Future runDisney Events

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Question for those who have received the vaccine - what sort of proof did you get that you got it? I'm curious how a "proof of vaccine" requirement would be met.

I received a card with my personal information along with the date, manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine received. There’s a place on the back of the card to record your appointment information for the 2nd shot as a reminder.
I received a card with my personal information along with the date, manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine received. There’s a place on the back of the card to record your appointment information for the 2nd shot as a reminder.
That is what I received as well. ( In Arizona)
The only reason I can see why they wouldn't move forward with W&D is if they're really concerned about variants. We're trending towards everyone who wants a vaccine getting one in the first half of the year and travel is already starting to pick up. My parents, who were only going to vacation in Florida if they were able to get vaccinated in time, are now set to do so.

It IS odd that they haven't announced anything, but they had moved forward with all prior registrations as though they were going to be in-person events. I guess we'll see what happens but the situation for W&D is way more optimistic than it had been when I signed up for this year's Rival Run.
Considering what we have to do to run in Paris I think they could ask for some sort of Form or Proof if they really wanted to. I'm not certain they want to though. They seem to be operating with the mindset of safety but with as many as people as they can get in as possible. Personally I would be happy with a vaccine requirement if it had some considerations for those who can't for medical reasons, not sure what that would look like. I think it is the safest option.
Question for those who have received the vaccine - what sort of proof did you get that you got it? I'm curious how a "proof of vaccine" requirement would be met.
I have a card that shows the dates when I received both shots.
I'll be an optimist and say that I could still see W&D happening. I suspect shirts & medals (which I am guessing have longest lead time) can be ordered and used whether in person or virtual. They've done the event before so the plans are in place and all they have to do is execute. We know from delayed registration a couple years ago that they can open registration 6 months out from a race. Admittedly there it was delayed registration and people knew it was happening so that might have helped with volunteers, etc., but still think it's doable even if not a certainty.

As for proof of vaccination, I am on the side that thinks that won't be in the equation for Disney. First, lots of HIPPA rules around requiring people to disclose medical history and then there's the potential privacy issues of Disney having to store that medical data safely. On top of all that, I don't think they want to deal with guest dissatisfaction if either (a) they don't want to get the vaccine or (b) they forget their card, lose their card, etc. Suspect they would rather wait and allow more herd immunity to start to kick in rather than deal with the extra issues if they don't have to. I think that's a real potential for MW even if my optimism for W&D turns out to be wrong.
I don't see them going down the "proof of vaccine" route, either.

Aside from the aforementioned issues with people forgetting their cards, etc., I think that, if anyone who WANTS one can get one by mid-year, it becomes a moot point. If you have the vaccine, you should have minimal fear of catching it. If you don't, that's your choice, but you're also kind of protected by all of the others that ARE vaccinated, which should mitigate the risk.

Not coming down on one side or the other of the argument of should you/ shouldn't you, but I just think it's an additional, potentially large issue that rD doesn't want or need to deal with.
Question for those who have received the vaccine - what sort of proof did you get that you got it? I'm curious how a "proof of vaccine" requirement would be met.

I was given a 5x7 card with the vaccine dose details, dates, and official stamp from the government health ministry. Immediately made a PDF copy to store on my phone while waiting for the official record to show up in the ministry's health app.
I'll still put down my vote of MW 2023 being the first race weekend Disney holds (though I'd love to be wrong!) They can tie into the 30th anniversary for the marathon and 10th anniversary for Dopey.

If travel picks up in the 2nd half of 2021 and early 2022, Disney will still be dealing with smaller capacities and increased cleaning requirements. They won't need runners and their families to increase visitor numbers at the parks.
Question for those who have received the vaccine - what sort of proof did you get that you got it? I'm curious how a "proof of vaccine" requirement would be met.


My employer had stickers made, similar to the "I voted" ones.
From my experience:
When the pharmacy receives a vaccine tray shipment, a "kit" box is also delivered. It contains the things we need to prepare the Pfizer vaccine: 3mL syringes, 5mL syringes, Vanish point syringes, 1.5" needles, etc. Also in the kit are stacks of COVID-19 vaccination record cards from the CDC. The packing sticker on the kit says how many of each item are in the box. The cards have spots for: last name, first name, DOB, and MRN. In the bottom half are preprinted lines for 1st and 2nd dose COVID-19 with spots to fill in: product manufacturer, lot number, date administered, and clinic site.
These cards are delivered to the POD (point of distribution) and kept there. Each administration station has a stack of the cards among their supplies, and presents the card to the patient upon receiving dose 1.

