For the first time in like ever I'm going to Disneyland a Nov 14 TR... updated 8/17

I have not seen either. Minnie's house looks really neat. I had every intention to see Mickey and Magical Map, but somehow, I did not get around to it. Looks like they both need to go on the to do list for September.

Minnie's House is cute. Very similar to what used to be in Walt Disney World with the interactive stuff like the dishwasher and the oven coming to life! Mickey and the Magical Map is awesome. Prob my favourite show we saw in California it's between that and the Red Car Trolley New guys whatever they were called!
Day 6, part 4:

So we were wandering Fantasyland and since we were beside the castle took a wander through its walkway. The story of Sleeping Beauty is told in window displays and books as you walk along:




We still had a bit of time before the next show we wanted to see but we decided to head over to the Fantasy Faire area where the show was going to be anyway. Since we were early I wandered for a bit taking pictures of the area:


I noticed that the Princess meet and greet only had a 15 minute wait and there was Princesses advertised that I’d never met so Momma went off to get herself a treat and I went to meet some Princesses. While I was in line as well one of the royal guards (or CM’s whichever) noticed my very full looking autograph book. I had been using an Ariel Notebook I had and have used it for the last 4 Disney trips. At that stage there was only a few pages left and he asked how many autographs I had in it. So I explained how it was from several trips and whatever else then he told me that there was rumours that the following week Merlin was going to be doing a meet and greet over by Mickey and the Magical Map and he was a rare character so if I was around I should go try check it out. We never did get over to see if Merlin was meeting the following week but I thought it was cool that he gave me the heads up about it! Anyway Princesses… the first one was Snow White and along with my notebook I had my Rose pen which usually gets a good reaction from characters but Snow White took it and was all like oh look at the pretty Rose then spotted herself on the pen and was like OH that’s me! So I made one Princess very happy:

Next was Cinderella. She wasn’t advertised outside as meeting but it was cool to see her again although I don’t remember her doing anything to exciting and she looks a tad bored in this picture:

Lastly was Ariel. She loved my Olaf t-shirt and said that Olaf was silly like her friend Flounder. She never noticed that Flounder was on my crocs though.


It seemed I got in line for the Princesses at just the right time as well because when I came out the wait time had changed from 15 minutes to 40 minutes! Once I found Momma again I went and grabbed a quick snack at Maurice’s Treats:

I got the chocolate one and it was seriously yummy:

And Santy coke to drink:


Finally it was time to go into the Royal Theatre for the next show. I was hoping for the Tangled show but we had missed the last one. Apparently they had three Tangled shows in the morning and then in the afternoon it changes to Beauty and the Beast. Still though Beauty and the Beast is awesome so we stayed to watch. The show is a kind of funny, super quick telling of the story in panto style I guess and the only thing that bugged me is the fact they called one of the guys Smythe (S-my-it) I wanted to shout SMITH, SMITH, SMITH! Maybe it’s just a surname that I’ve never heard before but it felt wrong to me lol. Anyway pictures:



Gaston has a skunk on his head. I loled:




The best bit… sing song of Tale as old as time:



Once the show was over the plan was to head for dinner. I took a few more pictures around the Fantasy Faire area:

On the way out of the Fantasy Faire area I spotted another Princess I’d never met with an extremely short line so I hopped into line. I was about 6 people back when I got into the line but omg she took forever. It took 45 minutes to get to her from 6 people back. Momma even went off and watched the entire Christmas parade while I was in line and by the time it was over I still wasn’t at the top of the line. While I was in line as well I was starting to feel really crappy again. I already had the chest infection going on but at this stage my eyes kept watering and I had a bad cold as well. I think I’d been through six packets of tissues already in that one day and I was just feeling awful but determination to see all I could kept me going. Anyway back to the super slow princess. It was Merida and the reason she was so super slow is because she was awesome. She took her time with everyone and must have spent at least 20 minutes with one little girl. She was teaching the child how to curtsey but she fell over while she was doing it so stayed on the ground playing games with the little girl, peeking through the fences at the ducks and flowers and stuff like that. She was awesome. When I got to her my Rose pen got stuck in her hair so I had to pull it out for her. She told me it didn’t hurt as much as she thought and that at one time she got a whole crown stuck in her hair. She asked if I liked Snowmen, why I had gone to California and then talked about Scotland being so close to Ireland. She got a bit confused with my autograph book because it was full after the last princesses so she had to sign on the back of another page and didn’t seem to want to:


After finally meeting Merida we headed over to Tomorrowland. I popped into Star Traders to get a new autograph book and then we decided to go meet Baymax and Hiro. The line was 90 minutes long and they were just about to close it when we got into it. I told Momma she didn’t have to wait but she said she wanted to meet Baymax. The line passed quickly and didn’t seem like a 90 minute wait though. I was listening to other people talking beside me while I was in line, one of them was studying musical theatre in college and they were talking about their favourite musicals. I so wanted to join in the conversation but thought it would be rude to butt in. Instead I just watched Baymax, who was awesome giving hugs and fist bumps to everyone. I love him, I think I need my own personal Baymax:


I only noticed Hiro’s t-shirt when I cropped the picture and I want it as well:

So we were wandering Fantasyland and since we were beside the castle took a wander through its walkway. The story of Sleeping Beauty is told in window displays and books as you walk along:

I have never done this at Disneyland either, but have done it at Disneyland Paris.

So I explained how it was from several trips and whatever else then he told me that there was rumours that the following week Merlin was going to be doing a meet and greet over by Mickey and the Magical Map and he was a rare character so if I was around I should go try check it out.

That would have been so neat to meet Merlin.

Merrida sounds amazing.

I popped into Star Traders to get a new autograph book and then we decided to go meet Baymax and Hiro. The line was 90 minutes long and they were just about to close it when we got into it.

I passed on this as once when I got in the line (with about a 45 minute wait) a cast member came along and advised that she could not guarantee that we see Baymax as he goes in frequently to recharge.

I have never done this at Disneyland either, but have done it at Disneyland Paris.
The one in Disneyland seemed longer, I think. It was more cramped than Paris though so maybe that just made it seem longer.

That would have been so neat to meet Merlin.
It would have been cool, we just didn't get time to go back and see if he was there the following week :(

Merrida sounds amazing.
She really was. I was watching her with the kids and she was fantastic with them. I've never seen a character spend that much time or play games with the kids like that before.

I passed on this as once when I got in the line (with about a 45 minute wait) a cast member came along and advised that she could not guarantee that we see Baymax as he goes in frequently to recharge.

They said that to us as well but I figured if we got near the top and Baymax was gone I'd let people go ahead until he was back but then I don't think he left at all in the time we waited.
A week off and feeling sorry for myself has me flying with the updates... have another one:

Day 6, part 5:

Once we finished meeting Baymax and Hiro it was time for dinner and where better to go that the Plaza Inn for Chicken.


Just look at those yummies:



We got a Chicken dinner to share and then a dessert each and drinks and whatever the CM did at the till she only charged us 17 dollars in total?!


We got one meal to share because there was so much chicken we figured it would be to much for one but I was actually still hungry after the meal so we probably could have gotten one each. It was super yummy though as was the red velvet cake. I wasn’t feeling very well at this point though and was feeling super sorry for myself and there was tears. Here we were in Disneyland for the first time ever, I’d waited all year to get here counting down the days and the second I finish work my stupid body goes into shut down mode and gives me the worse chest infection plague I’ve had all year. Momma thought we should go home but I said I wanted to do more rides or something before we left so once I grabbed a picture of the Plaza’s Christmas tree we headed off in search of some rides to do:


First we wandered through some of the shops in Tomorrowland though.





Next we decided to head towards Small World. The wait time was 45 minutes but we decided to stick it out. To amuse myself I took many pictures while waiting:


I was playing with the panorama view on the phone:


Angel wanted to get in on the photos as well lol:



The wait was long but it didn’t feel like 45 minutes soon we were headed for the North Pole and a lot more picture taking:











I’m a big child so I love Small World and I loved this the way they had the dolls of the different Disney characters through-out the ride, however I was a tiny bit disappointed as well because at certain points on one side or other there was nothing but a black area or wall that wasn’t covered in any way and it seemed to be lacking that fine detail that Disney seem to put into a lot of the other rides. I still loved Small World but just noticed a bit to much blank space.
OMG - The chicken at the Plaza was FABU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a chicken FIX now!!!!!
OMG - The chicken at the Plaza was FABU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a chicken FIX now!!!!!
It was yum think we just needed a plate each instead of sharing :)

I think I may be in the same position next week.
I didn't ask for time off it was just how the rota worked out and I'm doing everything to try distract myself from the piano situation because I'm driving my head mad with the what if's! :(

This looks delicious.
It was. It was red velvet cake but the icing was very creamy and it was just melt in your mouth yummy!

I love your photos from It's A Small World Holiday.

I went a bit mental with the Small World photos! :rotfl2:
Finally catching up. Sounds like you got a lot done even with you not feeling so well. It does suck when you feel like crap on vacation.
Finally catching up. Sounds like you got a lot done even with you not feeling so well. It does suck when you feel like crap on vacation.
I was so upset that I was sick for the entire thing but I was determined not to let it stop me. A few mornings Momma thought I would have been better staying in bed but I think that would have driven me mad going all that way to be stuck in a hotel room for the day like :(
I go on vacation and you decide to do major updates. :faint:

I enjoyed them all...and great pictures.

