For the First Time In Forever.....A Disneyland reopening TR, Dark Ride photos and The End 5/8

Opening Day

We had a great day at the previews. I was happy with the amount of rides that we got on and everything, however today would prove a little less successful. Sorry about the long drama, but it gives context to our not so magical day.

We woke up opening day with all the best intentions, Fran wanted some special merchandise that was going to go on sale at 12 noon. We had planned to leave at 9AM like we had done two days before, but a bit of a wrench got thrown into our plans.

As you may know we manage a few apartment buildings that we own. What I failed to mention in the last post was that the day before our preview day, the unit we used to live in had a relapse of an ongoing problem of a back up in their bathroom. We had sent a plumber out to take a look, the morning we were at the park. While we were enjoying the AC in the Mercantile, I got a text from our tenant that the tub was backing up again, after the initial plumber left. It was pretty late in the afternoon so the plumbing service said they would send someone out the next morning.

We aren't quite sure what the second plumber did because they didn't call us while on-site (strike 1), also there was spillout through the clean out valve that they "don't clean up", and they did not replace stopper on the clean out valve (strike 2). Well that changed our plans for Thursday afternoon. Without going into great detail, we ended up removing 50 or so soiled pavers from the patio area (to deal with later). They weren't cemented in or anything, but Fran and I had put them in 20 or so years ago, so they had a bit of sediment that had "cemented" them together. And then we cleaned away any residual mess on the concrete. Let's just say it was a somewhat exhausting and disgusting way to spend an afternoon/early evening.

We had picked up a meal at some fast food restaurant before we started working so once we got back home, I wasn't hungry. I just wanted to get cleaned off. After a shower, we ate our Caramel apple from the day before.

But let's backtrack a little, when we were working in the tenant's yard, moving the pavers, the tenant saw us and waved on her way to her car. You wouldn't think she had any earth shattering news that we didn't know. Remember the plumber never called us? Well they did call us when they arrived around 9:45AM and no one was home, but no word after they got in to check out the problem.

After my shower and caramel apple, I texted her that we cleaned the yard up and would finish in the future, and did the plumber ever get back to you? She sent the following:

"Yes they came at 1030 when I was home and said there is a major issue with the mainline and will need to dig under the master bedroom to get to the problem. He said he was going to call Fran. So this back up will continue to happen unless that is fixed. They will have to dig through the master bedroom floor, "break concrete" is what he said."

Say what? You didn't think to talk to us about this when you saw us earlier?????

That was strike 3 for the plumber. They want to destroy the master bedroom floor of one of our highest income generating units, and we don't even get a phone call!

I went to bed and Fran started looking online for a new plumber. After all we were leaving at 9AM. Right?

I kept that faith even at 7:14AM opening day when I sent this text to Jill and Jenny:

"We're going to try and leave right around the same time as Wednesday. This will be a much more abbreviated day. Just shopping at noon, Guardians and corn/cheese dogs."

After all, we (Jenny, Jill, Michael, Fran and I) had dinner plans that night. Sort of a planned potluck where everyone was making something, and that started at 5PM.

I got up and dressed, fed the cats, made coffee, everything I would normally do. And then I went to see how Fran was doing on getting up. And at 8:38AM, this reality set in, when I sent this text to Jill and Jenny.

"We aren't leaving anytime soon. Fran is still asleep, and I can't get her to stay awake."

It was finally 10:15 before she was awake and dressed. The prior evening, she had sent an email to the plumbing service she found online, but they didn't reply. She called them and set up an afternoon appointment with the tenants, and then we were ready to go. Only an hour and a half late.

We stopped for Ham and Cheese Croissants at our favorite donut store, and may have picked up a few sweet items as well. And then we were on our way, finally.

While we were driving, the plumber from the day before called to give us an update. He called Fran's phone (which has bad sound), and she couldn't hear him. We asked him to call back on my phone, and he said he was driving too and couldn't write down the number. He asked us to call him back when neither of us were driving. Strike 4. I doubt he realizes that he was the final straw in losing a 20+ year customer for the company. A week later he still has not called back.

Anyways back to the fun!

And here we are approaching the turnstiles for the Grand reopening of Disneyland!!!!

The train! I must ride this at some point!

Being back on Main Street is such a lovely feeling!

So by this time it was about quarter to 12. What Fran didn't realize was that when you want Disney merch, the early bird gets the worm. With limited entry into shops, there was a virtual queue formed, we were pretty far down the list.

