From “You Liar!” to “I Do!” in 17 Easy Months **Update 7 July**


Been here awhile
Aug 27, 2004

Okay, this will be short. . .hahahahahaha! Oh, man, that’s a good one! A TR by sleepydog, short? Yeah, like turkey bacon is real bacon. Or a SmartCar is. First, this is technically a pre-TR for the next week or so, then an actual TR for about a week as we enjoy our beloved “home” at VWL, before transforming itself into a cruise line trip report for the final week. Clear so far? Second, I suppose introductions are in order for those who haven’t read one of my prior TRs, and the number is legion.

I’m sleepydog25, aka sleepydog, aka sleepy, aka Slydog (long story, but if you must know, just ask), he of the receding hairline and expanding beltline. I’ve had my toenails painted in the name of my (then) very young daughter’s experiment, unintentionally practiced yoga in a DCL bathtub, been the Dada Express over every inch of WDW, drunk my way through thousands of glasses of wine and lattes (I ain’t sayin’ which I’ve had the most of), and have practiced the dark art of a master prevaricator (look it up). I will be joined at the hip by the illustrious and gorgeous luvvwl aka (and self-declared) LOML, she of the silky auburn-red locks of hair, spectacularly friendly smile, luminous eyes, and indefatigable Energizer bunny-ness. We make a good team. She tells me so all the time, ergo it must be true.

As we move along in this travelogue, there will be pictures (I am not a Photobucket genius, so they’ll likely be huge), humor, descriptions, tips, and details, all tossed in with a bit of pathos, eros, amor, and D’Artagnan (points if you get that one). We tend to tag team our TRs a bit, and a wee bit o’ bantering might be in order. Our sincere hope is that you’ll read or see something that will further enhance your own experiences down the line or that will help you relive and revisit the splendid memories you’ve already made. If you do, then we have succeeded. And, besides, we like to talk.

Coming Up--Chapter 1: A Liar Emerges
Hey, how about this, I'm first. Happy to be in for this saga.
I read you toe-painting report and the others and know your lovely bride from way back in the Maelstrom days (even met her, not that she likely remembers me, lol)

Anyway, happy to be along for the ride.
Jumping aboard too. Love your description of Luv. :lovestruc.

Looking forward to sharing your journey to the big day. You know what we want pictures of! ;)
Can't wait to hear all about the frenzied last minute details and the beginning of your new life together.
Gal, jen, Beckie, horsey, Di, and jill: Thanks so much for coming on board! Since our weekend weather was tremendous, I couldn't drag myself inside until tonight to write an update which you will find below. Hope you enjoy! :thumbsup2

Chapter 1: A Liar Emerges

To whom the chapter title refers would be me. Sometimes, however, misleading is not such a bad thing. I refer you to Spock (the Vulcan not the doctor) who once countered a fellow officer's claim, "You lied," with a simple, "I implied." Exactly. Step aboard the time machine and let me take you back to December of 2011. . .wee-ooo, wee-ooo, wee-ooo. . .

After pursuing luv for a long time, I finally had gotten her to cave in and agree to marry me. :rolleyes1 We sallied forth (when's the last time you heard the word "sallied," huh? I'm telling you, this TR is educational, too.) a few days after Christmas (four exactly, but who's counting?) and headed to Charlotte, the closest large city to our mountain perch. We first sought engagement rings at Jared's, finding a lovely diamond and band there; however, being the ever-so-need-to-be-sure kinda guy I am, I talked luv into looking at a few more jewelry stores and a few more stones and rings. (If you will, please hum "You Spin Me Right Round, Baby Right Round" by Dead or Alive to put you in the mood.) But. We. Kept. Going. Back. . .to the first band and rock we found at Jared's. It was durn purty, but best of all, LOML's eyes glowed every time she touched them, which was often. She knew it was the pairing she wanted; I knew it was the pairing she desired, as well, but I'm just not one to make such a meaningful purchase on a whim. I'm just not, even when the impulse was so strong in me like the force in Luke Skywalker, and even when luv excused herself to the restroom and left me alone with the saleswoman. Nuh and uh. :cool2: I put down a deposit. And we measured her ring finger. What can I say? She loved it.