Depending on the IT system your healthcare provider uses and the POD organizer in your area, documentation of your vaccination might even automatically be uploaded to your medical record. To cover my bases, I sent a message to my physician with the details of my vaccinations. They pleasantly replied that the information was already in the vaccine history of my medical record.
I am on the side that the vaccine is going to be become required for certain activities. The vaccines have so far turned COVID into the flu. Meaning it renders it less transmissible with far less severity if caught. It does not eliminate COVID but so far has made it manageable.

Running with a mask is miserable (thankfully I don't have to do that)
I'll still put down my vote of MW 2023 being the first race weekend Disney holds (though I'd love to be wrong!) They can tie into the 30th anniversary for the marathon and 10th anniversary for Dopey.

If travel picks up in the 2nd half of 2021 and early 2022, Disney will still be dealing with smaller capacities and increased cleaning requirements. They won't need runners and their families to increase visitor numbers at the parks.
I know I was pessimistic when we were speculating about 2020 and 2021 races saying pretty early that they wouldn't happen and was suprirsed that some people thought Wine and Dine 2020 had a good chance of happening. But now I am surprised that many of you are so pessimistic about 2022. Yes this is all speculation as none of us know what will happen in the next 6 - 12 months, but I guess now I am more the optimist about the future...

We are starting to hit almost 3 million vaccinations per day in the US and soon - by Spring or early Summer, everyone who wants a vaccine will have the ability to get one. I agree vaccines alone will not eradicate Covid 19 as there still will be many people who refuse to or medically cannot get it. But once everyone is eligible and it has had some time to prove its efficacy in the real world, who are we protecting by continuing to cancel, limit, distance, mask, etc? If things do not go back to normal with fully available, distributed and effective vaccines, they will never go back to normal because we will most likely never fully eradicate this disease.

And things are already picking up. Some states have already opened 100%. Other more restrictive states are also opening up - like my state - Connecticut which is opening most businesses to 100% by March 19 and outdoor venues to 50% by April with optimistically opening up fully by the Summer. I know Disney will remain cautious, but assuming vaccines continue to prove to be effective, they will open up to full capacity much sooner than later.

I also feel like the reverse from last Spring will happen. Just like things started to cancel, close and shut down once other things started to cancel, close and shut down, the same will happen with re-opening. Once a re-opening avalanche starts, it will be tough to keep things closed and canceled.

Well, like I said - all speculation. We will see, I guess...
If things do not go back to normal with fully available, distributed and effective vaccines, they will never go back to normal because we will most likely never fully eradicate this disease.

I suppose it all depends on what normal means going forward. Plenty of races have managed to be held over the past 6 months, albeit with reduced entry numbers. Maybe that's the new normal Maybe we'll never get back to the days of 40,000 people lined up for a race. Even if we do get back to the old entry numbers, it won't happen quickly. It's a big jump from the few thousand competitors races have now to seeing 25,000 in corrals outside Epcot. As risk averse as Disney is, they're not going to be the first one to make that leap.
"I know I was pessimistic when we were speculating about 2020 and 2021 races saying pretty early that they wouldn't happen and was suprirsed that some people thought Wine and Dine 2020 had a good chance of happening. But now I am surprised that many of you are so pessimistic about 2022. Yes this is all speculation as none of us know what will happen in the next 6 - 12 months, but I guess now I am more the optimist about the future..."

I agree 100%. These vaccines are incredibly effective. We are not looking for eradication but a significant reduction in severe disease. These vaccines are incredibly protective against severe disease (and transmission, from what we can tell so far).

Just based on today's CDC guidance, I think we have a good shot for 2022 races. Also keep in mind that Disney will not be the first to a hold a large race. Grandma's is 9500 runners this summer, but we also have bigger races as the year goes on. Disney has held later registration in the past, so I don't think it would be crazy for them to see how other events go before they make a call. Also keeping in mind that they were planning on a reduced capacity for MW in 2021 until we hit another spike. That was with no vaccine in hand.

Keeping positive thoughts until they give us reason to think it will be shifted to later....as said, time will tell!
I'm still feeling reasonably optimistic about MW2022. And I am almost as pessimistic about the COVID situation as they come. But I can tell you as a Floridian who lives in a VERY touristy beach area, things feel awfully close to normal right now, (which, personally, I find incredibly unnerving, but that's my issue...). We're still being asked to practice physical distancing indoors, and we have a local mask order in place, but no limits on businesses being open. And tourists are back in BIG numbers right now; much higher than high season last year. I think if the pace of vaccinations continues to pick up, and if the combination of vaccinations and masks prevent a surge from variants, WDW could be pretty close to "normal" by Jan. 2022.

The biggest hurdle, I suspect, is time: how much lead time does rD/WDW need to make a race happen? I agree that shirts and medals are probably a non-issue. But staffing is, and volunteers. Do we have any idea how much lead time is needed to get manpower in place?
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