We didn't know how long the wait would be, so I didn't want to get in any ride queues in case we were called back sooner rather than later. We waited in the shade and I worked on the TR on my tablet. Unfortunately she forgot about the fervor of Disney Fans, and by the time we were called most, most of the things she wanted were sold out.

After our unsuccessful shopping attempt we meandered over to New Orleans Square. I had read online about the fate of the Old Dress Shop. It is going to be converted to a Princess and the Frog themed QS. They had dressed up the space a bit so it didn't look nearly as sad.

The other unfortunate thing was that the day was proving to be very hot. Even though we were waiting in the shade, I was starting to feel a little queasy. As soon as I started to feel queasy, I started pounding back the water. I always carry a refillable bottle with me, and it's so nice to see more and more filling stations around the parks. However in 90° heat, nothing was helping. It was after 1PM so we could have park hopped over to DCA, but the idea of a Corn/Cheese Dog actually made me a little nauseous. I considered ordering a Dole Whip but with the hour long experience a couple days before, we passed on that too. So pretty much all our plans for the day were a bust.

Fran asked if we could roll through World of Disney on our way out, and here we finally had some success. I found a water bottle that I will use exclusively for the parks.

I did get some dish towels.

And I got this really cute T-shirt!

Pretty soon we were on the way home only to turn around and head back out to Jenny's. No pics from that night, we just had a good food and good times with friends.

Since this was such a sorry update, I'll include this little bonus from my Birthday. The reason I didn't choose to celebrate my birthday at the park, was that at the time I decided on how I would celebrate, there was barely a hint that they might open up. It was mid March when I decided it would be dinner at Del Frisco's. First there were four of us, then five, and finally six. Jill flew in for the weekend so that we could have fun and be almost normal. We met at the restaurant and decided to order Family Style so that all of us could have lots of different flavors.

I started off with my Belvedere Gibson Up. I have missed these!

I also brought some of the wines from my cellar. We only ended up drinking two of these amongst our party.

They decanted the wine for us.

We started with two lettuce wedges split in half.

Fran got three orders of the Bacon au Poivre for the table.

So yummy!

I don't remember if we split three orders of Lobster Bisque, but everyone had some.

Look at all that Lobster!

Then it was time for the Main Course! We ordered two of these Ribeyes.

Creamed Corn

Au Gratin Potatoes

Creamed Spinach

And our table

To say that this was delicious would be an understatement! This was my first swanky dinner since the pandemic started and my first dinner with a bunch of friends at a restaurant! The side dishes and especially the steaks were absolutely wonderful! The first time I had a Del Frisco's steak, my tastebuds had never experienced such joy. This was Leonard's first time, and he also said that he's never had a steak so tasty. Their rub is just phenomenal. I can't wait to go back again! I did pace myself, we had a lot of starters, and wanted to save some room.

The carnage

I ordered the Butter Cake which is the most luscious dessert that I have had in a long long time! It is crispy on the outside and soft and moist on the inside. The ice cream and whipped cream compliment the cake perfectly.

You may see a slice of cheesecake in the back ground. I tasted it, but nothing compared to my beloved butter cake.

Not even this Chocolate Mousse.

And I took this obligatory shot of the cheesecake.

It was a super fun night with friends!

I promise our next day at the park is better!
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It's almost 9 am here and after reading about your birthday dinner, my stomach is GROWLING!! What a wonderful way to celebrate.

What a mess about the plumber though. Customer service is SO important to me, shocking he didn't even call! So so strange. Is it all squared away now?
I think we were posting at the same time! LOLOLOL

Your birthday dinner was FABULOUS!!!! So wonderful to be out in the world. Good friends and good food and wine!
Belated happy birthday! It looked like you had a wonderful celebration!

So sorry to hear about your plumber problem! So frustrating when you have been working with the same company for so many years.
It's almost 9 am here and after reading about your birthday dinner, my stomach is GROWLING!! What a wonderful way to celebrate.

It was an amazing meal and so much fun to share with friends!

What a mess about the plumber though. Customer service is SO important to me, shocking he didn't even call! So so strange. Is it all squared away now?

Well the second plumber that we sent found no problems and said everything was flowing fine. I hope we don't hear any more about this.
however today would prove a little less successful. Sorry about the long drama, but it gives context to our not so magical day.
So... um... I've read all the drama... but I'm confused on the timelines. Could you do a quick rundown? Like:
Monday: got call of plumbing issue.
Tuesday: Went to DL preview
Wed:... etc?

