From York to New York...


DIS Veteran
Jun 13, 2008
Okay, okay...I'm from Scarborough actually...but it's near York and we have a York just gimme a break will ya?;)

I figured it was time I got my act together and started this trip report - seeing as it is less than two weeks till we depart!


Me and Papaboogie of course! This is us...

All poshed up for our meal at V and A's in WDW last year. We don't usually look like that though! More like...


31st July till 4th August


Hotel New York! (Hence the tenuous title!)

We are very excited as we haven't stayed at this hotel before - only had a cheeky cocktail in the bar :thumbsup2

We have some dining reservations (as you know I'm all about the food!)

Walts, Blue Lagoon and Yacht Club!

When we've been to DLP before it's usually been at Hallowe'en or in February - and been very cold! At the moment, temperatures in Paris seem to be rivaling WDW! Get the factor 50 out Papaboogie!

Just got two more days next week of work and then it's getting ready for Disney time!
I'm in!
Are you all set? Would love to hear what you have planned :goodvibes
Oooh I'm looking forward to this TR already.
I'm in!
Are you all set? Would love to hear what you have planned :goodvibes
Oooh I'm looking forward to this TR already.


Apart from eating lots....:rolleyes1 we don't have much planned!

We are going (whispers) without the children...(the children being 17 and 19 so not really little kiddies anymore!) so our main aim is lots of rest and relaxation with a whole dollop of Disney fun thrown in!
Lol holidays are made for eating lots and ignoring the diets plus you do so much walking it balances ;-)
Isn't it lovely to have an adult only trip. I loved the freedom but still missed them fierce!
The last time Papaboogie and me went to DLP was in 2011.

We stayed at the Sequoia Lodge in February that year - it was a wee bit nippy! Here are some photos from that trip:

We went without the kids last time too and took little pictures of them so we could feel like they were with us! They got up to all sorts of jolly japes!
Well, you know me lady I am 100% in and reading. Always love ur reports and dining reviews. Looking forward to the ride xxx
Well, you know me lady I am 100% in and reading. Always love ur reports and dining reviews. Looking forward to the ride xxx

Thank you Cat :love:

Can't believe it's just over a week!

Suppose I had better think about packing at some point!
Few more pics from our last trip -

Me in the bar at Hotel New York - the quick visit that made us want to stay here!

Me sipping a cocktail in The Blue Lagoon (ooh - a bit of theme here...)

Papaboogie was just as bad as me!

And here I am in Walts with...another cocktail....

We had a nice window seat:

We also had a nice visit to Salon Mickey:

Coming up - rides we are looking forward to!
Sounds like a nice trip you've got planned, and at my favourite hotel too :thumbsup2
Here are a few pics from our trip to DLP in 2009 when all four of us stayed at Sequoia Lodge - went during Halloween season and it was beautiful:

Packing almost done!:cheer2:
I'm Back!

After an amazing time - so let's do this!

Day 1:

We had driven up to Newcastle on the Tuesday and spent the night in the Premier Inn there - I say night but it was a part of a night really as we set the alarm for 3:30am the next day! :crazy2:

After we had checked in our bags we needed a nice hot drink to keep us going:

Ahhh! That's better! There was a beautiful sunrise over the airport:

Everything went smoothly and we were soon seated on our chariot of joy:

Did I mention I hate flying? Actually this was a very smooth flight. Bravo Air France!

Lovely view of the engine....eeek!

How big is Charles de Gaulle? It seemed like we walked for miles before we got to the exit and baggage claim.

We had decided to splash out on a car from the airport to the hotel and vice versa. The last couple of times we've been to DLP we've found it all a bit stressful trying to get on the bus - lots of pushing and worry about getting on very full buses. So we decided to treat ourselves. This was a very good idea - it was lovely to walk to the exit and find a man holding a card with our name on. Then straight to Hotel New York in a very comfy car. Good times! :thumbsup2

We checked in at the Hotel New York - everyone was very friendly. Our room wasn't ready so we dumped our bags and went into the parks.

We loved how convenient HNY is for the parks - just a short stroll. They now have a bag check just before Disney Village so once you are through here it's time for fun!

