we return home is just put DS into his car seat and take off. That car seat took us over an hour to put in the car right when he was born so we’re NEVER moving it! Rant over. That left room for the three additional suitcases in the backseat, and squished towards the back of the trunk that you can’t see, is our small duffle carryon for the plane. Phew! Again, I’m so glad my DB was there. I also took the pics so I could show DH whenever we landed from our flight so we could do the same thing again.

Bags packed/squished, good-byes said, DM, DS and I were on the road about 1pm to pick up DH. Also, took a picture of my Mickey inspired Gel nails that I got done a couple days before

If you haven't had a Gel Manicure before, you're totally missing out. It lasts up to 2 weeks with no chipping. :thumbsup2

Now let’s back up about a week. As most of you know, DH was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis back in the early Summer of last year and has been, and will be, on medication for the rest of his life. The medication has been wonderful in not giving him any flare-ups or pain. Until a week ago that is (of course, right?! I mean, it is afterall, the most convenient time to pop up, right before a trip to WDW :headache:) So he decides to call his DR during work about his flare-ups and pain and if there’s another medication he could take to help him since he’s going on vacation. His DR didn’t call him back until we were about an hour in on the drive and told him there was this brand new miracle steroid drug that just got onto the market not too long ago, and that he was going to call it in to the nearest Target pharmacy by our hotel. Awesome! We figured it would be ready by the time we made it to LA. We arrived at Target around 3:30, got to the Pharmacy counter and was told it was not in stock and would not be here until Monday. Not good. The pharmacist suggested we call around to other pharmacies, but that because it was nearing closing time for most pharmacies and that this was a new drug, most places would not carry it. Oh gosh. DH was not happy at all. But he was determined to find somewhere that had it. I suggested that we check in to our hotel and get DM and DS situated and then we could make calls.

We checked into the Marriott and it is such a great hotel! Waaaay better than the Holiday Inn Express, and surprisingly, much cheaper. All our things were placed in our room, I pulled out some food for DS so DM could take care of him, while DH and I went off to make phone calls. Thinking back, we should have made all these calls from the lobby of the hotel. But DH was so discombobulated, that he wanted to be driving around in case someplace had his medication. So there we were calling every CVS, Walmart and Costco in our surrounding area. DH eventually pulled into a gas station in Inglewood and we sat there for 30 minutes continuing our hunt for the steroid. Man, I wish we had it as easy as athletes do and can get it in minutes :lmao: :rolleyes: We made our last unsuccessful call and sat there quiet for a few minutes thinking of what we could do. Pharmacies either didn’t have the medication on their shelves, or they never heard of it. I suggested that we find a 24 hour CVS in the Orlando area so that if we place the order now, hopefully it will be there by Monday morning. So I googled the nearest 24 hour CVS to WDW and gave the number to DH to make the call. The pharmacist had to contact the Target back in LA for all the insurance/medical information and would call us back. In the meantime, we needed dinner, so we went to a Jack-in-the-Box. Originally, we were going to go to BJ’s for pizza, but we were not in the mood. Of course, the Jack-in-the-Box was set up with bullet-proof glass and boxes so I felt safe :-)scared:) We missed a call from the Orlando CVS while in JitB, so I called them back on the road, and all I heard was, “It’s ready for you now, do you want to pick it up this evening?!” I asked her if that mean she had it already available to pick up and that she didn’t have to order it and nope! They had it right now! HALLELUJAH!!!! :dance3: I started thanking her profusely telling her she had no idea how much happier she made all of us at that exact moment. I explained that we were in LA and will be there tomorrow afternoon to pick it up. I jotted down the address, hung up and we both started screaming! Seriously, without this medication, DH wouldn’t have been able to eat (or drink) anything without going to a bathroom immediately afterwards. Not good for a Food & Wine Festival, if you ask me.

We drove back to the hotel with food in hand and told DM the great news. Everyone was relieved and we ate our food and watched TV and went to bed really early around 8:15. Our flight tomorrow morning was at 6:00am so we wanted to be downstairs to get on the shuttle at 4am.

:cool1: for finding the steroid!! Being sick makes a trip no fun, especially no being able to eat (DF got an upset stomach on our Disneyland trip and he felt awful for the rest of the time we were in CA).

Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
Wow! I'm so glad first of all that there was a new drug, and that you were able to get it for DH, that would not have made for a fun F & W experience.

Bonus that DB helped with the car :)
Yay you started the TR :goodvibes

Sorry for the pre-trip drama, isn't it typical that something like that happens just before a vacation :rolleyes: ... but glad the pharmacy in Orlando had the medicine! They must have pixie dust there too :cutie:

Emma princess: x
Yay, you’ve started your TR!!

Sorry to hear about DH and his medication, but I’m glad you were able to get it.

I love gel manicures too. You don’t have to worry about them chipping while you’re on vacation!!

Can’t wait to hear about the rest of your trip…..

PS- Hope you're feeling better too! :)


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