Only if you want to of course.
We aren't quite sure what the second plumber did because they didn't call us while on-site (strike 1), also there was spillout through the clean out valve that they "don't clean up", and they did not replace stopper on the clean out valve (strike 2). Well that changed our plans for Thursday afternoon. Without going into great detail, we ended up removing 50 or so soiled pavers from the patio area (to deal with later). They weren't cemented in or anything, but Fran and I had put them in 20 or so years ago, so they had a bit of sediment that had "cemented" them together. And then we cleaned away any residual mess on the concrete. Let's just say it was a somewhat exhausting and disgusting way to spend an afternoon/early evening.
"They don't clean up"... that just blew my mind. I'm sorry... you what????

You removed 50 pavers??? I sure hope they were the small 12" square ones and not the big boys! :faint:
Even if they were small.. 50!
After a shower, we ate our Caramel apple from the day before.
mmmm... love Caramel apples!
the tenant saw us and waved on her way to her car. You wouldn't think she had any earth shattering news that we didn't know. Remember the plumber never called us? Well they did call us when they arrived around 9:45AM and no one was home, but no word after they got in to check out the problem.
"Not much going on here! I'll just have to move out for a week or so! You know, the usual!"

"Yes they came at 1030 when I was home and said there is a major issue with the mainline and will need to dig under the master bedroom to get to the problem. He said he was going to call Fran. So this back up will continue to happen unless that is fixed. They will have to dig through the master bedroom floor, "break concrete" is what he said."
hooo... big job.
But considering everything else he did... maybe the 2nd plumber disagreed?
Say what? You didn't think to talk to us about this when you saw us earlier?????
That was strike 3 for the plumber. They want to destroy the master bedroom floor of one of our highest income generating units, and we don't even get a phone call!
Nah. I'm sure that's not a problem. :rolleyes1
After all, we (Jenny, Jill, Michael, Fran and I) had dinner plans that night. Sort of a planned potluck where everyone was making something, and that started at 5PM.
Sounds like fun. :)
"We aren't leaving anytime soon. Fran is still asleep, and I can't get her to stay awake."
Okay... so this was... the day after moving the pavers? :confused3
He asked us to call him back when neither of us were driving. Strike 4. I doubt he realizes that he was the final straw in losing a 20+ year customer for the company. A week later he still has not called back.
Goodbye and good riddance. Ridiculous. Did you call the company and let them know? Or just dropped them?
The train! I must ride this at some point!
Being back on Main Street is such a lovely feeling!
It sure is. I miss it a lot. Hopefully someday...
Unfortunately she forgot about the fervor of Disney Fans, and by the time we were called most, most of the things she wanted were sold out.
Whoops. But... yeah, not surprising.
I had read online about the fate of the Old Dress Shop. It is going to be converted to a Princess and the Frog themed QS.
So... is this a good thing or a bad thing (for you)?
I have a feeling... not so good.
Even though we were waiting in the shade, I was starting to feel a little queasy.
:( Sorry to hear that.
it's so nice to see more and more filling stations around the parks.
I typically don't drink plain water, but... I have asked for glasses of ice water (and then mixed in some drink powder.)
Is the water cold?
the idea of a Corn/Cheese Dog actually made me a little nauseous
Yeah, I bet.
I considered ordering a Dole Whip but with the hour long experience a couple days before, we passed on that too. So pretty much all our plans for the day were a bust.
well poop!
I found a water bottle that I will use exclusively for the parks.
Like it. :)
And I got this really cute T-shirt!
Of course you did! It's right up your alley(cat)!
No pics from that night, we just had a good food and good times with friends.
That's the best kind. :goodvibes
I started off with my Belvedere Gibson Up. I have missed these!
We started with two lettuce wedges split in half.
That looks really good.
Fran got three orders of the Bacon au Poivre for the table
Interesting. (That it came with a glaze/sauce.)
I don't remember if we split three orders of Lobster Bisque, but everyone had some.
And our table
Pretty nice looking spread!
To say that this was delicious would be an understatement!
Looks it!
This was my first swanky dinner since the pandemic started and my first dinner with a bunch of friends at a restaurant!
Oh wow. Been a while! And looks like an excellent way to come back to it!
The first time I had a Del Frisco's steak, my tastebuds had never experienced such joy.
oooohhh... :faint:
The carnage
I ordered the Butter Cake which is the most luscious dessert that I have had in a long long time! It is crispy on the outside and soft and moist on the inside. The ice cream and whipped cream compliment the cake perfectly.
Never heard of butter cake. Sure sounds good, though.
It was a super fun night with friends!
I had read online about the fate of the Old Dress Shop. It is going to be converted to a Princess and the Frog themed QS.
Nooooooo. I didn't know about that. I'm sure they'll make more money on food but that was one of the shops that I always looked at when at DL. I know the dress shop in DTD has more stuff, but I'm still a little sad about this.
It was mid March when I decided it would be dinner at Del Frisco's.
That looks really good! I have never been there. It looks like a great place to celebrate a birthday or anything else. Glad you had a good time.
The birthday meal looks fantastic! I am so intrigued by that bacon… already wondering when and where I can get to a Del Frisco’s!!