It was incredibly hot for the duration of our stay in Paris - Florida type weather!

It was still early as we popped into Disneyland Park first - we went on Pirates of the Caribbean, Phantom Manor and Snow White. We couldn't believe how quiet it seemed in the height of summer!

We also got onto one of my favourite rides - Casey Jnr:

We ate lunch at Toad Hall. I had fish and chips and Simon had a chicken burger - no pics - sorry! This was okay but nothing to get excited about. Filled a hole though. We looked in a few shops then decided to head back to see if our room was ready.

And it was:

It was a lovely corner room with a huge bed - just one which was nice!

We headed back out and decided to visit Walt Disney Studios. We went on the fun spinning Cars ride:

We had a wander into the Toy Story area - last time we went it was very busy and we couldn't really get onto anything, but it wasn't so bad this time:

We had our first new experience of the holiday - a ride on Slinky Dog!:

This was a lot of fun! We walked back through Disney Village - it was even hotter! We decided to have tea at Earl of Sandwich. We had visited the one in WDW and liked it - although it was always very busy. The one in DLP always seemed to be quiet!

It was lovely and airy in the restaurant. We decided to sit upstairs and we were the only ones there:

I had the Original - beef and horseradish:

Simon had the ham and swiss:

We really enjoyed this meal - it was very tasty and the sandwiches tasted just the same as in America. We thought we would go back there some time during the week but we never did. In our opinion this is a great addition to Disney Village.

We popped back to our room to freshen up then decided to head down to the bar.

The New York City bar was closed and the bar was now situated in one of the Hotel's restaurants. The staff were very attentive and I decided to try a Fred Astaire cocktail:

This was very nice and had popping candy on top! Very cool. Simon had a glass of the 20th anniversary merlot:

They also served some nibbles with the drinks:

We decided we still had enough energy to go into the Park to watch Disney Dreams - go us!

The balloon was going up - very high!

It was very beautful in the park that evening and Disney Dreams was awesome - well, what we could see behind all the people who had their kids on their shoulders and people who came and stood right in front of you!

Well, we had had a very long and busy day! So we headed back to our hotel room feeling very happy but tired!

What would day 2 bring?
Yaayyy, you're back! Fantastic first day, you got loads done.

We love Eos too.

Looking forward to more.
Fab 1st day and loads of great pics, you look great in the early morning - tell us your secret, I always look like I've been dragged threw a ditch :lmao:
Looking forward to the next part :)
Papaboogie here (the handsome one in the photos) to fill in any gaps left by Mamaboogie and to add the odd thing here or there to her exemplary trip reports!
As Mamaboogie mentioned the first big change was getting transport from the airport. This service was fab - and I know I've seen people asking about transfers on forums, so if it's of interest we travelled with Prestige Transfer and they were fab. Certainly if you have a family visiting, it'd be no more expensive than the coach and far more pleasant.
Also have to say the service full-stop (from hotel to parks) was excellent this year. The hotel reception and concierge staff couldn't have been better. I'd re-book Hotel New York in a flash.
Disney Village though - tres disappointing - due to the shop being knocked through. As my shareholder newsletter came two days after we arrived back noting that Europe's largest Lego shop was due to imminently open there. That is very inconsiderate of Disney Village / Lego. If they'd have opened just slightly earlier, I would have boosted their profits massively. Still reason to go back, I suppose...
The weekdays (Wed - Fri) were comparatively quiet in the parks - which was unexpected and the least busy I've ever known DLP. Given it's the summer holidays, any theories as to why it was so quiet - and could this be a new best time to go for those of us confined to school holidays?
Totally agree with Mamaboogie about the Earl Of Sandwich (although at £20 for two sandwiches, two cokes and two bags of crisp, they should have been glorious!).
I'd also highly recommend the 20th anniversary Merlot for the wine-tasters amongst you. Absolutely lovely, if not as eye-catching as Mamaboogie's cocktails!
Oh, and Disney Dreams. Amazing.
Hey Papaboogie :wave:
Sounds like ye had a fantastic trip :)
I must look up Prestige transfers, we normally use RS but there varying reviews!


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