friend deployed to Iraq


Mar 18, 2005
Our son's friend is now in Baghdad and we would like to send a small package to him. Do any of you have ideas of what I might include in the package? Thanks
Homemade goodies that ship well-it will take about 7 days for a package to reach him. Light weight portable pre-packaged snacks-hard candy-not chocolate-its already too hot for that. reading material if your son knows what he likes. Silly little toys and games-i sent a friend a nerf dart gun once-that was two deployments ago and he still says that was one of the best things hes gotten-they relieve boredom and break tension. Photos of friends back home. Also Tina (lovemygoofy) has put a list here somewhere of stuff thats pretty good-i go from that list if im sending boxes to soldiers i dont know-and go with the list of stuff above for guys i do know-for Hubby i work from this list or what ever he tells me he and his guys need. Be sure you go to the post office and get a flat rate priority mail box-this is the cheapest way to send stuff to APOs-the come in two sizes-8x5x11 and 12x12x51/2. the smaller one is 8.95 and the larger10.95 to send regardless of what they weight.-ETA-i see your from Canada-the advice on what to send applies but the info on postage is probably wrong
My brother has done two tours in Iraq and whenever I sent him a package I included, drink mixes to use in water bottles, gum, chapstick, granola bars, his favorite candy. some crossword puzzle books, books to read, dvds, meals that don't need refrigeration and can be microwaved, nuts. He usually shared with his buddies, so I always sent a good quantity of gum, granola and drink mixes. :thumbsup2
Drink mixes are a big hit! Also the guys if they have a place to make coffee always want better or their fav brand of coffee. Beef jerkey, playing cards, if they have access to a computer computer games, movies etc. Really anything that does not melt is a good thing
Thank you all for replying to my post about what to send in a parcel to Iraq. I packaged everything tonight in one of the flat rate boxes from the PO and it worked so well - I filled out the customs form so it is already to go tomorrow.

I certainly appreciate your help. Thanks again.


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