From far and wide, O Canada....

Where do you call home?

  • British Columbia

  • Alberta

  • Saskatchewan

  • Manitoba

  • Ontario

  • Quebec

  • Newfoundland

  • New Brunswick

  • Nova Scotia

  • Prince Edward Island

  • Yukon

  • Northwest Territories/Nunavut

Results are only viewable after voting.


DIS Veteran
Jun 8, 2000
With Canada Day rapidly approaching, I was thinking it would be interesting to see just how much of our beautiful country is represented on the DIS. :)

Can we cover our country from coast to coast? Let's see....:)

Hmm... so far I guess its just us Ontarians :p
Where's the rest of the country? Let's hear from you all.
I think we Ontarians have a very strong representation on these boards!:teeth: :sunny:

Where's everyone else from?;)
I thought I should post quickly as a Nova Scotian because there is a strong chance I will be transferred to Brampton in the near future!
I actually thought we had more Dis'ers from BC. Where are you guys?
I selected both Ontario and Saskatchewan - I presently live in Ontario but I will always consider Saskatchewan "home".

- Mike
Hmmm....I left the voting more than once option open? LOL....:)

I thought we had a DISer from the Yukon, and search was working this morning so I had a look. Petrogal is from the Yukon but hasn't posted in a while. I wonder if I should vote for her, in absentia/by proxy..whatever? What do you think? ;) :)
Mike - I'm another Saskatchewanian moved to Ontario. The old saying is true - you can take the boy out of the prairies but not the prairies out of the boy!

Was just back home with my kids (DS-8 and DD-6) - they were both born in Ontario. Son commented on how 'flat' Regina was as we flew in... he thought it looked uninteresting... I thought it looked just great!

but the rain drove me crazy. I now live in sunny Brampton!:bounce:
Hi All:

I've from the Northwest Territories ( but originally from Manitoba) I have been in the NWT since 1986 though.

I'm the other NWT.

I actually checked 2 locations as well. Live in Calgary now, but grew up and spent 25 years in Inuvik, NWT, so consider that "home".
and i'm the lonely BC person :(
but i love rain.... since we have green grass all year round... lovely forests.. mountains.. ocean... anyway!
I didn't vote....but am a in Georgia!
We come up to Toronto for a month each year, so count me in as a 1/12th Ontarian! :D
Looking forward to cruising UP 1-75/401 next week!
I am a native Saskatchewanean living in North Carolina. I always read this board, just to get a taste of home. There are not too many Canadians in NC, in my city anyway!

I am a recent Disney addict now that we can drive down.

I laugh when people here ask me if we are driving back to Saskatchewan for holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving and of course the "Fourth of July" long week-end).

I am up next week to see family.
Originally posted by princessmomma
I laugh when people here ask me if we are driving back to Saskatchewan for holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving and of course the "Fourth of July" long week-end).
Next time they ask, make up a good 'its so cold' story.

My dad went to University at San Jose - always told people he and his buddies often had a long wait at the North Dakota border to catch a dog sled. They believed him.

They also had fun with someone who was planning a summer trip to Vancouver... 'Not *SUMMER* in Vancouver.. throught the mountains?!?!? Its just not safe - that's the worst time of year for Indian raids!'. She also believed it and was very close to cancelling her trip. I think they came clean - but she was probably still nervious heading up north to the wilderness!
Reminds me of a story that a friend who went to University in Tennessee used to tell...

He had driven his car down from Manitoba, and it still had a block heater cord on it. When the people from Tennessee would ask what the plug was for, he told them it was an electric car. I don't think he ever ran across anyone that didn't believe him!

I can also relate to the home for Christmas / Thanksgiving / etc comments. I went to University in the US, and believe me, Thanksgiving is the biggest holiday down there. People were aghast when I told them I wasn't going home for Thanksgiving.


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