An hour to meet Anna and Elsa with a FP? Wow...the most I've waited with a FP is 10 minutes at WDW. Minnie's house is adorable. If I remember correcty, there wasn't anything to play with the one at WDW.

Love all the pictures and it looks like a fun morning and afternoon.

I've heard the Beauty & Beast show is very well done.
I go on vacation and you decide to do major updates. :faint:
Sorry I had a week off and was feeling sorry for myself so trying to distract myself with Disney stuff :rotfl2:

I enjoyed them all...and great pictures.

An hour to meet Anna and Elsa with a FP? Wow...the most I've waited with a FP is 10 minutes at WDW. Minnie's house is adorable. If I remember correcty, there wasn't anything to play with the one at WDW.
I think the oven in Minnie's house in WDW did the same with the cake rising and the cooker jangled the stuff on top of it. Things like that.

Love all the pictures and it looks like a fun morning and afternoon.
It was. We got alot done that day as well I think.

I've heard the Beauty & Beast show is very well done.
It was funny. Very Panto but still very good.
Can you all do me a favour and if you're on facebook follow the link and like the video (you don't have to join to page to like it but would really appreaciate the likes... I also have a photo up if you can find)

Also have an update:

Day 6, part 6:

So we were on Small World.


We wandered through the shop before deciding our next move:




We were going to try watch Fantasmic this night but neither of us felt like going to the far side of the park. The park was open until midnight this day as well so as the evening went on the park was getting busier. The wait times for most rides was 45-50 minutes long. We decided to just suck up the wait times and finish off the rides we hadn’t done in Fantasyland so our next stop was Peter Pan’s Flight:






Next up we headed towards a new ride for us Alice in Wonderland but I had to stop along the way to take a picture of the lanterns above the tea cups. Look how pretty they are:


Soon after we were hitching a ride on a caterpillar through wonderland:







I had heard that the bathrooms near Alice in Wonderland were worth checking out so we made a quick pit stop there next:


The doors were all painted like cards:

Next we headed back to Small World because I wanted to sit at the other side of the boat and get photos. I found with Small World in Disneyland a lot of blank space where there was stuff on one side of the boat and on the other just a blank wall or blackness so I wanted to try get pictures of the side I’d missed stuff on the first time.


While we were waiting this time the clock figures started their dance:


Soon we were travelling around the world on a slow boat again:


I was in Dublin recently as well and the Dublin Disney store has a new range of store exclusive products like new plushies:

There's also pins, cups, notebooks etc:

I am glad that you got the rides done. I had not done Alice in Wonderland in ages and I did enjoy this. I can't wait to see what they have done to Peter Pan's Flight. I did not spot the empty bits at It's A Small World Holiday at all. I supposed that I was so dazzled by it all that I did not notice.

I am glad that you got the rides done. I had not done Alice in Wonderland in ages and I did enjoy this. I can't wait to see what they have done to Peter Pan's Flight. I did not spot the empty bits at It's A Small World Holiday at all. I supposed that I was so dazzled by it all that I did not notice.

It was good to get them out of the way so we had less to do the next time we were in the park I think. I think with Small World it depended what side of the boat you were sitting on because I kept looking left and right and one side would just be blank every so often. It wasn't for very long but enough that I noticed like
I still can't believe you got in a line that was 45 minutes long for It's a Small World. I hate waiting 5 minutes for it. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Love the new exclusive Disney stuff at the Dublin store.
I still can't believe you got in a line that was 45 minutes long for It's a Small World. I hate waiting 5 minutes for it. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
We didn't just wait 45 minutes once for Small World but twice :rotfl:I love Small World though

Love the new exclusive Disney stuff at the Dublin store.
I loved them as well I think I need the Minnie Mouse at least
Day 6, part 7:

So we were on Small World for the second time:




As we were getting off our boat ride the fireworks started:



Next we started to head towards Tomorrowland and made a quick stop at the Tomorrowland Terrace because they had Baymax drinks:


While we were there Momma decided she’d had enough rides so found somewhere to sit watching these guys:


And I went on the Nemo Submarines because the wait time was down to 20 minutes. If you do not like small spaces this is not the ride for you:


After that we decided to head towards the exit. It was 11pm and I was very sick and Momma was freezing and tired. We did of course stop for a few pictures along the way though:





It was a long day but we had lots of fun
How magical to get off the ride just as the fireworks started. You did good with the Nemo submarines. I love that ride, but hate the slow moving lines.



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