the plumber…:sad2: good that you found a new one. My sister lives in a house where there are constant blockages. In the kitchen. And because it’s blocked between them and the floor underneath, the above floor doesn’t drain either, or not correct: drains into their kitchen sink. Always a fun surprise when they wake up with the dishwasher water from upstairs appearing in their kitchen sink. I once visited when that happened, so totally get how your cleaning job was not fun at all!!
I think we were posting at the same time! LOLOLOL

:lmao: Actually I saw your post and purposely waited to reply so that my update would be at the top of the page! :rotfl2:

Your birthday dinner was FABULOUS!!!! So wonderful to be out in the world. Good friends and good food and wine!

It was so fabulous to be out with other people, having drinks, food and a good time! I can't wait until next Friday!
the unit we used to live in had a relapse of an ongoing problem of a back up in their bathroom
Just a crap situation overall! (sorry I couldn't help myself)

Let's just say it was a somewhat exhausting and disgusting way to spend an afternoon/early evening.

See above. Man oh man. Or should I say, lady oh lady.

Yup! Hope you find someone great to replace him.

The train! I must ride this at some point!

Have you ridden it since we did?

Being back on Main Street is such a lovely feeling!

*sigh* can't wait to stroll that street again!

most of the things she wanted were sold out.

*whop whop* bugger!

I had read online about the fate of the Old Dress Shop.

I'm glad for your expertise in this dept, in confirming for me that there are other places to get the dresses, as I was between sizes last time I was there, and my reward for changing sizes will be a dress that fits.

This is SO you!

I did get some dish towels.

As are these you two!!

And I got this really cute T-shirt!

This is also 100% you!

I also brought some of the wines from my cellar. We only ended up drinking two of these amongst our party.

This pic alone makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)

We started with two lettuce wedges split in half.

I really gotta work on liking blue cheese more as this looks so yummy

Fran got three orders of the Bacon au Poivre for the table.

The crust on that looks super good!

Then it was time for the Main Course! We ordered two of these Ribeyes.

Reminds me of that pic I sent you of our rib eye night the other week

Creamed Corn

I haven't eaten creamed corn much but this looks good!

Creamed Spinach

This looks like spin dip to me, which I love!

I could really go for a luxury dessert right about now, may just have to hit up our one nice pastry ship to get something this weekend
:lmao: Actually I saw your post and purposely waited to reply so that my update would be at the top of the page! :rotfl2:

It was so fabulous to be out with other people, having drinks, food and a good time! I can't wait until next Friday!


Same! I am so looking forward to the Grand! Its been forever!!! And dinner! :love:
It was getting close to the time for our mobile order window so we went outside.

When our time window came up I pressed, "I'm here prepare my order." That was around 3:43. However I didn't get the "We're preparing your order, come on in." message until nearly 4 o'clock! And then there was a line once they let us in.

It was only about five or six people, but it was nearly an hour from the time we actually placed the order to when we were enjoying our tasty treats.

Yum! My dream is to get a dole whip and sit and eat it in The Tiki Room 🤤

Nice to see Walt's light on.


Being back on Main Street is such a lovely feeling!

I bet! And it doesn't look busy at all!

They decanted the wine for us.

How fancy! I've never seen that!

And our table

That all looks amazing!

It was a super fun night with friends!

What a perfect birthday celebration!
I do believe you're thinking of Star Wars again.