The engagement ring with the added bling of the wedding bands (one in front, one in back), as well.

Here, I must veer into a brief digression. Luv would accept a Cracker Jack ring and love it if my intent was pure and honest. She is that kind of woman—loving, understanding, dedicated, and unselfish. But, how can a man not want to give the woman of his dreams that perfect ring? There was never any doubt I would get it for her. I also knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that had we bought the ring that day and waited for it to be mounted with the stone, she wouldn’t take it off her finger. I’d have been formally proposing in the PF Chang parking lot next door to Jared's. "Baby, will you please marry me? Pretty please with sweet and sour sauce on top?" Not gonna happen.

We called the saleswoman back the following day to confirm the decision, and I told LOML that I would take care of getting the ring (oh, in case you don't know, that stands for "love of my life"--did I mention it was she who self-declared it to so?). Sadly, I had to give luv some disappointing news, as well.
"The ring might not be ready until April," wincing as I spoke.
"What?!?" An uninhibited response to be sure.
"If you remember, it's a Signature ring and setting, and based on your ring size, they need to special order it." I continued, "But it will be just what you want, babe." I guess my calming manner worked, as she heaved a little sigh.
"Okay. You're right. I am so excited about it, about us, I just wanted to have it sooner."
Of course, knowing the ring might not be there until April did nothing to keep luv from asking about its status every day of the week that ends in a "y."

Two weeks later, we decided to celebrate Valentine's Day early, on Feb 4th (a Saturday), since the actual 14 Feb fell on work day and because my daughter would be staying with us the weekend of the 10-12th. We had reservations at our favorite restaurant, a lovely place with superior food (think Artist Point as a reference), and once seated, our server proclaimed, "The chef has a special menu for you that he prepared himself. Bon appetit!" Yes, I had contacted the chef weeks earlier and told him about our early V'Day plans. LOML was pleasantly shocked, and the food was divine: steak tartar, seafood ceviche, rack of lamb, and wines paired with it all.

Luv excused herself to the ladies' room, and upon her return, she found a lovely, small box which she assumed was filled with decadent chocolate. Only it wasn't. Her expression when she opened the box and found her ring instead was priceless, a moment I'll always cherish. So, maybe the ring had been ready since four days after we found it. . .and maybe I had driven down, waited for it to be completely mounted and sized, and then driven back all before she got home from work (it's a two-hour drive one way). . .and maybe I had hidden it in my shorts drawer. . .and maybe I had set up the whole dinner as an engagement night out. . .and maybe everyone working in the restaurant and nearly everyone dining there knew what was happening. . .and maybe, just maybe I had implied all along that the ring wouldn't be ready until April. I would point out, however, that I distinctly said "might not" be ready. Spock would be proud.

"You liar!" Those absolutely were the first words out of her mouth just as sure as Gibbs slaps Tony in the head every week (NCIS "in" joke). All the other diners in the restaurant heard it, too (I think even some of the sous chefs were laughing). It was a classic moment we shall never forget.

The Moment

No, I am not teary-eyed. What? You never heard of somebody getting chocolate ganache dust in his contacts? :confused3

The following pic was taken during a return trip to Jared's to have the ring inspected and cleaned. Luv might have a need to do it every third week or so. . .:p

And, now you know, the rest of the story. . .how I got my thread title.

Chapter 2: Let the Planning Memories Begin!
Awwww! I love it!!! Such a cute way to start. You two look so happy :lovestruc

Can't wait for more!