I don't see why it wouldn't work. :confused3

So... um... I've read all the drama... but I'm confused on the timelines. Could you do a quick rundown? Like:
Monday: got call of plumbing issue.
Tuesday: Went to DL preview
Wed:... etc?

Only if you want to of course.


Tuesday: got call about plumbing issue, scheduled plumber for Wednesday
Wednesday: Soft opening of DL, plumber visited, issue recurred after plumber visit.
Thursday: Plumber came again in AM, we cleaned up the mess in PM
Friday: Opening Day (when Fran had trouble getting out of bed.), potluck dinner at Jenny's
Saturday: My birthday and the great feast

"They don't clean up"... that just blew my mind. I'm sorry... you what????

Remember the story on the other TR? Perhaps I didn't go into it enough, they didn't clean that up either. They just unblocked the pipe and left Fran and I to deal with it since the tenants were old and couldn't do that kind of cleaning.

You removed 50 pavers??? I sure hope they were the small 12" square ones and not the big boys! :faint:
Even if they were small.. 50!

I put my foot in the picture to give you an idea. This is an end piece (and a broken piece above). The full piece would have a top with eight sides like the broken one above, instead of the six sides that the end piece had. They're smaller than you were thinking, but when you are shoveling them up off the ground, or should I say Fran is shoveling them up off the ground, they are still pretty heavy.

mmmm... love Caramel apples!

Me too, need another one next week!

"Not much going on here! I'll just have to move out for a week or so! You know, the usual!"


hooo... big job.
But considering everything else he did... maybe the 2nd plumber disagreed?

Well the second plumber said everything was flowing just fine, and he didn't see any problems. Makes me wonder if the other plumbers are sick of us and just trying to stop us from calling them...

Nah. I'm sure that's not a problem. :rolleyes1

And still, no one has checked in with us, you'd think they might consider that. We may not even have received a bill either.....

Sounds like fun. :)

It was. Like almost normal.

Okay... so this was... the day after moving the pavers? :confused3

Yes, after Fran shoveled all those pavers into boxes (about 10 at a time) and I wheeled them back into the garages. We still haven't dealt with hosing them off and putting them back.

Goodbye and good riddance. Ridiculous. Did you call the company and let them know? Or just dropped them?

Nope, just dropped them.

It sure is. I miss it a lot. Hopefully someday...

You never know, Florida's governor will probably be opening the border next.... :rolleyes1

So... is this a good thing or a bad thing (for you)?
I have a feeling... not so good.

Well if the Gumbo is good, I suppose it will be a good thing in the end. There is already a dress shop in DTD, so they really didn't need two of them.

I typically don't drink plain water, but... I have asked for glasses of ice water (and then mixed in some drink powder.)
Is the water cold?

The water is chilled. Not as cold as I like it since I like it ice cold, but still better than hot or room temp water.

Like it. :)
Of course you did! It's right up your alley(cat)!

I see what you did there.....

Interesting. (That it came with a glaze/sauce.)

I guess it just makes it fancier. It's always been served that way. We had it for the first time when we dined at their Orlando location (before we had one in California). It was new on the menu and we were game to try it, been a staple on our orders ever since. Kinda like escargot for you at the Keg.

Pretty nice looking spread!

It was sooooo good!

Oh wow. Been a while! And looks like an excellent way to come back to it!

In a few updates I'll have our return to even more refined dining and how that went. :rolleyes1

Never heard of butter cake. Sure sounds good, though.

I've had butter cake at a few different steakhouses, and also at Maggiano's Little Italy (Del Frisco's was better. I had them in the same weekend and compared leftovers). Wikipedia says this:

"A butter cake is a cake in which one of the main ingredients is butter. Butter cake is baked with basic ingredients: butter, sugar, eggs,
flour, and leavening agents such as baking powder or baking soda. It is considered as one of the quintessential cakes in American baking."
Nooooooo. I didn't know about that. I'm sure they'll make more money on food but that was one of the shops that I always looked at when at DL. I know the dress shop in DTD has more stuff, but I'm still a little sad about this.

I am too. I always enjoyed looking through the stuff in that store, but then again, the food situation is a bit sorry right now, and they could use more QS places. Especially as capacity in the parks goes up.

That looks really good! I have never been there. It looks like a great place to celebrate a birthday or anything else. Glad you had a good time.

You folks have one down there in San Diego, it's a great place for a fabulous meal!
The birthday meal looks fantastic! I am so intrigued by that bacon… already wondering when and where I can get to a Del Frisco’s!!