P.S. - Gorgeous ring luv!!!! :faint: :yay:

We did something very similar when we were talking about getting married. We went looking at rings with no intentions of buying, and I found something I liked. My husband purchased that day while I was with him, and said something VERY romantic along the lines of "so... do you want it" :rolleyes:

But, he made up for it because he insisted that he hold onto it and propose properly on his own terms. So, on Halloween night 2006 (My favorite holiday and about a month after we purchased the ring) he made me dinner and we got the bowl of candy out to give to the kids and my ring box was sitting on top, and he got down on one knee and the rest was history :cloud9:

It was a very un-romantic 'proposal' at first, but he made up for it in the end. :groom:
Well you really are the slydog aren't you? LoL Love the story and the ring is absolutely stunning! You both look so happy. Your life together is going to be filled with romance. I can tell. CONGRATULATIONS!! Can't wait to hear more details. Thanks for sharing it all with us.
Very cute story! Waiting for more...
Thank you! And more shall come!

rusafee said:
Awwww! I love it!!! Such a cute way to start. You two look so happy :lovestruc Can't wait for more!
Thank you, missy! We are happy because we realize just how fortunate it is that we found each other, and for that, we have Disney to thank which is why we just have to get married there. There isn't a day goes by when I don't look at her and say to myself, "You are one lucky, lucky man." ::yes::

It does sound like a very romantic proposal after the initial playing it cool routine, though I knoweth not-eth what-eth such a routine is-eth. . .

DisneyFreaks said:
Well you really are the slydog aren't you? LoL Love the story and the ring is absolutely stunning! You both look so happy. Your life together is going to be filled with romance. I can tell. CONGRATULATIONS!! Can't wait to hear more details. Thanks for sharing it all with us.
:cool2: I suppose my military background gave me excellent training--I didn't let out even a peep. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Bupkiss. If you knew how she had longed for that moment, sure in the knowledge that we were perfect together while I might have been, ohhhh, a little less so :rolleyes1, then you could truly understand the tears in the picture. Hers. Mine were chocolate related as I explained. Ahem. And thank you so much for your kind wishes. :thumbsup2
Dang Sly now that's a ring! :thumbsup2 Great story too. I must say I love the LOML acronym too. Very sweet. :lovestruc

rusafee1183 your ring shopping line cracked me up! :rotfl2:

BTW Patrick feel free to call me Julie or Jules whichever you prefer. I think we've known each other long enough via the groupies to be on a 1st name basis. Sounds better then horsey too! :rotfl:
Dang Sly now that's a ring! :thumbsup2 Great story too. I must say I love the LOML acronym too. Very sweet. :lovestruc

rusafee1183 your ring shopping line cracked me up! :rotfl2:

BTW Patrick feel free to call me Julie or Jules whichever you prefer. I think we've known each other long enough via the groupies to be on a 1st name basis. Sounds better then horsey too! :rotfl:
Thanks, Julie/Jules! (Actually, the choice of name rightfully should be yours. :thumbsup2) I must say again that Chris truly would have been happy with Cracker Jack box ring as a testament of how far I had come to believing in us, but you could see the moment that particular stone and that particular setting came together that it was the ring for her. Her eyes couldn't let go of them, more or less the same way I can't let go of her. A leap of monumental faith on her part deserved nothing less. ;)
Thanks, Julie/Jules! (Actually, the choice of name rightfully should be yours. :thumbsup2) I must say again that Chris truly would have been happy with Cracker Jack box ring as a testament of how far I had come to believing in us, but you could see the moment that particular stone and that particular setting came together that it was the ring for her. Her eyes couldn't let go of them, more or less the same way I can't let go of her. A leap of monumental faith on her part deserved nothing less. ;)

Either one works. Friends call me both but since all the groupies call me Julie might as well go for simplicity.

It is a gorgeous ring. Not sure my eyes could have let go of it either.
:love: that story! It's a beautiful ring too! Glad you waited until I was back from my road trip to start your updates! :)

Jill in CO
You have to love when your relationship is built on a lie.. lol don't worry my marriage is too that's hubby and my joke when people ask how we met.

Cant wait to hear more!!!!
You have to love when your relationship is built on a lie.. lol don't worry my marriage is too that's hubby and my joke when people ask how we met.

Cant wait to hear more!!!! you have to spill. :)

Jill in CO


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