I think you should show those pictures to Michael and he will want to go to. You can plan it into one of your nights near Universal next Fall. There is one on International Drive.

the plumber…:sad2: good that you found a new one. My sister lives in a house where there are constant blockages. In the kitchen. And because it’s blocked between them and the floor underneath, the above floor doesn’t drain either, or not correct: drains into their kitchen sink. Always a fun surprise when they wake up with the dishwasher water from upstairs appearing in their kitchen sink. I once visited when that happened, so totally get how your cleaning job was not fun at all!!

Yeah, not fun at all....
I don't see why it wouldn't work. :confused3
I think "pew" is considered classic Star Wars now, but yes it would work.
Tuesday: got call about plumbing issue, scheduled plumber for Wednesday
Wednesday: Soft opening of DL, plumber visited, issue recurred after plumber visit.
Thursday: Plumber came again in AM, we cleaned up the mess in PM
Friday: Opening Day (when Fran had trouble getting out of bed.), potluck dinner at Jenny's
Saturday: My birthday and the great feast
Got it now. Thanks!
Remember the story on the other TR? Perhaps I didn't go into it enough, they didn't clean that up either. They just unblocked the pipe and left Fran and I to deal with it since the tenants were old and couldn't do that kind of cleaning.
I put my foot in the picture to give you an idea. This is an end piece (and a broken piece above).
ooooohhhhhhh... Okay. Got it now. Familiar with those too.
Me too, need another one next week!
I need one... um... since I haven't had one in at least a year and a half! (or longer)
Well the second plumber said everything was flowing just fine, and he didn't see any problems. Makes me wonder if the other plumbers are sick of us and just trying to stop us from calling them...
Didn't see any problems??? Um...

Either you were really getting shafted by the first one or the second one can't see the problem. Maybe because there isn't one.
I'd rather there be no problem of course.
And still, no one has checked in with us, you'd think they might consider that. We may not even have received a bill either.....
I would consider not paying the bill.
Yes, after Fran shoveled all those pavers into boxes (about 10 at a time) and I wheeled them back into the garages. We still haven't dealt with hosing them off and putting them back.
My back hurts just thinking about it.
You never know, Florida's governor will probably be opening the border next.... :rolleyes1
I'd be okay with that! :laughing:
The water is chilled. Not as cold as I like it since I like it ice cold, but still better than hot or room temp water.
Hmmm... I'll give it a passing grade. I too like my water ice cold.
It was new on the menu and we were game to try it, been a staple on our orders ever since. Kinda like escargot for you at the Keg.
I understand that!
In a few updates I'll have our return to even more refined dining and how that went. :rolleyes1
"A butter cake is a cake in which one of the main ingredients is butter. Butter cake is baked with basic ingredients: butter, sugar, eggs,
flour, and leavening agents such as baking powder or baking soda. It is considered as one of the quintessential cakes in American baking."
Huh. I guess I would just call that.... cake. :)
Just a crap situation overall! (sorry I couldn't help myself)

I see what you did there. :sad2:

See above. Man oh man. Or should I say, lady oh lady.


Yup! Hope you find someone great to replace him.

It wasn't just one guy, there was a whole fleet of folks. We'll see how well these other people work out when we need someone again.

Have you ridden it since we did?

Well now I have, but that's for a future update! :teeth:

*sigh* can't wait to stroll that street again!

It's such a wonderful feeling!

I'm glad for your expertise in this dept, in confirming for me that there are other places to get the dresses, as I was between sizes last time I was there, and my reward for changing sizes will be a dress that fits.

I have so many dresses, and now that the parks are open again, I hope that I can start wearing them again.

This is SO you!


As are these you two!!


This is also 100% you!

Which is why I had to get them.

This pic alone makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)

When you can come back, we will have to go somewhere we can bring our own wine.

I really gotta work on liking blue cheese more as this looks so yummy

Blue Cheese is so yummy, you need to like it!

The crust on that looks super good!

It is!

Reminds me of that pic I sent you of our rib eye night the other week


I haven't eaten creamed corn much but this looks good!

I like it, but I've never made it myself, this was pretty tasty.

This looks like spin dip to me, which I love!

It's close, but more spinach in this than dip stuff.

I could really go for a luxury dessert right about now, may just have to hit up our one nice pastry ship to get something this weekend

I may be on an overdose course for good food over the next few weeks. We will have to see how I hold up!


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